Tragicall Historie of
Prince of Denmarke
By William Shake-speare.
As it hath beene diuerse times acted by his Highnesse ser-
uants in the Cittie of London: as also in the two V-
niuersities of Cambridge and Oxford, and else-where
At London printed for N.L. and Iohn Trundell.
The Tragicall Historie of
HAMLETPrince of Denmarke.
1041. O you come mo
st carefully vpon your watch,
1652. And if you meete
Marcellus and
Horatio, 176The partners of my watch, bid them make ha
1971. I will: See who goes there.
188 Enter Horatio and Marcellus. 209Hor. Friends to this ground.
2110Mar. And leegemen to the Dane,
2311O farewell hone
st souldier, who hath releeued you?
24121. Barnardo hath my place, giue you good night.
2613Mar. Holla,
Barnardo. 27142. Say, is
Horatio there?
29162. Welcome
Horatio, welcome good
Marcellus. 3017Mar. What hath this thing appear'd againe to night.
31182. I haue
seene nothing.
3219Mar. Horatio sayes tis but our fanta
3320And wil not let beliefe take hold of him,
3421Touching this dreaded
sight twice
seene by vs,
3522Therefore I haue intreated him a long with vs
3623To watch the minutes of this night,
3724That if againe this apparition come,
3825He may approoue our eyes, and
speake to it.
3926Hor. Tut, t'will not appeare.
40272. Sit downe I pray, and let vs once againe
ssaile your eares that are
so forti
4329What we haue two nights
4430Hor. Wel,
sit we downe, and let vs heare
Bernardo speake
46322. La
st night of al, when yonder
starre that's we
st- 4733ward from the pole, had made his cour
se to
4834Illumine that part of heauen. Where now it burnes,
5035The bell then towling one.
37Mar. Breake o
ff your talke,
see where it comes againe.
53382. In the
figure like the King that's dead,
5439Mar. Thou art a
speake to it
Horatio. 55402. Lookes it not like the king?
5641Hor. Mo
st like, it horrors mee with feare and wonder.
57422. It would be
spoke to.
5843Mar. Que
stion it
Horatio. 5944Hor. What art thou that thus v
surps the
state, in
6145Which the Maie
stie of buried
Denmarke did
6246Walke? By heauen I charge thee
6347Mar. It is o
exit Ghost. 64482. See, it
stalkes away.
6549Hor. Stay,
speake, by heauen I charge thee
6751Mar. Tis gone and makes no an
68522. How now
Horatio, you tremble and looke pale,
6953Is not this
something more than fanta
7054What thinke you on't?
7155Hor. Afore my God, I might not this beleeue, without
sible and true auouch of my owne eyes.
Prince of Denmarke.
7457Mar. Is it not like the King?
7558Hor. As thou art to thy
7659Such was the very armor he had on,
7760When he the ambitious
Norway combated.
7861So frownd he once, when in an angry parle
smot the
sleaded pollax on the yce,
8164Mar. Thus twice before, and iump at this dead hower,
8265With Mar
stalke he pa
ssed through our watch.
8366Hor. In what particular to worke, I know not,
8467But in the thought and
scope of my opinion,
8568This bodes
strange eruption to the
8669Mar. Good, now
sit downe, and tell me he that knowes
8770Why this
strikt and mo
st ob
seruant watch,
8871So nightly toyles the
ct of the land,
8972And why
such dayly co
st of brazen Cannon
9073And forraine marte, for implements of warre,
such impre
sse of
ship-writes, who
sore ta
9275Does not diuide the
sunday from the weeke:
9376What might be toward that this
sweaty march
9477Doth make the night ioynt labourer with the day,
9578Who is't that can informe me?
9679Hor. Mary that can I, at lea
st the whi
sper goes
9780Our late King, who as you know was by Forten
- 10082Thereto prickt on by a mo
st emulous cau
se, dared to
10183The combate, in which our valiant
Hamlet, 10284For
so this
side of our knowne world e
steemed him,
slay this Fortenbra
86Who by a
seale compa
ct well rati
fied, by law
10487And heraldrie, did forfeit with his life all tho
10588His lands which he
seazed of by the conqueror,
st the which a moity competent,
10890Was gaged by our King:
sir, yong Fortenbra
11392Of inapproued mettle hot and full,
B2 Hath
The Tragedie of Hamlet
11493Hath in the
skirts of
Norway here and there,
11594Sharkt vp a
sight of lawle
sse Re
11695For food and diet to
some enterpri
11796That hath a
stomacke in't: and this (I take it) is the
12397Chiefe head and ground of this our watch.
12699But loe, behold,
see where it comes againe,
127100Ile cro
sse it, though it bla
st me:
stay illu
129101If there be any good thing to be done,
130102That may doe ea
se to thee, and grace to mee,
131104If thou art priuy to thy countries fate,
132105Which happly foreknowing may preuent, O
speake to me,
133106Or if thou ha
st extorted in thy life,
134107Or hoorded trea
sure in the wombe of earth,
135108For which they
say you Spirites oft walke in death,
136109to me,
stay and
stoppe it
Marcellus. 1391102. Tis heere.
exit Ghost. 141112Marc. Tis gone, O we doe it wrong, being
so maie
- 142113call, to o
ffer it the
shew of violence,
144114For it is as the ayre invelmorable,
145115And our vaine blowes malitious mockery.
1461162. It was about to
speake when the Cocke crew.
147117Hor. And then it faded like a guilty thing,
148118Vpon a fearefull
summons: I haue heard
149119The Cocke, that is the trumpet to the morning,
150120Doth with his earely and
shrill crowing throate,
151121Awake the god of day, and at his
152122Whether in earth or ayre, in
sea or
strauagant and erring
spirite hies
154124To his con
fines, and of the trueth heereof
155125This pre
sent obie
ct made probation.
156126Marc. It faded on the crowing of the Cocke,
say, that euer gain
st that
son comes,
158128Wherein our Sauiours birth is celebrated,
Prince of Denmarke.
159129The bird of dawning
singeth all night long,
160130And then they
say, no
spirite dare walke abroade,
161131The nights are whole
some, then no planet frikes,
162132No Fairie takes, nor Witch hath powre to charme,
163133So gratious, and
so hallowed is that time.
164134Hor. So haue I heard, and doe in parte beleeue it:
see the Sunne in ru
sset mantle clad,
166136Walkes ore the deaw of yon hie mountaine top,
167137Breake we our watch vp, and by my adui
168138Let vs impart what wee haue
seene to night
169139Vnto yong H
amlet: for vpon my life
170140This Spirite dumbe to vs will
speake to him:
171141Do you con
sent, wee
shall acquaint him with it,
172142As needefull in our loue,
fitting our duetie?
173143Marc. Lets doo't I pray, and I this morning know,
174144Where we
finde him mo
st conueniently.
176145 Enter King, Queene, Hamlet, Leartes, Corambis, 178146and the two Ambassadors, with Attendants. 206147King Lordes, we here haue writ to
Fortenbrasse, 207148Nephew to olde
Norway, who impudent
208149And bed-rid,
scarcely heares of this his
209150Nephews purpo
se: and Wee heere di
213151Yong good
Cornelia, and you
Voltemar 214152For bearers of the
se greetings to olde
153Norway, giuing to you no further per
sonall power
216154To bu
sse with the King,
155Then tho
se related articles do
218156Farewell, and let your ha
ste commend your dutie.
219157Gent. In this and all things will wee
shew our dutie.
220158King. Wee doubt nothing, hartily farewel:
222159And now
Leartes, what's the news with you?
said you had a
sute what i'
st Leartes?
231161Lea. My gratious Lord, your fauorable licence,
231.1162Now that the funerall rites are all performed,
B3 I
The Tragedie of Hamlet
232163I may haue leaue to go againe to
France, 232.1164For though the fauour of your grace might
stay mee,
something is there whi
spers in my hart,
236166Which makes my minde and
spirits bend all for
France. 238167King: Haue you your fathers leaue,
Leartes? 240168Cor. He hath, my lord, wrung from me a forced graunt,
241169And I be
seech you grant your Highne
sse leaue.
241.1170King With all our heart,
Leartes fare thee well.
171 Lear. I in all loue and dutie take my leaue.
244172King. And now princely Sonne
Hamlet, Exit. 246173What meanes the
sad and melancholy moodes?
294174For your intent going to
Wittenberg, 296175Wee hold it mo
st vnmeet and vnconuenient,
296.1176Being the Ioy and halfe heart of your mother.
297177Therefore let mee intreat you
stay in Court,
Denmarkes hope our coo
sin and deare
st Sonne.
258179Ham. My lord, ti's not the
sute I weare:
261180No nor the teares that
stand in my eyes,
262181Nor the di
cted hauiour in the vi
263182Nor all together mixt with outward
263.1183Is equall to the
sorrow of my heart,
263.2184Him haue I lo
st I mu
st of force forgoe,
se but the ornaments and
sutes of woe.
268186King This
shewes a louing care in you, Sonne
Hamlet, 271187But you mu
st thinke your father lo
st a father,
272188That father dead, lo
st his, and
shalbe vntill the
272.1189Generall ending. Therefore cea
se laments,
283190It is a fault gain
st heauen, fault gain
st the dead,
284191A fault gain
st nature, and in rea
252192Common cour
se mo
st certaine,
193None liues on earth, but hee is borne to die.
300194Que. Let not thy mother loo
se her praiers H
amlet, 301195Stay here with vs, go not to
Wittenburg. 302196Ham. I
shall in all my be
st obay you madam.
304197King Spoke like a kinde and a mo
st louing Sonne,
308198And there's no health the King
shall drinke to day,
Prince of Denmarke.
309199But the great Canon to the clowdes
shall tell
310200The row
se the King
shall drinke vnto Prince H
amlet. 313202Ham. O that this too much grieu'd and
sh 203Would melt to nothing, or that the vniuer
313.1204Globe of heauen would turne al to a Chaos!
316205O God, within two months; no not two: married,
330206Mine vncle: O let me not thinke of it,
336207My fathers brother: but no more like
208My father, then I to
Hercules. 337209Within two months, ere yet the
salt of mo
st 338210Vnrighteous teares had left their
334211In her galled eyes:
she married, O God, a bea
st 212Deuoyd of rea
son would not haue made
speede: Frailtie, thy name is Woman,
she would hang on him, as if increa
328215Of appetite had growne by what it looked on.
340216O wicked wicked
speede, to make
341217Dexteritie to ince
331218Ere yet the
shooes were olde,
332219The which
she followed my dead fathers cor
Nyobe, all teares: married, well it is not,
342221Nor it cannot come to good:
343222But breake my heart, for I mu
st holde my tongue.
344223 Enter Horatio and Marcellus. 345224Hor. Health to your Lord
346225Ham. I am very glad to
you, (Horatio) or I much
348227Hor. The
same my Lord, and your poore
seruant euer.
