731653Gonorill. Come
sir, I would you would make v
se of that good
sedome whereof I know you are fraught, and put away the
sitions, that of late transforme you from what you rightly
735657Foole. May not an A
sse know when the Cart drawes the hor
738659Lear. Doth any here know me? why this is not
Lear; doth
740660Lear walke thus?
speake thus? where are his eies, either his no
- 741661tion, weakne
sse, or his di
scernings are lethergy,
sleeping or wa
- 742662king; ha!
sure tis not
so, who is it that can tell me who I am?
744663Lears shadow? I would learne that, for by the markes of
- 744.1664raignty, knowledge, & rea
son, I
should be fal
se per
swaded I had
744.3666Foole. Which they, will make an obedient Father.
745667Le. Your name faire gentlewoman?
746668Gon. Come
sir, this admiration is much of the fauour of other
747669your new prankes; I do be
seech you vnder
stand my purpo
ses a
- 748670right, as you are old and reuerend, you
should be wi
se, heere doe
750671you keepe one hundred Knights and Squires, men
so di
751672so deboy
st and bold, that this our Court infe
cted with their
shewes like a riotous Inne, epicuri
sme and lu
st make
754674more like a Tauerne or Brothell, then a great Pallace, the
selfe doth
speake for in
stant remedy, bee thou de
sired by her,
757676that el
se will take the thing
she begs, a little to di
squantity your
758677traine, and the remainder that
still depend, to be
such men
760678as may be
sort your age, and know them
selues and you.
762679Lear. Darkne
sse and Diuels!
saddle my hor
ses, call my traine
763680together, degenerate ba
stard, ile not trouble thee; yet haue I left
766682Gon. You
strike my people, and your di
sordered rabble, make
767683seruants of their betters.
769685Lear. We that too late repent's vs; O
sir, are you come? Is it
770686your will that we prepare any hor
ses, ingratitude! thou marble
- 771687hearted
fiend, more hideous when thou
st thee in a childe,
773688then the Sea-mon
ster, dete
sted kite, thou le
ssen my traine and
776689men of choi
se and rare
st parts, that all particulars of duty know,