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  • Title: King Lear (Quarto 2, 1619)
  • Editor: Pervez Rizvi
  • Coordinating editor: Michael Best
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-463-9

    Copyright Michael Best. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Pervez Rizvi
    Not Peer Reviewed

    King Lear (Quarto 2, 1619)

    The History of King Lear.
    2347.35Else one selfe mate and mate could not beget
    Such different issues; you spoke not with her since?
    Gent. No.
    Kent. Was this before the King returnd?
    Gent. No, since.
    Kent. Well sir, the poore distressed Lear's ith Towne,
    2347.40Who sometime in his better tune remembers
    What we are come about, and by no meanes will yeeld to see his
    Gent. Why good sir?
    Kent. A soueraigne shame so elbowes him, his own vnkindnes
    That stript her from his benediction, turnd her
    2347.45To forraine casualties, gaue her deare rights
    To his dog-hearted daughters; these things sting his minde
    So venomously, that burning shame detaines him from Cordelia.
    Gent. Alacke poore Gentleman.
    Kent. Of Albanies and Cornwals powers you heard not?
    2347.50Gent. Tis so they are afoote.
    Kent. Well sir, ile bring you to our master Lear,
    And leaue you to attend him, some deare cause
    Will in concealement wrap me vp a while,
    When I am knowne aright you shall not greeue,
    2347.55Lending me this acquaintance, I pray you go along with me.
    Enter Cordelia, Doctor, and others.
    Cor. Alacke tis he, why he was euen now,
    As mad as the vent sea, singing aloud,
    Crownd with ranke femiter and furrow weeds,
    With hor-docks, hemlocke, nettles, coockow-flowers,
    2355Darnell and all the idle weeds that grow
    In our sustaining, Corne, a century is sent foorth,
    Search euery acre in the high growne field,
    And bring him to our eye, what can mans wisedome do
    In the restoring his bereaued sence? he that can helpe him
    2360Take all my outward worth.
    Doct. There is meanes Madame,
    Our foster nurse of nature is repose,