William [Shake]-speare,
True Chronicle History of the life
and death of King Lear, and his
three Daughters.
With the vnfortunate life of Edgar,
sonne and heire to the Earle of Glocester, and
his sullen and assumed humour of TOM
of Bedlam.
As it was plaid before the Kings Maiesty at White-Hall, vp-
pon S. Stephens night, in Christmas Hollidaies.
By his Maiesties Seruants, playing vsually at the
Globe on the Banck-side.
Printed for Nathaniel Butter.
M. William Shake-speare
History, of King Lear.
21Enter Kent, Glocester, and Bastard. 43I Thought the King had more a
cted the Duke of
54Albeney then
65Glost. It did alwaies
so to vs, but now in
76the diui
sion of the Kingdomes, it appeares not
87which of the Dukes he values mo
st, for equalities
so weighed, that curio
sity in neither, can make choi
se of ei
- 1110Kent. Is not this your
sonne, my Lord?
1211Glost. His breeding
sir hath beene at my charge. I haue
so of
- 1412ten blu
sht to acknowledge him, that now I am braz'd to it.
1513Kent. I cannot conceiue you.
1614Glost. Sir, this young fellowes mother could, whereupon
1815grew round wombed, and had indeed Sir a
sonne for her Cra
- 16dle, ere
she had a husband for her bed, do you
smell a fault?
2017Kent. I cannot wi
sh the fault vndone, the i
ssue of it being
2219Glo. But I haue
sir a
sonne by order of Law,
some yeare elder
2320then this, who yet is no deerer in my account, thogh this knaue
sawcely into the world before he was
sent for,
2522yet was his mother faire, there was good
sport at his making, &
2623the whore
son mu
st be acknowledged, do you know this noble
3026Glo. My Lord of
Kent, remember him heereafter as my ho-
3228Bast. My
seruices to your Lord
3329Kent. I mu
st loue you, and
sue to know you better.
3430Bast. Sir, I
study de
3531Glo. He hath beene out nine yeares, and away he
shall again,
3733Sound a Sennet, Enter one bearing a Coronet, then Lear, then the 3834Dukes of Albany and Cornwall, next Gonorill, Regan, Corde- 3936Lear. Attend my Lords of
France and
4037Glost. I
shall my Leige.
4138Lear. Meane time we will expre
sse our darker purpo
4239The Map there; know we haue diuided
4340In three our Kingdome; and tis our
st intent,
shake all cares and bu
sse of our
firming them on younger yeares,
5043The two great Princes,
France and
5144Great Riuals in our younge
st daughters loue,
5245Long in our Court haue made their amorous
5346And here are to be an
swer'd; tell me my daughters,
5647Which of you
shall we
say doth loue vs mo
5748That we our large
st bounty may extend,
5849Where merit doth mo
st challenge it:
5950Gonorill our elde
st borne,
6051Gon. Sir, I do loue you more then words can wield the matter.
6152Dearer then eye-
space, or liberty,
6253Beyond what can be valued rich or rare,
6354No le
sse then life; with grace, health, beauty, honour,
6455As much a childe ere loued, or father friend,
6556A loue that makes breath poore, and
speech vnabl[e],
6657Beyond all manner of
so much I loue you.
6758Cor. What
Cordelia do, loue and be
6859Lear. Of all the
se bounds, euen from this line to this,
shady Forre
sts, and wide skirted Meads,
7161We make thee Lady, to thine and
Albanies i
7262Be this perpetuall. What
saies our
second daughter?
7363Our deere
st Regan, wife to
7464Reg. Sir I am made of the
same mettal that my
sister is
7565And prize me at her worth in my true heart,
she names my very deed of loue, onely
shee came
7867That I profe
sse my
selfe an enemy to all other ioyes,
7968Which the mo
st precious
square of
sence po
finde I am alone felicitate in your deere highne
sse loue.
8270Cor. Then poore
Cordelia, and yet not
since I am
8471My loue's more richer then my tongue.
8572Lear. To thee and thine hereditary euer
8673Remaine this ample third of our faire kingdome,
8774No le
sse in
space, validity, and plea
8875Then that con
firm'd on
Gonorill; but now our ioy,
8976Although the la
st, not lea
st in our deere loue,
9177What can you
say to win a third, more opulent
9379Cor. Nothing my Lord.
9680Lear. How, nothing can come of nothing,
speake againe.
9781Cor. Vnhappy that I am, I cannot heaue my heart into my
9882mouth, I loue your Maie
sty according to my bond, nor more
10084Lear. Go too, go too, mend your
speech a little,
st it may marre your fortunes.
10387You haue begot me, bred me, loued me,
10488I returne tho
se duties backe as are right
10589Obey you, loue you, and mo
st honour you,
10690Why haue my
sisters husbands, if they
say they loue you all,
10791Haply when I
shall wed, that Lord who
se hand
st take my plight,
shall carry halfe my loue with him,
10993Halfe my care and duty,
sure I
shall neuer
11094Marry like my
sisters, to loue my father all.
11195Lear. But goes this with thy heart?
11296Cor. I good my Lord.
11397Lear. So young and
so vntender?
11498Cor. So young my Lord, and true.
11599Lear. Well let it be
so, thy truth then be thy dower,
116100For by the
sacred radience of the Sunne,
117101The mi
sse of
Heccat, and the might,
118102By all the operation of the Orbes,
119103From whom we do ex
sist and cea
se to be,
120104Heere I dis
sclaime all my paternall care,
121105Propinquity and property of bloud,
122106And as a
stranger to my heart and me,
123107Hold thee from this foreuer, the barbarous
124108Or he that makes his generation
sses to gorge his appetite,
126110Shall be as well neighbour'd, pittied and releeued,
127111As thou my
some-time daughter.
129113Lear. Peace
Kent, come not betweene the Dragon and his (wrath
131114I lou'd her mo
st, and thought to
set my re
st 132115On her kinde nur
sery, hence and auoid my
133116So be my graue my peace as heere I guie,
134117Her fathers heart from her; call
France, who
Cornwall, and
136119With my two daughters dower dige
st this third,
137120Let pride, which
she cals plainne
sse, marry her:
138121I do inue
st you ioyntly in my power,
139122Preheminence, and all the large e
140123That troope with Maie
sty, our
selfe by monthly cour
141124With re
seruation of an hundred Knights,
142125By you to be
shall our abode
143126Make with you by due turnes, onely we
still retaine
144127The name and all the additions to a King,
sway, reuenue, execution of the re
sonnes be yours, which to con
147130This Coronet part betwixt you.
149132Whom I haue euer honor'd as my King,
150133Loued as my Father, as my Ma
ster followed,
151134As my great Patron thought on in my praiers.
152135Lear. The bow is bent and drawne, make from the
153136Kent. Let it fall rather,
154137Though the forke inuade the region of my heart,
Kent vnmannerly, when
Lear is mad,
156139What wilt thou do old man, think'
st thou that duty
157140Shall haue dread to
speake, when power to
flattery bowes,
158141To plainne
sse honours bound, when Maie
stoops to folly,
se thy doome, and in thy be
st con
161143Checke this hideous ra
sse, an
swer my life,
162144My iudgement, thy yonge
st daughter does not lo[u]e thee lea
163145Nor are tho
se empty hearted, who
se low
165147Lear. Kent, on thy life no more.
166148Kent. My life I neuer held but as a pawne
167149To wage again
st thy enemies, nor feare to lo
se it,
safety being the motiue.
170152Kent. See better
Lear, and let me
still remaine
171153The true blanke of thine eie.
172154Lear. Now by
Appollo ---------
173155Kent. Now by
Appollo, King thou
st thy Gods in vaine.
175156Lear. Va
ssall, recreant.
176157Kent. Do, kill thy Phy
177158And the fee be
stow vpon the foule di
178159Reuoke thy doome, or whil
st I can vent clamour
180160From my throat, ile tell thee thou do
st euill.
181161Lear. Heare me, on thy alleigeance heare me;
182162Since thou ha
st sought to make vs breake our vow,
183163Which we dur
st neuer yet; and with
straied pride,
184164To come betweene our
sentence and our power,
185165Which, nor our nature, nor our place can beare,
186166Our potency make good, take thy reward,
187167Foure dayes we do allot thee for proui
shield thee from di
ses of the world,
189169And on the
fift to turne thy hated backe
190170Vpon our kingdome; if on the tenth day following,
191171Thy bani
sht trunke be found in our Dominions,
192172The moment is thy death, away,
Iupiter, this
shall not be reuokt.
194174Kent. Why fare thee well King,
since thou wilt appeare,
ship liues hence, and bani
shment is here;
196176The Gods to their protec
ction take the maid,
197177That rightly thinkes, and hath mo
st iu
198178And your large
speeches may your deeds approue,
199179That good e
cts may
spring from words of loue:
Kent, O Princes, bids you all adew,
shape his old cour
se in a Country new.
202182Enter France and Burgundy with Glocester. 204183Glo. Heer's
France and
Burgundy, my noble Lord.
205184Lear. My Lord or
Burgundy, we
st addre
sse towards you,
206185Who with a King hath riuald for our daughter,
207186What in the lea
st will you require in pre
208187Dower with her, or cea
se your que
st of loue?
210188Burg. Roiall Maie
sty, I craue no more then what
211189Your Highne
sse o
ffered, nor will you tender le
213190Lear. Right noble
Burgundy, when
she was deare to vs,
215191We did hold her
so, but now her price is fallen;
216192Sir, there
stands, if ought within that little
stance, or all of it with our di
sure peec'
218194And nothing el
se may
fitly like your Grace,
219195Shee's there, and
she is yours.
221197Lear. Sir, will you with tho
se in
she owes,
222198Vnfriended, new adopted to our hate,
223199Couered with our cur
se, and
stranger'd with our oath,
225201Burg. Pardon me royall
sir, ele
ction makes not vp
227203Lear. Then leaue her
sir, for by the power that made me,
228204I tell you all her wealth. For you great King,
229205I would not from your loue make
such a
230206To match you where I hate, therefore be
seech you,
231207To auert your liking a more worthier way,
232208Then on a wretch whom Nature is a
st to acknowledge hers.
234210Fra. This is mo
st strange, that
she that euen but now
235211Was your be
st obie
ct, the argument of your prai
236212Balme of your age, mo
st be
st, mo
st deere
237213Should in this trice of time commit a thing
238214So mon
strous, to di
so many foulds of fauour,
239215Sure her o
ffence mu
st be of
such vnnaturall degree,
241216That mon
sters it, or you for voucht a
242217Falne into taint, which to beleeue of her
st be a faith that rea
son without miracle
244219Could neuer plaint in me.
245220Cord. I yet be
seech your Maie
246221If for I want that glib and oily Art,
speake and purpo
se not,
since what I well intend,
248223Ile do't before I
speake, that you may know
249224It is no vicious blot, murder, or foulene
250225No vncleane a
ction or di
251226That hath depriu'd me of your grace and fauour,
252227But euen for want of that, for which I am rich,
soliciting eye, and
such a tongue,
254229As I am glad I haue not, though not to haue it,
255230Hath lo
st me in your liking.
256231Lear. Go to, goe to, better thou had
st not bene borne,
257232Then not to haue pleas'd me better.
258233Fran. Is it no more but this, a tardine
sse in nature,
259234That often leaues the hi
story vn
spoke that it intends to do,
260235My Lord of
Burgundy, what
say you to the Lady?
261236Loue is not loue when it is mingled with re
cts that
263237Aloofe from the entire point, will you haue her?
264238She is her
selfe and dower.
265239Burg. Royall
Lear, giue but that portion
266240Which your
selfe propos'd, and here I take
267241Cordelia by the hand, Dutche
sse of
269242Lear. Nothing; I haue
270243Burg. I am
sorry then you haue
so lo
st a father,
271244That you mu
st lo
se a husband.
272245Cord. Peace be with
since that re
273246Of fortune are his loue, I
shall not be his wife.
275247Fran. Faire
st Cordelia, that art mo
st rich being poore,
st choi
se for
saken, and mo
st loued de
277249Thee and thy vertues heere I
seize vpon,
278250Be it lawfull I take vp what's ca
st away.
279251Gods, Gods! tis
strange, that from their cold'
st negle
280252My loue
should kindle to en
flam'd re
281253Thy dowrele
sse daughter King, throwne to thy chance,
282254Is Queene of vs, of ours, and our faire
283255Not all the Dukes in watri
sh Burgundy,
284256Shall buy this vnpriz'd precious maid of me,
285257Bid them farwell
Cordelia, though vnkinde
286258Thou lo
st heere, a better where to
287259Lear. Thou ha
st her
France, let her be thine,
288260For we haue no
such daughter, nor
shall euer
289261That face of hers againe, therefore be gone,
290262Without our grace, our loue, our benizon: come noble
Bur- (gundy.
292264Fran. Bid farwell to your
293265Cord. The Iewels of our Father,
294266With wa
sht eyes
Cordelia leaues you, I know you what you are,
295267And like a
sister am mo
st loth to call your faults
296268As they are named, vse well our Father,
297269To your profe
ssed bo
somes I commit him,
298270But yet ala
stood I within his grace,
299271I would preferre him to a better place;
301273Gonorill. Pre
scribe not vs our duties.
302274Regan. Let your
study be to content your Lord,
303275Who hath receiu'd you at Fortunes almes,
304276You haue obedience
305277And well are worth the worth that you haue wanted.
306278Cord. Time
shall vnfold what pleated cunning hides,
307279Who couers faults, at la
st shame them derides:
309281Fran. Come faire
Exit France and Cord. 310282Gon. Si
ster, it is not a little I haue to
311283Of what mo
st neerely appertaines to vs both,
312284I thinke our father will hence to night.
313285Reg. That's mo
st certaine, and with you, next month with vs.
314286Gon. You
see how full of changes his age is, the ob
315287we haue made of it hath not beene little; he alwaies loued our
316288sister mo
st, and with what poore iudgement hee hath now ca
st 317289her o
ff, appeares too gro
318290Reg. Tis the in
firmity of his age, yet he hath euer but
- 320292Gono. The be
st and
st of his time hath bin but ra
321293then mu
st we looke to receiue frõ his age, not alone the imper
- 322294fe
ction of long ingra
fted condition, but therwithal vnruly wai
- 323295wardnes, that in
firme and cholericke yeares bring with them.
325296Reg. Such vncon
stars are we like to haue from him, as
326297this of
Kents bani
327298Gono. There is further complement of leaue taking between
328299France and him, pray lets hit together, if our Father cary autho
- 329300rity with
such di
sitions as he beares, this la
st surrender of
331302Regan. We
shall further thinke on't.
332303Gon. We mu
st do
something, and it'h heate.
Exeuent. 335305Bast. Thou Nature art my Godde
sse, to thy law my
336306are bound, wherefore
should I
stand in the plague of cu
337307and permit the curio
sity of Nations to depriue me, for that I am
339308some 12. or 14. moone-
shines lag of a brother
: why ba
340309wherefore ba
se, when my dementions are as well compa
ct, my
342310minde as generous, & my
shape as true as hone
st madams i
343311why brand they vs with ba
se, ba
se ba
stardy? who in the lu
345312stealth of nature, take more compo
sition and
fierce quality, then
347313doth within a
stale dull lie[d] bed, goe to the creating of a whole
348314tribe of fops got tweene
sleepe and wake; well the legitimate
350315Edgar, I mu
st haue your land, our Fathers loue is to the ba
351316Edmund, as to the legitimate: well my legitimate. if this letter
353317speed, and my inuention thriue,
Edmund the ba
shall tooth'le
- 355318gitimate: I grow, I pro
sper, now Gods
stand vp for Ba
358320Glost. Kent bani
sht thus, and
France in choller parted, and
359321the King gone to night,
scrib'd his power, con
fined to ex
- 360322hibition, all this done vpon the gad;
Edmund, how now, what
362324Bast. So plea
se y[ou]r Lord
ship, none.
363325Glost.. Why
so earne
seeke you to put vp that letter?
364326Bast. I know no newes, my Lord.
365327Glo. What paper were you reading?
367329Glost. No, what needs then that terrible di
spatch of it into
368330your pocket, the quality of nothing hath not
such need to hide
selfe, lets
see, come if it be nothing I
shal not need
371332Bast. I be
seech you
sir pardon me, it is a Letter from my bro
- 372333ther that I haue not all ore read, for
so much as I haue peru
finde it not
fit for your liking.
375335Glost. Giue me the letter
376336Bast. I
shall o
ffend, either to detaine or giue it, the contents
377337as in part I vnder
stand them, are too blame.
379338Glo. Lets
see, Lets
380339Bast. I hope for my brothers iu
fication, he wrote this but
381340as an e
ssay, or ta
ste of my vertue.
A Letter. 382341Glost. This policy of age makes the world bitter to the be
st 383342of our times, keepes our fortunes from vs till our oldne
sse can
- 384343not reli
sh them, I begin to
finde an idle and fond bondage in
385344the oppre
ssion of aged tyranny, who
swaies not as it hath pow
- 386345er, but as it is
ffered, come to mee, that of this I may
387346more; if our Father would
sleepe till I wakt him, you
388347enioy halfe his reuenew for euer, and liue the beloued of your
390349 Hum, con
slept till I wakt him, you
should enioy halfe
391350his reuenew: my
Edgar, had he a hand to write this, a hart
392351and braine to breed it in? when came this to you, who brought
394353Bast. It was not brought me my Lord, there's the cunning
395354of it, I found it throwne in at the ca
sement of my Clo
397355Glost. You know the carra
cter to be your brothers?
398356Bast. If the matter were good, my Lord, I dur
st sweare it
399357were his, but in re
ct of that, I would faine think it were not.
402359Bast. It is his hand my Lord, but I hope his heart is not in
404361Glost. Hath he neuer heeretofore
sounded you in this bu
si- 405363Bast. Neuer my Lord, but I haue often heard him maintaine
406364it to be
fit, that
sonnes at par
fit age, and fathers declining, his
should be as Ward to the
sonne, and the
sonne mannage
409367Glost. O villaine, villaine, his very opinion in the Letter, ab
- 410368horrid villaine, vnnaturall dete
sted bruiti
sh villaine, wor
se then
sh go
seeke him; I, apprehend him, abhominable vil
- 413371Bast. I do not well know my Lord, if it
shall plea
se you to
spend your indignation again
st my brother, till you can de
- 415373riue from him better te
stimony of this intent, you
shal runnne a
416374certaine cour
se, where if you violently proceed again
st him, mi
- 417375staking his purpo
se, it would make a great gap in your owne
418376honour, and
shake in peeces the heart of his obedience, I dare
419377pawne downe my life for him, hee hath wrote this to feele my
ction to your Honour, and to no further pretence of danger.
423380Bast. If your Honour iudge it meete, I will place you where
shall heare vs conferre of this, and by an aurigular a
425382haue your
ction, and that without any further delay then
427384Glost. He cannot be
such a mon
427.2386Glost. To his father, that
so tenderly and entirely loues him:
427.3387heauen and earth!
Edmund seeke him out, winde me into him, I
428388pray you frame your bu
sines after your owne wi
sedome, I wold
state my
selfe ro be in a due re
431390Bast. I
seeke him
sir pre
sently, conuey the bu
sse as I
see meanes, and acquaint you withall.
433392Glost. The
se late Eclip
ses in the Sunne and Moone, portend no
434393good to vs, though the wi
sedome of nature can rea
son thus and
435394thus, yet nature
findes it
scourg'd by the
sequent e
436395loue cooles, friend
ship fals o
ff, brothers diuide, in Cities muti
- 437396nies, in Countries di
scords, Pallaces trea
son, the bond crackt
sonne and father;
finde out this villaine,
Edmund it
444398shall lo
se thee nothing, do it carefully; and the noble and true
Kent bani
sht, his o
ffence hone
447400Bast. This is the excellent foppery of the world, that when we
sicke in Fortune, often the
surfet of our owne behauiour,
449402we make guilty of our di
sters, the Sunne, the Moore, and the
450403stars, as if we were villaines by nece
ssity, fooles by heauenly
sion, knaues, theeues, and trecherers by
spirituall predo
- 452405minance, drunkards, liars, and adulterers by an enforc'
st obedi
- 453406ence of planitary in
fluence, and all that we are euill in, by a di
- 454407uine thru
sting on, an admirable eua
sion of whore-ma
ster man,
456408to lay his goati
sh di
sition to the charge of
stars; my Father
457409compounded with my Mother vnder the Dragons taile, & my
458410natiuity was vnder
Vrsa maior,
so that it followes I am rough &
459411lecherous; Fut, I
should haue beene that I am, had the maiden
- 460412le
st starre of the Firmament twinckled on my ba
463414& out he comes like the Cata
strophe of the old Comedy, mine
464415is villanous melancholy, with a
sigh like them of
Bedlam; O
se Ecclip
ses do portend the
se diui
467417Edgar. How now brother
Edmund, what
serious contempla
- 469419Bast. I am thinking brother of a predi
ction I read this other
470420day, what
should follow the
se Ecclip
471421Edg. Doe you bu
sie your
selfe about that?
472422Bast. I promi
se you the e
cts he writ of,
succeed vnhappily,
473423as of vnnaturalne
sse betweene the childe and the parent, death,
473.1424dearth, di
ssolutions of ancient armies, diui
sions in
state, mena
- 473.2425ces and maledi
ctions again
st King and Nobles, needle
sse di
ffi- 473.3426dences, bani
shment of friends, di
ssipation of Cohorts, nuptiall
473.5428Edg. How long haue you bin a
ctary A
474429Bast. Come, come, when
saw you my father la
475430Edg. Why the night gone by.
476431Bast. Spake you with him?
477432Edg. Two houres together.
478433Bast. Parted you in good tearmes? found you no di
479434in him by word or countenance?
481436Bast. Bethinke your
selfe wherein you may haue o
482437him, and at my entreaty, forbeare his pre
sence, till
some little
483438time hath quali
fied the heate of his di
sure, which at this
so rageth in him, that with the mi
schiefe of your per
486441Edg. Some villaine hath done me wrong.
487442Bast. That's my feare brother, I adui
se you to the be
st, goe
493443arm'd, I am no hone
st man if there be any good meaning to
- 494444wards you, I haue told you what I haue
seen & heard, but faint
- 495445ly, nothing like the image and horror of it; pray you away.
497446Edg. Shall I heare from you anon?
Exit Edgar. 498447Bast. I do
serue you in this bu
499448A credulous Father, and a brother noble,
se nature is
so farre from doing harmes,
501450That he
cts none, on who
se fooli
sh hone
502451My pra
ses ride ea
sie, I
see the bu
503452Let me if not by birth, haue lands by wit,
504453All with me's meete, that I can fa
Exit. 506454Enter Gonorill and a Gentleman. 507455Gon. Did my Farher
strike my gentleman for chiding of his
510458Gon. By day and night he wrongs me,
511459Euery houre he
shes into one gro
sse crime or other,
sets vs all at ods, Ile not endure it;
513461His knights grow riotous, and him
selfe vpbraids vs
514462On euery tri
fle when he returnes from hunting,
515463I will not
speake with him,
say I am
516464If you come
slacke of former
shall do well, the fault of it Ile an
518466Gent. Hee's comming Madam, I heare him.
519467Gon. Put on what weary negligence you plea
se, you and your
seruants, Ide haue it come in que
stion, if he di
slike it, let
522469him to our
sister, who
se minde & mine I know in that are one,
522.1470not to be ouer-rulde; idle olde man that
still would manage
se authorities that he hath giuen away, now by my life olde
522.3472fooles are babes againe, and mu
st be v
sed with checkes as
- 522.4473teries, when they are
seene abus'd, remember what I tell you.
525475Gon. And let his Knights haue colder lookes among you,
526476what growes of it no matter, aduise your fellowes
so, I would
526.1477breed from hence occa
sions, and I
shall, that I may
speake, Ile
straight to my
sister to hold my very cour
se; goe prepare
531481Ken. If but as well I other accents borrow, that can my
se, my good intent may carry through it
selfe to that ful i
s- 534483sue for which I raizd my likene
sse; now bani
Kent, if thou
st serue where thou do
st stand condemn'd, thy ma
ster whom
536485thou loue
finde the full of labour.
539487Lear. Let me not
stay a iot for dinner, goe get it ready: how
542490Lear. What do
st thou profe
sse? what would
st thou with vs?
544491Kent. I doe profe
sse to bee no le
sse then I
seeme to
serue him
545492truely that wil put me in tru
st, to loue him that is hone
st, to con
- 546493uer
se with him that is wi
se and
saies little, to feare iudgement,
fight when I cannot chu
se, and to eate no
550496Kent. A very hone
st hearted fellow, and as poore as the King.
552497Lear. If thou be as poore for a
ct, as he is for a king, thou
553498art poore enough, what would
st thou?
554499Kent. Seruice.
Lear. Who would
st thou
556500Kent. You.
Lear. Do
st thou know me fellow?
557501Kent. No
sir, but you haue that in your countenance, which
559502I would faine call Ma
560503Lear. What's that?
Kent. Authority.
562504Lear. What
seruices can
st thou do?
563505Kent. I can keepe hone
st coun
saile, ride, run, marre a curious
564506tale in telling it, and deliuer a plaine me
ssage bluntly, that which
565507ordinary men are
fit for, I am quali
fied, and the be
st of me, is
568510Kent. Not
so young to loue a woman for
singing, nor
so old to
569511dote on her for any thing, I haue yeares on my backe forty eight.
571512Lear. Follow me, thou
serue me, if I like thee no wor
572513after dinner, I will not part from thee yet; dinner ho, dinner,
573514where's my knaue my foole, goe you and call my foole hether,
sirra, where's my daughter?
576517Steward. So plea
se you -----
577518Lear. What
saies the fellow there? call the clat-pole backe,
578519where's my foole? ho, I thinke the world's a
sleepe, how now,
580521Kent. He
saies my Lord, your daughter is not well.
581522Lear. Why came not the
slaue backe to me when I call'd him?
583523Seruant. Sir, he an
swered me in the rounde
st mannner, hee
586526Seruant. My Lord, I know not what the matter is, but to my
587527iudgement, your Highne
sse is not entertain'd with that ceremo
- 588528nious a
ction as you were wont, there's a great abatement ap
- 589529peares as well in the generall dependants, as in the Duke him
so, and your daughter.
592531Lear. Ha,
st thou
593532Seruant. I be
seech you pardon me my Lord, if I be mi
594533for my duty cannot be
silent, when I thinke your Highne
sse is
596535Lear. Thou but remembre
st me of mine owne conception, I
597536haue perceiued a mo
st faint negle
ct of late, which I haue rather
598537blamed as mine owne iealous curio
sity, then as a very pretence
599538and purport of vnkindnes; I will look further into it, but wher's
600539this foole? I haue not
seene him this two daies.
602540Seruant. Since my young Ladies going into
France sir, the
603541foole hath much pined away.
604542Lear. No more of that, I haue noted it, goe you and tell my
605543daughter, I would
speake with her, go you call hither my foole;
606544O you
sir, you
sir, come you hither, who am I
610546Lear. My Ladies Father, my Lords knaue, you whore
son dog,
612548Stew. I am none of this my Lord, I be
seech you pardon me.
614549Lear. Do you bandy lookes with me you ra
615550Stew. Ile not be
strucke my Lord.
616551Kent. Nor tript neither, you ba
se football plaier.
617552Lear. I thanke thee fellow, thou
st me, and ile loue thee.
619553Kent. Come
sir, ile teach you di
fferences, away, away, if you
620554will mea
sure your lubbers length againe, tarry, but away, you
622556Lear. Now friendly knaue I thanke thee, there's earne
st of
625559Foole. Let me hire him too, here's my coxcombe.
626560Lear. How now my pretty knaue, how do
st thou?
627561Foole. Sirra, you were be
st take my coxcombe.
629563Foole. Why for taking ones part that's out of fauour, nay and
630564thou can
st not
smile as the winde
sits, thou't catch colde
631565there take my coxcombe; why this fellow hath bani
sht two of
632566his daughters, and done the third a ble
ssing again
st his will, if
633567thou follow him, thou mu
st needs weare my coxcombe, how
634568now nunckle, would I had two coxcombes, and two daughters.
637570Foole. If I gaue them any liuing, ide keepe my coxcombe my
638571selfe, theres mine, beg another of thy daughters.
640572Lear. Take heed
sirra, the whip.
641573Foole. Truth is, a dog that mu
st to kennell, he mu
st bee whipt
642574out, when Lady oth'e brach may
stand by the
fire and
644575Lear. A pe
stilent g[u]ll to me.
645576Foole. Sirra, ile teach thee a
Lear. Do.
647577Foole. Marke it Vnckle; haue more then thou
sse then thou knowe
st, lend le
sse then thou owe
st, ride more
651579thou goe
st, learne more then thou trowe
set le
sse then thou
st, leaue thy drinke and thy whore, and keepe in a doore,
656581and thou
shalt haue more, then two tens to a
658582Lear. This is nothing foole.
659583Foole. Then like the breath of an vnfeed Lawyer, you gaue me
660584nothing for it; can you make no v
se of nothing Vncle?
662585Lear. Why no boy, nothing can be made out of nothing.
664586Foole. Prethee tell him,
so much the rent of his land comes to,
665587he will not beleeue a foole.
667589Foole. Do
st thou know the di
fference my boy, betweene a bit
- 668590ter foole, and a
sweete foole.
669.1592Foole. That Lord that coun
saild thee to giue away thy Land,
669.2593Come place him heere by me, do thou for him
sweete and bitter foole will pre
sently appeare,
669.4595The one in motley here, the other found out there.
669.5596Lear. Do
st thou call me foole boy?
669.6597Foole. Al thy other Titles thou ha
st giuen away, that thou wa
st 669.8599Kent. This is not altogether foole my Lord.
669.9600Foole. No faith, Lords and great men will not let me, if I had
669.10601a monopolie out, they would haue part on't, and lodes too, they
669.11602will not let me haue all foole to my
selfe, thei'l be
snatching; giue
670603me an egge Nunckle, and ile giue thee two crownes.
672604Lear. What two crownes
shall they be?
673605Foole. Why after I haue cut the egge in the middle and eate vp
674606the meate, the two crownes of the egge: when thou cloue
st thy
675607crowne in the middle, and gaue
st away both parts, thou bore
st 676608thy a
sse on thy back ore the dirt, thou had
st little wit in thy bald
677609crowne, when thou gaue
st thy golden one away; if I
speak like
selfe in this, let him be whipt that
st findes it
680611Fooles had nere le
sse wit in a yeare,
681612For wi
se men are growne foppi
682613They know not how their wits do weare,
683614Their manners are
so api
684615Lear. When were you wont to be
so full of
685616Foole. I haue v
sed it Nuncle, euer
since thou mad'
st thy daugh
- 686617ters thy mother, for when thou gaue
st them the rod, and put
st 687618downe thine owne breeches, then they for
sudden ioy did weep,
689619and I for
sung, that
such a King
should play bo-peepe,
690620and goe the fooles among: prethee Nunckle keepe a
- 692621ma
ster that can teach thy foole to lie, I would faine learne to lie.
694622Lear. If you lie, wee'l haue you whipt.
695623Foole. I maruell what kin thou and thy daughters are, they'l
696624haue me whipt for
speaking true, thou wilt haue mee whipt for
697625lying, and
sometime I am whipt for holding my peace, I had ra
- 698626ther be any kinde of thing then a foole, and yet I would not bee
699627thee Nunckle, thou ha
st pared thy wit a both
sides, and left no
- 700628thing in the middle; heere comes one of the parings.
703630Lear. How now daughter, what makes that Frontlet on,
704631Me-thinkes you are too much alate it'h frowne.
705632Foole. Thou wa
st a pretty fellow when thou had
st no neede to
706633care for her frowne, thou, thou art an O without a
figure, I am
707634better then thou art now, I am a foole, thou art nothing, yes for
- 708635sooth I will hold my tongue,
so your face bids me, though you
710637Mum, mum, he that keepes neither cru
st nor crum,
711638Weary of all,
shall want
some, That's a
sheald pe
712639Gon. Not onely
sir this, your all-licenc'd foole, but other of
713640your in
solent retinue do hourely carpe and quarrell, breaking
714641foorth in ranke and (not to be endured riots) Sir, I had thought
716642by making this well knowne vnto you, to haue found a
safe re
- 717643dre
sse, but now grow fearefull by what your
selfe too late haue
718644spoke and done, that you prote
ct this cour
se, and put on by your
720645allowance, which if you
should, the fault would not
scape cen
- 721646sure, nor the redre
sleepe, which in the tender of a whole
722647weal, might in their working do you that o
ffence, that el
se were
724648shame, that then nece
ssity mu
st call di
screete proceedings.
726649Foole. For you trow Nunckle, the hedge-
sparrow fed the Coo
- 727650kow
so long, that it had it head bit o
ff beit young,
so out went
728651the Candle, and we were le
ft darkling.
730652Lear. Are you our Daughter?
731653Gonorill. Come
sir, I would you would make v
se of that good
sedome whereof I know you are fraught, and put away the
sitions, that of late transforme you from what you rightly
735657Foole. May not an A
sse know when the Cart drawes the hor
738659Lear. Doth any here know me? why this is not
Lear; doth
740660Lear walke thus?
speake thus? where are his eies, either his no
- 741661tion, weakne
sse, or his di
scernings are lethergy,
sleeping or wa
- 742662king; ha!
sure tis not
so, who is it that can tell me who I am?
744663Lears shadow? I would learne that, for by the markes of
- 744.1664raignty, knowledge, & rea
son, I
should be fal
se per
swaded I had
744.3666Foole. Which they, will make an obedient Father.
745667Le. Your name faire gentlewoman?
746668Gon. Come
sir, this admiration is much of the fauour of other
747669your new prankes; I do be
seech you vnder
stand my purpo
ses a
- 748670right, as you are old and reuerend, you
should be wi
se, heere doe
750671you keepe one hundred Knights and Squires, men
so di
751672so deboy
st and bold, that this our Court infe
cted with their
shewes like a riotous Inne, epicuri
sme and lu
st make
754674more like a Tauerne or Brothell, then a great Pallace, the
selfe doth
speake for in
stant remedy, bee thou de
sired by her,
757676that el
se will take the thing
she begs, a little to di
squantity your
758677traine, and the remainder that
still depend, to be
such men
760678as may be
sort your age, and know them
selues and you.
762679Lear. Darkne
sse and Diuels!
saddle my hor
ses, call my traine
763680together, degenerate ba
stard, ile not trouble thee; yet haue I left
766682Gon. You
strike my people, and your di
sordered rabble, make
767683seruants of their betters.
769685Lear. We that too late repent's vs; O
sir, are you come? Is it
770686your will that we prepare any hor
ses, ingratitude! thou marble
- 771687hearted
fiend, more hideous when thou
st thee in a childe,
773688then the Sea-mon
ster, dete
sted kite, thou le
ssen my traine and
776689men of choi
se and rare
st parts, that all particulars of duty know,
778690and in the mo
st exa
ct regard,
support the wor
shippes of their
779691name, O mo
st small fault, how vgly did
st thou in
Cordelia shew,
781692that like an engine wrencht my frame of nature from the
782693place, drew from my heart all loue, & added to the gall; ô
783694Lear beate at this gate that let thy folly in, and thy deare iudg
- 785695ment out, goe, goe, my people?