350228Ham. O my good friend, I change that name with you:
352229but what make you from
Wittenberg H
355232Ham. I am very glad to
see you, good euen
362233But what is your a
ffaire in
363234Weele teach you to drinke deepe ere you depart.
The Tragedy of Hamlet
357235Hor. A trowant di
sition, my good Lord.
359236Ham. Nor
shall you make mee tru
360237Of your owne report again
st your
361238Sir, I know you are no trowant:
239But what is your a
ffaire in
364240Hor. My good Lord, I came to
see your fathers funerall.
365241Ham. O I pre thee do not mocke mee fellow
366242I thinke it was to
see my mothers wedding.
367243Hor. Indeede my Lord, it followed hard vpon.
368244 Ham. Thrift, thrift, H
oratio, the funerall bak't meates
369245Did coldly furni
sh forth the marriage tables,
370246Would I had met my deere
st foe in heauen
371247Ere euer I had
seene that day
372248O my father, my father, me thinks I
see my father.
374250Ham. Why, in my mindes eye H
oratio. 375251Hor. I
saw him once, he was a gallant King.
376252Ham. He was a man, take him for all in all,
shall not looke vpon his like againe.
378254Hor. My Lord, I thinke I
saw him ye
380256Hor. My Lord, the King your father.
381257Ham. Ha, ha, the King my father ke you.
382258Hor. Cea
sen your admiration for a while
383259With an attentiue eare, till I may deliuer,
384260Vpon the witne
sse of the
se Gentlemen
386262Ham. For Gods loue let me heare it.
387263Hor. Two nights together had the
se Gentlemen,
388264Marcellus and
Bernardo, on their watch,
389265In the dead va
st and middle of the night.
390266Beene thus incountered by a
figure like your father,
391267Armed to poynt, exa
Capapea 392268Appeeres before them thri
se, he walkes
394269Before their weake and feare oppre
ssed eies
395270Within his tronchions length,
Prince of Denmarke
271While they di
stilled almo
st to gelly.
396272With the a
ct of feare
stands dumbe,
speake not to him: this to mee
398274In dreadfull
sie impart they did.
399275And I with them the third night kept the watch,
400276Where as they had deliuered forme of the thing.
401277Each part made true and good,
402278The Apparition comes: I knew your father,
se handes are not more like.
415281Hor. As I do liue, my honord lord, tis true,
416282And wee did thinke it right done,
283In our dutie to let you know it.
405285Mar. My Lord, vpon the platforme where we watched.
406286Ham. Did you not
speake to it?
407287Hor. My Lord we did, but an
swere made it none,
408288Yet once me thought it was about to
409289And lifted vp his head to motion,
410290Like as he would
speake, but euen then
411291The morning cocke crew lowd, and in all ha
shruncke in ha
ste away, and vani
418294Ham. Indeed, indeed
sirs, but this troubles me:
419295Hold you the watch to night?
424300All. My good Lord, from head to foote.
425301Ham. Why then
saw you not his face?
426302Hor. O yes my Lord, he wore his beuer vp.
427303Ham. How look't he, frowningly?
428304Hor. A countenance more in
sorrow than in anger.
C H am.
The Tragedie of Hamlet
431307Ham. And
fixt his eies vpon you.
433309Ham. I would I had beene there.
434310Hor. It would a much amazed you.
435311Ham. Yea very like, very like,
staid it long?
436312Hor. While one with moderate pace
439315Ham. His beard was gri
sleld, no.
440316Hor. It was as I haue
seene it in his life,
442318Ham. I wil watch to night, perchance t'wil walke againe.
444320Ham. If it a
ssume my noble fathers per
speake to it, if hell it
should gape,
446322And bid me hold my peace, Gentlemen,
447323If you haue hither con
sealed this
448324Let it be tenible in your
449325And what
soeuer el
shall chance to night,
450326Giue it an vnder
standing, but no tongue,
451327I will requit your loues,
so fare you well,
452328Vpon the platforme, twixt eleuen and twelue,
454330All. Our duties to your honor.
excunt. 455331Ham. O your loues, your loues, as mine to you,
332Farewell, my fathers
spirit in Armes,
456333Well, all's not well. I doubt
some foule play,
457334Would the night were come,
458335Till then,
still my
soule, foule deeds will ri
459336Though all the world orewhelme them to mens eies.
Exit. 461337 Enter Leartes and Ofelia. 462338Leart. My nece
ssaries are inbarkt, I mu
st aboord,
462.1339But ere I part, marke what I
say to thee:
see Prince
Hamlet makes a
shew of loue
Ofelia, do not tru
st his vowes,
477342Perhaps he loues you now, and now his tongue,
Prince of Denmarke.
496343Speakes from his heart, but yet take heed my
499344The Charie
st maide is prodigall enough,
she vnma
ske hir beautie to the Moone.
501346Vertue it
scapes not calumnious thoughts,
Ofelia, therefore keepe a loofe
st that he trip thy honor and thy fame.
496.2349Ofel. Brother, to this I haue lent attentiue eare,
496.3350And doubt not but to keepe my honour
509351But my deere brother, do not you
510352Like to a cunning Sophi
511353Teach me the path and ready way to heauen,
511.1354While you forgetting what is
said to me,
selfe, like to a carele
sse libertine
512.1356Doth giue his heart, his appetite at ful,
514357And little recks how that his honour dies.
515358Lear. No, feare it not my deere
Ofelia, 517359Here comes my father, occa
smiles vpon a
second leaue.
520361Cor. Yet here
Leartes? aboord, aboord, for
521362The winde
sits in the
shoulder of your
522363And you are
staid for, there my ble
ssing with thee
523364And the
se few precepts in thy memory.
526365"Be thou familiar, but by no meanes vulgare;
se friends thou ha
st, and their adoptions tried,
528367"Graple them to thee with a hoope of
529368"But do not dull the palme with entertaine,
530369"Of euery new vn
fleg'd courage,
370"Beware of entrance into a quarrell; but being in,
532371"Beare it that the oppo
sed may beware of thee,
stly thy apparrell, as thy pur
se can buy.
536373"But not expre
st in fa
537374"For the apparrell oft proclaimes the man.
538375And they of
France of the chiefe rancke and
539376Are of a mo
st sele
ct and generall chiefe in that:
543377"This aboue all, to thy owne
selfe be true,
544378And it mu
st follow as the night the day,
C2 Thou
The Tragedy of Hamlet
545379Thou can
st not then be fal
se to any one,
546380Farewel, my ble
ssing with thee.
547381Lear. I humbly take my leaue, farewell
Ofelia, 549382And remember well what I haue
said to you.
exit. 551383Ofel. It is already lock't within my hart,
552384And you your
shall keepe the key of it.
554385Cor. What i'
st Ofelia he hath
saide to you?
555386Ofel. Somthing touching the prince
Hamlet. 556387Cor. Mary wel thought on, t'is giuen me to vnder
558388That you haue bin too prodigall of your maiden pre
560389Vnto Prince Hamlet, if it be
so tis giuen to mee, and that in waie of caution
561391I mu
st tell you; you do not vnder
stand your
562392So well as be
fits my honor, and your credite.
565393Ofel. My lord, he hath made many tenders of his loue
569395Cor. Tenders, I, I, tenders you may call them.
580396Ofel. And withall,
such earne
st vowes.
581397Cor. Springes to catch woodcocks,
398What, do not I know when the blood doth burne,
582399How prodigall the tongue lends the heart vowes,
587400In briefe, be more
scanter of your maiden pre
575401Or tendring thus you'l tender mee a foole.
602402Ofel. I
shall obay my lord in all I may.
602.1403Cor. Ofelia, receiue none of his letters,
602.2404"For louers lines are
snares to intrap the heart;
se his tokens, both of them are keyes
602.4406To vnlocke Cha
stitie vnto De
601407Come in
Ofelia, such men often proue,
601.1408"Great in their wordes, but little in their loue.
409Ofel. I will my lord.
exeunt. 603410 Enter Hamlet, Horatio, and Marcellus. 604411Ham. The ayre bites
shrewd; it is an eager and
605412An nipping winde, what houre i'
607413Hor. I think it lacks of twelue,
Sound Trumpets. Hora.
Prince of Denmarke.
609415Hor. Indeed I heard it not, what doth this mean my lord?
612416Ham. O the king doth wake to night, & takes his row
613417Keepe wa
ssel, and the
swaggering vp-
spring reeles,
614418And as he dreames, his draughts of reni
sh downe,
615419The kettle, drumme, and trumpet, thus bray out,
616420The triumphes of his pledge.
617421Hor. Is it a cu
stome here?
618422Ham. I mary i'
st and though I am
619423Natiue here, and to the maner borne,
620424It is a cu
stome, more honourd in the breach,
623427Hor. Looke my Lord, it comes.
624428Ham. Angels and Mini
sters of grace defend vs,
625429Be thou a
spirite of health, or goblin damn'd,
626430Bring with thee ayres from heanen, or bla
sts from hell:
627431Be thy intents wicked or charitable,
628432Thou comme
st in
such que
629433That I will
speake to thee,
434Ile call thee
Hamlet, King, Father, Royall Dane,
630435O an
swere mee, let mee not bur
st in ignorance,
say why thy canonizd bones hear
sed in death
633437Haue bur
st their ceremonies: why thy Sepulcher,
634438In which wee
saw thee quietly interr'd,
635439Hath bur
st his ponderous and marble Iawes,
636440To ca
st thee vp againe: what may this meane,
637441That thou, dead cor
se, againe in compleate
ssets thus the glim
ses of the Moone,
639443Making night hideous, and we fooles of nature,
640444So horridely to
shake our di
641445With thoughts beyond the reaches of our
speake, wherefore, what may this meane?
644447Hor. It beckons you, as though it had
647449Mar. Looke with what courteous a
648450It waues you to a more remoued ground,
C3 But
The Tragedie of Hamlet
650452Hor. No, by no meanes my Lord.
651453Ham. It will not
speake, then will I follow it.
658454Hor. What if it tempt you toward the
flood my Lord.
660455That beckles ore his bace, into the
661456And there a
some other horrible
662457Which might depriue your
soueraigntie of rea
663458And driue you into madne
sse: thinke of it.
664459Ham. Still am I called, go on, ile follow thee.
665460Hor. My Lord, you
shall not go.
653461Ham. Why what
should be the feare?
654462I do not
set my life at a pinnes fee,
655463And for my
soule, what can it do to that?
656464Being a thing immortall, like it
465Go on, ile follow thee.
667466Mar. My Lord be rulde, you
shall not goe.
668467Ham. My fate cries out, and makes each pety Artiue
670468As hardy as the Nemeon Lyons nerue,
671469Still am I cald, vnhand me gentlemen;
672470By heauen ile make a gho
st of him that lets me,
673471Away I
say, go on, ile follow thee.
675472Hor. He waxeth de
sperate with imagination.
