Prince of Denmarke.
159129The bird of dawning
singeth all night long,
160130And then they
say, no
spirite dare walke abroade,
161131The nights are whole
some, then no planet frikes,
162132No Fairie takes, nor Witch hath powre to charme,
163133So gratious, and
so hallowed is that time.
164134Hor. So haue I heard, and doe in parte beleeue it:
see the Sunne in ru
sset mantle clad,
166136Walkes ore the deaw of yon hie mountaine top,
167137Breake we our watch vp, and by my adui
168138Let vs impart what wee haue
seene to night
169139Vnto yong H
amlet: for vpon my life
170140This Spirite dumbe to vs will
speake to him:
171141Do you con
sent, wee
shall acquaint him with it,
172142As needefull in our loue,
fitting our duetie?
173143Marc. Lets doo't I pray, and I this morning know,
174144Where we
finde him mo
st conueniently.
176145 Enter King, Queene, Hamlet, Leartes, Corambis, 178146and the two Ambassadors, with Attendants.
206147King Lordes, we here haue writ to
Fortenbrasse, 207148Nephew to olde
Norway, who impudent
208149And bed-rid,
scarcely heares of this his
209150Nephews purpo
se: and Wee heere di
213151Yong good
Cornelia, and you
Voltemar 214152For bearers of the
se greetings to olde
153Norway, giuing to you no further per
sonall power
216154To bu
sse with the King,
155Then tho
se related articles do
218156Farewell, and let your ha
ste commend your dutie.
219157Gent. In this and all things will wee
shew our dutie.
220158King. Wee doubt nothing, hartily farewel:
222159And now
Leartes, what's the news with you?
said you had a
sute what i'
st Leartes?
231161Lea. My gratious Lord, your fauorable licence,
231.1162Now that the funerall rites are all performed,
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