786696Duke. My Lord, I am guiltle
sse as I am ignorant.
788697Lear. It may be
so my Lord, harke
Nature, heare deere God
- 789698de
spend thy purpo
se, if thou did
st intend to make this cre
- 791699ture fruitefull, into her wombe conuey
sterility, dry vp in her the
793700Organs of encrea
se, and from her derogate body neuer
spring a
795701babe to honor her; if
she mu
st teem, create her childe of
796702that it may liue and be a thourt di
suetur'd torment to her, let it
798703stampe wrinckles in her brow of youth, with accent teares, fret
799704channels in her cheek[e]s, turne all her mothers paines and bene
- 800705fits to laughter and contempt, that
shee may feele, how
802706then a
serpents tooth it is, to haue a thankle
sse childe, goe, goe,
804708Duke. Now Gods that we adore, whereof comes this!
806709Gon. Neuer a
ct your
selfe to know the cau
se, but let his di
s- 807710po
sition haue that
scope that dotage giues it.
810711Lear. What,
fifty of my followers at a clap, within a fortnight?
812712Duke. What is the matter
813713Lear. Ile tell thee, life and death! I am
sham'd that thou ha
st 815714power to
shake my man-hood thus, that the
se hot teares that
816715breake from me perforce,
should make the wor
st bla
sts and fogs
818716vpon the vntender woundings of a fathers cur
se, peru
se euery
820717sence about the olde fond eies, be-weepe this cau
se againe, ile
821718plucke you out, and you can ca
st with the waters that you make to
823719temper clay, yea, is it come to this? yet haue I left a daughter,
825720whom I am
sure is kinde and comfortable, when
shall heare
826721this of thee, with her nailes
fley thy wolui
sh vi
sage, thou
finde that ile re
sume the
shape, which thou doe
st thinke I
829723haue ca
st o
ff for euer, thou
shalt I warrant thee.
Exit. 830724Gon. Do you marke that my Lord?
831725Duke. I cannot be
so partiall
Gonorill to the great loue I beare
833727Gon. Come
sir, no more ; you, more knaue then foole, after your
835729Foole. Nuncle
Lear, Nuncle
Lear, tarry and take the foole with
837730a fox when one has caught her, and
such a daughter,
839731to the
slaughter, if my cap would buy a halter,
so the foole fol
- 858735Gon. What, haue you writ this letter to my
860737Gon. Take you
some company, and away to hor
se, informe her
861738full of my particular feares, and thereto adde
such rea
sons of your
862739owne, as may compa
ct it more, get you gone, and after your re
- 864740turne -------- now my Lord, this mildie gentlene
sse and cour
se of
865741yours though I di
slike not, yet vnder pardon y'are much more a
- 867742lapt want of wi
sedome, then prai
se for harmfull mildne
869743Duke. How farre your eies may pierce I cannot tell,
870744Striuing to better ought, we marre what's well.
872746Duke. Well, well, the euent.
Exit. 874747Enter Lear, Kent, and Foole. 875748Lear. Go you before to
Glocester with the
se Letters, acquaint
876749my daughter no further with any thing you know, then comes
877750from her demand out of the Letter, if your diligence be not
- 878751die, I
shall be there before you.
880752Kent. I will not
sleepe my Lord, till I haue deliuered your let
- 882754Foole. If a mans braines were in his heeles, wert not in danger
885756Foole. Then I prethee be merry, thy wit
shall nere go
888758Foole. Shalt
see thy other daughter will v
se thee kindly, for
she is as like this, as a crabbe is like an apple, yet I con,
891761Lear. Why what can
st thou tell my boy?
892762Foole. Shee'l ta
ste as like this, as a crab doth to a crab; thou
st not tell why ones no
stands in the middle of his face?
896765Foole. Why to keep his eyes on either
side his no
se, that what
897766a man cannot
smell out, he may
spy into.
899768Foole. Can
st tell how an Oy
ster makes his
901770Foole. Nor I neyther; but I can tell why a
snayle has a hou
904772Foole. Why to put his head in, not to giue it away vnto his
905773daughter, and leaue his hornes without a ca
906774Lear. I will forget my nature,
so kinde a father; bee my hor
908776Foole. Thy A
sses are gone about them; the rea
son why the
- 909777uen
starres are no more then
seuen, is a pretty rea
910778Lear. Becau
se they are not eight.
911779Foole. Yes, thou would
st make a good foole.
912780Lear. To tak't againe perforce; mon
ster, ingratitude!
913781Foole. If thou wert my foole Nunckle, Ide haue thee beaten
914782for being olde before thy time.
916784Foole. Thou
st not haue beene olde, before thou had
st 918786Lear. O let me not be mad
sweete heauen! I would not bee
919787mad, keepe me in temper, I would not bee mad; are the Hor
923791Foole. She that is a maid now, and laughs at my departure,
924792Shall not be maid long, except things be cut
927794Enter Bastard, and Curan meetes him. 929796Curan. And you
sir, I haue beene with your father, and giuen
930797him notice, that the Duke of
Cornwall and his Dutche
sse will be
934800Curan. Nay I know not, you haue heard of the newes abroad,
935801I meane the whi
sperd ones, for there are yet but eare-bu
ssing ar
- 937803Bast. Not, I pray you what are they?
941804Curan. You may then in time, fare you well
943806Bast. The Duke be here to night! the better be
st, this weaues
selfe perforce into my bu
sse, my father hath
set guard to
945808take my brother, & I haue one thing of a que
sie que
stion, which
st aske breefene
sse and fortune helpe; brother a word, di
s- 949811cend brorher I
say, my father watches, O
flie this place, inte[l]li
- 951812gence is giuen where you are hid, you haue now the good ad
- 952813uantage of the night, haue you not
spoken again
st the Duke of
953814Cornwall ought, hee's coming hether now in the night , it'h ha
Regan with him, haue you nothing
saide vpon his party a
- 956816gain
st the Duke of
Albaney, aduise your --------
958817Edg. I am
sure on't not a word.
959818Bastard. I heare my father comming, pardon me in crauing, I
st draw my
sword vpon you,
seeme to defend your
selfe, now
962820quit you well, yeeld, come before my father, light heere heere,
964821flie brother
flie, torches, torches,
so farwell;
some bloud drawne
966822on me would beget opinion of my more
fierce endeuor, I haue
967823seene drunkards do more then this in
sport; father, father,
971826Glost. Now
Edmund, where's the villaine?
972827Bast. Heere
stood he in the darke, his
sword out, warb
- 973828ling of wicked charmes, coniuring the Moone to
stand his au
- 976831Bast. Looke
sir, I bleed.
977832Glost. Where is the villaine,
Edmund? 978833Bast. Fled this way
sir, when by no meanes he could -------
979834Glost. Pur
sue him, go after, by no meanes, what?
980835Bast. Per
swade me to the murder of your Lord
ship, but that
981836I tolde him the reuengiue Gods, gain
st Paracides did all their
982837thunders bend,
spoke with how many fould and
strong a bond
984838the child was bound to the father;
sir, in a
seeing how loth
- 985839ly oppo
site I
stood to his vnnaturall purpo
se, with fell motion
987840with his prepared
sword, he charges home my vnprouided bo
- 988841dy, launcht mine arme; but when he
saw my be
st alarumd
990842bold in the quarrels right, rouzd to the encounter, or whether
sted by the noi
se I made, but
sodainly he
993844Glost. Let him
flie farre, not in this Land
shall he remaine vn
- 994845caught and found; di
spatch, the Noble Duke my ma
ster, my
996846worthy Arch and Patron comes to night, by his authority I will
997847proclaime it, that he which
findes him
shall de
serue our thankes,
999848bringing the murderous cayti
ffe to the
stake, he that conceales
1001850Bast. When I di
sswaded him from his intent, and found him
1002851pight to do it, with cur
st speech I threatned to di
scouer him; he
1003852replied, Thou vnpo
ssing ba
stard, do
st thou thinke, if I would
1005853stand again
st thee, could the repo
sure of any tru
st, vertue, or
1006854worth in thee make thy words faith'd? no
: what I
should deny,
1008855as this I would, I, thogh thou did
st produce my very chara
1009856ide turne it all to thy
stion, plot, and damned pretence, and
1011857thou mu
st make a dullard of the world, if they not thought the
fits of my death were very pregnant and potentiall
spurres to
1015860Glost. Strong and fa
stened villaine, would he deny his letter?
1017861I neuer got him: harke, the Dukes trumpets, I know not why he
862comes; all Ports ile barre, the villaine
shall not
scape, the Duke
st grant me that: be
sides, his pi
cture I wil
send far and neere,
1020864that all the kingdome may haue note of him, and of my land,
1022865(loyall and naturall boy) ile worke the meanes to make thee ca
- 1025868Corn. How now my noble friend,
since I came hether, which
1026869I can call but now, I haue heard
strange newes.
1027870Reg. If it be true, all vengeance comes too
short which can
sue the o
ffender; how do
st my Lord?
1029872Glost. Madam, my old heart is crakt, is crakt.
1030873Reg. What, did my fathers god
seeke your life? he whom
1032875Glost. I Lady, Lady,
shame would haue it hid.
1033876Reg. Was he not companion with the ryotous Knights that
1035878Glost. I know not Madam, tis too bad, too bad.
1037880Reg. No maruaile then though he were ill a
1038881Tis they haue put him on the old mans death,
1039882To haue the
se ------- and wa
ste of this his reuenues:
1040883I haue this pre
sent euening from my
1041884Beene well inform'd of them, and with
such cautions,
1042885That if they come to
soiourne at my hou
se, ile not be there.
1044886Duke. Nor I, a
ssure thee
Edmund, I heard that you haue
1045887shewne your father a child-like o
1048889Glost. He did betray his pra
se, and receiued
1049890This hurt you
striuing to apprehend him.
1052893Duke. If he be taken, he
shall neuer more be feard of doing
1053894harme, make your owne purpo
se how in my
strength you plea
1054895for you
Edmund, who
se vertue and obedience doth this in
1056896so much commend it
selfe, you
shall be ours, natures of
such deep
st, we
shall much need, you we
st seize on.
1059898Bast. I
serue you truely, how euer el
1060899Glost. For him I thanke your Grace.
1061900Duke. You know not why we came to vi
site you?
1062901Regan. Thus out of
son, threatning darke eide night,
sions noble
Glocester of
some prize,
1064903Wherein we mu
st haue v
se of your aduice,
1065904Our father he hath writ,
so hath our
1066905Of defences, which I be
st thought it
1067906To an
swer from our hand, the
seuerall me
1068907From hence attend di
spatch, our good old friend,
1069908Lay comforts to your bo
some, & be
stow your needfull coun
1070909To our bu
sse, which craues the in
stant v
1072911Glo. I
serue you Madam, your Graces are right welcome.
1076913Steward. Good euen to thee friend, art of the hou
1078915Steward. Where may we
set our hor
1080917Stew. Prethee if thou loue me, tell me.
1082919Stew. Why then I care not for thee.
1083920Kent. If I had thee in
Lipsbury pinfold, I would make thee care
1085922Stew. Why do
st thou v
se me thus? I know thee not.
1087924Stew. What do
st thou know me for?
1088925Kent. A knaue, a ra
scall, an eater of broken meates, a ba
shallow, beggerly, three
shewted hundred pound,
stocken knaue, a lilly liuer'd a
ction taking knaue, a
son gla
finicall rogue, one trunke inheri
- 1092929ting
slaue, one that would'
st be baud in way of good
seruice, &
1093930art nothing but the compo
sition of a knaue, begger, coward,
1095931pander, and the
sonne and heire of a mungrell bitch, whom I will
1096932beate into clamorous whining, if thou deny the lea
st sillable of
1098934Stew. What a mon
strous fellow art thon, thus to raile on one
1099935that's neither knowne of thee, nor knowes thee.
1101936Kent. What a brazen fac'
st varlet art thou, to deny thou know
- 1102937e
st me, is it two daies agoe
since I beate thee, and tript vp thy
1103938heeles before the King? draw you rogue, for though it be night
1105939the Moon
shines, ile make a
sop of the Moone-
shine a'you, draw
940you whore
son cullyonly barber-munger, draw.
1107941Stew. Away, I haue nothing to do with thee.
1108942Kent. Draw you ra
scall, you bring Letters again
st the King, &
1109943take Vanity the puppets part, again
st the royalty of her father,
1110944draw you rogue, or ile
so carbonado your
shankes, draw you ra
s- 1112946Stew. Helpe, ho, murther, helpe.
1113947Kent. Strike you
stand rogue,
stand you neate
1116949Stew. Helpe, ho, murther, helpe.
1117950Enter Edmund with his Rapier drawne, Glocester, the 1118952Bast. How now, what's the matter?
1119953Ken. With you goodman boy, and you plea
se come, ile
sh 1121955Glost. Weapons, armes, what's the matter here?
1122956Duke. Keepe peace vpon your liues, he dies that
strikes againe,
1124958Reg. The me
ssengers from our
sister, and the King.
1125959Duke. What's your di
1126960Stew. I am
se in breath my Lord.
1127961Kent. No maruaile you haue
so be
stir'd your valour, you co
- 1128962wardly ra
scall, nature di
sclaimes in thee, a Taylor made thee.
1130963Duke. Thou art a
strange fellow, a Taylour make a man.
1131964Kent. I, a taylour
sir, a Stone-cutter, or a Painter could not
1133965haue made him
so ill, though he had bene but two houres at the
1134967Glost. Speake yet, how grew your quarrell?
1135968Stew. This ancient ru
sir, who
se life I haue
spar'd at
1137970Kent. Thou whore
son Zed, thou vnnece
ssary letter, my Lord
1138971if you will giue me leaue, I will tread this vnboulted villaine in
- 1139972to morter, and daube the wals of a Iaques with him;
spare my
1141974Duke. Peace
sir, you bea
stly knaue you haue no reuerence.
1143975Kent. Yes
sir, but anger has a priuiledge.
1145977Kent. That
such a
slaue as this
should weare a
1146978That weares no hone
smiling rogues as the
1147979Like Rats oft bite tho
se cordes in twaine,
1148980Which are to intrench, to inloo
smooth euery pa
1149981That in the natures of their Lords rebell,
1150982Bring oile to
snow to their colder moods,
1151983Reneag, a
ffirme, and turne their halcion beakes
1152984With euery gale and vary of their ma
1153985Knowing nought like daies but following,
1154986A plague vpon your Epilipticke vi
1155987Smoile you my
speeches, as I were a foole?
se, if I had you vpon Sarum Plaine,
send you cackling home to Camulet.
1158990Duke. What art thou mad olde fellow?
1159991Glost. How fell you out,
say that?
1160992Kent. No contraries hold more antipathy,
1162994Duke. Why do
st thou call him knaue, what's his o
1164995Kent. His countenance likes me not.
1165996Duke. No more perchance doth mine, or his, or hers.
1166997Kent. Sir, tis my occupation to be plaine,
1167998I haue
seene better faces in my time,
stands on any
shoulder that I
11701001Duke. This is a fellow, who hauing beene prai
11711002For bluntne
sse, doth a
ct a
saucie ru
11721003And con
straines the garb quite from his nature,
11731004He cannot
flatter he, he mu
st be plaine,
11741005He mu
st speake truth, and they will take it
11751006If not hee's plaine, the
se kinde of knaues I know,
11761007Which in this plainne
sse harbour more craft,
11771008And more corrupter ends, then twenty
silly ducking,
seruants, that
stretch their duties nicely.
11801010Kent. Sir in good
sooth, or in
sincere verity,
11811011Vnder the allowance of your grand a
se in
fluence like the wreath of radient
11851015Kent. To go out of my dialogue which you di
11861016much; I know
sir, I am no
flatterer, he that beguild you in a plain
11871017accent, was a plaine knaue, which for my part I wil not be, thogh
should win your di
sure to entreate me to it.
11901019Duke. What's the o
ffence you gaue him?
11911020Stew. I neuer gaue him any, it plea
sd the King his ma
11921021Very late to
strike at me vpon his mis
11941022When he coniun
ct and
flattering his di
11951023Tript me behinde, being downe, in
sulted, raild,
11961024And put vpon his
such a deale of man, that
11971025That worthied him, got prai
ses of the King,
11981026For him attempting who was
11991027And in the
flechuent of this dread exploit,
12011029Kent. None of the
se roges & cowards but
A'Iax is their foole.
12031030Duke. Bring foorth the
stockes ho?
stubborne mi
screant knaue, you vnreuerent bragart,
12061033Kent. I am too olde to learne, call not your
stockes for me,
serue the King, on who
se imploiments I was
sent to you,
should do
small re
shew too bold malice
st the grace and per
son of my ma
12121038Duke. Fetch foorth the
stockes; as I haue life and honour,
12141040Reg. Till noone, till night my Lord, and all night too.
12151041Kent. Why Madam, if I were your fathers dog you could not
12171043Reg. Sir, being his knaue, I will.
12181044Duke. This is a fellow of the
same nature,
speakes o
ff, come, bring away the
12201046Glost. Let me be
seech your Grace not to do
12211047His fault is much, and the good King his Ma
1221.11048Will checke him for't; your purpo
sd low corre
such, as ba
st and temne
st wretches for pilfrings
1221.31050And mo
st common tre
sses are puni
sht with,
12221051The King mu
st take it ill, that hee's
slightly valued
12231052In his Me
should haue him thus re
12251054Reg. My
sister may receiue it much more wor
12261055To haue her gentleman abu
sed, a
1226.11056For following her a
ffaires, put in his legs,
12281058Glost. I am
sorry for thee friend, tis the Dukes plea
se di
sition all the world well knowes
12301060Will not be rubd nor
stopt, Ile intreate for thee.
