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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

    Yorke, and Henrie the Sixt.
    should lose his birth right through his fathers fault?
    And long hereafter saie vnto his child,
    What my great grandfather and grandsire got,
    910My carelesse father fondlie gaue awaie?
    Looke on the boy and let his manlie face,
    Which promiseth successefull fortune to vs all,
    Steele thy melting thoughtes,
    To keepe thine owne, and leaue thine owne with him.
    915King. Full wel hath Clifford plaid the Orator,
    Inferring arguments of mighty force.
    But tell me, didst thou neuer yet heare tell.
    That things euill got had euer bad successe,
    And happie euer was it for that sonne,
    920Whose father for his hoording went to hell?
    I leaue my sonne my vertuous deedes behind,
    And would my father had left me no more,
    For all the rest is held at such a rate,
    As askes a thousand times more care to keepe,
    925Then maie the present profit counteruaile.
    Ah cosen Yorke, would thy best friendes did know,
    How it doth greeue me that thy head stands there.
    Quee. My Lord this harmefull pittie makes your fol-
    lowers faint.
    930You promisde knighthood to your princelie sonne.
    Vnsheath your sword and straight doe dub him knight.
    Kneele downe Edward.
    King. Edward Plantagenet arise a knight,
    And learne this lesson boy, draw thy thy sword in right
    935Prince. My gratious father by your kingly leaue,
    Ile draw it as apparant to the crowne,
    And in that quarrel vse it to the death.