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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

    The Tragedie of Richard D. of
    Your welcome to Sandall in an happie houre,
    The armie of the Queene meanes to besiedge vs.
    Sir Iohn. Shee shall not neede my Lorde, weele meete
    385her in the field.
    York What with fiue thousand souldiers vncle?
    Rich. I father, with fiue hundred for a need,
    A womans generall, what should you feare?
    395York. Indeed, manie braue battels haue I woon
    In Normandie, when as the enimie
    Hath bin ten to one, and why should I now doubt
    Of the like successe? I am resolu'd. Come lets goe.
    Edw. Lets martch awaie, I heare their drums. Exit.
    Alarmes, and then Enter the yong Earle of
    Rutland and his Tutor.
    Tutor. Oh flie my Lord, lets leaue the Castell,
    And flie to Wakefield straight.
    Enter Clifford.
    Rut. O Tutor, looke where bloudie Clifford comes.
    Clif. Chaplin awaie, thy Priesthood saues thy life,
    As for the brat of that accursed Duke
    405Whose father slew my father, he shall die.
    Tutor Oh Clifford spare this tender Lord, least
    Heauen reuenge it on thy head: Oh saue his life.
    Clif. Soldiers awaie and drag him hence perforce:
    Awaie with the villaine. Exit the Chaplein.
    410How now, what dead alreadie? or is it feare that
    Makes him close his eies? Ile open them.
    Rut. So lookes the pent vp Lion on the lambe,