12311061Kent. Pray you do not
sir I haue watcht and trauaild hard,
12321062Some time I
sleepe out, the re
st Ile whi
12331063A good mans fortune may grow out at heeles,
12351065Glost. The Duke's too blame in this, twill be ill tooke.
12371067Kent. Good King, that mu
st approue the common
12381068Thou out of heauens benedi
ction come
st 12401070Approach thou beacon to this vnder-globe,
12411071That by thy comfortable beames I may
se this letter, nothing almo
st sees my wracke
12431073But mi
sery, I know tis from
12441074Who hath mo
st fortunately bene informed
12451075Of my ob
scured cour
se, and
finde time
12461076From this enormious
seeking to giue
sses their remedies, all weary and ouer-watcht,
12481078Take vantage heauy eies not to behold
shamefull lodging; Fortune goodnight,
12501080Smile, once more turne thy wheele.
He sleepes. 12521082Edgar, I heare my
selfe proclaim'd,
12531083And by the happy hollow of a Tree,
scapt the hunt, no Port is free, no place
12551085That guard, and mo
st vnu
sall vigilence
st not attend my taking while I may
12571087I will pre
serue my
selfe, and am bethought
12581088To take the ba
st and mo
st poore
st shape,
12591089That euer penury in contempt of man,
12601090Brought neere to bea
st; my face ile grime with
12611091Blanket my loines, el
se all my haire with knots,
12621092And with pre
sented nakednes out-face
12631093The winde, and per
secution of the skie,
12641094The Country giues me proofe and pre
Bedlam beggers, who with roring voices,
12661096Strike in their numb'd and morti
fied bare Armes,
12671097Pins, wooden prickes, nailes,
sprigs of ro
12681098And with this horrible obie
ct from low
12691099Poore pelting villages,
sheep-coates, and milles,
12701100Sometime with lunaticke bans,
sometime with praiers
12711101Enforce their charity, poore
Turlygod, poore
something yet,
Edgar I nothing am.
Exit. 12741104Lear. Tis
strange that they
so depart from hence,
12751105And not
send backe my me
12761106Knight. As I learn'd, the night before there was
12791108Kent. Haile to thee noble Ma
12801109Lear. How, mak'
st thou this
shame thy pa
12811110Foole. Ha, ha, looke, he weares crewell garters,
ses are tide by the heeles, dogs and beares
12831112By the necke, munkies by the loines, and men
12841113By the legs, when a man's ouer-lu
sty at legs,
12851114[T]hen he weares wooden neather-
12861115Lear. What's he, that hath
so much thy place mi
stooke to
12891117Kent. It is both he and
she, your
sonne and daughter.
12951124Lear. By
Iupiter I
sweare no, they dur
st not do it,
12981125They would not, could not do it, tis wor
se then murder,
12991126To do vpon re
ct such violent out-rage,
solue me with all mode
st ha
ste, which way
13011128Thou mai
st de
serue, or they purpo
se this v
13031130Kent. My Lord, when at their home
13041131I did commend your Highne
sse Letters to them,
13051132Ere I was ri
sen from the place that
13061133My duty kneeling, came there a reeking Po
13071134Stewd in his ha
ste, halfe breathle
sse, panting forth
Gonorill his Mi
13091136Deliuered letters
spite of intermi
13101137Which pre
sently they read; on who
se contents
summoned vp their men,
straight tooke hor
13121139Commanded me to follow, and attend the lei
13131140Of their an
swer, gaue me cold lookes,
13141141And meeting heere the other Me
se welcome I perceiu'd had poi
soned mine,
13161143Being the very fellow that of late
sawcily again
st your Highne
13181145Hauing more man then wit about me, drew;
13191146He rai
sed the hou
se with loud and coward cries,
sonne and daughter found this tre
sse worth
shame which here it
13281149Lear. O how this mother
swels vp toward my heart,
13291150Historica passio downe thou climing
13301151Thy element's below, where is this daughter?
13311152Kent. With the Earle
sir within.
13321153Lear. Follow me not,
stay there.
13331154Knight. Made you no more o
ffence then what you
speake of?
13351155Kent. No, how chance the King comes with
small a traine?
13371156Foole. If thou had
st beene
set in the
stockes for that que
13401159Foole. Wee'l
set thee to
schoole to an Ant, to teach thee ther's
13411160no labouring in the winter, all that follow their no
ses, are led by
13421161their eyes, but blinde men, and there's not a no
se among a hun
- 13431162dred, but can
smell him that's
stincking; let goe thy hold when
13441163a great wheele runs downe a hill, lea
st it breake thy necke with
13451164following it, but the great one that goes vp the hil, let him draw
13461165thee after, when a wi
se man giues thee better coun
sell, giue mee
13471166mine againe, I would haue none but knaues follow it,
since a
13501168 That Sir that serues for gaine,
13521170Will packe when it begins to raine,
13541172But I will tarry, the foole will stay,
13561174The knaue turnes foole that runnes away,
13581176Kent. Where learnt you this foole?
13611179Lear. Deny to
speake with me? th'are
sicke, th'are weary,
13631180They traueld hard to night, meare Iu
13641181I the images of reuolt and
flying o
13661183Glost. My deare Lord, you know the
fiery quality of the Duke,
13681184how vnremoueable and
fixt he is in his owne cour
13701185Lear. Veangeance, death, plague, confu
sion, what
fiery quali
- 13711186ty; why
Glocester, ide
speake with the Duke of
Corne- 13761189Lear. The King would
speake with
Cornwall, the deare father
13781190Would with his daughter
speake, commands her
13801191Fiery Duke, tell the hot Duke that
13811192No but not yet, may be he is not well,
firmity doth
still negle
ct all o
ffice, where to our health
13831194Is bound, we are not our
selues, when nature being oppre
13841195Commands the minde to
ffer with the body; ile forbeare,
13861196And am fallen out with my more headier will,
13871197To take the indi
sed and
fit, for the
sound man.
13881198Death on my
state, wherefore
should he
sit here?
13891199This a
cte per
swades me, that this remotion of the Duke & her
13911200Is pra
ctice, onely giue me my
seruant foorth;
13921201Tell the Duke and's wife, Ile
speake with them
13931202Now pre
sently, bid them come forth and heare me,
13941203Or at their chamber doore Ile beate the drum,
13961205Glost. I would haue all well betwixt you.
13981207Foole. Cry to it Nunckle, as the Cockney did to the Eeles,
she put them vp i'th pa
ste aliue,
she rapt vm ath coxcombs
14001209with a
sticke, and cryed downe wantons, downe; twas her bro
- 14011210ther, that in pure kindne
sse to his hor
se, butterd his hay.
14061214Reg. I am glad to
see your Highne
14071215Lear. Regan, I thinke you are, I know what rea
14081216I haue to thinke
so; if thou
st not be glad,
14091217I would diuorce me from thy mothers toombe,
14101218Sepulchring an adultere
sse, yea, are you free?
14111219Some other time for that. Beloued
sister is naught, ô
Regan she hath tied
14131221Sharpe tooth'd vnkindne
sse, like a vulture heere.
14141222I can
speake to thee, thou't not beleeue,
14151223Of how depriued a quality, O
14161224Reg. I pray
sir take patience, I haue hope
14171225You le
sse know how to value her de
14271229Nature on you
stands on the very verge of her Con
should be ruled and led by
some di
14291231That di
scernes your
state better then you your
14301232Therefore I pray, that to our
sister you do make returne,
14341235Do you marke how this becomes the hou
14351236Deare daughter, I confe
sse that I am old,
14361237Age is vnnece
ssary, on my knees I beg,
14371238That you'l vouch
safe me rayment, bed and food.
14381239Reg. Good
sir no more, the
se are vn
sightly tricks,
14411242She hath abated me of halfe my traine,
14421243Lookt backe vpon me,
stroke me with her tongue,
st serpent-like vpon the very heart,
14441245All the
stor'd vengeances of heauen fall on her ingratefull top,
14451246Strike her young bones, you taking aires with lamne
14481248Lear. You nimble lightnings dart your blinding
14491249Into her
scornfull eies, infe
ct her beauty,
14501250You Fen
suckt fogs, drawne by the powerfull Sunne,
14521252Reg. O the ble
st Gods,
so will you wi
sh on me,
14541254Lear. No
Regan, thou
shalt neuer haue my cur
14551255The tender he
sted nature
shall not giue thee ore
14561256To har
shnes, her eies are
fierce, but thine do comfort & not burn
14571257Tis not in thee to grudge my plea
sures, to cut o
ff my traine,
14591258To bandy ha
sty words, to
scant my
14601259And in conclu
sion, to oppo
se the bolt
st my comming in, thou better knowe
st 14621261The o
ffices of nature, bond of child-hood,
cts of curte
sie, dues of gratitude,
14641263Thy halfe of the kingdome, ha
st thou not forgot
14671266Lear. Who put my man i'th
? 14701269Reg. I know't my
sisters, this approues her letters,
she would
soone be here, is your Lady come?
14721271Lear. This is a
slaue, who
se ea
sie borrowed pride
14731272Dwels in the
fickle grace of her he followes,
14771276Gon. Who
strucke my
Regan, I haue good hope
14791278Lear. Who comes here
? O heauens!
14801279If you do loue olde men, if you
sway alow
14811280Obedience, if your
selues are old, make it your cau
14831282Art not a
sham'd to looke vpon this beard?
Regan, wilt thou take her by the hand?
14851284Gon. Why not by the hand
sir, how haue I o
14861285All's not o
ffence that indi
14881287Lear. O
sides, you are too tough,
14891288Will you yet hold? how came my man i'th
14911289Duke. I
set him there, but his owne di
seru'd much le
sse aduancement.
14941292Reg. I pray you father being weake,
14951293If till the expiration of your moneth,
14961294You will returne and
soiourne with my
ssing halfe your traine, come then to me,
14981296I am now from home, and out of that proui
shall be needfull for your entertainment.
15001298Lear. Returne to her, and
fifty men di
15011299No, rather I abiure all roofes, and chu
15021300To wage again
st the enmity of the ayre,
15031301To be a Comrade with the Wolfe and Owle,
sharpe pinch, returne with her:
15051303Why the hot blood in
France, that dowerles
15061304Tooke our yonge
st borne, I could as well be brought
15071305To knee his Throne, and Squire-like pen
sion beg,
15081306To keepe ba
se life afoote; returne with her?
swade me rather to be
slaue and
15121310Lear. Now I prethee daughter do not make me mad,
15131311I will not trouble thee my childe, farwell,
15141312Wee'l no more meete, no more
see one another.
15151313But yet thou art my
sh, my bloud, my daughter,
15161314Or rather a di
se that lies within my
15171315Which I mu
st needs call mine, thou art a byle
15181316A plague
sore, an imbo
ssed carbuncle in my
15191317Corrupted bloud, but Ile not chide thee,
shame come when it will, I do not call it,
15211319I do not bid the thunder-bearer
15221320Nor tell tales of thee to high iudging
15231321Mend when thou can
st, be better at thy lei
15241322I can be patient, I can
stay with
15261324Reg. Not altogether
sir, I looke not for you yet,
15271325Nor am prouided for your
fit welcome,
15281326Giue eare to my
sister, for tho
15291327That mingle r[ea]
son with your pa
st be content to thinke you are old, and
15331331Reg. I dare auouch it
sir, what
fifty followers,
15341332Is it not well? what
should you need of more,
15351333Yea or
so many,
sith that both charge and danger
15361334Speakes gain
st so great a number, how in a hou
15371335Should many people vnder two commands
15381336Hold amity, tis hard, almo
st impo
15391337Gon. Why might not you my Lord receiue attendance
15401338From tho
se that
she cals
seruants, or from mine
? 15411339Reg. Why not my Lord
? if then they chanc
st to
slacke you,
15431340We could controle them; if you will come to me,
15441341(For now I
spie a danger) I entreate you
15451342To bring but
fiue and twenty to no more
15481345Reg. And in good time you gaue it.
15491346Lear. Made you my guardians, my depo
15501347But kept a re
seruation to be followed
such a number, what, mu
st I come to you
fiue and twenty,
said you
15531350Reg. And
speak't againe my Lord, no more with me.
15541351Lear. Tho
se wicked creatures yet do
seeme well-fauour'd
15551352When others are more wicked, not being the wor
15561353Stands in
some ranke of prai
se, Ile go with thee,
fifty yet doth double
fiue and twenty,
15601357What need you
fiue and twenty, ten, or
15611358To follow in a hou
se, where twice
so many
15641361Lear. O rea
son not the deed, our ba
st beggers
15651362Are in the poore
st thing
15661363Allow not nature more then nature needs,
15671364Mans life's as cheap as bea
sts; thou art a Lady,
15681365If onely to go warme were gorgious,
15691366Why nature needs not what thou gorgious weare
sely keepes thee warme, but for true need,
15711368You heauens giue me that patience, patience I need,
see me heere (you Gods) a poore olde fellow,
15731370As full of greefe as age, wretched in both,
15741371If it be you that
stirres the
se daughters hearts
st their Father, foole me not too much,
15761373To beare it lamely, touch me with noble anger,
15771374O let not womens weapons, water drops
15781375Staine my mans cheekes, no you vnnaturall hags,
15791376I will haue
such reuenges on you both,
15801377That all the world
shall -------- I will do
such things,
15811378What they are, yet I know not, but they
shall be
15821379The terrors of the earth; you thinke ile weepe,
15831380No, ile not weepe, I haue full cau
se of weeping,
15851381But this heart
shall breake in a thou
15861382Ere ile weepe; ô foole, I
shall go mad.
1383Exuent Lear, Glocester, Kent, and Foole 15871384Duke. Let vs withdraw, twill be a
15881385Reg. This hou
se is little, the old man and his people,
15901387Gon. Tis his owne blame hath put him
selfe from re
15921389Reg. For his particular, ile receiue him gladly,
15941391Duke. So am I purpo
sd, where is my Lord of
Glocester 15971393Reg. Followed the old man forth, he is return'd.
15981394Glo. The King is in high rage, and will I know not whether.
16011395Reg. Tis good to giue him way, he leads him
16021396Gon. My Lord, entreate him by no meanes to
16031397Glo. Alacke, the night comes on, and the bleake windes
sorely ru
ffell, for many miles about there's not a bu
16071400The iniuries that they them
selues procure,
st be their
shut vp your doores,
16091402He is attended with a de
sperate traine,
16101403And what they may incen
se him too, being apt,
16111404To haue his eare abu
sed, wi
sedome bids feare.
16121405Duke. Shut vp your doores my Lord, tis a wilde night,
Regan coun
sels well, come out ath
16151408Enter Kent and a Gentleman at seuerall doores. 16161409Kent. What's heere be
side foule weather?
16171410Gent. One minded like the weather, mo
st vnquietly.
16181411Kent. I know you, where's the King?
16191412Gent. Contending with the fretfull Element,
16201413Bids the winde blow the earth into the
swell the curled waters boue the maine,
16221415That things might change or cea
se, teares his white haire,
1622.11416Which the impetuous bla
sts with eiele
sse rage
1622.21417Catch in their fury, and make nothing of,
1622.31418Striues in his little world of man to out-
1622.41419The too and fro con
cting winde and raine,
1622.51420This night wherein the cub-drawne Beare would couch,
1622.71422Keepe their furre dry, vnbonneted he runnes,
16241425Gent. None but the foole, who labours to out-ie
st 16271428And dare vpon the warrant of my Arte,
16281429Commend a deare thing to you, there is diui
16291430Although as yet the face of it be couer'd
16301431With mutuall cunning, twixt
Albany and
1638.11432But true it is, from
France there comes a power
1638.21433Into this
scatterd kingdom, who already wi
se in our negligence
secret fee in
some of our be
st Ports,
1638.41435And are at point to
shew their open banner,
1638.51436Now to you, if on my credite you dare build
so farre,
1638.61437To make your
speed to
Douer, you
1638.71438Some that will thanke you, making iu
st report
16391444Gent. I will talke farther with you.
16411446For con
firmation that I much more
16421447Then my outwall, open this pur
se and take
16431448What it containes, if you
16441449As doubt not but you
shew her this ring,
she will tell you who your fellow is,
16461451That yet you do not know,
fie on this
16481453Gent. Giue me your hand, haue you no more to
16501454Kent. Few words, but to e
ct more then all yet,
16511455That when we haue found the King,
16521456Ile this way, you that, he that
st lights
1457On him, hollow the other.
16561460Lear. Blow winde and cracke your cheekes, rage, blow
16571461You carterickes, and Hircanios
spout till you haue drencht
steeples, drownd the cockes, you
sulpherous and
16591463Thought executing
fires, vaunt-currers to
16601464Oke-cleauing thunder-bolts,
sing my white head,
16611465And thou all
shaking thunder,
16621466The thicke rotundity of the world, cracke natures
16631467Mold, all Germains
spill at once that make
16651469Foole. O Nunckle, Court holy water in a dry hou
16661470Is better then this raine water out a doore,
16671471Good Nunckle in, and aske thy daughters ble
16681472Here's a night pitties neyther wi
se man nor foole.
