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  • Title: King Lear (Quarto 2, 1619)
  • Editor: Pervez Rizvi
  • Coordinating editor: Michael Best
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-463-9

    Copyright Michael Best. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Pervez Rizvi
    Not Peer Reviewed

    King Lear (Quarto 2, 1619)

    The History of King Lear.
    Edg. Two houres together.
    Bast. Parted you in good tearmes? found you no displeasure
    in him by word or countenance?
    480Edg. None at all.
    Bast. Bethinke your selfe wherein you may haue offended
    him, and at my entreaty, forbeare his presence, till some little
    time hath qualified the heate of his displeasure, which at this
    instant so rageth in him, that with the mischiefe of your person
    485it would scarse allay.
    Edg. Some villaine hath done me wrong.
    Bast. That's my feare brother, I aduise you to the best, goe
    arm'd, I am no honest man if there be any good meaning to-
    wards you, I haue told you what I haue seen & heard, but faint-
    495ly, nothing like the image and horror of it; pray you away.
    Edg. Shall I heare from you anon? Exit Edgar.
    Bast. I do serue you in this businesse:
    A credulous Father, and a brother noble,
    500Whose nature is so farre from doing harmes,
    That he suspects none, on whose foolish honesty
    My practises ride easie, I see the businesse,
    Let me if not by birth, haue lands by wit,
    All with me's meete, that I can fashion fit. Exit.
    Enter Gonorill and a Gentleman.
    Gon. Did my Farher strike my gentleman for chiding of his
    Gent. Yes Madam.
    510Gon. By day and night he wrongs me,
    Euery houre he flashes into one grosse crime or other,
    That sets vs all at ods, Ile not endure it;
    His knights grow riotous, and himselfe vpbraids vs
    On euery trifle when he returnes from hunting,
    515I will not speake with him, say I am sicke,
    If you come slacke of former seruices,
    You shall do well, the fault of it Ile answer.
    Gent. Hee's comming Madam, I heare him.
    Gon. Put on what weary negligence you please, you and your
    520fellow-seruants, Ide haue it come in question, if he dislike it, let