1739To. That defence thou ha
st, betake the too't: of what
1740nature the wrongs are thou ha
st done him, I knowe not:
1741but thy intercepter full of de
spight, bloody as the Hun
- 1742ter, attends thee at the Orchard end: di
smount thy tucke,
1743be yare in thy preparation, for thy a
ssaylant is quick,
- 1745Vio. You mi
sir I am
sure, no man hath any quar
- 1746rell to me: my remembrance is very free and cleere from
1747any image of o
ffence done to any man.
1748To. You'l
finde it otherwi
se I a
ssure you: therefore, if
1749you hold your life at any price, betake you to your gard:
1750for your oppo
site hath in him what youth,
1751and wrath, can furni
sh man withall.
1752Vio. I pray you
sir what is he?
1753To. He is knight dubb'd with vnhatch'd Rapier, and
1754on carpet con
sideration, but he is a diuell in priuate brall,
1755soules and bodies hath he diuorc'd three, and his incen
- 1756ment at this moment is
so implacable, that
1757can be none, but by pangs of death and
sepulcher: Hob,
1758nob, is his word: giu't or take't.
1759Vio. I will returne againe into the hou
se, and de
1760some condu
ct of the Lady. I am no
fighter, I haue heard
some kinde of men, that put quarrells purpo
sely on o
- 1762thers, to ta
ste their valour: belike this is a man of that
1764To. Sir, no: his indignation deriues it
selfe out of a ve
- 1765ry computent iniurie, therefore get you on, and giue him
1766his de
sire. Backe you
shall not to the hou
se, vnle
sse you
1767vndertake that with me, which with as much
safetie you
1768might an
swer him: therefore on, or
strippe your
1769starke naked: for meddle you mu
st that's certain, or for
- 1770sweare to weare iron about you.
1771Vio. This is as vnciuill as
strange. I be
seech you doe
1772me this courteous o
ffice, as to know of the Knight what
1773my o
ffence to him is: it is
something of my negligence,
1774nothing of my purpo
1775To. I will doe
so. Signiour
Fabian, stay you by this
1776Gentleman, till my returne.
Exit Toby. 1777Vio. Pray you
sir, do you know of this matter?
1778Fab. I know the knight is incen
st again
st you, euen to
1779a mortall arbitrement, but nothing of the circum
1781Vio. I be
seech you what manner of man is he?
1782Fab. Nothing of that wonderfull promi
se to read him
1783by his forme, as you are like to
finde him in the proofe of
1784his valour. He is indeede
sir, the mo
st skilfull, bloudy, &
1785fatall oppo
site that you could po
ssibly haue found in anie
1786part of Illyria: will you walke towards him, I will make
1787your peace with him, if I can.
1788Vio. I
shall bee much bound to you for't: I am one,
1789that had rather go with
sir Prie
st, then
sir knight: I care
1790not who knowes
so much of my mettle.
Exeunt. 1791Enter Toby and Andrew. 1792To. Why man hee s a verie diuell, I haue not
firago: I had a pa
sse with him, rapier,
scabberd, and all:
1794and he giues me the
stucke in with
such a mortall motion
1795that it is ineuitable: and on the an
swer, he payes you as
1796surely, as your feete hits the ground they
step on. They
1797say, he has bin Fencer to the Sophy.
1798And. Pox on't, Ile not meddle with him.
1799To. I but he will not now be paci
1800Fabian can
se hold him yonder.
1801An. Plague on't, and I thought he had beene valiant,
so cunning in Fence, I'de haue
seene him damn'd ere
1803I'de haue challeng'd him. Let him let the matter
slip, and
1804Ile giue him my hor
se, gray Capilet.
1805To. Ile make the motion:
stand heere, make a good
1806shew on't, this
shall end without the perdition of
1807marry Ile ride your hor
se as well as I ride you.
1808Enter Fabian and Viola. 1809I haue his hor
se to take vp the quarrell, I haue per
1810him the youths a diuell.
1811Fa. He is as horribly conceited of him: and pants, &
1812lookes pale, as if a Beare were at his heeles.
1813To. There's no remedie
sir, he will
fight with you for's
sake: marrie hee hath better bethought him of his
1815quarrell, and hee
findes that now
se to bee worth tal
- 1816king of: therefore draw for the
supportance of his vowe,
1817he prote
sts he will not hurt you.
1818Vio. Pray God defend me: a little thing would make
1819me tell them how much I lacke of a man.
1820Fab. Giue ground if you
see him furious.
1821To. Come
Andrew, there's no remedie, the Gen
- 1822tleman will for his honors
sake haue one bowt with you:
1823he cannot by the Duello auoide it: but hee has promi
1824me, as he is a Gentleman and a Soldiour, he will not hurt
1826And. Pray God he keepe his oath.
1828Vio. I do a
ssure you tis again
st my will.
1829Ant. Put vp your
sword: if this yong Gentleman
1830Haue done o
ffence, I take the fault on me:
1831If you o
ffend him, I for him de
fie you.
1832To. You
sir? Why, what are you?
1833Ant. One
sir, that for his loue dares yet do more
1834Then you haue heard him brag to you he will.
1835To. Nay, if you be an vndertaker, I am for you.
1837Fab. O good
Toby hold: heere come the O
1838To. Ile be with you anon.
1839Vio. Pray
sir, put your
sword vp if you plea
1840And. Marry will I
sir: and for that I promis'd you Ile
1841be as good as my word. Hee will beare you ea
sily, and
1843 1. Off. This is the man, do thy O
1844 2. Off. Anthonio, I arre
st thee at the
suit of Count
Orsino 1845An. You do mi
stake me
1846 1. Off. No
sir, no iot: I know your fauour well:
1847Though now you haue no
sea-cap on your head:
1848Take him away, he knowes I know him well.
1849Ant. I mu
st obey. This comes with
seeking you:
1850But there's no remedie, I
shall an
swer it:
1851What will you do: now my nece
1852Makes me to a
ske you for my pur
se. It greeues mee
1853Much more, for what I cannot do for you,
1854Then what befals my
selfe: you
stand amaz'd,
1856 2. Off. Come
sir away.
1857Ant. I mu
st entreat of you
some of that money.
1859For the fayre kindne
sse you haue
shew'd me heere,
1860And part being prompted by your pre
sent trouble,
1861Out of my leane and low ability
1862Ile lend you
something: my hauing is not much,
1863Ile make diui
sion of my pre
sent with you:
1864Hold, there's halfe my Co
1865Ant. Will you deny me now,
st po
ssible that my de
serts to you
1867Can l
acke per
sion. Do not tempt my mi
st that it make me
so vn
sound a man
1869As to vpbraid you with tho
se kindne
Z3 That