Peer Reviewed
The History of King Leir (Modern)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
- Holinshed on King Lear
- The History of King Leir
- Albion's England (Selection)
- Hardyng's Chronicle (Selection)
- Kings of Britain
- Chronicles of England
- Faerie Queene
- The Mirror for Magistrates
- The Arcadia
- A Declaration of Egregious Popish Impostures
- Aristotle on tragedy
- The Book of Job (Selections)
- The Monk's Tale (Selections)
- The Defense of Poetry
- The First Blast of the Trumpet
- Basilicon Doron
- On Bastards
- On Aging
- King Lear (Adapted by Nahum Tate)
- Facsimiles
1990.1[Scene 23] [Video Sc.23]
My honest friends, we are ashamed to show
23.10.1First Mariner looks on Leir.
Here's a good gown; 'twould become me passing well; 2004I should be fine in it.
23.11.1Second Mariner looks on Perillus.
Here's a good cloak; I marvel how I should look in it.
Faith, had we others to supply their room,
Do you hear, sir? You look like an honest man; 2009I'll not stand to do you a pleasure. Here's a good, strong, 2010motley gaberdine, cost me fourteen good shillings at Billingsgate; give me your 2011gown for it, and your cap for mine, and I'll forgive your passage.
With all my heart and twenty thanks.
23.16.1Leir and [First Mariner] changeth.
Do you hear, sir? You shall have a better match than he 2014because you are my friend: here is a good sheep's russet sea-2015gown: will bide more stress, I warrant you, than two of his. Yet, 2016for you seem to be an honest gentleman, I am content to change 2017it for your cloak, and ask you nothing for your passage more.
My own I willingly would change with thee,
Nay, if I do, would I might ne'er eat powdered beef 2025and mustard more, nor drink can of good liquor whilst I live. 2026My friend, you have small reason to seek to hinder me of my 2027bargain, but the best is, a bargain's a bargain.
[To Perillus] Kind friend, it is much better as it is,
Hark, hark, they are laying their heads together;
God be with you, sir. For your passage back again, 2035I'll use you as unreasonable as another.
I know thou wilt, but we hope to bring ready money 2037with us when we come back again.
23.32.1Exeunt Mariners.
Be of good cheer, my lord. I have a doublet
Ah, kind Perillus, that is it I fear,
Fear not, my lord, the perfect good indeed
Thou pleasing orator unto me in woe,
Why say the worst? The worst can be but death[H1],
O'ercome with thy strong arguments, I yield,
Alack, my lord, my heart doth bleed to think
Come, let us go and see what God will send: