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  • Title: Henry IV, Part 1 (Quarto 1, 1598)
  • Editor: Rosemary Gaby
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-371-7

    Copyright Rosemary Gaby. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Rosemary Gaby
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry IV, Part 1 (Quarto 1, 1598)

    The Historie
    Hot. Not an inch further, but harke you Kate,
    960Whither I go, thither shal you go too:
    To day will I set forth, to morrow you,
    Will this content you Kate?
    La. It must of force.
    965Enter Prince and Poines.
    Prin. Ned, preethe come out of that fat roome, and lende me
    thy hand to laugh a little.
    Poi. Where hast bin Hal?
    Prin. With three or foure loggerheades, amongest three or
    970fourescore hogsheades. I haue sounded the verie base string of
    humilitie. Sirrha, I am sworne brother to a leash of drawers, and
    can call them all by their christen names, as Tom, Dicke, and
    Francis, they take it already vpon their saluation, that though I
    be but prince of Wales, yet I am the king of Curtesie, and tel me
    975flatly I am no proud Iacke like Falstalffe, but a Corinthian, a lad
    of metall, a good boy (by the Lord so they call me) and when I
    am king of England I shall command all the good lads in East-
    cheape. They call drinking deepe, dying scarlet, and when you
    breath in your watering they cry hem, and bid you play it off.
    980To conclude, I am so good a proficiẽt in one quarter of an houre
    that I can drinke with any Tinker in his owne language, during
    my life. I tell thee Ned thou hast lost much honour, that thou
    wert not with me in this action; but sweete Ned, to sweeten
    985which name of Ned, I giue thee this peniworth of sugar, clapt e-
    uen now into my hand by an vnderskinker, one that neuer spake
    other English in his life then eight shillings and sixe pence, and
    you are welcome, with this shrill addition, anon, anon sir; skore a
    pint of bastard in the halfe moone, or so. But Ned, to driue a-
    990waie the time till Falstalffe come: I preethe doe thou stande in
    some by-roome, while I question my puny drawer to what end
    he gaue me the sugar, and do thou neuer leaue calling Frances,
    that his tale to me may bee nothing but anon, step aside and ile
    995shew thee a present.
    Po. Frances. Prin. Thou art perfect.
    Prin. Frances. Enter Drawer.
    1000Fran. Anon, anon sir. Looke downe into the Pomgarnet,
    D2 Prin.