16691473Lear. Rumble thy belly full,
spout raine,
16701474Nor raine, winde, thunder,
fire, are my daughters,
16711475I taske not you, you Elements with vnkindne
16721476I neuer gaue you kingdome, cald you children,
16731477You owe me no
scription; why then let fall your horrible
sure, here I
stand your
slaue, a poore, in
firme, weake, and
sed old man, but yet I call you
sters, that haue with two pernitious daughters ioyn'd
16781481Your high engendered battell gain
st a head
so old and white
16801483Foole. He that has a hou
se to put his head in, has a good head
- 16811484peece, the codpeece that will hou
se before the head, has any the
16831485head and he
shall low
so beggers marry many, the man that
16841486makes his toe, what he his heart
should make,
shall haue a corne
16851487cry woe, and turne his
sleepe to wake, for there was neuer yet
16861488faire woman, but
she made mouthes in a gla
16891489Lear. No, I will be the patterne of all patience,
16921493Foole. Marry heere's grace and a codpis, that's a wi
seman and
16941495Kent. Ala
sit you heere?
1496Things that loue night, loue not
such nights as the
16951497The wrathfull Skies gallow the very wanderer of the
16961498Darke, and makes them keepe their caues,
16971499Since I was man,
sheetes of
16981500Such bur
sts of horrid thunder,
such grones of
16991501Roring winde and raine, I nere remember
17001502To haue heard, mans nature cannot carry
17021504Lear. Let the great Gods that keepe this dreadfull
17031505Thundring ore our heads,
finde out their enemies now,
17041506Tremble thou wretch that ha
st within thee
17051507Vndivulged crimes, vnwhipt of Iu
17061508Hide thee thou bloudy hand, thou periur'd, and
simular man of vertue that art ince
ffe in peeces
shake, that vnder couert
17091511And conuenient
seeming, ha
st pra
sed on mans life,
se pent vp guilts, riue your concealed centers,
17111513And cry the
se dreadfull
summoners grace,
17121514I am a man more
sind again
st their
17141515Kent. Alacke bare headed, gracious my Lord, hard by here is
17151516a houell,
some friend
ship will it lend gain
st the tempe
st, re
- 17171517po
se you there, whil
st I to this hard hou
se, more hard then is the
17181518stone whereof tis rais'd, which euen but now demanding after
17191519me, denide me to come in, returne and force their
scanted curte
- 17231522Come on my boy, how do
st my boy, art cold?
17241523I am cold my
selfe, where is this
straw my fellow,
17251524The art of our nece
ssities is
strange, that can
17261525Make vilde things precious, come you houell poore,
17271526Foole and knaue, I haue one part of my heart
17291528Foole. He that has a little tine wit, with hey ho the winde and
17301529the raine, mu
st make content with his fortunes
fit, for the raine,
17331531Lear. True my good boy, come bring vs to this houell.
17521532Enter Glocester, and the Bastard with lights. 17531533Glost. Alacke, alacke,
Edmund I like not this
1534Vnnaturall dealing, when I de
sired their leaue
17541535That I might pitty him, they tooke from me
17551536The v
se of mine owne hou
se, chargd me on paine
17561537Of their di
sure, neither to
speake of him,
17571538Entreate for him, nor any way
staine him.
17581539Bast. Mo
st sauage and vnnaturall.
17591540Glost. Go too,
say you nothing, there's a diui
sion betwixt the (Dukes,
17601541And a wor
se matter then that, I haue receiued
17611542A letter this night, tis dangerous to be
17621543I haue lockt the letter in my Clo
set, the
se iniuries
1544The King now beares, will be reuenged home;
17631545There's part of a power already landed,
17641546We mu
st incline to the King, I will
seeke him,
17651547And priuily releeue him; go you and maintaine talke
17661548With the Duke, that my charity be not of him
17671549Perceiued; if he aske for me, I am ill, and gone
17681550To bed, though I die for it, as no le
sse is threatned me,
1551The King my old Ma
ster mu
st be releeued, there is
strange thing toward,
Edmund, pray you be carefull.
17711554Bast. This courte
sie forbid thee,
shall the Duke in
stantly know,
17721555And of that letter to, this
seemes a faire de
17731556And mu
st draw to me that which my father lo
ses, no le
17741557Then all, then yonger ri
ses when the old do fall.
17781560Kent. Here is the place my Lord, good my Lord enter, the tir
- 17791561rany of the open night's too ru
ffe for nature to endure.
17841565Kent. I had rather breake mine owne, good my Lord enter.
17861566Lear. Thou think
st tis much, that this crulentious
17871567Inuades vs to the skin,
so tis to thee,
17881568But where the greater malady is
17891569The le
sser is
se felt, thou would
st shun a Beare,
17901570But if thy
flight lay toward the raging
st meete the beare it'h mouth, when the mind's free,
17921572The bodies delicate, the tempe
st in my minde;
17931573Doth from my
sences take all feeling el
17941574Saue what beares their
filiall ingratitude,
17951575Is it not as this mouth
should teare this hand
17961576For li
fting food to it? but I will puni
sh sure;
17971577No I will weepe no more; in
such a night as this!
Regan, Gonorill, your old kinde father
se franke heart gaue you all, O that way madne
sse lies,
18011580Let me
shunne that, no more of that.
18041582Lear. Prethee go in thy
seeke thy owne ea
18051583This tempe
st will not giue me leaue to ponder
18061584On things would hurt me more, but Ile go in,
18091585Poore naked wretches, where
so ere you are
18101586That bide the pelting of this pittile
sse night,
shall your hou
sse heads, and vnfed
18121588Your loopt and windowed raggedne
sse defend you
such as the
se, O I haue tane
18141590Too little care of this, take phy
sicke pompe,
se thy
selfe to feele what wretches feele,
18161592That thou mai
st shake the
flux to them,
18201594Foole. Come not in here Nunckle, here's a
spirit, helpe me, help
18221596Kent. Giue me thy hand, who's there?
18231597Foole. A
spirit, he
sayes his name is poore
18251598Kent. What art thou that do
st grumble there in the
18271600Edg. Away, the foule
fiend followes me, through the
18281601hathorne blowes the cold winde, goe to thy cold bed & warme
18301603Lear. Ha
st thou giuen all to thy two daughters, and art thou
18321605Edg. Who giues any thing to poore
Tom, whom the foule
18331606fiend hath led through
fire, and throgh foord, and whirli-poole,
18341607ore bog and quagmire, that has laide kniues vnder his pillow, &
18351608halters in his pue,
set ratsbane by his pottage, made him proud
18371609of heart, to ride on a bay trotting hor
se ouer foure incht bridg
- 18381610es, to cour
se his owne
shadow for a traitor, ble
sse thy
fiue wits,
18391611Toms a cold, ble
sse thee from whirl-windes,
sting, &
18401612taking, do poore
Tom some charity, whom the foule
fiend vexes,
18421613there could I haue him now, and there, and there againe.
18441614Lear. What, his daughters brought him to this pa
st thou
saue nothing? did
st thou giue them all?
18461616Foole. Nay he re
serued a blanket, el
se wee had beene all
- 18481618Lear. Now all the plagues that in the pendulous ayre
18491619Hang fated ore mens faults, fall on thy daughters.
18511621Lear. Death traitor, nothing could haue
subdued nature
such a lowne
sse, but his vnkinde daughters,
18531623Is it the fa
shion that di
scarded fathers,
18541624Should haue thus little mercy on their
18551625Iudicious puni
shment, twas this
sh 18571627Edg. Pilicock
sate on pelicocks hill, a lo lo lo.
18581628Foole. This cold night will turne vs all to fooles & madmen.
18601629Edg. Take heed of the foule
fiend, obey thy parents, keepe thy
18611630words iu
sweare not, commit not with mans
18621631set not thy
sweet heart on proud array;
Toms a cold.
18651633Edg. A
seruing man, proud in heart and minde, that curlde my
18661634haire, wore gloues in my cap,
serued the lu
st of my mi
stris heart,
18671635and did the a
cte of darkne
sse with her,
swore as many oaths as I
18681636spake words, and broke them in the
sweete face of heauen, one
slept in the contriuing of lu
st, and wak't to do it, wine lo
- 18701638ued I deepely, dice dearely, and in woman, out paramord the
18721639Turke, fal
se of heart, light of eare, bloudy of hand, hog in
18731640Fox in
stealth, Wolfe in greedine
sse, Dog in madne
sse, Lyon in
18741641prey, let not the creeking of
shooes, nor the ru
slings of
18751642betray thy poore heart to women, keepe thy foote out of bro
- 18761643thell, thy hand out of placket, thy pen from lenders booke, and
fie the foule
still through the hathorne blowes the colde
18791645winde, hay no on ny, Dolphin my boy, my boy, cea
se let him trot
18811647Lear. Why thou wert better in thy graue, then to an
swer with
18821648thy vncouered body this extremity of the skies; is man no more
18831649but this? con
sider him well, thou owe
st the worme no
silke, the
st no hide, the
sheep no wooll, the cat no perfume, he'rs three
18851651ones are
sticated, thou art the thing it
selfe, vnaccomoda
- 18871652ted man is no more but
such a poore bare forked Animal as thou
18881653art, o
ff, o
ff you leadings, come on be true.
18911654Foole. Prithee Nunckle be content, this is a naughty night to
18921655swim in, now a little
fire in a wilde
field, were like an old lechers
18931656heart, a
sparke, all the re
st in body colde, looke here comes
18951659Edg. This is the foule
Sirberdegibit, he begins at curfue,
18961660and walks till the
st cocke, he gins the web, the pinqueuer the
18971661eye, and makes the hart lip, mildewes the white wheate, & hurts
18981662the poore creature of earth,
swithald footed thrice the olde anel
- 19011663thu night Moore and her nine fold bid her, O light and her troth
19021664plight and arint thee, with arint thee.
19061667Kent. Who
se there? what i
st you
19071668Glost. What are you there? your names.
19081669Edg. Poore
Tom, that eates the
swimming frog, the toade, the
19091670toade pold, the wall-wort, and the water, that in the fruite of his
19101671heart, when the foule
fiend rages,
1672Eates cowdung for
swallowes the old rat, and the ditch
- 19121673dog, drinkes the greene mantle of the
standing poole, who is
19131674whipt from tything to tything, and
sht and impri
- 19141675ned, who hath had three
sutes to his backe,
shirts to his bo
- 19161676dy, hor
se to ride, and weapon to weare.
19171677But Mice and Rats, and
small Deere,
19181678Hath beene
Toms food for
seuen long yeare.
19191679Beware my follower, peace
snulbug, peace thou
19201680Glost, What, hath your Grace no better company?
19211681Edg. The Prince of darknes is a Gentleman,
modo hee's called,
19231683Glost. Our
sh and bloud is growne
so vilde my Lord, that it
19261686Glost. Go in with me, my duty cannot
ffer to obey in al your
19271687daughters hard commands, though their iniun
ction be to barre
19281688my doores, and let this tyranous night take hold vpon you, yet
19301689haue I venter'd to come
seeke you out, and bring you where
19321691Lear. Fir
st let me talke with this Philo
19341693Kent. My good Lord take his o
ffer, go into the hou
19361694Lear. Ile talke a word with this mo
st learned
Theban; wha[t]
19381696Edg. How to preuent the
fiend, and to kill vermine.
19391697Lear. Let me aske you one word in priuate.
19401698Kent. Importune him to goe my Lord, his wits begin to vn
- 19431701His daughters
seeke his death. O that good
said it would be thus, poore bani
sht man,
st the King growes mad, ile tell thee friend,
19461704I am almo
st mad my
selfe; I had a
19471705Now out-lawed from my bloud, he
sought my life
19481706But lately, very late, I lou'd him friend,
19491707No father his
sonne dearer, truth to tell thee,
19511709What a night's this? I do be
seech your Grace.
19521710Lear. O cry you mercy noble Philo
sopher, your company.
19551712Glost. In fellow there, into th'houell, keepe thee warme.
19581715Lear. With him I will keepe
still, with my Philo
19601716Kent. Good my Lord
sooth him, let him take the fellow.
19631718Kent. Sirra come on, go along with vs.
19651720Glost. No words, no words, hu
19661721Edg. Childe
Rowland, to the darke towne come,
19671722His word was
still fye, fo, and fum,
smell the bloud of a Briti
sh man.
19711725Corn. I will haue my reuenge ere I depart the hou
19721726Bast. How my Lord I may be cen
sured, that nature thus giues
19731727way to loyalty,
some-thing feares me to thinke of.
19751728Corn. I now preceiue it was not altogether your brothers euil
sition made him
seeke his death, but a prouoking merit,
19771730a worke by a reproueable badne
sse in him
19791731Bast. How malicious is my fortune, that I mu
st repent to bee
st? this is the Letter he
spoke o
ff, which approues him an in
- 19811733telligent partie to the aduantages of
France, O heauens, that his
son were, or not I the dete
19841735Corn. Go with me to the Dutches.
19851736Bast. If the matter of this paper be certaine, you haue mighty
19871738Corn. True or fal
se, it hath made thee Earle of
19881739out where thy father is, that he may be ready for our apprehen
- 19901741Bast. If I
finde him comforting the King, it will
ffe his
s- 19911742pition more fully, I will per
seuere in my cour
se of loyalty, thogh
19921743the con
ct be
sore betweene that and my bloud.
19941744Corn. I will lay tru
st vpon thee, and thou
finde a dearer
19971746Enter Glocester, Lear, Kent, Foole, and Tom. 19981747Glost. Here is better then the open ayre, take it thankfully, I
19991748will peece out the comfort with what addition I can, I will not
20011750Kent. All the power of his wits haue giuen way to impatience,
20021751the Gods de
serue your kindne
20041752Edg. Fretereto cals me, and tels me
Nero is an angler in the lake
20051753of darkne
sse, pray innocent beware the foule
20071754Foole. Prethee Nunckle tell me, whether a mad man may bee a
20091756Lear. A King, a King, to haue a thou
sand with red burning
20131757spits come hi
ssing in vpon them.
2014.21759Foole. Hee's mad that tru
sts in the tamene
sse of a Wolfe, a
ses health, a boyes loue, or a whores oath.
2014.41761Lear. It
shall be done, I will arraigne them
sit thou heere mo
st learned Iu
sit heere now you
shee Foxes ---------
2014.71764Edg. Looke where he
stands and glars, want
st thou eies at tri
- 2014.81765all madam, come ore the broome
Bessy to me.
2014.91766Foole. Her boat hath a leake, and
she mu
st not
2014.111768Edg. The foule
fiend haunts poore
Tom in the voyce of a night
- 2014.121769ingale, Hoppedance cried in
Toms belly for two white herring,
2014.131770Croke not blacke Angell, I haue no food for thee.
2014.141771Kent. How do you
stand you not
so amaz'd, will you lie
2014.161773Lear. Ile
see their triall
st, bring in their euidence, thou rob
- 2014.171774bed man of iu
stice take thy place, & thou his yoke-fellow of e
- 2014.181775quity, bench by his
side, you are o'th commi
sit you too.
2014.191776Ed. Let vs deale iu
st or wake
st thou iolly
sheepe bee in the corne, and for one bla
st of thy minikin
2014.211778mouth, thy
shall take no harme, Pur the cat is gray.
2014.221779Lear. Arraignne her
st, tis
Gonorill, I here take my oath before
2014.231780this honourable a
she kickt the poore King her father.
2014.241781Foole. Come hither Mi
sse, is your name
2014.261783Foole. Cry you mercy, I tooke you for a ioynt
2014.271784Lear. And heres another who
se warpt lookes proclaime
store her heart is made an,
stop her there,
2014.291786Armes, armes,
fire, corruption in the place,
se Iu
sticer, why ha
st thou let her
20161789Kent. O pitty
sir, where is the patience now,
20171790That you
so oft haue boa
sted to retaine.
20181791Edg. My teares begin to take his part
so much,
Blanch, and
see they barke at me.
20221795Edg. Tom will throw his head at them, auant you curs.
20231796Be thy mouth, or blacke or white, tooth that poi
sons if it bite,
stiue, Gray-hound, Mungrel, Grim-hound, or Spaniell, Brach
20261798or Him, Bobtailetike, or Trundle-taile,
Tom will make them
20281799weepe and waile. For with throwing thus my head, dogs leape
20301800the hatch, and all are
fled, loudla doodla, come march to wakes,
20311801and faires, and market townes, poore
Tom thy horne is dry.
20331802Lear. Then let them anotomize
see what breeds about
1804Hart is there any cau
se in nature that makes this hardne
sir, I entertaine you for one of my hundred,
20361806Onely I do not like the fa
shion of your garment; you'l
20371807They are Per
sian attire, but let them be changed.
20401808Kent. Now my good my Lord lie here a while.
20411809Lear. Make no noi
se, make no noi
se, draw the Curtaines,
so, wee'l go to
supper in the morning,
20441812Glost. Come hither friend, where is the King my ma
20461813Kent. Here
sir, but trouble him not, his wits are gone.
20471814Glost. Good friend, I prethee take him in thy armes,
20481815I haue ore-heard a plot of death vpon him,
20491816There is a Litter ready, lay him in it, and driue towards
1818Where thou
shalt meete both welcome and prote
ction; take vp
20521820If thou
st dally halfe an houre, his life with thine,
20531821And all that o
ffer to defend him,
stand in a
ssured lo
20541822Take vp to keepe, and follow me that will to
some proui
2056.21825This re
st might yet haue balmed thy broken
2056.31826Which if conuenience will not allow,
stand in hard cure,
2056.41827Come helpe to beare thy Ma
ster, thou mu
st not
stay behinde.
2056.61829Edg. When we our betters
see bearing our woes,
sely thinke our mi
series our foes.
