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  • Title: Henry IV, Part 1 (Quarto 1, 1598)
  • Editor: Rosemary Gaby
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-371-7

    Copyright Rosemary Gaby. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Rosemary Gaby
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry IV, Part 1 (Quarto 1, 1598)

    of Henrie the fourth.
    Prin. Dost thou speake like a king, do thou stand for me, and
    ile play my father.
    Fal. Depose me, if thou dost it halfe so grauely, so maiestical-
    ly, both in word and matter, hang me vp by the heeles for a rab-
    1395bet sucker, or a poulters Hare
    Prin. Well, here I am set.
    Fal. And here I stand, iudge my maisters.
    Prin. Now Harry, whence come you?
    Fal. My noble Lord from Eastcheape.
    1400Prin. The complaints I heare of thee are greeuous.
    Fal. Zbloud my Lord they are false: nay ile tickle ye for a yong
    prince I faith.
    Prin. Swearest thou vngratious boy, hence forth nere looke
    on me, thou art violently carried awaie from grace, there is a di-
    1405uell haunts thee in the likenesse of an olde fat man, a tun of man
    is thy companion: why doest thou conuerse with that trunke of
    humours, that boultinghutch of beastlinesse, that swolne parcell
    of dropsies that huge bombard of sacke, that stuft cloakebag of
    1410guts, that rosted Manningtre Oxe with the pudding in his belly,
    that reuerent vice, that gray iniquity, that father ruffian, that va-
    nity in yeares, wherein is he good, but to tast sacke and drinke it?
    wherein neat and clenly, but to carue a capon and eat it? wherein
    1415cunning, but in craft? wherein crafty, but in villany? wherein villa-
    nous, but in al things? where in worthy, but in nothing?
    Fal. I would your grace would take me with you, whome
    meanes your grace?
    1420Prin. That villanous abhominable misleader of youth, Fal-
    stalffe, that olde white bearded Sathan.
    Fal. My Lord, the man I know.
    Prin. I know thou doest.
    Fal. But to say I knowe more harme in him then in my selfe,
    1425were to say more then I know: that he is olde the more the pit-
    tie, his white haires doe witnesse it, but that he is sauing your re-
    uerence, a whoremaster, that I vtterlie denie: if sacke and sugar
    be a fault, God helpe the wicked; if to be olde and merry be a sin,
    1430then many an old host that I know is damnd: if to be fat be to be
    hated, then Pharaos lane kine are to be loued. No my good lord
    banish Peto, banish Bardoll, banish Poines, but for sweet Iacke
    E3 Falstalffe