The Tragedy of Hamlet
1947Why mai't not be the
scull of
some Lawyer?
32921949Of an a
ction of Batterie, for knocking
32901950Him about the pate with's
shouel: now where is your
1951Quirkes and quillets now, your vouchers and
32961952Double vouchers, your lea
ses and free-holde,
33011953And tenements? why that
same boxe there will
1954Holde the conueiance of his land, and mu
st 33021955The honor lie there? O pittifull tran
33051957Is parchment made of
33061958Hor. I my Lorde, and of calues-
skinnes too.
33071959Ham. Ifaith they prooue them
sheepe and calues
1960That deale with them, or put their tru
st in them.
32751961There's another, why may not that be
such a ones
1962Scull, that prai
sed my Lord
such a ones hor
32761963When he meant to beg him?
Horatio, I prethee
1965Now my friend, who
se graue is this?
3325.11968Clowne If I
say, I
should, I
should lie in my throat
(sir. 33211969Ham. What man mu
st be buried here?
33241972Clowne. No woman neither
sir, but indeede
33281974Ham. An excellent fellow by the Lord
Horatio, 33301975This
seauen yeares haue I noted it: the toe of the pe
so neere the heele of the courtier,
1977That hee gawles his kibe, I prethee tell mee one thing,
33531978How long will a man lie in the ground before hee rots?
33541979Clowne I faith
sir, if hee be not rotten before
1980He be laide in, as we haue many pocky cor
33561981He will la
st you, eight yeares, a tanner
33571982Will la
st you eight yeares full out, or nine.