678473Mar. Something is rotten in the
state of
Denmarke. 677474Hor. Haue after; to what i
ssue will this
676475Mar. Lets follow, tis not
fit thus to obey him.
681476 Enter Ghost and Hamlet. 682477Ham. Ile go no farther, whither wilt thou leade me?
694480Ghost I am thy fathers
spirit, doomd for a time
695481To walke the night, and all the day
finde in
697483Till the foule crimes done in my dayes of Nature
698484Are purged and burnt away.
689486Ghost Nay pitty me not, but to my vnfolding
Prince of Denmarke.
487Lend thy li
stning eare, but that I am forbid
699488To tell the
secrets of my pri
son hou
700489I would a tale vnfold, who
se lighte
st word
701490Would harrow vp thy
soule, freeze thy yong blood,
702491Make thy two eyes like
start from their
703492Thy knotted and combined locks to part,
704493And each particular haire to
stand on end
705494Like quils vpon the fretfull Porpentine,
706495But this
same blazon mu
st not be, to eares of
sh and blood
707496Hamlet, if euer thou did
st thy deere father loue.
710498Gho. Reuenge his foule, and mo
st vnnaturall murder:
712500Ghost Yea, murder in the highe
st degree,
501As in the lea
st tis bad,
713502But mine mo
st foule, bea
stly, and vnnaturall.
714503Ham. Ha
ste me to knowe it, that with wings as
swift as
716504meditation, or the thought of it, may
sweepe to my reuenge.
718505Ghost O I
finde thee apt, and duller
st thou be
719506Then the fat weede which rootes it
selfe in ea
Lethe whar
ffe: briefe let me be.
722508Tis giuen out, that
sleeping in my orchard,
723509A Serpent
stung me;
so the whole eare of
Denmarke 724510Is with a forged Pro
sses of my death rankely abu
725511But know thou noble Youth: he that did
726512Thy fathers heart, now weares his Crowne.
728513Ham. O my prophetike
soule, my vncle! my vncle!
729514Ghost Yea he, that ince
stuous wretch, wonne to his will (with gifts,
731515O wicked will, and gifts! that haue the power
732516So to
seduce my mo
st seeming vertuous Queene,
739517But vertne, as it neuer will be moued,
740518Though Lewdne
sse court it in a
shape of heauen,
741519So Lu
st, thought to a radiant angle linckt,
742520Would fate it
selfe from a cele
stiall bedde,
521And prey on garbage: but
soft, me thinkes
sent the mornings ayre, briefe let me be,
The Tragedy of Hamlet
744523Sleeping within my Orchard, my cu
stome alwayes
745524In the after noone, vpon my
secure houre
746525Thy vncle came, with iuyce of Hebona
747526In a viall, and through the porches of my eares
748527Did powre the leaprous di
stilment, who
se e
ct 750528Hold
such an enmitie with blood of man,
swift as quicke
silner, it po
steth through
752530The naturall gates and allies of the body,
753531And turnes the thinne and whole
some blood
754532Like eager dropings into milke.
756533And all my
smoothe body, barked, and tetterd ouer.
759534Thus was I
sleeping by a brothers hand
760535Of Crowne, of Queene, of life, of dignitie
536At once depriued, no reckoning made of,
764538With all my accompts and
sinnes vpon my head,
765539O horrible, mo
st horrible!
766541ghost If thou ha
st nature in thee, beare it not,
769542But how
soeuer, let not thy heart
spire again
st thy mother aught,
772545And to the burthen that her con
science beares.
774546I mu
st be gone, the Glo-worme
shewes the Martin
547To be neere, and gin's to pale his vne
776548Hamlet adue, adue, adue: remember me.
Exit 777549Ham. O all you ho
ste of heauen! O earth, what el
shall I couple hell; remember thee?
781551Yes thou poore Gho
st; from the tables
783552Of my memorie, ile wipe away all
sawes of Bookes,
784553All triuiall fond conceites
786554That euer youth, or el
se ob
seruance noted,
787555And thy remembrance, all alone
789556Yes, yes, by heauen, a damnd pernitious villaine,
791557Murderons, bawdy,
smiling damned villaine,
792558(My tables) meet it is I
set it downe,
Prince of Denmarke.
793559That one may
smile, and
smile, and be a villayne;
794560At lea
st I am
sure, it may be
so in
Denmarke. 795561So vncle, there you are, there you are.
562Now to the words; it is adue adue: remember me,
796563Soe t'is enough I haue
797564Hor. My lord, my lord.
Enter. Horatio,and Marcellus. 802566Hor. Ill, lo, lo, ho, ho.
803567Mar. Ill, lo, lo,
so, ho,
so, come boy, come.
800568Hor. Heauens
secure him.
804569Mar. How i'
st my noble lord?
806571Ham. O wonderfull, wonderful.
807572Hor. Good my lord tel it.
808573Ham. No not I, you'l reueale it.
809574Hor. Not I my Lord by heauen.
811576Ham. How
say you then? would hart of man
577Once thinke it? but you'l be
813578Both. I by heauen, my lord.
814579Ham. There's neuer a villaine dwelling in all
Denmarke, 815580But hee's an arrant knaue.
816581Hor. There need no Gho
st come from the graue to tell
818583Ham. Right, you are in the right, and therefore
819584I holde it meet without more circum
stance at all,
shake hands and part; you as your bu
821586And de
shall leade you: for looke you,
822587Euery man hath bu
sines, and de
823588As it is, and for my owne poore parte, ile go pray.
825589Hor. The
se are but wild and wherling words, my Lord.
826590Ham. I am
sory they o
ffend you; hartely, yes faith hartily.
828591Hor. Ther's no o
ffence my Lord.
829592Ham. Yes by Saint
Patrike but there is H
oratio, 830593And much o
ffence too, touching this vi
831594It is an hone
st gho
st, that let mee tell you,
D For
The Tragedie of Hamlet
832595For your de
sires to know what is betweene vs,
ster it as you may:
597And now kind frends, as yon are frends,
835599Grant mee one poore reque
836600Both. What i'
st my Lord?
837601Ham. Neuer make known what you haue
seene to night
838602Both. My lord, we will not.
840604Hor. In faith my Lord not I.
841605Mar. Nor I my Lord in faith.
842606Ham. Nay vpon my
sword, indeed vpon my
608 The Gost vnder the stage. 846609Ham. Ha, ha, come you here, this fellow in the
849611Hor. Propo
se the oth my Lord.
850612Ham. Neuer to
speake what you haue
seene to night,
853615Ham. Hic & vbique; nay then weele
shift our ground:
854616Come hither Gentlemen, and lay your handes
855617Againe vpon this
sword, neuer to
856618Of that which you haue
sweare by my
859620Ham. Well
said old Mole, can'
st worke in the earth?
621so fa
st, a worthy Pioner, once more remoue.
861622Hor. Day and night but this is wondrous
862623Ham. And therefore as a
stranger giue it welcome,
863624There are more things in heauen and earth
Horatio, 864625Then are Dream't of, in your philo
626But come here, as before you neuer
strange or odde
soere I beare my
867628As I perchance hereafter
shall thinke meet,
868629To put an Anticke di
sition on,
869630That you at
such times
seeing me, neuer
Prince of Denmarke.
870631With Armes, incombred thus, or this head
871632Or by pronouncing
some vndoubtfull phra
872633As well well, wee know, or wee could and if we would,
873634Or there be, and if they might, or
such ambiguous:
874635Giuing out to note, that you know aught of mee,
875636This not to doe,
so grace, and mercie
876637At your mo
st need helpe you,
879639Ham. Re
st, re
st, perturbed
so gentlemen,
880640In all my loue I do commend mee to you,
881641And what
so poore a man as
Hamlet may,
882642To plea
sure you, God willing
shall not want,
883643Nay come lett's go together,
stil your
fingers on your lippes I pray,
885645The time is out of ioynt, O cur
886646That euer I was borne to
set it right,
887647Nay come lett's go together.
Exeunt. 889648 Enter Corambis, and Montano. 890649Cor. Montano, here, the
se letters to my
650And this
same mony with my ble
ssing to him,
966651And bid him ply his learning good
Montano. 892653Cor. You
shall do very well
Montano, to
say thus,
905654I knew the gentleman, or know his father,
898655To inquire the manner of his life,
898.1656As thus; being among
st his acquaintance,
906657You may
say, you
saw him at
such a time, marke you mee,
916658At game, or drincking,
swearing, or drabbing,
919660Mon. My lord, that will impeach his reputation.
920661Cor. I faith not a whit, no not a whit,
937662Now happely hee clo
seth with you in the con
663As you may bridle it not di
sparage him a iote.
943664What was I a bout to
945665Mon. He clo
seth with him in the con
947666Cor. I, you
say right, he clo
seth with him thus,
D2 This
The Tragedy of Hamlet
947.1667This will hee
say, let mee
see what hee will
668Mary this, I
saw him ye
sterday, or tother day,
950669Or then, or at
such a time, a dicing,
952670Or at Tennis, I or drincking drunke, or entring
953671Of a how
se of lightnes viz. brothell,
sir do wee that know the world, being men of reach,
958673By indire
finde dire
ctions forth,
shall you my
sonne; you ha me, ha you not?
962676Cor. Wel, fare you well, commend mee to him.
678Cor. And bid him ply his mu
967679Mon. My lord I wil.
exit. 969681Cor. Farewel, how now
Ofelia, what's the news with you?
971682Ofe. O my deare father,
such a change in nature,
971.1683So great an alteration in a Prince,
978684So pitifull to him, fearefull to mee,
970686Cor. Why what's the matter my
974687Of. O yong Prince
Hamlet, the only
floure of
Denmark, 974.1688Hee is bereft of all the wealth he had,
974.2689The Iewell that ador'nd his feature mo
st 974.3690Is
filcht and
stolne away, his wit's bereft him,
973691Hee found mee walking in the gallery all alone,
692There comes hee to mee, with a di
cted looke,
976693His garters lagging downe, his
shooes vntide,
fixt his eyes
st on my face,
987.1695As if they had vow'd, this is their late
st obie
984696Small while he
stoode, but gripes me by the wri
984.1697And there he holdes my pul
se till with a
993698He doth vncla
spe his holde, and parts away
993.1699Silent, as is the mid time of the night:
997700And as he went, his eie was
still on mee,
994701For thus his head ouer his
shoulder looked,
seemed to
finde the way without his eies:
Prince of Denmarke.
996703For out of doores he went without their helpe,
981705Cor. Madde for thy loue,
1004706What haue you giuen him any cro
sse wordes of late?
1006707Ofelia I did repell his letters, deny his gifts,
1008709Cor. Why that hath made him madde:
1012710By heau'n t'is as proper for our age to ca
st 1013711Beyond our
selues, as t'is for the yonger
1009712To leaue their wantonne
sse. Well, I am
713That I was
so ra
sh: but what remedy?
