The Tragedie of Richard D. of
15171222K Ed. Widow come
some other time to know our mind.
15191223La. May it plea
se your grace
I cannot brooke delaies,
15201224I be
seech your highne
sse to di
spatch me now.
15361225K Ed. Lords giue vs leaue, wee meane to trie this wi
- 15391228Glo. For you will haue leaue till youth take leaue,
15271230K Ed. Come hither widdow, howe many children ha
15291232Cla. I thinke he meanes to begge a child on her.
15301233Glo. Nay whip me then, heele rather giue hir two.
15311234La. Three my mo
st gratious Lord.
15321235Glo. You
shall haue foure and you wil be rulde by him.
15331236K Ed. Were it not pittie they
shoulde loo
se their fathers
15351238La. Be pittifull then dread L. and grant it them.
15501239K Edw. Ile tell thee how the
se lands are to be got.
15511240La. So
shall you bind me to your highne
15521241K Ed. What
seruice wilt thou doe me if I grant it them?
15531242La. Euen what your highne
shall command.
15221243Glo. Naie then widow Ile warrant you all your
sbands lands, if you grant to do what he
15241245Commands. Fight clo
se or in good faith
15251247Cla. Naie I feare her not vnle
she fall.
15261248Glo. Marie god
sforbot man, for heele take vantage
15621250La. Why
stops my Lord,
shall I not know my ta
15641251K Ed. An ea
sie ta
ske, tis but to loue a king.
15651252La. Thats
soone performde, becau
se I am a
K Edw.