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  • Title: King Lear (Quarto 2, 1619)
  • Editor: Pervez Rizvi
  • Coordinating editor: Michael Best
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-463-9

    Copyright Michael Best. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Pervez Rizvi
    Not Peer Reviewed

    King Lear (Quarto 2, 1619)

    The History of King Lear.
    Fra. This is most strange, that she that euen but now
    235Was your best obiect, the argument of your praise,
    Balme of your age, most best, most deerest,
    Should in this trice of time commit a thing
    So monstrous, to dismantle so many foulds of fauour,
    Sure her offence must be of such vnnaturall degree,
    That monsters it, or you for voucht affections
    Falne into taint, which to beleeue of her
    Must be a faith that reason without miracle
    Could neuer plaint in me.
    245Cord. I yet beseech your Maiesty,
    If for I want that glib and oily Art,
    To speake and purpose not, since what I well intend,
    Ile do't before I speake, that you may know
    It is no vicious blot, murder, or foulenesse,
    250No vncleane action or dishonoured step
    That hath depriu'd me of your grace and fauour,
    But euen for want of that, for which I am rich,
    A still soliciting eye, and such a tongue,
    As I am glad I haue not, though not to haue it,
    255Hath lost me in your liking.
    Lear. Go to, goe to, better thou hadst not bene borne,
    Then not to haue pleas'd me better.
    Fran. Is it no more but this, a tardinesse in nature,
    That often leaues the history vnspoke that it intends to do,
    260My Lord of Burgundy, what say you to the Lady?
    Loue is not loue when it is mingled with respects that stands
    Aloofe from the entire point, will you haue her?
    She is her selfe and dower.
    265Burg. Royall Lear, giue but that portion
    Which your selfe propos'd, and here I take
    Cordelia by the hand, Dutchesse of Burgundy.
    Lear. Nothing; I haue sworne.
    270Burg. I am sorry then you haue so lost a father,
    That you must lose a husband.
    Cord. Peace be with Burgundy, since that respects
    Of fortune are his loue, I shall not be his wife.