2926Leo. A kind ouer
flow of kindne
sse, there are no faces truer
3027then tho
se that are
so wa
sht, how much better is it to weepe at
3128ioy, then to ioy at weeping?
3229Beatr. I pray you, is Signior Mountanto returnd from the
3431Messen. I know none of that name, ladie, there was none
3532such in the army of any
3633Leonato What is he that you a
ske for neece?
3734Hero My co
sen meanes Signior Benedicke of Padua.
3835Mess. O hee's returnd, and as plea
sant as euer he was.
3936Bea. He
set vp his bills here in Me
ssina, and challengde
4037Cupid at the Flight, and my vncles foole reading the chalenge
scribde for Cupid, and challengde him at the Burbolt: I
4239pray you, how many hath he kild and eaten in the
se warres?
4340but how many hath he kild? for indeede I promi
sed to eate all
4542Leo. Faith neece you taxe Signior Benedicke too much,
4643but heele be meet with you, I doubt it not.
4744Mess. He hath done good
seruice lady in the
se warres.
4845Beat. You had mu
sty vittaile, and he hath holpe to eate it,
4946he is a very valiaunt trencher man, he hath an excellent
- 5148Mess. And a good
souldier too, lady.
5249Beat. And a good
souldiour to a Lady, but what is he to a
5451Mess. A lord to a lord, a man to a man,
fft with al hono
- 5653Beat. It is
so indeed, he is no le
sse then a
stuft man, but for
ffing wel, we are al mortall.
5855Leo. You mu
st not,
sir, mi
stake my neece, there is a kind
5956of mery warre betwixt Signior Benedicke and her, they neuer
6057meet but there's a
sh of wit betweene them.
6258Beat. Alas he gets nothing by that, in our la
st con
ct, 4 of his
6359fiue wits went halting o
ff, and now is the whole man gouernd
6460with one,
so that if he haue wit enough to keep him
self warm,
6561let him beare it for a di
fference between him
self and his hor
6662for it is all the wealth that he hath left, to be known a rea
- ble