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  • Title: King Lear (Quarto 2, 1619)
  • Editor: Pervez Rizvi
  • Coordinating editor: Michael Best
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-463-9

    Copyright Michael Best. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Pervez Rizvi
    Not Peer Reviewed

    King Lear (Quarto 2, 1619)

    The History of King Lear.
    Gonorill. Come sir, I would you would make vse of that good
    wisedome whereof I know you are fraught, and put away these
    dispositions, that of late transforme you from what you rightly
    735Foole. May not an Asse know when the Cart drawes the horse,
    whoop Iug I loue thee.
    Lear. Doth any here know me? why this is not Lear; doth
    740Lear walke thus? speake thus? where are his eies, either his no-
    tion, weaknesse, or his discernings are lethergy, sleeping or wa-
    king; ha! sure tis not so, who is it that can tell me who I am?
    Lears shadow? I would learne that, for by the markes of soue-
    744.1raignty, knowledge, & reason, I should be false perswaded I had
    Foole. Which they, will make an obedient Father.
    745Le. Your name faire gentlewoman?
    Gon. Come sir, this admiration is much of the fauour of other
    your new prankes; I do beseech you vnderstand my purposes a-
    right, as you are old and reuerend, you should be wise, heere doe
    750you keepe one hundred Knights and Squires, men so disordered,
    so deboyst and bold, that this our Court infected with their
    manners, shewes like a riotous Inne, epicurisme and lust make
    more like a Tauerne or Brothell, then a great Pallace, the shame
    755it selfe doth speake for instant remedy, bee thou desired by her,
    that else will take the thing she begs, a little to disquantity your
    traine, and the remainder that shall still depend, to be such men
    760as may besort your age, and know themselues and you.
    Lear. Darknesse and Diuels! saddle my horses, call my traine
    together, degenerate bastard, ile not trouble thee; yet haue I left
    765a daughter.
    Gon. You strike my people, and your disordered rabble, make
    seruants of their betters.
    Enter Duke.
    Lear. We that too late repent's vs; O sir, are you come? Is it
    770your will that we prepare any horses, ingratitude! thou marble-
    hearted fiend, more hideous when thou shewest thee in a childe,
    then the Sea-monster, detested kite, thou lessen my traine and
    men of choise and rarest parts, that all particulars of duty know,