Peer Reviewed
- Edition: The Sonnets
Shake-speares Sonnets (Quarto 1, 1609)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
1143The vacant leaues thy mindes imprint will beare,
1146Of mouthed graues will giue thee memorie,
1149Looke what thy memorie cannot containe,
1152To take a new acquaintance of thy minde.
1158As euery Alien pen hath got my vse,
1161And heauie ignorance aloft to flie,
1162Haue added fethers to the learneds wing,
1163And giuen grace a double Maiestie.
1164Yet be most proud of that which I compile,
1167And Arts with thy sweete graces graced be.
1169As high as learning, my rude ignorance.
1172My verse alone had all thy gentle grace,
1173But now my gracious numbers are decayde,
1175I grant ( sweet loue )thy louely argument
1176Deserues the trauaile of a worthier pen,
1177Yet what of thee thy Poet doth inuent,
1178He robs thee of, and payes it thee againe,