2056.91832Leauing free things and happy
showes behinde,
2056.101833But then the minde much
fferance doth ore-skip,
2056.111834When griefe hath mates, and bearing fellow
: 2056.131836When that which makes me bend, makes the King bow;
2056.151838Marke the high noi
ses, and thy
selfe bewray,
2056.161839When fal
se opinion, who
se wrong thoughts de
file thee,
2056.171840In thy iu
st proofe repeals and reconciles thee,
2056.181841What will hap more to night,
scape the King,
20581843Enter Cornwall, Regan, Gonorill, and Bastard. 20601844Corn. Po
speedily to my Lord your husband,
shew him this
1846The army of
France is landed,
seeke out the villaine
20651849Corn. Leaue him to my di
Edmund keepe you our
si- 20661850ster company. The reuenge we are bound to take vpon your trai
- 20671851terous father, are not
fit for your beholding, adui
se the Duke
20681852where you are going to a mo
st fe
stuant preparation, wee are
1854Our po
shall be
swift and intelligence betwixt vs;
20701855Farwell deare
sister, farwell my Lord of
1858Stew. My Lord of
Glocester hath conueyed him hence,
fiue or
sixe and thirty of his Knights hot que
strits after
20761860him, met him at gate, who with
some other of the Lords depen
- 20771861dants are gone with him towards
Douer, where they boa
st to
20801863Corn. Get hor
ses for your mi
20811864Gon. Farwell
sweet Lord and
20821866Corn. Edmund farwell: go
seeke the traitor
20831867Pinion him like a theefe, bring him before vs,
20841868Though we may not pa
sse vpon his life
20851869Without the forme of iu
stice, yet our power
20861870Shall do a curte
sie to our wrath, which men may blame
20871871But not controle; who's there, the traitor?
20881872Enter Glocester, brought in by two or three. 20911874Corn. Binde fa
st his corky armes.
20921875Glost. What meanes your Graces, good my friends con
20931876You are my gue
sts, do me no foule play friends.
20961878Reg. Hard, hard, O
filthy traitor!
20971879Glost. Vnmercifull Lady as you are, I am true.
20991880Corn. To this chaire binde him, villaine thou
find -----
21001881Glost. By the kinde Gods tis mos
st ignobly done, to plucke me
21021883Reg. So white, and
such a Traitor.
21031884Glost. Naughty Lady, the
se haires which thou do
st raui
sh frõ (my chin,
21051885Will quicken and accu
se thee, I am your ho
21061886With robbers hands, my ho
spitable fauours
should not ru
ffell thus, what will you do?
21081888Corn. Come
sir, what letters had you late from
21101889Reg. Be
simple an
swerer, for we know the truth.
21111890Corn. And what confederacy haue you with the traitors lately
21131892Reg. To who
se hands haue you
sent the lunaticke king,
21151893Glost. I haue a letter gue
set downe,
21161894Which came from one that's of a neutrall heart,
21201898Corn. Where ha
st thou
sent the King?
21221900Reg. Wherefore to
Douer? wa
st thou not charg'd at perill ------
21241901Corn. Wherefore to
Douer? let him
st an
swer that.
21251902Glost. I am tide tot'h
stake, and I mu
st stand the cour
21281904Glost. Becau
se I would not
see thy cruell nayles
21291905Plucke out his poore old eyes, nor thy
21301906In his aurynted
sh ra
sh bori
sh phangs,
sea with
such a
storme of his lou'd head
21321908In hell blacke night endur'd, would haue laid vp
21331909And quencht the
fires, yet poore old heart,
21351911If Wolues had at thy gate heard that dearne time,
st haue
said, good Porter turne the key,
21371913All cruels el
scrib'd, but I
21381914The winged vengeance ouertake
such children.
21391915Corn. See't
shalt thou neuer, fellowes hold the chaire,
21401916Vpon tho
se eies of thine, lle
set my foote.
21411917Glost. He that will thinke to liue till he be old -----
21421918Giue me
some helpe, ô cruell, ô ye Gods!
21431919Reg. One
side will mocke another, tother to.
21441920Corn. If you
see vengeance ------
21451921Seruant. Hold your hand my Lord,
21461922I haue
seru'd you euer
since I was a childe,
21471923But better
seruice haue I neuer done you, then now to bid you (hold.
21501925Ser. If you did weare a beard vpon your chin, ide
shake it on
21511926this quarrell, what do you meane?
21521927Corn. My villaine.
Draw and fight. 21531928Ser. Why then come on, and take the chance of anger.
21541929Reg. Giue me thy
sword, a pe
stand vp thus.
21551930She takes a sword, and runs at him behinde. 21561931Seruant. Oh I am
slaine my Lord, yet haue you one eye left to
some mi
schiefe on him, oh!
He dies. 21581933Corn. Lea
st it
see more, preuent it, out vilde Ielly,
21601935Glost. All darke and comfortles, wheres my
21621936Edmund vnbridle all the
sparkes of nature, to quit this horrid
21641938Reg. Out villaine, thou cal
st on him that hates thee, it was hee
21661939that made the ouerture of thy trea
sons to vs, who is too good to
21681941Glost. O my follies, then
Edgar was abu
21691942Kinde Gods forgiue me that, and pro
sper him.
21701943Reg. Goe thru
st him out at gates, and let him
smell his way to
21711944Douer, how i
st my Lord? how looke you?
21731945Corn. I haue receiued a hurt, follow me Lady,
21741946Turne out that eyele
sse villaine, throw this
slaue vpon
21751947The dunghill,
Regan I bleed apace, vntimely
21761948Comes this hurt, giue me your arme.
Exit. 2176.11949Seruant. Ile neuer care what wickedne
sse I do,
2176.319512.Seruant. If
she liue long, and in the end meet the old cour
2176.41952of death, women will all turne mon
2177.519531.Ser. Let's follow the old Earle, and get the bedlam
2176.61954To lead him where he would, his rogi
sh madne
2176.819562.Ser. Goe thou, ile fetch
flaxe and whites of egges to
2176.91957apply to his bleeding face, now heauen helpe him.
21791960Edg. Yet better thus, and knowne to be contemn'd,
still contemn'd and
flattered to be wor
21811962The lowe
st and mo
st deie
cted thing of Fortune
still in experience, liues not in feare,
21831964The lamentable change is from the be
21891966Who's here, my father poorely led, world, world, ô world!
21911967But that thy
strange mutations make vs hate thee,
21881969Enter Gloster led by an olde man. 21931970Old man. O my good Lord, I haue bene your tenant, & your
21941971fathers tenant this foure
score -------
21951972Glost. Away, get thee away, good friend be gone,
21961973Thy comforts can do me no good at all,
21981975Old man. Alacke
sir, you cannot
see your way.
21991976Glost. I haue no way, and therefore want no eies,
stumbled when I
saw, full oft tis
22011978Our meanes
secure vs, and our meere defe
22021979Prooue our commodities; ah deare
22031980The food of thy abu
sed fathers wrath,
22041981Might I but liue to
see thee in my tuch,
22071984Edg. O Gods, who i
st can
say I am at the wor
22101987Edg. And wor
se I may be yet, the wor
st is not,
22111988As long as we can
say, this is the wor
22141991Old man. Mad man, and begger too.
22151992Glost. He has
some rea
son, el
se he could not beg,
22161993In the la
st nights
storme I
such a fellow
22171994Which made me think a man a worme, my
22181995Came then into my minde, and yet my minde
22191996Was then
se friends with him, I haue heard more
flyes are to'th wanton boyes, are we to'th Gods,
22231999Edg. How
should this be? bad is the trade that mu
st play the
22242000foole to
sorrow, angring it
selfe and others; ble
sse thee ma
22262001Glost. Is that the naked fellow
? 22282003Glost. Then prethee get thee gone, if for my
22292004Thou wilt ore-take vs here a mile or twaine
22302005I'th way to Douer, do it for ancient loue,
22312006And bring
some couering for this naked
22342009Glost. Tis the times plague, when madmen leade the blinde,
22362010Do as I bid thee, or rather do thy plea
22382012Old man. Ile bring him the be
st parrell that I haue,
22412015Edg. Poore
Toms a cold, I cannot dance it farther.
22442017Edg. Ble
sse thy
sweete eyes, they bleed.
22452018Glo. Know
st thou the way to
22462019Edg. Both
stile and gate, hor
se-way, and foot-path,
Tom hath beene
scard out of his good wits,
sse the good man from the foule
fiends haue beene in poore
Tom at once,
2248.22023Of lu
st, as
Obidicut, Hobbididence Prince of dumbne
2248.32024Mahu of
Modo of murder,
Stiberdigebit of Mobing,
Mohing who
since po
sses chambermaids
2248.52026And waiting women,
so, ble
sse thee ma
22492027Glo. Here take this pur
se, thou whom the heauens plagues
22502028Haue humbled to all
strokes, that I am wretched, makes thee
22512029The happier, heauens deale
22522030Let the
fluous and lu
st-dieted man
stands your ordinance, that will not
se he doth not feele, feele your power quickly,
22552033So di
should vnder exce
22562034And each man haue enough
: do
st thou know Douer?
22582036Glo. There is a cli
ffe, who
se high and bending head
firmely in the con
fined deepe,
22602038Bring me but to the very brim of it,
22612039And ile repaire the mi
sery thou do
st beare,
22632041From that place
shall I no leading need.
22642042Edg. Giue me thy arme, poore Tom
shall lead thee.
22682044Gon. Welcome my Lord, I maruaile our milde husband
22692045Not met vs on the way: now, where's your Ma
22702047Stew. Madame within, but neuer man
so chang'd; I tolde him
22712048of the Army that was landed, he
smiled at it, I told him you were
22722049coming, his an
swer was, the wor
se; of
Glosters treachery, and of
22752050the loyall
seruice of his
sonne, when I enformd him, then he cald
sot, and told me I had turnd the wrong
side out, what hee
22772052should mo
st de
seemes plea
sant to him, what like o
22792053Gon. Then
shall you go no further.
22802054It is the cowi
sh curre of his
22812055That dares not vndertake, heel not feele wrongs
22822056Which tye him to an an
swer, our wi
shes on the way
22832057May proue e
cts, backe
Edmund to my brother,
sten his mu
sters, and condu
ct his powers,
22852059I mu
st change armes at home, and giue the di
22862060Into my husbands hands; this tru
22872061Shall pa
sse betweene vs, ere long you are like to heare
22882062If you dare venter in your owne behalfe
22892063A mi
sses coward, weare this
22902064Decline your head: this ki
sse if it dur
st speake,
strech thy
spirits vp into the ayre;
22932067Bast. Yours in the rankes of death.
22942068Gon. My mo
st deare Glo
ster, to thee womans
seruices are due,
22982070Stew. Madame, heere comes my Lord.
23002072Gon. I haue bene worth the whi
23012074Alb. O
Gonorill, you are not worth the du
st which the winde
23032075Blowes in your face, I feare your di
2303.22077Cannot be bordered certaine in it
2303.32078She that her
selfe will
sliuer and disbranch
2303.42079From her materiall
sap, perforce mu
st wither,
2303.72082Alb. Wi
sedome and goodne
sse to the vilde
seeme vilde,
sauour but them
selues, what haue you done?
2303.92084Tygers, not daughters, what haue you perform'd?
se reuerence the head-lugd Beare would licke;
st barbarous, mo
st degenerate haue you madded;
2303.152090If that the heauens do not their vi
2303.162091Send quickly downe to tame the vilde o
ffences, it will come
2303.172092Humanly mu
st perforce prey on it
selfe, like mon
sters of the
23052095That beare
st a cheeke for blowes, a head for wrongs,
23062096Who ha
st not in thy browes an eie de
seruing thine honour,
23072097From thy
ffering, that not know'
st fooles, do the
se villains pity
2307.12098Who are puni
sht ere they haue done their mi
2307.22099Where's thy drum?
France spreds his banners in our noi
2307.32100Land, with plumed helme thy
slaier begins threats,
2307.42101Whiles thou a morall foole,
still and cries
23082103Alb. See thy
selfe diuell, proper deformiry
seemes not in the
2311.12106Alb. Thou chang'd and
selfe-couerd thing, for
ster not thy feature, wer't my
2311.42109They are apt enough to di
slecate and teare
sh and bones, how ere thou art a
23132115Gent. O my good Lord, the Duke of
Cornwalls dead,
slaine by
seruant, going to put out the other eie of
23172118Gen. A
seruant that he bred, thrald with remor
23182119Oppos'd again
st the
acte, bending his
23192120To his great ma
ster, who thereat enraged,
23202121Flew on him, and among
st them feld him dead,
23212122But not without that harmfull
since hath pluckt him after.
23232124Alb. This
shewes you are aboue your Iu
23242125That the
se our neather crimes
speedily can venge.
23252126But oh poore
Glocester, lo
st he his other eye?
23272127Gent. Both, both my Lord, this letter Madam, craues a
23312130But being widow, and my
Glocester with her,
23322131May all the building on my fancy plucke,
23332132Vpon my hatefull life, another way the newes is not
so tooke,
23352134Alb. Where was his
sonne when they did take his eies?
23392137Gent. No my good Lord, I met him backe againe.
23412139Gent. I my good Lord, twas he inform'd again
st him,
23422140And quit the hou
se on purpo
se, that their puni
23442142Alb. Glocester, I liue to thanke thee for the loue
st the King, and to reuenge thy eyes;
23462144Come hether friend, tell me what more thou knowe
2347.22147Kent. Why the King of
France is
suddenly gone backe,
2347.42149Gent. Something he left imperfe
ct in the
state, which
since his
2347.52150comming foorth is thought of, which imports to the Kingdom,
2347.62151so much feare and danger that his per
sonall returne was mo
st re
- 2347.82153Kent. Who hath he left behinde him, Generall?
2347.92154Gent. The Mar
shall of
France, Moun
la Far.
2347.102155Kent. Did your letters pierce the Queene to any demon
- 2347.112157Gent. I
she tooke them, read them in my pre
2347.132159Her delicate cheeke, it
she was a Queene ore her pa
2347.142160Who mo
st rebell-like,
sought to be King ore her.
2347.162162Gent. Not to a rage, patience and
should expre
sse her goodlie
st, you haue
shine and raine at once, her
smiles and teares,
2347.202166That plaid on her ripe lip,
seeme not to know
2347.212167What gue
sts were in her eyes, which parted thence
2347.262172Gent. Faith once or twice
she heau'd the name of father
shame of Ladies
2347.292175Kent. Father,
sisters, what ith-
storme ith night?
2347.322178And clamour moi
stened her, then away
2347.342180Kent, It is the
stars, the
stars aboue vs gouern our conditions,
se one
selfe mate and mate could not beget
2347.362182Such di
fferent i
ssues; you
spoke not with her
2184Kent. Was this before the King returnd?
2347.392186Kent. Well
sir, the poore di
Lear's ith Towne,
2347.412188What we are come about, and by no meanes will yeeld to
see his
2347.432191Kent. A
so elbowes him, his own vnkindnes
stript her from his benedi
ction, turnd her
2347.452193To forraine ca
sualties, gaue her deare rights
2347.462194To his dog-hearted daughters; the
se things
sting his minde
2347.472195So venomou
sly, that burning
shame detaines him from
2347.492197Kent. Of
Albanies and
Cornwals powers you heard not?
2347.512199Kent. Well
sir, ile bring you to our ma
2347.522200And leaue you to attend him,
some deare cau
2347.542202When I am knowne aright you
shall not greeue,
2347.552203Lending me this acquaintance, I pray you go along with me.
23492205Enter Cordelia, Doctor, and others. 23512206Cor. Alacke tis he, why he was euen now,
23522207As mad as the vent
singing aloud,
23532208Crownd with ranke femiter and furrow weeds,
23542209With hor-docks, hemlocke, nettles, coockow-
23552210Darnell and all the idle weeds that grow
23562211In our
staining, Corne, a century is
sent foorth,
23572212Search euery acre in the high growne
23582213And bring him to our eye, what can mans wi
sedome do
23592214In the re
storing his bereaued
sence? he that can helpe him
23622217Our fo
ster nur
se of nature is repo
23632218The which he lackes, that to prouoke in him
23642219Are many
simples operatiue, who
se power
23662221Cord. All ble
st secrets, all you vnpubli
sht vertues of the earth,
23682222Spring with my teares, be aidant and remediat
23692223In the good mans di
seeke for him,
st his vngouernd rage di
ssolue the life,
23712225That wants the meanes to leade it.
23732227Messen. Newes Madam, the Briti
sh powers are marching he
- 23752229Cord. Tis knowne before, our preparation
23762230In expe
ctation of them, ô deare Father,
23772231It is thy bu
sse that I go about, therefore great
23782232My mourning and important teares hath pittied,
23792233No blowne ambition doth our armes in
23802234But loue, deare loue, and our aged fathers right,
23812235Soone may I heare and
see him.
Exit. 23842237Reg. But are my brothers powers
set foorth?
23872240Stew. Madam with much ado, your
sister's the better Soldier.
23892241Reg. Lord
Edmund spake not with your Lady at home?
23912243Reg. What might import my
sisters letter to him?
23932245Reg. Faith he is po
sted hence on a
serious matter,
23942246It was great ignorance,
Glocesters eies being out,
23952247To let him liue, where he arriues he moues
23962248All hearts again
st vs, and now I thinke is gone,
23972249In pitty of his mi
sery to di
spatch his nighted life,
23982250Moreouer to de
scrie the
strength of the Army.
24002251Stew. I mu
st needs after him with my Letters.
24012252Reg. Our troope
sets foorth to morrow,
stay with vs,
24032254Stew. I may not Madam, my Lady charg'd my dutie in this
24052256Reg. Why
she write to
Edmund? Might not you
sport her purpo
ses by word, belike
24072258Something, I know not what, Ile loue thee much,
24102261Reg. I know your Lady does not loue her husband,
24112262I am
sure of that: and at her late being heere
24122263She gaue
strange aliads, and mo
st speaking lookes
24132264To Noble
Edmund, I know you are of her bo
24152266Reg. I
speake in vnder
standing, for I know't,
24162267Therefore I do adui
se you to take this note:
24172268My Lord is dead,
Edmund and I haue talkt,
24182269And more conuenient is he for my hand,
24192270Then for your Ladies: you may gather more,
24202271If you do
finde him, pray you giue him this,
24212272And when your mi
stris heares thus much from you,
24222273I pray de
sire her call her wi
sedome to her,
so farewll,
24242274If you do chance to heare of that blinde traitor,
24252275Preferment fals on him that cuts him o
24262276Stew. Would I could meet him Madam, I would
24312280Glo. When
shall we come to'th top of that
same hill?
