Peer Reviewed
The History of King Leir (Modern)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
- Holinshed on King Lear
- The History of King Leir
- Albion's England (Selection)
- Hardyng's Chronicle (Selection)
- Kings of Britain
- Chronicles of England
- Faerie Queene
- The Mirror for Magistrates
- The Arcadia
- A Declaration of Egregious Popish Impostures
- Aristotle on tragedy
- The Book of Job (Selections)
- The Monk's Tale (Selections)
- The Defense of Poetry
- The First Blast of the Trumpet
- Basilicon Doron
- On Bastards
- On Aging
- King Lear (Adapted by Nahum Tate)
- Facsimiles
2433.1[Scene 27] [Video Sc.27]
My honest friends, it is your turn tonight
Ay, ay, ay, fear nothing. We know our charge, I warrant: 2442I have been a watchman about this beacon this thirty year, and 2443yet I ne'er see it stir but stood as quietly as might be.
Faith, neighbor, and you'll follow my 'vice, instead of 2445watching the beacon, we'll go to Goodman Jennings' and watch 2446a pot of ale and a rasher of bacon. An if we do not drink our2447selves drunk, then so, I warrant, the beacon will see us when 2448we come out again.
Ay, but how if somebody excuse us to the captain?
'Tis no matter. I'll prove by good reason that we watch 2451the beacon, ass for example --
I hope you do not call me ass by craft, neighbor.
No, no, but for example: say here stands the pot of ale, 2454that's the beacon.
27.13First Watchman
Ay, ay, 'tis a very good beacon.
Well, say here stands your nose: that's the fire.
Indeed, I must confess 'tis somewhat red.
I see come marching in a dish, half a score pieces of 2458salt bacon.
27.17First Watchman
I understand your meaning. That's as much to say 2459half a score ships.
27.18Second Watchman
True; you construe right. Presently, like 2460a faithful watchman, I fire the beacon and call up the town.
Ay, that's as much as to say you set your nose to the pot, and 2462drink up the drink.
27.20Second Watchman
You are in the right. Come, let's go 2463fire the beacon.