1015714Lets to the King, this madne
sse may prooue,
1017715Though wilde a while, yet more true to thy loue.
exeunt. 1019716 Enter King and Queene, Rossencraft, and Gilderstone. 1021717King Right noble friends, that our deere co
sin Hamlet
1021.1718Hath lo
st the very heart of all his
1021.2719It is mo
st right, and we mo
st sory for him:
1030720Therefore we doe de
sire, euen as you tender
1030.1721Our care to him, and our great loue to you,
1035722That you will labour but to wring from him
2207723The cau
se and ground of his di
1044724Doe this, the king of
Denmarke shal be thankefull.
1044.1725Ros. My Lord, what
soeuer lies within our power
1046726Your maie
stie may more commaund in wordes
1049727Then v
se per
sions to your liege men, bound
729Guil. What we may doe for both your Maie
1046.1730To know the griefe troubles the Prince your
1051731We will indeuour all the be
st we may,
1051.1732So in all duetie doe we take our leaue.
1054733King Thankes Guilder
stone, and gentle Ro
1055734Que. Thankes Ro
ssencraft, and gentle Gilder
1064736Cor. My Lord, the Amba
ssadors are ioyfully
1066738King Thou
still ha
st beene the father of good news.
D3 Cor.
The Tragedie of Hamlet
1067739Cor. Haue I my Lord? I a
ssure your grace,
1068740I holde my duetie as I holde my life,
1069741Both to my God, and to my
soueraigne King:
1070742And I beleeue, or el
se this braine of mine
1071743Hunts not the traine of policie
so well
1072744As it had wont to doe, but I haue found
1073745The very depth of Hamlets lunacie.
1084748King Now
Voltemar, what from our brother
1085749Volt. Mo
st faire returnes of greetings and de
1086750Vpon our
st he
sent forth to
1087751His nephews leuies, which to him appear'd
1088752To be a preparation gain
st the Polacke:
1089753But better look't into, he truely found
1090754It was again
st your Highne
sse, whereat grieued,
so his
sse, age, and impotence,
1092756Was fal
sely borne in hand,
sends out arre
Fortenbrasse, which he in briefe obays,
1094758Receiues rebuke from
Norway: and in
1095759Makes vow before his vncle, neuer more
1096760To giue the a
ssay of Armes again
st your Maie
1097761Whereon olde
Norway ouercome with ioy,
1098762Giues him three thou
sand crownes in annuall fee,
1099763And his Commi
ssion to employ tho
1100764So leuied as before, again
st the Polacke,
1101765With an intreaty heerein further
1102766That it would plea
se you to giue quiet pa
1103767Through your dominions, for that enterpri
such regardes of
safety and allowances
1106770King It likes vs well, and at
fit time and lea
1107771Weele reade and an
swere the
se his Articles,
1109772Meane time we thanke you for your well
773Tooke labour: go to your re
st, at night weele fea
st togither:
1111774Right welcome home.
exeunt Ambassadors. Cor.
Prince of Denmarke.
1112775Cor. This bu
sines is very well di
776Now my Lord, touching the yong Prince Hamlet,
1119777Certaine it is that hee is madde: mad let vs grant him then:
1129778Now to know the cau
se of this e
1130779Or el
se to
say the cau
se of this defe
1131780For this e
ct defe
ctiue comes by cau
1123781Queene Good my Lord be briefe.
1124782Cor. Madam I will: my Lord, I haue a daughter,
1133783Haue while
shee's mine: for that we thinke
st, we often loo
se: now to the Prince.
1134786The which my daughter in obedience
1144790Doubt that in earth is
1145791Doubt that the
starres doe moue,
1151795Thine euer the mo
st vnhappy Prince
Hamlet. 1158796My Lord, what doe you thinke of me?
1160797I, or what might you thinke when I
sawe this?
1159798King As of a true friend and a mo
st louing
799Cor. I would be glad to prooue
1169800Now when I
saw this letter, thus I be
spake my maiden:
Hamlet is a Prince out of your
1170.1802And one that is vnequall for your loue:
1171803Therefore I did commaund her refu
se his letters,
1172804Deny his tokens, and to ab
sent her
1174805Shee as my childe obediently obey'd me.
since which time,
seeing his loue thus cross'd,
1174.2807Which I tooke to be idle, and but
straitway grew into a melancholy,
809From that vnto a fa
st, then vnto di
810Then into a
sse, from that vnto a madne
The Tragedy of Hamlet
so by continuance, and weakene
sse of the braine
1179812Into this fren
sie, which now po
sseth him:
1187813And if this be not true, take this from this.
1183815Cor. How?
so my Lord, I would very faine know
1184816That thing that I haue
saide t'is
so, po
1185817And it hath fallen out otherwi
1188818Nay, if circum
stances leade me on,
finde it out, if it were hid
1190820As deepe as the centre of the earth.
1191821King. how
should wee trie this
1193823The Princes walke is here in the galery,
1196824There let
Ofelia, walke vntill hee comes:
selfe and I will
stand clo
se in the
shall you heare the e
ct of all his hart,
1198827And if it proue any otherwi
se then loue,
1198.1828Then let my cen
sure faile an other time.
1204829King. see where hee comes poring vppon a booke.
1206831Cor. Madame, will it plea
se your grace
1687833Que. With all my hart.
exit. 1695834Cor. And here
Ofelia, reade you on this booke,
1694835And walke aloofe, the King
shal be vn
1710836Ham. To be, or not to be, I there's the point,
1714837To Die, to
sleepe, is that all? I all:
1719838No, to
sleepe, to dreame, I mary there it goes,
1720839For in that dreame of death, when wee awake,
1733840And borne before an euerla
sting Iudge,
1734841From whence no pa
ssenger euer retur'nd,
842The vndi
scouered country, at who
1733.1843The happy
smile, and the accur
sed damn'd.
1733.2844But for this, the ioyfull hope of this,
1724845Whol'd beare the
scornes and
flattery of the world,
1725846Scorned by the right rich, the rich cur
ssed of the poore?
Prince of Denmarke
1725.1847The widow being oppre
ssed, the orphan wrong'd,
1725.2848The ta
ste of hunger, or a tirants raigne,
1716849And thou
sand more calamities be
1731850To grunt and
sweate vnder this weary life,
1729851When that he may his full
Quietus make,
1730852With a bare bodkin, who would this indure,
1732853But for a hope of
something after death?
854Which pu
sles the braine, and doth confound the
1735855Which makes vs rather beare tho
se euilles we haue,
flie to others that we know not of.
1737857I that, O this con
science makes cowardes of vs all,
1743858Lady in thy orizons, be all my
sinnes remembred.
1745859Ofel. My Lord, I haue
sought opportunitie, which now
1748860I haue, to redeliuer to your worthy handes, a
small remem
- 861brance,
such tokens which I haue receiued of you.
1762866Ham. That if you be faire and hone
867Your beauty
should admit no di
se to your hone
1764868Ofel. My Lord, can beauty haue better priuiledge than
1766870Ham. Yea mary may it; for Beauty may tran
sty, from what
she was into a bawd:
872Then Hone
sty can tran
sforme Beauty:
1769873This was
sometimes a Paradox,
874But now the time giues it
1752876Ofel. My Lord, you know right well you did,
1753877And with them
such earne
st vowes of loue,
1754878As would haue moou'd the
st brea
st aliue,
1756880Rich giftes waxe poore, when giuers grow vnkinde.
1771882Ofel. You made me beleeue you did.
E Ham.
The Tragedie of Hamlet
1772883Ham. O thou
st not a beleeued me!
1776884Go to a Nunnery goe, why
st thou
1777885Be a breeder of
sinners? I am my
selfe indi
fferent hone
1778886But I could accu
se my
selfe of
such crimes
887It had beene better my mother had ne're borne me,
1779888O I am very prowde, ambitious, di
1780889With more
sinnes at my becke, then I haue thoughts
1781890To put them in, what
such fellowes as I
1783891Do, crawling between heauen and earth?
1784892To a Nunnery goe, we are arrant knaues all,
893Beleeue none of vs, to a Nunnery goe.
1787897Ham. For Gods
sake let the doores be
shut on him,
898He may play the foole no where but in his
1788899Owne hou
se: to a Nunnery goe.
900Ofel. Help him good God.
1790901Ham. If thou do
st marry, Ile giue thee
902This plague to thy dowry:
1791903Be thou as cha
ste as yce, as pure as
shalt not
scape calumny, to a Nunnery goe.
1793906Ham. But if thou wilt needes marry, marry a foole,
1794907For wi
semen know well enough,
908What mon
sters you make of them, to a Nunnery goe.
1798910Ham. Nay, I haue heard of your paintings too,
1799911God hath giuen you one face,
912And you make your
selues another,
fig, and you amble, and you nickname Gods creatures,
1801914Making your wantonne
sse, your ignorance,
1802915A pox, t'is
scuruy, Ile no more of it,
916It hath made me madde: Ile no more marriages,
1803917All that are married but one,
shall liue,
1804918The re
st shall keepe as they are, to a Nunnery goe,
Prince of Denmarke.
1805.1920Ofe. Great God of heauen, what a quicke change is this?
1807921The Courtier, Scholler, Souldier, all in him,
1816922All da
sht and
splinterd thence, O woe is me,
1817923To a
seene what I haue
see what I
exit. 1818924King Loue? No, no, that's not the cau
Enter King and Corambis. 1818.1925Some deeper thing it is that troubles him.
1818.2926Cor. Wel,
something it is: my Lord, content you a while,
927I will my
selfe goe feele him: let me worke,
928Ile try him euery way:
see where he comes,
1204.1929Send you tho
se Gentlemen, let me alone
finde the depth of this, away, be gone.
exit King. 931Now my good Lord, do you know me?
Enter Hamlet. 1211932Ham. Yea very well, y'are a
1213934Ham. Then
sir, I would you were
so hone
st a man,
1215935For to be hone
st, as this age goes,
936Is one man to be pickt out of tenne thou
1229937Cor. What doe you reade my Lord?
1231939Cor. What's the matter my Lord?
1233941Cor. I meane the matter you reade my Lord.
1234943For here the Satyricall Satyre writes,
1235944That olde men haue hollow eyes, weake backes,
945Grey beardes, pittifull weake hammes, gowty legges,
1238946All which
sir, I mo
st potently beleeue not:
sir, your
shalbe olde as I am,
1241948If like a Crabbe, you could goe backeward.
1248949Cor. How pregnant his replies are, and full of wit:
1226950Yet at
st he tooke me for a
1226.1951All this comes by loue, the vemencie of loue,
1227952And when I was yong, I was very idle,
ffered much exta
sie in loue, very neere this:
1244954Will you walke out of the aire my Lord?
E2 Ham.
The Tragedy of Hamlet
1247956Cor. By the ma
sse that's out of the aire indeed,
1256958My lord I will take my leaue of you.