24322281Edg. You do climbe it vp now, looke how we labour?
24332282Glo. Me thinkes the ground is euen.
24342283Edg. Horrible
steepe: hearke, do you heare the
24372285Edg. Why then your other
ses grow imperfe
ct 24402288Methinkes thy voice is altered, and thou
st 24412289With better phra
se and matter then thou did
24422290Edg. Y'are much deceiued, in nothing am I changd,
24442292Glo. Me thinkes y'are better
24452293Edg. Come on
sir, here's the place,
still, how fearfull
24472294And dizy tis to ca
st ones eye
so low
: 24482295The Crowes and Choughes that wing the midway ayre
so gro
sse as beetles, halfe way downe
24502297Hangs one that gathers Sampire, dreadfull trade,
24512298Me thinkes he
seemes no bigger then his head
: 24522299The
fishermen that walke vpon the beake
24532300Appeare like Mice; and yon tall Anchoring barke
sht to her cocke; her cocke aboue
st too
small for
sight. The murmuring
24562303That on the vnnumbred idle peebles chafe,
24572304Cannot be heard: it is
so hie Ile looke no more
st my braine turne, and the de
24612308Edg. Giue me your hand: you are now within a foot
24622309Of the extreme verge; for all beneath the Moone
24652312Heere friend's another pur
se, in it a Iewell
24662313Well worth a poore mans taking. Fairies and Gods
sper it with thee
: go thou farther o
24682315Bid me farewell, and let me heare thee going.
24692316Edg. Now fare you well good
24712318Edg. Why I do tri
fle thus with his di
spaire, tis done to cure it.
24732319Glo. O you mighty Gods,
He kneels 24742320This world I do renounce, and in your
24752321Shake patiently my great a
ction o
24762322If I could beare it longer, and not fall
24772323To quarrell with your great oppo
sse wils,
ffe and loathed part of nature
24792325Burne it
selfe out: if
Edgar liue, O ble
24802326Now fellow fare thee well.
He falles 24812327Edg. Gon
sir, farewell, and yet I know not how conceite may
24822328rob the trea
sury of life, when life it
selfe yeelds to the theft: had
24842329he bene where he thought, by this thought had been pa
st: Aliue
24852330or dead? Ho you
sir, heare you
speake, thus might hee pa
24872331indeed, yet he reuiues, what are you
24902333Edg. Had
st thou bene ought but go
smore feathers ayre,
24922334So many fadome downe precipitating,
24932335Thou had
st shiuerd like an Egge, but thou do
st breath,
st heauy
stance, bleed
st not,
st, art
: 24952337Ten Ma
sts at each make not the altitude,
24962338That thou ha
st perpendicularly fell,
24972339Thy lifes a mircale,
speake yet againe.
24992341Edg. From the dread
summons of this chalkie borne.
25002342Looke vp a hight; the
shrill gorg'd Larke
so farre
25012343Cannot be
seene or heard, do but looke vp.
25032345Is wretchedne
sse depriu'd that bene
25042346To end it
selfe by death? Twas yet
some comfort.
25052347When mi
sery could beguile the Tyrants rage,
so, how feele you your legges? you
25102352Edg. This is aboue all
25112353Vpon the crowne of the cli
ffe, what thing was that
25132355Glo. A poore vnfortunate begger.
25142356Edg. As I
stood heere below, methought his eyes
25152357Were two full Moones; a had a thou
sand no
25162358Hornes, welkt and waued like the enridged
25172359It was
fiend, therefore thou happy Father
25182360Thinke that the cleere
st Gods, who made their honors
25192361Of mens impo
ssibilities, haue pre
serued thee.
25202362Glo. I do remember now, henceforth Ile beare
ction till it do cry out it
25222364Enough, enough, and dye: that thing you
speake of,
25232365I tooke it for a man: often would he
fiend, the
fiend, he led me to that place.
25252367Edg. Bare, free, and patient thoughts
: but who comes heere,
se will nere accommodate his mai
ster thus.
25302370Lear. No, they cannot touch me for coyning, I am the King
25322372Edg. O thou
side piercing
25332373Lear. Nature is aboue Art in that re
ct, ther's your pre
- 25342374money. That fellow handles his bow like a Crow-keeper, draw
25352375me a clothiers yard. Looke, looke, a Mou
se; peace, peace, this
sted chee
se will do it. Ther's my gantlet, Ile proue it on a Gy
- 25372377ant, bring vp the browne bils. O well
flowne birde in the ayre.
25432382Lear. Ha
Gonorill, ha
Regan, they
flatter'd me like a dogge, and
25442383told me I had white haires in my beard, ere the black ones were
25452384there; to
say I and no to all I
saide : I and no too was no good
25472385Diuinity. When the raine came to wet me once, and the wind to
25482386make me chatter, when the thunder would not peace at my bid
- 25492387ding, there I found them, there I
smelt them out : goe too, they
25502388are not men of their words, they told mee I was euery thing, tis
25522390Glost. The tricke of that voyce I doe, well remember, i
st not
25542392Lear. I, euery inch a King: when I do
see how the
ct 25552393quakes
: I pardon that mans life, what was thy cau
se, Adulterie
? 25572394thou
shalt not dye for adultery: no, the wren goes toot, and the
25582395small guilded
flye do letcher in my
sight; let copulation thriue.
Glosters ba
son was kinder to his father then my daugh
- 25612397ters got tweene the lawfull
sheets, toot Luxury, pell mell, for I
souldiers. Behold yon
simpring dame, who
se face between
25632399her forkes pre
snow, that minces vertue, and do
shake the
25652400head, heare of plea
sures name to
fichew, nor the
soyled Hor
25662401goes toot with a more riotous appetite: downe from the wa
25672402they are Centaures, though women all aboue, but to the girdle
25682403do the gods inherit, beneath is all the
fiends, theres Hell, theres
fie, pah, pah: Giue mee an ounce of Ciuet,
25722405good Apothecary, to
sweeten my imagination, ther's money for
25752408Lear. Here wipe it
st, it
smels of mortality.
25772409Glo. O ruin'd peece of nature, this great world
so weare
25802411Lear. I remember thy eyes well enough, do
st thou
squiny on
25812412me: no, do thy wor
st blinde Cupid, Ile not loue: Read thou that
25822413challenge, marke the penning on't.
25842414Glo. Were all the letters
suns I could not
see one.
25852415Edg. I would not take this from report, it is, & my hart breaks
25882418Glo. What, with the ca
se of eyes.
25892419Lear. O ho, are you there with me? No eyes in your head nor
25902420money in your pur
? your eyes are in a heauy ca
se, your pur
25912421in a light; yet you
see how this world goes?
25942423Lea. What art mad? A man may
see how the world goes with
25952424no eyes. Looke with thy eares,
see how yon Iu
stice railes vppon
simple theefe: hearke in thy eare, handy dandy, which is the
25972426theefe, which is the Iu
stice. Thou ha
st seene a farmers dog barke
26012429Lear. And the creature run from the cur? There thou might
st 26022430behold the great image of Authoritie, a dogge,
so bad in o
26032431Thou Ra
scall Beadle hold thy bloody hand; why do
st thou la
sh 26042432that whore?
strip thine owne backe, thy blood hotly lu
sts to v
26052433her in that kind for which thou whip
st her. The v
surer hangs the
26062434cozener, through tattered ragges
small vices do appeare, Robes
26082435and furd-gownes hides all. Get thee gla
sse eyes, and like a
- 26132436uy politician,
seeme to
see the things thou doe
st not; No, now
26142437pull o
ff my boots, harder, harder,
26162438Edg. O matter and impertinency, mixt rea
son in madne
26182439Lear. If thou wilt weepe my fortune, take my eyes; I know
26192440thee well enough, thy name is Glo
ster, thou mu
st be patient, we
26202441came crying hither: thou know
st the
st time that we
smel the
26212442aire, we waile and cry. I will preach to thee, marke me.
26242444Lear. When we are borne, we crie that wee are come to this
stage of fooles: this a good blocke. It were a delicate
- 26262446tagem to
shoot a troope of hor
se with fell, and when I haue
26282447vpon the
sonnes in law, then kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill.
26312449Gent. O here he is, lay hands vpon him
26332450Lear. No re
scue, what a pri
soner? I am eene the naturall foole
26342451of Fortune : v
se me well, you
shall haue a ran
som. Let me haue
26352452a Chirurgeon, I am cut to'th braines.
26382454Lear. No
seconds, all my
selfe: why this would make a man
2640to v
se his eyes for garden water-pottes, I and laying Au
- 2457Lear. I will dye brauely
2641like a Bridegroome. What, I will bee
26422458iouiall: Come, come, I am a King my ma
sters, know you that?
26432459Gent. You are a royall one, and we obey you.
26442460Lear. Then theres life int, nay if you get it you
shall get it
26452461with running.
Exit King running. 26462462Gent. A
sight mo
st pittifull in the meane
st wretch, pa
st spea
- 26472463king of in a king: thou ha
st one daughter who redeemes nature
26482464from the generall cur
se which twaine hath brought her to.
26512466Gent. Sir
speed you, what's your will?
26522467Edg. Do you heare ought of a battell toward?
26532468Gent. Mo
st sure and vulgar, euery ones heares
26552470Edg. But by your fauour, how neeres the other army?
26572471Gent. Neere and on the
speed for't, the maine de
26592473Edg. I thanke you
sir, thats all.
26602474Gent. Though that the Queene on
speciall cau
se is heere,
26632477Glo. You euer gentle gods take my breath from me,
26642478Let not my wor
spirit tempt me againe,
26682482Edg. A mo
st poore man, made lame by fortunes blowes,
26692483Who by the Art of knowne and feeling
26702484Am pregnant to good pitty. Giue me your hand,
26722486Glost. Hearty thankes, the bounty and benizon of heauen
26762489Stew. A proclaim'd prize, mo
st happy; that eyles head of thine
st framed
sh to rai
se my fortunes. Thou mo
st vnhappy
26782491Traitor, briefely thy
selfe remember, the
sword is out that mu
st 26812493Glo. Now let thy friendly hand put
strength enough to't.
26832494Stew. Wherefore bolde pezant dar
st thou
support a publi
26842495traytor, hence lea
st the infe
ction of his fortune take like hold on
26872497Edg. Chill not let go
sir without cagion.
26892498Stew. Let go
slaue, or thou die
26902499Edg. Good Gentleman goe your gate, let poore volke pa
26912500and chud haue been zwaggar'd out of my life, it would not haue
26922501bene zo long by a vortnight: nay come not neere the olde man,
2502keepe out cheuore ye, or ile try whether your co
stard or my bat
26942503be the harder, chill be plaine with you.
26972505Edg. Chil pick your teeth zir, come no matter for your foines.
26992506Stew. Slaue thou ha
st slaine me, Villaine take my pur
27002507If euer thou wilt thriue, bury my body,
27012508And giue the Letters which thou
st about me
Edmund Earle of Glo
seeke him out, vpon
27032510The Briti
sh party: ô vntimely death! death.
27042512Edg. I know thee well, a
seruiceable villaine,
27052513As dutious to the vices of thy Mi
27082516Edg, Sit you downe father, re
st you, lets
see his pockets,
se Letters that he
speakes of may be my friends,
27102518Hee's dead, I am onely
sorry he had no other death
27112519Let vs
see, leaue gentle wax, and manners blame vs not,
27132520To know our enemies minds wee'd rip their hearts,
27162523 Let your reciprocall vowes be remembred,
2524You haue many opportunities to cut him off.
27172525If your will want not, time and place will be fruitfully offered.
27182526There is nothing done: If he returne the Conqueror,
27192527Then am I the prisoner, and his bed my Iayle,
27202528From the loath'd warmth whereof deliuer me,
2529And supply the place for your labour.
27222530Your wife (
so I would
say) & your a
27242532Edg. O vndi
space of womans wit,
27252533A plot vpon her vertuous husbands life,
27262534And the exchange my Brother: heere in the
27272535Thee Ile rake vp, the po
st vn
27282536Of murtherous letchers, and in the mature time
27292537With this vngracious paper
strike the
27302538Of the death pra
sd Duke, for him tis well,
27312539That of his death and bu
sse I can tell.
27322540Glo. The King is mad, how
ffe is my vilde
27342541That I
stand vp, and haue ingenious feeling
27352542Of my huge
sorrowes, better I were di
should my thoughts be
senced from my greefes,
27382544And woes by wrong imaginations, lo
27412548Farre o
ff methinkes I heare the beaten drum.
27422549Come Father Ile be
stow you with a friend.
Exit 27442550Enter Cordelia, Kent, and Doctor. 27462552How
shall I liue and worke to match thy goodne
27482553My life will be too
short, and euery mea
sure faile me.
27502554Kent. To be acknowledg'd Madam is ore-paid,
27512555All my reports go with the mode
st truth,
se weeds are memories of tho
se wor
ser houres,
27572561Yet to be knowne
shortens my made intent,
27582562My boone I make it that you know me not,
27602564Cor. Then be it
so: my Lord how does the king.
27642567Cure this great breach in his abu
sed nature,
27652568The vntun'd and hurrying
ses, O winde vp,
27672570Doct. So plea
se your Maie
sty, we may wake the King
27692572Cor. Be gouern'd by your knowledge, and proceede
sway of your owne will: is he array'd?
27722574Doct. I Madam, in the heauine
sse of his
27742576Kent. Good Madam be by when we do awake him,
2775.22579Doct. Plea
se you draw neere: louder the mu
sicke there.
storation hang thy medicine on my lippes,
27772582And let this ki
sse repaire tho
se violent harmes
27782583That my two
sisters haue in thy reuerence made.
27802584Kent. Kinde and deere Prince
27812585Cor. Had you not bin their father, the
se white
27822586Had challeng'd pitty of them. Was this a face
27832587To be expo
sd again
st the warring windes,
stand again
st the deepe dread bolted thunder,
2784.32590Of quicke cro
sse lightning, to watch poore
Per du,
27852592Though he had bit me,
should haue
stood that night
st my
fire, and wa
st thou faine (poore father)
27872594To houill thee with
swine and rogues forlorne,
short and mu
straw? Alack, alacke,
27892596Tis wonder that thy life and wits at once,
27902597Had not concluded all. He wakes,
speake to him.
27912598Doct, Madam do you, tis
27922599C. How does my royal lord? how fares your maie
27942600Lear. You do me wrong to take me out a'th graue,
27952601Thou art a
soule in bli
sse, but I am bound
27962602Vpon a wheele of
fire, that mine owne teares
27992605Lear. Y'are a
spirit I know, when did you dye?
28012607Doct. He's
se awake, let hlm alone awhile.
28032608Lea. Where haue I bin? where am I? faire day light!
28052609I am mightily abu
sd; I
should ene dye with pity
see another thus. I know not what to
28072611I will not
sweare the
se are my hands, let's
28082612I feele this pin pricke, would I were a
ssur'd of my con
28112614And hold your hands in benedi
ction ore me,
28142617I am a very fooli
sh fond olde man,
score and vpward, and to deale plainly,
28182619I feare I am not perfe
ct in my minde.
28192620Me thinkes I
should know you, and know this man,
28202621Yet I am doubtfull: for I am mainly ignorant
28212622What place this is, and all the skill I haue
28222623Remembers not the
se garments: nor I know not
28232624Where I did lodge la
st night. Do no laugh at me,
28242625For (as I am a man) I thinke this Lady
28272628Lear. Be your teares wet? Yes faith: I pray weepe not,
28292629If you haue poi
son for me I will drinke it:
28302630I know you do not loue me, for your
28312631Haue (as I do remember) done me wrong.
28322632You haue
some cau
se, they haue not.
28352635Kent. In your owne kingdome
28372637Doct. Be comforted good Madame, the great rage you
see is
28382638cured in him, and yet it is danger to make him euen ore the time
28392639hee has lo
st; de
sire him to goe in, trouble him no more till fur
- 28402641Cor. Wilt plea
se your Highne
sse walke?
2843.22646Gen. Holds it true
sir that the Duke of
Cornwall was
? 2843.52649Kent. As tis
said, the ba
sonne of Glo
2843.62650Gent. They
Edgar his bani
sonne, is with the Earle of
2843.82652Kent. Report is changeable, tis time to looke about,
2843.92653The powers of the kingdome approch apace.
2843.102654Gent. The arbitrement is like to be bloody, fare you well
2843.112655Kent. My point and period will be throughly wrought,
2843.122656Or well, or ill, as this dayes battels fought.
28452657Enter Edmund, Regan, and their powers. 28472658Bast. Know of the Duke if his la
st purpo
se holde,
28482659Or whether
since he is adui
sd by ought
28492660To change the cour
se , he is full of alteration
selfe-reprouing, bring his con
stant plea
28512662Reg. Our
sisters man is certainly mi
28542665You know the goodne
sse I intend vpon you:
28552666Tell me truly, but then
speake the truth,
28582669Reg. But haue you neuer found my brothers way,
2859.22672Reg. I am doubtfull that you haue beene coniun
ct 2859.32673And bo
som'd with her, as farre as we call hers.
2676Deere my Lord be not familiar with her.
28632677Bast. Feare me not,
she and the Duke her husband.
