26001816Enter VVarwike and Clarence, with the Crowne, and 1817then king Henry, and Oxford, and Summerset, 1818and the yong Earle of Richmond. 24181819King. Thus from the pri
son to this princelie
24191820By Gods great mercies am
I brought
Clarence and
VVarwike doe you
24211822Keepe the crowne, and gouerne and prote
ct 24221823My realme in peace, and I will
spend the
24231824Remnant of my daies, to
sinnes rebuke
24261826VVar. What an
Clarence to his
soueraignes will?
24281827Cla. Clarence agrees to what king
Henry likes.
24501828King. My Lord of
Summerset, what prettie
24511829Boie is that you
seeme to be
so carefull of?
24521830Sum. And it plea
se your grace, it is yong
24541832King. Henry of
Richmond, Come hither pretie Ladde.
24551833If heauenlie powers doe aime aright
24561834To my diuining thoughts, thou pretie boy,
24571835Shalt proue this Countries bli
24581836Thy head is made to weare a princelie crowne,
24591837Thy lookes are all repleat with Maie
The Tragedie of Richard D. of
24611839For this is he
shall helpe you more,
24631841Enter one with a letter to Warwike. 24641842War. What Coun
sell Lords,
Edward from
26031843With ha
stie Germaines and blunt
26041844Is pa
st in
safetie through the narrow
26051845And with his troopes doe march amaine towardes (London,
26061846And manie giddie people follow him.
26081847Oxf. Tis be
st to looke to this betimes,
1848For if this
fire doe kindle any further,
26091849It will be hard for vs to quench it out.
26101850War. In
Warwike shire
I haue true harted friends,
26111851Not mutinous in peace, yet bold in warre,
26121852Them will
I mu
ster vp, and thou
Clarence shalt
Essex, Suffolke, Norfolke, and in
26141854Stir vp the knights and gentlemen to come with thee.
26151855And thou brother
Montague, in
Leister shire,
26161856Buckingham and
Northampton shire
26171857Men well inclinde to doe what thou commands,
26181858And thou braue
Oxford wondrous well belou'd,
26191859Shalt in thy countries mu
ster vp thy friends.
soueraigne with his louing Citizens,
26231861Shall re
st in London till we come to him.
26241862Faire Lords take leaue and
stand not to replie,
26261864King. Farewel my
Hector, my
Troyes true hope.
26331865War. Farewell
sweet Lords, lets meet at Couentrie.