1265959 Enter Gilderstone, and Rossencraft. 1258960Ham. You can take nothing from me
961I will more willingly part with all,
1263963Cor, You
seeke Prince Hamlet,
see, there he is.
exit. 1270965Ham. What, Gilder
stone, and Ro
1417966Welcome kinde Schoole-fellowes to
Elsanoure. 1417.1967Gil. We thanke your Grace, and would be very glad
1417.2968You were as when we were at
Wittenberg. 1320969Ham. I thanke you, but is this vi
sitation free of
selues, or were you not
sent for?
1323971Tell me true, come, I know the good King and Queene
1326972Sent for you, there is a kinde of confe
ssion in your eye:
1322973Come, I know you were
sent for.
1337975Ham. Nay then I
see how the winde
976Come, you were
sent for.
1339977Ross. My lord, we were, and willingly if we might,
978Know the cau
se and ground of your di
1294980Ross. I thinke not
so my lord.
1345981Ham. Yes faith, this great world you
see contents me not,
1347982No nor the
spangled heauens, nor earth, nor
1355983No nor Man that is
so glorious a creature,
984Contents not me, no nor woman too, though you laugh.
1358985Gil. My lord, we laugh not at that.
1360986Ham. Why did you laugh then,
987When I
said, Man did not content mee?
1362988Gil. My Lord, we laughed, when you
said, Man did not
1363990What entertainement the Players
shall haue,
Prince of Denmarke.
1364991We boorded them a the way: they are comming to you.
1372992Ham. Players, what Players be they?
1375993Ross. My Lord, the Tragedians of the Citty,
se that you tooke delight to
so often.
1376995Ham. How comes it that they trauell? Do they grow re
1385996Gil. No my Lord, their reputation holds as it was wont.
1386998Gil. Yfaith my Lord, noueltie carries it away,
999For the principall publike audience that
1000Came to them, are turned to priuate playes,
1001And to the humour of children.
14091002Ham. I doe not greatly wonder of it,
14101003For tho
se that would make mops and moes
1004At my vncle, when my father liued,
14111005Now giue a hundred, two hundred pounds
13661006For his pi
cture: but they
shall be welcome,
1007He that playes the King
shall haue tribute of me,
13671008The ventrous Knight
shall v
se his foyle and target,
13701010The clowne
shall make them laugh
1011That are tickled in the lungs, or the blanke ver
shall halt (for't,
13711012And the Lady
shall haue leaue to
speake her minde freely.
14151013 The Trumpets sound, Enter Corambis. 1015He is not yet out of his
swadling clowts.
14321016Gil. That may be, for they
say an olde man
14341018Ham. Ile prophecie to you, hee comes to tell mee a the (Players,
say true, a monday la
st, t'was
so indeede.
14371020Cor. My lord, I haue news to tell you.
14381021Ham. My Lord, I haue newes to tell you:
Rossios was an A
ctor in
Rome. 14401023Cor. The A
ctors are come hither, my lord.
14441025Cor. The be
st A
ctors in Chri
1026Either for Comedy, Tragedy, Hi
storie, Pa
E3 Pastorall
The Tragedie of Hamlet
storall, Hi
storicall, Hi
storicall, Comicall,
14461028Comicall hi
storicall, Pa
storall, Tragedy hi
14481029Seneca cannot be too heauy, nor
Plato too light:
14491030For the law hath writ tho
se are the onely men.
14511031Ha. O
Iepha Iudge of
Israel! what a trea
sure had
st thou?
14531032Cor. Why what a trea
sure had he my lord?
14541033Ham. Why one faire daughter, and no more,
14551034The which he loued pa
ssing well.
14581035Cor. A,
stil harping a my daughter! well my Lord,
1036If you call me
Iepha, I hane a daughter that
14611039Cor. What followes then my Lord?
14621040Ham. Why by lot, or God wot, or as it came to pa
so it was, the
st ver
se of the godly Ballet
14641042Wil tel you all: for look you where my abridgement comes:
14661043Welcome mai
sters, welcome all,
Enter players. 14681044What my olde friend, thy face is vallanced
14691045Since I
saw thee la
st, com'
st thou to beard me in
Denmarke? 14701046My yong lady and mi
stris, burlady but your
ship is growne by the altitude of a chopine higher than (you were:
14721048Pray God
sir your voyce, like a peece of vncurrant
14731049Golde, be not crack't in the ring: come on mai
14741050Weele euen too't, like French Falconers,
14751051Flie at any thing we
see, come, a ta
ste of your
14761052Quallitie, a
speech, a pa
14781053Players What
speech my good lord?
14791054Ham. I heard thee
speake a
speech once,
1055But it was neuer a
cted: or if it were,
14801056Neuer aboue twice, for as I remember,
14811057It plea
sed not the vulgar, it was cauiary
1058To the million: but to me
14821059And others, that receiued it in the like kinde,
14831060Cried in the toppe of their iudgements, an excellent play,
14841061Set downe with as great mode
stie as cunning:
said there was no
sallets in the lines to make
thē sauory,
Prince of Denmarke.
14881063But called it an hone
st methode, as whole
some as
14891064Come, a
speech in it I chie
fly remember
AEneas tale to
Dido, 14901066And then e
specially where he talkes of Princes
14911067If it liue in thy memory beginne at this line,
1069The rugged
Pyrrus, like th'arganian bea
14931070No t'is not
so, it begins with
Pirrus: 14941072The rugged
Pirrus, he who
sable armes,
14951073Blacke as his purpo
se did the night re
14961074When he lay couched in the ominous hor
14971075Hath now his blacke and grimme complexion
14981076With Heraldry more di
small, head to foote,
14991077Now is he totall gui
se, horridely tricked
15001078With blood of fathers, mothers, daughters,
15011079Back't and imparched in calagulate gore,
15031080Rifted in earth and
fire, olde grand
Pryam seekes:
15071082Cor. Afore God, my Lord, well
spoke, and with good (accent.
15091083Play. Anone he
finds him
striking too
short at Greeks,
15101084His antike
sword rebellious to his Arme,
15111085Lies where it falles, vnable to re
15131086Pyrrus at
Pryam driues, but all in rage,
1087Strikes wide, but with the whi
ffe and winde
15141088Of his fell
sword, th'unnerued father falles.
15381089Cor. Enough my friend, t'is too long.
15391090Ham. It
shall to the Barbers with your beard:
15401091A pox, hee's for a Iigge, or a tale of bawdry,
1092Or el
se he
sleepes, come on to
Hecuba, come.
15421093Play. But who, O who had
seene the mobled Queene?
15441094Cor. Mobled Queene is good, faith very good.
15501095Play. All in the alarum and feare of death ro
se vp,
15491096And o're her weake and all ore-teeming loynes, a blancket
15471097And a kercher on that head, where late the diademe
15511098Who this had
seene with tongue inuenom'd
The Tragedy of Hamlet
15531100For if the gods them
selues had
seene her then,
Pirrus with malitious
15581103It would haue made milch the burning eyes of heauen,
15601105Cor Looke my lord if he hath not changde his colour,
1106And hath teares in his eyes: no more good heart, no more.
15621107Ham. T'is well, t'is very well, I pray my lord,
15631108Will you
see the Players well be
15641109I tell you they are the Chronicles
15651110And briefe ab
cts of the time,
1111After your death I can tell you,
15661112You were better haue a bad Epiteeth,
1113Then their ill report while you liue.
15681114Cor. My lord, I will v
se them according to their de
15701115Ham. O farre better man, v
se euery man after his de
se them after your owne honor and dignitie,
15721118The le
sse they de
serue, the greater credit's yours.
15751119Cor. Welcome my good fellowes.
exit. 15771120Ham. Come hither mai
sters, can you not play the mur
- 15801123Ham. And could'
st not thou for a neede
study me
1125Which I would
set downe and in
15831126players Yes very ea
sily my good Lord.
15841127Ham. T'is well, I thanke you: follow that lord:
1128And doe you heare
sirs? take heede you mocke him not.
1584.11129Gentlemen, for your kindnes I thanke you,
15851130And for a time I would de
sire you leaue me.
1585.11131Gil. Our loue and duetie is at your commaund.
15901133Ham. Why what a dunghill idiote
slaue am I?
15911134Why the
se Players here draw water from eyes:
Prince of Denmarke
15981135For Hecuba, why what is Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba?
16001136What would he do and if he had my lo
1600.11137His father murdred, and a Crowne bereft him,
16021138He would turne all his teares to droppes of blood,
16031139Amaze the
standers by with his laments,
1603.11140Strike more then wonder in the iudiciall eares,
16051141Confound the ignorant, and make mute the wi
16061143Yet I like to an a
sse and Iohn a Dreames,
16091144Hauing my father murdred by a villaine,
still, and let it pa
sse, why
sure I am a coward:
16121146Who pluckes me by the beard, or twites my no
16141147Giue's me the lie i'th throate downe to the lungs,
16161148Sure I
should take it, or el
se I haue no gall,
16181149Or by this I
should a fatted all the region kites
16201150With this
slaues o
ffell, this damned villaine,
1151Treacherous, bawdy, murderous villaine:
16231152Why this is braue, that I the
sonne of my deare father,
16271153Should like a
scalion, like a very drabbe
16261154Thus raile in wordes. About my braine,
16291155I haue heard that guilty creatures
sitting at a play,
16301156Hath, by the very cunning of the
scene, confe
st a murder
spirit that I haue
seene may be the Diuell,
16411159And out of my weakene
sse and my melancholy,
16421160As he is very potent with
such men,
seeke to damne me, I will haue
sounder proofes,
16451163Wherein I'le catch the con
science of the King.
exit. 16461164 Enter the King, Queene, and Lordes. 16481165King Lordes, can you by no meanes
16491166The cau
se of our
sonne Hamlets lunacie?
10311167You being
so neere in loue, euen from his youth,
1031.11168Me thinkes
should gaine more than a
F Gil.
The Tragedie of Hamlet
1031.21169Gil. My lord, we haue done all the be
st we could,
1031.31170To wring from him the cau
se of all his griefe,
still he puts vs o
ff, and by no meanes
16541172Would make an an
swere to that we expo
16661173Ross. Yet was he
something more inclin'd to mirth
16681174Before we left him, and I take it,
1175He hath giuen order for a play to night,
16711176At which he craues your highne
sse company.
1177King With all our heart, it likes vs very well:
still to increa
se his mirth,
1674.11179Spare for no co
st, our co
shall be open,
1674.21180And we vnto your
selues will
still be thankefull.
16771181Both In all wee can, be
sure you
shall commaund.
1182Queene Thankes gentlemen, and what the Queene of (
Denmarke 10451183May plea
sure you, be
sure you
shall not want.
1045.11184Gil. Weele once againe vnto the noble Prince.
1045.21185King Thanks to you both: Gertred you'l
see this play.