28642678Enter Albany and Gonorill with troopes. 2864.22680Then that
should loo
sen him and me.
28652681Alb. Our very louing
sister well be-met,
2682For this I heare the King is come to his daughter
28662683With others, whom the rigour of our State
2868.22685I neuer yet was valiant: for this bu
2868.32686It toucheth vs, as France inuades our land
2868.42687Not bolds the king, with others whom I feare,
2690Reg. Why is this rea
28702691Gon. Combine together gain
st the enemy,
28712692For the
se dome
sticke doore particulars,
2695With the Ancient of warre on our proceedings.
2874.12696Bast. I
shall attend you pre
sently at your Tent.
28772699Reg. Tis mo
st conuenient, pray you go with vs.
28782700Gon. O ho, I know the Riddle, I will go.
Exit 28812702Edg. If ere your Grace had
speech with one
so poore,
28842705Edg. Before you
fight the battell, ope this Letter,
28852706If you haue vi
ctory let the trumpet
28862707For him that brought it, wretched though I
28872708I can produce a Champion, that will prooue
28882709What is auouched there. If you mi
28892710Your bu
sse of the world hath
so an end,
28912712Alb. Stay till I haue read the letter.
28932714When time
serue let but the Herald cry,
28952716Alb. Why fare thee well, I will looke ore the paper.
28972718Bast. The enemy's in view, draw vp your powers,
28982719Hard is the gue
sse of their great
strength and forces
28992720By diligẽt di
scouery, but your ha
st is now vrgd on you
29022722Bast. To both the
sisters haue I
sworne my loue,
29032723Each iealous of the other, as the
sting are of the Adder,
29042724Which of them
shall I take, both one
29052725Or neither; neither can be enioy'd
29062726If both remaine aliue: to take the Widdow,
sperates, makes mad her
29082728And hardly
shall I carry out my
29092729Her husband being aliue. Now then wee'l v
29102730His countenance for the battell, which being done
29112731Let her that would be rid of him deui
speedy taking o
ff: as for his mercie
29132733Which he extends to
Lear and to
29142734The battell done, and they within our power,
29152735Shall neuer
see his pardon
: for my
29162736Stands on me to defend, not to debate.
Exit 29182737Alarum. Enter the powers of France ouer the stage, Cordelia 29212740Edg. Heere Father, take the
shadow of this bu
sh 29222741For your good hoa
st: pray that the right may thriue.
29232742If euer I returne to you againe,
29262745Alarum and retreat. Enter Edgar. 29282746Edg. Away olde man, giue me thy hand, away,
Lear hath lo
st, he and his daughter tane:
29312749Glo. No farther
sir, a man may rot euen heere.
29322750Edg. What in ill thoughts agen? Men mu
st endure,
29342751Their going hence, euen as their comming hither,
29382753Enter Edmund, with Lear and Cordelia prisoners. 29402754Bast. Some o
fficers take them away, good guard,
29412755Vntill their greater plea
sures be
st be knowne
29442758Who with be
st meaning haue incurr'd the wor
29452759For thee oppre
ssed King am I ca
st downe,
selfe could el
se out-frowne fal
se fortunes frowne.
29472761Shall we not
see the
se daughters, and the
? 29482762Lear. No, no, come let's away to pri
29492763We two alone will
sing like birds i'th cage:
29502764When thou do
st aske me ble
ssing, Ile kneele downe
29512765And aske of thee forgiuene
: so weell liue,
29522766And pray, and tell old tales, and laugh
29532767At gilded Butter
flies, and heare poore Rogues
29542768Talke of Court newes, and weel talke with them too,
29552769Who loo
ses, and who wins; who
se in, who
se out;
29562770And take vpon's the my
stery of things,
29572771As if we were Gods
spies: and weel weare out
29582772In a walld pri
son, packes and
cts of great ones,
29592773That ebbe and
flow by the Moone.
29612775Lear. Vpon
fices my
Cordelia 29622776The gods them
selues throw incen
se. Haue I caught thee?
29642777He that parts vs
shall bring a brand from heauen,
fire vs hence like Foxes, wipe thine eyes,
29662779The good
shall deuoure em,
fleach and fell,
29672780Ere they
shall make vs weepe? Weele
see em
Exit 29692781Bast. Come hither Captaine, hearke.
29712782Take thou this note, go follow them to pri
step I haue aduanc
st thee, if thou do
st as this in
cts thee,
2784Thou do
st make thy way to Noble fortunes
: 29732785Know thou this, that men are as the time is;
29742786To be tender minded does not become a
29752787Thy great employment will not beare que
say thout do't, or thriue by other meanes.
29792790Bast. About it, and write happy when thou ha
st done,
29802791Marke I
say in
stantly, and carry it
2981.12793Cap. I cannot draw a Cart, nor eate dryed oates,
29822795Enter the Duke, the two Ladies, and others. 29832796Alb. Sir you haue
shewne to day your valiant
29842797And Fortune led you well: you haue the Captiues
29852798That were the oppo
sites of this dayes
29862799We do require then of you
so to v
se them,
29872800As we
finde their merits, and our
send the olde and mi
serable King
some retention, and appointed guard,
se age has charmes in it, who
se Title more,
29922806To plucke the common blo
ssomes of his
29932807And turne our impre
st Launces in our eyes
29942808Which do commend them. With him I
sent the Queene:
29952809My rea
son all the
same, and they are ready to morrow,
29962810Or at a further
space, to appeare where you
shall hold
29972811Your Se
ssion at this time: we
sweate and bleed,
2997.12812The friend hath lo
st his friend, and the be
st quarrels
2997.22813In the heate are cur
st by tho
se that feele their
29992817I hold you but a
ct of this warre, not as a brother.
30012818Reg. That's as we li
st to grace him.
30022819Methinkes our plea
should haue beene demanded
30032820Ere you had
so farre. He led our powers,
30042821Bore the Commi
ssion of my place and per
30052822The which immediate may well
stand vp,
30072824Gon. Not
so hot: in his owne grace he doth exalt him
30102826Reg. In my right by me inue
sted, he compeers the be
30122827Gon. That were the mo
st, if he
should husband you.
30132828Reg. Ie
sters do oft proue Prophets.
30142829Gon. Hola, hola, that eye that told you
so, lookt but a
30162830Reg. Lady I am not well, el
se I
should an
30172831From a full
stomacke. Generall,
30182832Take thou my
soldiers, pri
soners, patrimony,
sse the world, that I create thee heere
30222835Gon. Meane you to enioy him then?
30232836Alb. The let alone lies not in your good will.
30262839Bast. Let the drum
strike, and proue my title good.
30272840Alb. Stay yet, heare rea
Edmund, I arre
st thee
30282841On capitall trea
son; and in thine attaint,
30292842This gilded Serpent: for your claime faire
30302843I bare it in the intere
stof my wife,
she is
cted to her Lord,
30322845And I her husband contradi
ct the banes,
30332846If you will marry, make your loue to me,
30342847My Lady is be
spoke. Thou art arm'd Glo
30382848If none appeare to proue vpon thy head,
30392849Thy hainous, manife
st, and many trea
30402850There is my pledge, Ile proue it on thy heart
30412851Ere I ta
st bread, thou art in nothing le
30422852Then I haue heere proclaim'd thee.
30442854Gon. If not, Ile nere tru
st poy
30452855Bast. Ther's my exchange, what in the world he is,
30462856That names me traitor, villain-like he lyes,
30472857Call by thy Trumpet, he that dares approach
30482858On him, on you, who not, I will maintaine
30522862Alb. Tru
st to thy
single vertue, for thy
30532863All leuied in my name, haue in my name tooke their di
30552864Reg. This
sse growes vpon me.
30562865Alb. She is not well, conuey her to my tent,
30572866Come hither Herald, let the Trumpet
sound, and read our this.
30602868Her. If any man of quality or degree, in the hoa
st of the Ar
- 30612869my, will maintaine vpon
sed Earle of Gloce
30622870that he's a manifold traitor, let him appeare at the thirde
30632871of the Trumpet: he is bold in his defence.
30672873Enter Edgar at the third sound, with a trumpet before him. 30682874Alb. Aske him his purpo
ses, why he appeares
30702876Her. What are you? your name and quality?
30712877And why you an
swer this pre
30732878Edg. O know my name is lo
st by Trea
sons tooth:
30752880Where is the aduer
sary I come to cope withall?
30782882Edg. What's he that
speakes for
Edmund Earle of Glo
30792883Bast. Him
selfe, what
st thou to him?
30812885That if my
speech o
ffend a noble heart, thy arme
30822886May do thee iu
stice, heere is mine:
30832887Behold it is the priuiledge of my tongue,
30852888My oath and profe
ssion. I prote
30862889Maugre thy
strength, youth, place and eminence,
spight thy vi
sword, and
fire new fortun'd,
30882891Thy valor, and thy heart, thou art a traitor:
se to the gods, thy brother, and thy father,
spicuate gain
st this high illu
strious Prince,
30912894And from th'extreme
st vpward of thy head,
30922895To the de
scent and du
st beneath thy feet,
30932896A mo
st toad-
spotted traitor:
say thou no;
sword, this arme, and my be
st spirits,
2898Is bent to proue vpon thy heart, whereto I
speake thou lye
30972899Bast. In wi
sedome I
should aske thy name,
since thy out
side lookes
so faire and warlike,
30992901And that thy being
say of breeding breathes,
31012902By right of knight-hood I di
sdaine and
31032903With the hell hatedly ore-turn'd thy heart,
31042904Which for they yet glance by, and
sely brui
sword of mine
shall giue them in
stant way,
31062906Where they
shall re
st for euer, Trumpets
31082908Gon. This is meere pra
ctice Glo
ster, by the law of Armes
31092909Thou art not bound to o
ffer an vnknowne oppo
31102910Thou art not vanqui
sht, but cou
sned and beguild.
31122911Alb. Stop your mouth Dame, or with this paper
shall I
31132912it: thou wor
se then any thing, reade thine owne euill. Nay, no
31152913tearing Lady, I perceiue you know't.
31162914Gon. Say if do, the lawes are mine not thine, who
shal araign
31182916Alb. Mon
ster, know
st thou this paper?
31192917Gon. Aske me not what I know.
Exit Gonorill. 31202918Alb. Go after her,
she's de
sperate, gouerne her.
31212919Bast. What you haue charg'd me with, that haue I done,
31232920And more, much more, the time will bring it out.
31242921Tis pa
st, and
so am I: but what art thou that ha
st this fortune on
31252922me? If thou bee
st noble, I do forgiue thee.
31282924I am no le
sse in blood then thou art
31292925If more, the more thou ha
st wrongd me.
31302926My name is
Edgar, and thy fathers
31312927The Gods are iu
st, and of our plea
sant vertues
31322928Make in
struments to
scourge vs: the darke and vitious place
31332929Where he thee got, co
st him his eyes.
31362931The wheele is come full circkled, I am heere.
31372932Alb. Me thought thy very gate did prophe
31382933A royall noblene
sse, I mu
st embrace thee,
split my heart if I did euer hate thee or thy father.
31422936Alb. Where haue you hid your
31432937How haue you knowne the mi
series of your father
? 31452939Li
st a breefe tale, and when tis told,
3145.12940O that my heart would bur
st. The bloody proclamation
31462941To e
scape that followed me
so neere,
31472942(O our liues
sse, that with the paine of death
31482943Would hourely dye, rather then dye at once)
31492944Taught me to
shift into a mad-mans rags,
31502945To a
ssume a
semblance that very dogges di
: 31512946And in this habit met I my father with his bleeding rings,
31532947The precious
stones new lo
st; Became his guide,
31542948Led him, begd for him,
sau'd him from di
31552949Neuer (O Father) reueald my
selfe vnto him,
some halfe houre pa
st when I was arm'd,
sure, though hoping of this good
31582952I askt his ble
ssing, and from
st to la
st 31592953Told him my pilgrimage: but his
flawd heart
31602954Alacke too weake the con
ct to
31612955Twixt two extremes of pa
ssion, ioy and greefe,
31632957Bast. This
speech of yours hath mooued me,
shall perchance do good, but
speake you on,
31652959You looke as you had
something more to
31662960Alb. If there be any more more wofull, hold it in.
31672961For I am almo
st readie to di
3168.12962Edg. This would haue
seem'd a period to
3168.22963As loue not
sorrow, but another to ampli
fie too much,
3168.32964Would make much more, and top extremity.
st I was big in clamor, came there in a man,
3168.62967Shund my abhord
society: but then
3168.72968Who twas that
so indur'd, with his
strong armes
3168.82969He fa
stened on my necke, and bellowd out
3168.92970As hee'd bur
st heauen, threw me on my father,
3168.112972That euer eare receiued, which in recounting
3168.122973His greefe grew pui
sant, and the
strings of life
3168.132974Began to cracke twice, then the trumpets
3168.162977Edg. Kent sir, the bani
Kent, who in di
3168.172978Followed his enemy king, and did him
31712982Alb. What kinde of helpe? what meanes that bloody knife
? 31742983Gent. Its hot, it
smokes, it came euen from the heart of -----
31772985Gent. Your Lady
sir, your Lady; and her
31782986By her is poy
: she has confe
st it.
31792987Bast. I was contra
cted to them both, all three
31832989Alb. Produce theie bodies be they aliue or dead
: 31852990This iu
stice of the heauens that makes vs tremble,
31862991Touches not with pity.
Enter Kent 31872993Alb. O tis he, the time will not allow
2994The complement that very manners vrges.
31892995Kent. I am come to bid my King and ma
ster aye good night,
31922997Alb. Great things of vs forgot. Speake
Edmund, where's the
31932998king, and wher's
Cordelia? See
st thou this obie
ct Kent?
31842999The bodies of Gonorill & Regan are brought in. 31963001Bast. Yet
Edmund was belou'd: the one the other poi
sond for
sake, and after
slew her
31983003Alb. Euen
so, couer their faces.
32003004Bast. I pant for life:
some good I meane to do de
spight of my
32013005owne nature. Quickly
send, bee briefe, into the Ca
stle for my
32023006Writ, tis on the life of
Lear, & on
Cordelia: nay,
send in time.
32063008Edg. To who my Lord
? who hath the o
32083010Bast. Well thought on, take my
sword, giue it the Captaine.
32113012Bast. He hath commi
ssion from thy wife & me, to hang
Cor 32123013delia in the pri
son, and
3213to lay the blame vpon her own de
32153014Alb. The Gods defend her, beare him hence a while.
32163015Enter Lear with Cordelia in his armes. 32173016Lear. Howle, howle, howle, howle: O you are men of
32183017Had I your tongues and eyes, I would v
se them
32193018That heauens vault
should cracke: O,
she is gone for euer.
32203019I know when one is dead, and when one liues,
32213020Shees dead as earth: Lend me a looking-gla
32223021If that her breath will mi
st and
staine the
she then liues.
32253023Edg. Or image of that horror?
Alb. Fall and cea
32273024Lear. This feather
she liues, if it be
so, it is a chance that
32283025do's redeeme all
sorrowes that euer I haue felt.
32323028Edg. Tis Noble
Kent your friend.
32333029Lear. A plague vpon you murdrous traitors all, I might haue
32343030saued her, now
shees gone for euer:
stay a li
- 32353031tle. What i
st thou
st? her voice was euer
soft, gentle & low,
32373032an excellent thing in woman. I kild the
slaue that was a hanging
Cap. Tis true my Lords hee did.
32403034Lear. Did I not fellow? I ha
seene the day, that with my bi
- 32413035ting Fauchion I would haue made them skip: I am old now, and
same cro
spoile me. Who are you? Mine eyes are none
32443037o'th be
st, Ile tell you
32453038Kent. If Fortune bragd of two
she loued or hated,
32483041Kent. The
same your
Kent, wher is your
Caius? 32503042Lear. Hees a good fellow, I can tell that,
strike and quickly too, hees dead and rotten.
32523044Kent. No my good Lord, I am the very man.
32543046Kent. That from your life of di
fference and decay,
32573049Kent. Nor no man el
se: All's cheerele
sse, darke, and deadly,
32593050Your elde
st daughters haue fore-doom'd them
32603051And de
sperately are dead.
Lear. So I thinke too.
32623052Alb. He knowes not what he
sees, and vaine it is
32653054Edgar Very bootle
Enter Captaine 32673056Alb: Thats but a tri
fle heere: you Lords and Noble friends,
32683057know our intent, what comfort to this decay may come,
32703058applied: for vs we will re
signe during the life of this old maie
32723059to him our ab
solute power, you to your rights with boote, and
32733060such addition as your honors haue more then merited, al friends
32743061shall ta
ste the wages of their vertue, and all foes the cup of their
32773063Lear. And my poore foole is hangd: no, no life, why
32783064a dog, a hor
se, a rat haue life, and thou no breath at all? O thou
32793065wilt come no more, neuer, neuer, neuer
: pray vndo this button;
32843067Edg, He faints, my Lord, my Lord.
32853068Lear: Breake heart, I prethe breake.
32873070Kent: Vex not his gho
st, O let him pa
32883071he hates him much, that would vpon the wracke
32893072Of this tough world
stretch him out longer.
32913074Kent: The wonder is, he hath endured
so long,
32933076Duke: Beare them from hence, our pre
sent bu
32943077Is to generall woe: friends of my
soule, you twaine
32953078Rule in this kingdome, and the good
32963079Kent: I haue a iourney
shortly to go,
32973080My ma
ster cals, and I mu
st not
say no.
32983081Duke The waight of this
sad time we mu
st obay,
32993082Speake what we feele, not what we ought to
33003083The olde
st haue borne mo
st, we that are yong,
33013084Shall neuer
so much, nor liue
so long.