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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

    Yorke, and Henrie the Sixt.
    Edw. Et tu Brute, wilt thou stab Caesar too?
    A parlie sirra to George of Clarence.
    Sound a Parlie, and Richard and Clarence whispers to-
    2765gither, and then Clarence takes his red Rose out of his
    hat, and throwes it at Warwike.
    War. Com Clarence come, thou wilt if Warwike call.
    Cla. Father of Warwike, know you what this meanes?
    I throw mine infamie at thee,
    I will not ruinate my fathers house,
    Who gaue his bloud to lime the stones togither,
    And set vp Lancaster. Thinkest thou
    That Clarence is so harsh vnnaturall,
    To lift his sword against his brothers life,
    And so proud harted Warwike I defie thee,
    And to my brothers turne my blushing cheekes?
    Pardon me Edward, for I haue done amisse,
    And Richard doe not frowne vpon me,
    2785For henceforth I will proue no more vnconstant.
    Edw. Welcome Clarence, and ten times more welcome,
    Then if thou neuer hadst deserud our hate.
    Glo. Welcome good Clarence, this is brotherlie.
    War. Oh passing traytor, periurd and vniust.
    2790Edw. Now Warwike, wilt thou leaue
    The towne and fight? or shall we beate the
    Stones about thine eares?
    War. Why I am not coopt vppe heere for defence,
    I will awaie to Barnet presently,
    2795And bid thee battaile Edward if thou darest.
    Edw. Yes Warwike he dares, and leades the waie,
    Lords to the field, saint George and victorie.
    Exeunt Omnes.
    E2. Alarmes,