16731186Queene My lord I will, and it ioyes me at the
1187He is inclin'd to any kinde of mirth.
1188Cor. Madame, I pray be ruled by me:
1189And my good Soueraigne, giue me leaue to
se they
shall not meete, and thus it is.
18371195Cor. Mary my good lord this,
soone when the
sports are (done,
send you in ha
ste to
speake with him,
18411197And I my
selfe will
stand behind the Arras,
1198There que
stion you the cau
se of all his griefe,
1839.11199And then in loue and nature vnto you, hee'le tell you all:
18451201King It likes vs well, Gerterd, what
say you?
1845.11202Queene With all my heart,
soone will I
send for him.
1845.21203Cor. My
selfe will be that happy me
1845.31204Who hopes his griefe will be reueal'd to her.
exeunt omnes Enter
Prince of Denmarke.
18491206Ham. Pronounce me this
speech trippingly a the tongue
18501208Mary and you mouth it, as a many of your players do
18511209I'de rather heare a towne bull bellow,
such a fellow
speake my lines.
18521211Nor do not
saw the aire thus with your hands,
18531212But giue euery thing his a
ction with temperance.
18561213O it o
ffends mee to the
soule, to heare a rebu
stious periwig (fellow,
18571214To teare a pa
ssion in totters, into very ragges,
split the eares of the ignoraut, who for the
st parte are capable of nothing but dumbe
shewes and (noi
18601217I would haue
such a fellow whipt, for o're doing, tarmagant
18841219players My Lorde, wee haue indi
fferently reformed that
18861221Ham. The better, the better, mend it all together:
18761222There be fellowes that I haue
seene play,
18771223And heard others commend them, and that highly too,
18781224That hauing neither the gate of Chri
stian, Pagan,
18801225Nor Turke, haue
strutted and bellowed,
1226That you would a thought,
some of Natures journeymen
18811227Had made men, and not made them well,
18821228They imitated humanitie,
so abhominable:
1231Ham. And doe you heare? let not your Clowne
18871232More then is
set downe, there be of them I can tell you
18881233That will laugh them
selues, to
set on
18891234Quantitie of barren
ctators to laugh with them,
18901235Albeit there is
some nece
ssary point in the Play
18911236Then to be ob
serued: O t'is vile, and
18921237A pittifull ambition in the foole the v
seth it.
1892.11238And then you haue
some agen, that keepes one
s iea
sts, as a man is knowne by one
sute of
1892.31240Apparell, and Gentlemen quotes his iea
sts downe
F2 In
The Tragedy of Hamlet
1892.41241In their tables, before they come to the play, as thus:
1892.51242Cannot you
stay till I eate my porrige? and, you owe me
1892.61243A quarters wages: and, my coate wants a culli
1892.71244And your beere is
sowre: and, blabbering with his lips,
1245And thus keeping in his cinkapa
se of iea
1892.91246When, God knows, the warme Clowne cannot make a ie
st 1892.101247Vnle
sse by chance, as the blinde man catcheth a hare:
18931250Ham. Well, goe make you ready.
exeunt players. 19041252Ham. Horatio, thou art euen as iu
st a man,
19051253As e're my conuer
sation cop'd withall.
19071255Ham. Nay why
should I
flatter thee?
should the poore be
19081257What gaine
should I receiue by
flattering thee,
19091258That nothing hath but thy good minde?
sit on tho
se time-plea
sing tongs,
19121260To glo
se with them that loues to heare their prai
19261262There is a play to night, wherein one Sceane they haue
19271263Comes very neere the murder of my father,
19291264When thou
see that A
ct afoote,
19311265Marke thou the King, doe but ob
serue his lookes,
19361266For I mine eies will riuet to his face:
1267And if he doe not bleach, and change at that,
19331268It is a damned gho
st that we haue
1269Horatio, haue a care, ob
serue him well.
19391270Hor. My lord, mine eies
still be on his face,
shall appeare in him, but I
shall note it.
19421274 Enter King, Queene, Corambis, and other Lords. 19481275King How now
Hamlet, how fare you,
shall we haue (a play?
19491276Ham. Yfaith the Camelions di
sh, not capon cramm'd,
Prince of Denmarke.
19531278I father: My lord, you playd in the Vniuer
19551279Cor. That I did my L: and I was counted a good a
19581281Cor. My lord, I did a
ct Iulius Caesar, I was killed
1282in the Capitoll,
Brutus killed me.
19601283Ham. It was a brute parte of him,
1284To kill
so capitall a calfe.
19631286Queene Hamlet come
sit downe by me.
19641287Ham. No by my faith mother, heere's a mettle more at
- (tra
19661288Lady will you giue me leaue, and
so forth:
1289To lay my head in your lappe?
19681291Ham. Vpon your lap, what do you thinke I meant con
- (trary matters?
19901292 Enter in a Dumbe Shew, the King and the Queene, he sits 19931293 downe in an Arbor, she leaues him: Then enters Luci- 19961294anus with poyson in a Viall, and powres it in his eares, and 1295goes away: Then the Queene commeth and findes him 19971296dead: and goes away with the other. 20031297Ofel. What meanes this my Lord?
Enter the Prologue. 20041298Ham. This is myching Mallico, that meanes my chiefe.
1299Ofel. What doth this meane my lord?
20081300Ham. you
shall heare anone, this fellow will tell you all.
20101301Ofel. Will he tell vs what this
shew meanes?
20111302Ham. I, or any
shew you'le
shew him,
1303Be not afeard to
shew, hee'le not be afeard to tell:
1304O the
se Players cannot keepe coun
sell, thei'le tell all.
20161305Prol. For vs, and for our Tragedie,
stowpiug to your clemencie,
20191307We begge your hearing patiently.
20201308Ham. I'
st a prologue, or a poe
sie for a ring?
20241312Duke Full fortie yeares are pa
st, their date is gone,
F3 Since
The Tragedie of Hamlet
20281313Since happy time ioyn'd both our hearts as one:
2028.11314And now the blood that
fill'd my youthfull veines,
2028.21315Runnes weakely in their pipes, and all the
2028.31316Of mu
sicke, which whilome plea
sde mine eare,
2028.51318And therefore
sweete Nature mu
st pay his due,
20401319To heauen mu
st I, and leaue the earth with you.
2040.11320Dutchesse O
say not
so, le
st that you kill my heart,
2040.21321When death takes you, let life from me depart.
2040.31322Duke Content thy
selfe, when ended is my date,
20431323Thon mai
st (perchance) haue a more noble mate,
20451325Dutchesse O
speake no more for then I am accur
20481326None weds the
second, but
she kils the
second time I kill my Lord that's dead,
second hu
sband ki
sses me in bed.
20541330Duke I doe beleeue you
sweete, what now you
20551331But what we doe determine oft we breake,
20801332For our demi
stil are ouerthrowne,
20811333Our thoughts are ours, their end's none of our owne:
20821334So thinke you will no
second hu
sband wed,
20831335But die thy thoughts, when thy
st Lord is dead.
20881336Dutchesse Both here and there pur
sue me la
20891337If once a widdow, euer I be wife.
20911339Duke T'is deepely
sweete leaue me here a while,
spirites growe dull, and faine I would beguile the tedi
- 20951342Dutchesse Sleepe rocke thy braine,
20961343And neuer come mi
schance betweene vs twaine.
exit Lady 20971344Ham. Madam, how do you like this play?
20981345Queene The Lady prote
sts too much.
20991346Ham. O but
shee'le keepe her word.
21001347King Haue you heard the argument, is there no o
Prince of Denmarke.
21021349Ham. No o
ffence in the world, poy
son in ie
st, poi
son in (ie
21041350King What do you call the name of the play?
21051351Ham. Mou
se-trap: mary how trapically: this play is
21061352The image of a murder done in
guyana, Albertus 21071353Was the Dukes name, his wife
Baptista, 21081354Father, it is a knaui
sh peece a worke: but what
1355A that, it toucheth not vs, you and I that haue free
21101356Soules, let the galld iade wince, this is one
21131358Ofel. Ya're as good as a
Chorus my lord.
21141359Ham. I could interpret the loue you beare, if I
sawe the
19751361Ofel. Y'are very plea
sant my lord.
19761362Ham. Who I, your onlie jig-maker, why what
19791363a man do but be merry? for looke how cheerefully my mo
- 19801364ther lookes, my father died within the
se two houres.
19821365Ofel. Nay, t'is twice two months, my Lord.
19831366Ham. Two months, nay then let the diuell weare blacke,
19841367For i'le haue a
sute of Sables: Ie
sus, two months dead,
19851368And not forgotten yet? nay then there's
19861369Likelyhood, a gentlemans death may outliue memorie,
19871370But by my faith hee mu
st build churches then,
1371Or els hee mu
st follow the olde Epitithe,
19891372With hoh, with ho, the hobi-hor
se is forgot.
21161373Ofel. Your ie
sts are keene my Lord.
21171374Ham. It would co
st you a groning to take them o
21201376Ham. So you mu
st take your hu
sband, begin. Murdred
21211377Begin, a poxe, leaue thy damnable faces and begin,
21221378Come, the croking rauen doth bellow for reuenge.
21241379Murd. Thoughts blacke, hands apt, drugs
fit, and time (agreeing.
son, el
se no creature
21271381Thou mixture rancke, of midnight weedes colle
Hecates bane thri
se bla
sted, thri
se infe
21291383Thy naturall magicke, and dire propertie,
21301384One whole
some life v
surps immediately.
exit. Ham.
The Tragedy of Hamlet
21321385Ham. He poy
sons him for his e
21361387Cor. The king ri
ses, lights hoe.
21371389Ham. What, frighted with fal
21431390Then let the
stricken deere goe weepe,
some mu
st laugh, while
some mu
st weepe,
21581395Hor. I
Horatio, i'le take the Gho
sts word
1396For more then all the coyne in
Denmarke. 21631397 Enter Rossencraft and Gilderstone. 21681398Ross. Now my lord, how i'
st with you?
21651399Ham. And if the king like not the tragedy,
21661400Why then belike he likes it not perdy.
2166.11401Ross. We are very glad to
see your grace
so plea
1403To know of you the ground and cau
se of your di
22011404Gil. My lord, your mother craues to
speake with you.
22031405Ham. We
shall obey, were
she ten times our mother.
2203.11406Ross. But my good Lord,
shall I intreate thus much?
22211407Ham. I pray will you play vpon this pipe?
22281411Ham. why looke, it is a thing of nothing,
1412T'is but
stopping of the
se holes,
22291413And with a little breath from your lips,
22301414It will giue mo
st delicate mu
22321415Gil. But this cannot wee do my Lord.
22261416Ham. Pray now, pray hartily, I be
seech you.
1417Ros. My lord wee cannot.
22341418Ham. Why how vnworthy a thing would you make of (me?
