Peer Reviewed
- Edition: The Sonnets
Shake-speares Sonnets (Quarto 1, 1609)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
100Like feeble age he reeleth from the day,
101The eyes(fore dutious)now conuerted are
102From his low tract and looke an other way:
110If the true concord of well tuned sounds,
111By vnions married do offend thine eare,
112They do but sweetly chide thee , who confounds
115Strikes each in each by mutuall ordering;
119Sings this to thee thou single wilt proue none.
121IS it for feare to wet a widdowes eye,
124The world will waile thee like a makelesse wife,
125The world wilbe thy widdow and still weepe,
126That thou no forme of thee hast left behind ,
127When euery priuat widdow well may keepe,
129Looke what an vnthrift in the world doth spend
131But beauties waste hath in the world an end,