Prince of Denmarke
22351419You would
seeme to know my
stops, you would play vpon mee,
22361420You would
search the very inward part of my hart,
22371421And diue into the
secrect of my
22401422Zownds do you thinke I am ea
sier to be pla'yd
22411423On, then a pipe? call mee what In
1424You will, though you can frett mee, yet you can not
22421425Play vpon mee, be
sides, to be demanded by a
26451427Ham. I
sir, a
spunge, that
sokes vp the kings
1428Countenance, fauours, and rewardes, that makes
26461429His liberalitie your
store hou
se: but
such as you,
1430Do the king, in the end, be
st serui
26471431For hee doth keep you as an Ape doth nuttes,
26481432In the corner of his Iaw,
st mouthes you,
swallowes you:
so when hee hath need
26491434Of you, t'is but
sing of you,
spunge, you
shall be dry againe, you
1437Ham Farewell, farewell, God ble
sse you.
22451440Cor. My lord, the Queene would
speake with you.
22471441Ham. Do you
see yonder clowd in the
shape of a camell?
22491442Cor. T'is like a camell in deed.
22501443Ham. Now me thinkes it's like a wea
22511444Cor. T'is back't like a wea
22531446Cor. Very like a whale.
exit Coram. 22541447Ham. Why then tell my mother i'le come by and by.
2254.21449Hor. Good night vnto your Lord
exit Horatio. 22631450Ham. My mother
she hath
sent to
speake with me:
22641451O God, let ne're the heart of
Nero enter
22661453Let me be cruell, not vnnaturall.
The Tragedie of Hamlet
22671454I will
speake daggers, tho
sharpe wordes being
22701455To doe her wrong my
shall ne're con
exit. 23211457King O that this wet that falles vpon my face
23221458Would wa
sh the crime cleere from my con
23261459When I looke vp to heauen, I
see my tre
2326.11460The earth doth
still crie out vpon my fa
23141461Pay me the murder of a brother and a king,
2314.11462And the adulterous fault I haue committed:
23291463O the
se are
sinnes that are vnpardonable:
say thy
sinnes were blacker then is ieat,
1465Yet may contrition make them as white as
1466I but
still to per
seuer in a
1467It is an a
ct gain
st the vniuer
sall power,
st wretched man,
stoope, bend thee to thy prayer,
ske grace of heauen to keepe thee from de
23501471Ham. I
so, come forth and worke thy la
23521472And thus hee dies: and
so am I reuenged:
23561473No, not
so: he tooke my father
sleeping, his
sins brim full,
23581474And how his
stoode to the
state of heauen
1475Who knowes,
saue the immortall powres,
23611477When he is purging of his
23551478Making his way for heauen, this is a bene
1479And not reuenge: no, get thee vp agen,
23641480When hee's at game
swaring, taking his carow
se, drinking (drunke,
23651481Or in the ince
stuous plea
sure of his bed,
23661482Or at
some a
ct that hath no reli
sh 23671483Of
saluation in't, then trip him
23681484That his heeles may kicke at heauen,
23691485And fall as lowe as hel: my mother
23711486This phi
sicke but prolongs thy weary dayes.
exit Ham. 23721487King My wordes
fly vp, my
sinnes remaine below.
Prince of Denmarke.
2372.11488No King on earth is
safe, if Gods his foe.
exit King. 23751490Cor. Madame, I heare yong Hamlet comming,
shrowde my
selfe behinde the Arras.
exit Cor. 23811493Ham. Mother, mother, O are you here?
2497.11496Ham, I'le tell you, but
st weele make all
23861497Queene Hamlet, thou ha
st thy father much o
23871498Ham. Mother, you haue my father much o
1500Ham. How now mother! come here,
sit downe, for you
24011502Queene What wilt thou doe? thou wilt not murder me:
24041505Ham. I a Rat, dead for a Duckat.
24061508Queene Hamlet, what ha
st thou done?
24091509Ham. Not
so much harme, good mother,
24101510As to kill a king, and marry with his brother.
24121512Ham. I a King: nay
sit you downe, and ere you part,
24181513If you be made of penitrable
24171514I'le make your eyes looke downe into your heart,
see how horride there and blacke it
2466.11516Queene Hamlet, what mean'
st thou by the
se killing (words?
24371517Ham. Why this I meane,
see here, behold this pi
2437.11518It is the portraiture, of your decea
sed hu
24411519See here a face, to outface
Mars him
1520An eye, at which his foes did tremble at,
24401521A front wherin all vertues are
set downe
2440.11522For to adorne a king, and guild his crowne,
se heart went hand in hand euen with that vow,
G2 He
The Tragedy of Hamlet
7371524He made to you in marriage, and he is dead.
24471525Murdred, damnably murdred, this was your hu
1526Looke you now, here is your hu
2447.31529A dull dead hanging looke, and a hell-bred eie,
2447.41530To a
ffright children and amaze the world:
24501531And this
same haue you left to change with this.
24551532What Diuell thus hath co
soned you at hob-man blinde?
24491533A! haue you eyes and can you looke on him
slew my father, and your deere hu
24681535To liue in the ince
stuous plea
sure of his bed?
24641536Queene O Hamlet,
speake no more.
2464.11537Ham. To leaue him that bare a Monarkes minde,
24831538For a king of clowts, of very
1540Ham. Nay but
still to per
sist and dwell in
sweate vnder the yoke of infamie,
2469.11542To make increa
se of
shame, to
seale damnation.
24531544Ham. Why appetite with you is in the waine,
2453.11545Your blood runnes backeward now from whence it came,
24591546Who'le chide hote blood within a Virgins heart,
24581547When lu
st shall dwell within a matrons brea
25391548Queene Hamlet, thou cleaues my heart in twaine.
25411549Ham. O throw away the wor
ser part of it, and keepe the
24821551 Enter the ghost in his night gowne. 1553Powers aboue, and houer ouer mee,
1554With your cele
stiall wings.
24871555Doe you not come your tardy
sonne to chide,
24881556That I thus long haue let reuenge
slippe by?
25081557O do not glare with lookes
so pittifull!
st that my heart of
stone yeelde to compa
Prince of Denmarke.
25101559And euery part that
should a
ssist reuenge,
1560Forgoe their proper powers, and fall to pitty.
24901561Ghost Hamlet, I once againe appeare to thee,
24911562To put thee in remembrance of my death:
2491.11563Doe not negle
ct, nor long time put it o
2491.21564But I perceiue by thy di
cted lookes,
24921565Thy mother's fearefull, and
stands amazde:
24941566Speake to her Hamlet, for her
sex is weake,
24931567Comfort thy mother, Hamlet, thinke on me.
1569Queene Nay, how i'
st with you
24981570That thus you bend your eyes on vacancie,
24991571And holde di
se with nothing but with ayre?
25171576Ham. No, why
see the king my father, my father, in the (habite
25061577As he liued, looke you how pale he lookes,
25191578See how he
steales away out of the Portall,
1579Looke, there he goes.
exit ghost. 25201580Queene Alas, it is the weakene
sse of thy braine,
2520.11581Which makes thy tongue to blazon thy hearts griefe:
2520.21582But as I haue a
soule, I
sweare by heauen,
2520.31583I neuer knew of this mo
st horride murder:
25211584But Hamlet, this is onely fanta
25221586Ham. Idle, no mother, my pul
se doth beate like yours,
25241587It is not madne
sse that po
sseth Hamlet.
7081588O mother, if euer you did my deare father loue,
25431589Forbeare the adulterous bed to night,
25451590And win your
selfe by little as you may,
2545.11591In time it may be you wil lothe him quite:
25731594Queene Hamlet, I vow by that maie
G3 That
The Tragedie of Hamlet
2573.11595That knowes our thoughts, and lookes into our hearts,
25741596I will conceale, con
sent, and doe my be
soe're thou
shalt deui
25841598Ham. It is enough, mother good night:
sir, I'le prouide for you a graue,
25821600Who was in life a fooli
sh prating knaue.
25851601 Exit Hamlet with the dead body. 25921603King Now Gertred, what
sayes our
sonne, how doe you
25931605Queene Alas my lord, as raging as the
2593.11606Whenas he came, I
st be
spake him faire,
2593.21607But then he throwes and to
sses me about,
23921608As one forgetting that I was his mother:
2392.11609At la
st I call'd for help: and as I cried,
Corambis 25961610Call'd, which Hamlet no
sooner heard, but whips me
1611Out his rapier, and cries, a Rat, a Rat, and in his rage
26001613King Why this his madne
sse will vndoe our
26241614Lordes goe to him, inquire the body out.
2624.21616King Gertred, your
shall pre
sently to England,
shipping is already furni
2617.11618And we haue
sent by
Rossencraft and
Gilderstone, 2617.21619Our letters to our deare brother of England,
18281621Happly the aire and climate of the Country
1828.11622May plea
se him better than his natiue home:
26741625Gil. My lord, we can by no meanes
1626Know of him where the body is.
26821627King Now
sonne Hamlet, where is this dead body?
26831628Ham. At
supper, not where he is eating, but
Prince of Denmarke.
26851629Where he is eaten, a certaine company of politicke wormes
26881631Father, your fatte King, and your leane Beggar
26891632Are but variable
seruices, two di
shes to one me
2690.21633Looke you, a man may
fish with that worme
1634That hath eaten of a King,
1636Which that worme hath caught.
26921638Ham. Nothing father, but to tell you, how a King
1639May go a progre
sse through the guttes of a Beggar.
26941640King But
Hamlet, where is this body?
26951641Ham. In heau'n, if you chance to mi
sse him there,
26961642Father, you had be
st looke in the other partes below
26971643For him, aud if you cannot
finde him there,
1644You may chance to no
se him as you go vp the lobby.
26991645King Make ha
ste and
finde him out.
2699.11646Ham. Nay doe you heare? do not make too much ha
27001647I'le warrant you hee'le
stay till you come.
27011648King Well
Hamlet, we in care of you: but
1649in tender pre
seruation of your health,
2701.11650The which we price euen as our proper
27031651It is our minde you forthwith goe for
England, 27051652The winde
sits faire, you
shall aboorde to night,
Rossencraft and
Gilderstone shall goe along with you.
27131654Ham. O with all my heart: farewel mother.
27141655King Your louing father,
Hamlet. 27151656Ham. My mother I
say: you married my mother,
27161657My mother is your wife, man and wife is one
so (my mother) farewel: for England hoe.
2717.31662To England is he gone, ne're to returne:
27291663Our Letters are vnto the King of England,
27271664That on the
sight of them, on his allegeance,
The Tragedy of Hamlet
Hamlet loo
se his head, for he mu
st die,
2730.11667There's more in him than
shallow eyes can
2730.21668He once being dead, why then our
state is free.
exit. 27341669 Enter Fortenbrasse, Drumme and Souldiers. 27351670Fort. Captaine, from vs goe greete
1671The king of Denmarke:
27361672Tell him that
Fortenbrasse nephew to old
Norway, 27371673Craues a free pa
sse and condu
ct ouer his land,
27381675You know our Randevous, goe march away.
exeunt all. 2738.21677King Hamlet is
ship't for England, fare him well,
2738.31678I hope to heare good newes from thence ere long,
2738.61681Queene God grant it may, heau'ns keep my
Hamlet safe:
28201682But this mi
schance of olde
Corambis death,
28211683Hath pier
so the yong
Ofeliaes heart,
she, poore maide, is quite bereft her wittes.
28241685King Alas deere heart! And on the other
28251686We vnder
stand her brother's come from
France, 2825.11687And he hath halfe the heart of all our Land,
28281688And hardly hee'le forget his fathers death,
27791690Qu. O
see where the yong
Ofelia is!
27661691 Enter Ofelia playing on a Lute, and her haire 27691693Ofelia How
should I your true loue know
27701695By his cockle hatte, and his
Prince of Denmarke
1696And his
27781697White his
shrowde as mountaine
27811699That bewept to the graue did not goe
27731701He is dead and gone Lady, he is dead and gone,
27741702At his head a gra
sse greene tur
1703At his heeles a
27831704king How i'
st with you
28061706It grieues me to
see how they laid him in the cold ground,
1707I could not chu
se but weepe:
29431710No, no, hee's gone, and we ca
st away mone,
1714He is dead, he is gone,
29491717And of all chri
soules I pray God.
28091718God be with you Ladies, God be with you.
exit Ofelia. 2809.11719king A pretty wretch! this is a change indeede:
2809.21720O Time, how
swiftly runnes our ioyes away?
2809.31721Content on earth was neuer certaine bred,
2809.41722To day we laugh and liue, to morrow dead.
28581726O thou vilde king, giue me my father:
28771729Lear. Who hath murdred him?
speake, i'le not
1730Be juggled with, for he is murdred.
H Leartes
The Tragedie of Hamlet
1732Lear. By whome, by heau'n I'le be re
28671733king Let him goe
Gertred, away, I feare him not,
such diuinitie doth wall a king,
28691735That trea
son dares not looke on.
28711736Let him goe
Gertred, that your father is murdred,
29011737T'is true, and we mo
st sory for it,
28911739Therefore will you like a mo
st de
sperate gam
stake-like, draw at friend, and foe, and all?
28951741Lear. To his good friends thus wide I'le ope mine arms,
1742And locke them in my hart, but to his foes,
551.11743I will no reconcilement but by bloud.
28981744king Why now you
speake like a mo
st louing
1745And that in
soule we
sorrow for for his death,
selfe ere long
shall be a witne
29601747Meane while be patient, and content your
29061749Lear. Who's this,
Ofelia? O my deere
st po
ssible a yong maides life,
29131751Should be as mortall as an olde mans
2913.21753Ofel. Wel God a mercy, I a bin gathering of
1755You may call it hearb a grace a Sundayes,
some for me too: you mu
st weare your rew
29351757With a di
fference, there's a dazie.
29271758Here Loue, there's ro
semary for you
1759For remembrance: I pray Loue remember,
29281760And there's pan
sey for thoughts.
29301761Lear. A document in madnes, thoughts, remembrance:
29321763Ofelia There is fennell for you, I would a giu'n you
29361764Some violets, but they all withered, when
1765My father died: alas, they
say the owle was
27851766A Bakers daughter, we
see what we are,
1767But can not tell what we
shall be.
Prince of Denmarke.
29381768For bonny
sweete Robin is all my ioy.
29391769Lear. Thoughts & a
ctions, torments wor
se than hell.
27881770Ofel. Nay Loue, I pray you make no words of this now:
29231771I pray now, you
sing a downe,
1772And you a downe a, t'is a the Kings daughter
29251773And the fal
steward, and if any body
ske you of any thing,
say you this.
27901775To morrow is
saint Valentines day,
1776All in the morning betime,
1778To be your Valentine:
27921779The yong man ro
se, and dan'd his clothes,
1780And dupt the chamber doore,
27931781Let in the maide, that out a maide
27961784By gi
sse, and by
saint Charitie,
27981786Yong men will doo't when they come too't
she, before you tumbled me,
28021790So would I a done, by yonder Sunne,
28031791If thou had
st not come to my bed.
1792So God be with you all, God bwy Ladies.
30331794Lear. Griefe vpon griefe, my father murdered,
sed be his
soule that wrought this wicked a
1797king Content you good Leartes for a time,
2960.11798Although I know your griefe is as a
2960.21799Brimme full of
sorrow, but forbeare a while,
2960.41801On him that makes you
such a haple
29631802Lear. You haue preuail'd my Lord, a while I'le
H2 Which
The Tragedy of Hamlet
2963.21804Which once vnhear
sed, then the world
shall heare
2963.41806king No more of that, ere many dayes be done,
shall heare that you do not dreame vpon.
exeunt om. 2963.71809Hor. Madame, your
sonne is
safe arriv'de in
Denmarke, 29851810This letter I euen now receiv'd of him,
2985.11811Whereas he writes how he e
scap't the danger,
subtle trea
son that the king had plotted,
2985.31813Being cro
ssed by the contention of the windes,
35151814He found the Packet
sent to the king of
England, 35251815Wherein he
saw him
selfe betray'd to death,
3525.11816As at his next conuer
sion with your grace,
3525.21817He will relate the circum
stance at full.
3525.31818Queene Then I perceiue there's trea
son in his lookes
3525.51820But I will
soothe and plea
se him for a time,
3525.61821For murderous mindes are alwayes jealous,
3525.81823Hor. Yes Madame, and he hath appoynted me
3525.91824To meete him on the ea
st side of the Cittie
3525.111826Queene O faile not, good
Horatio, and withall, com
- (mend me
3525.171832He is arriv'de, ob
serue the king, and you
29981835Queene But what became of
Gilderstone and
29991836Hor. He being
set a
shore, they went for
England, 35461837And in the Packet there writ down that doome
35481838To be perform'd on them poynted for him:
35511839And by great chance he had his fathers Seale,
Prince of Denmarke.
3551.21841Queene Thankes be to heauen for ble
ssing of the prince,
3551.41843With thow
sand mothers ble
ssings to my
35261846King. Hamlet from
England! is it po
30591847What chance is this? they are gone, and he come home.
3059.11848Lear. O he is welcome, by my
soule he is:
30651849At it my iocund heart doth leape for ioy,
30661850That I
shall liue to tell him, thus he dies.
30681851king Leartes, content your
selfe, be rulde by me,
3068.11852And you
shall haue no let for your reuenge.
28851853Lear. My will, not all the world.
30741854King Nay but Leartes, marke the plot I haue layde,
31001855I haue heard him often with a greedy wi
some prai
se that he hath heard of you
31011857Touching your weapon, which with all his heart,
31021858He might be once ta
sked for to try your cunning.
31241860King Mary Leartes thus: I'le lay a wager,
3124.11861Shalbe on
Hamlets side, and you
shall giue the oddes,
3124.21862The which will draw him with a more de
3124.31863To try the mai
stry, that in twelue venies
3124.41864You gaine not three of him: now this being granted,
3124.51865When you are hot in mid
st of all your play,
31281866Among the foyles
shall a keene rapier lie,
31331867Steeped in a mixture of deadly poy
31341868That if it drawes but the lea
st dramme of blood,
31381869In any part of him, he cannot liue:
3138.11870This being done will free you from
3138.21871And not the deere
st friend that
Hamlet lov'de
say lord
Hamlet should refu
se this match.
31211875King I'le warrant you, wee'le put on you
H3 Such
The Tragedie of Hamlet
1876Such a report of
31231877Will bring him on, although again
st his will.
31501879I'le haue a potion that
shall ready
31481880In all his heate when that he calles for drinke,
1882Lear. T'is excellent, O would the time were come!
31531883Here comes the Queene.
enter the Queene. 1884king How now Gertred, why looke you heauily?
31601886Hauing made a garland of
sortes of
31581887Sitting vpon a willow by a brooke,
31651888The enuious
sprig broke, into the brooke
she fell,
31671889And for a while her clothes
spread wide abroade,
31681890Bore the yong Lady vp: and there
1891Euen Mermaide-like, twixt heauen and earth,
31691892Chaunting olde
sundry tunes vncapable
31701893As it were of her di
sse, but long it could not be,
31731894Till that her clothes, being heauy with their drinke,
31741895Dragg'd the
sweete wretch to death.
31781897Too much of water ha
st thou
Ofelia, 31791898Therefore I will not drowne thee in my teares,
3179.11899Reuenge it is mu
st yeeld this heart releefe,
3179.21900For woe begets woe, and griefe hangs on griefe.
exeunt. 31901902Clowne I
say no,
she ought not to be buried
31951905Clowne Mary becau
shee's drownd.
3195.21907Clowne No, that's certaine, the water drown'd her.
32041909Clowne No, I deny that, for looke you
sir, I
stand here,
32071910If the water come to me, I drowne not my
32051911But if I goe to the water, and am there drown'd,
Prince of Denmarke.
32081912Ergo I am guiltie of my owne death:
321219142. I but
she hath chri
stian buriall,
32151916Clowne Mary more's the pitty, that great folke
32161917Should haue more authoritie to hang or drowne
selues, more than other people:
32491919Goe fetch me a
stope of drinke, but before thou
st, tell me one thing, who buildes
32311921Of a Ma
son, a Shipwright, or a Carpenter?
3231.119222. Why a Ma
son, for he buildes all of
32341924Clowne That's prety, too't agen, too't agen.
323219252. Why then a Carpenter, for he buildes the gallowes,
3232.11926And that brings many a one to his long home.
1927Clowne Prety agen, the gallowes doth well, mary howe
32351928dooes it well? the gallowes dooes well to them that doe ill,
32471930And if any one a
ske thee hereafter,
32481931A Graue-maker, for the hou
ses he buildes
st till Doomes-day. Fetch me a
stope of beere, goe.
spade for and a winding
st fit it is, for t'will be made,
he throwes vp a shouel. 32561938Ham. Hath this fellow any feeling of him
1939That is thus merry in making of a graue?
32681940See how the
slaue joles their heads again
st the earth.
32581941Hor. My lord, Cu
stome hath made it in him
seeme no
- (thing.
1942Clowne A pick-axe and a
spade, a
1943For and a winding
st fit it is for to be made,
such a ghe
st mo
st meet.
32891946Ham. Looke you, there's another
Horatio. Why
The Tragedy of Hamlet
1947Why mai't not be the
scull of
some Lawyer?
32921949Of an a
ction of Batterie, for knocking
32901950Him about the pate with's
shouel: now where is your
1951Quirkes and quillets now, your vouchers and
32961952Double vouchers, your lea
ses and free-holde,
33011953And tenements? why that
same boxe there will
1954Holde the conueiance of his land, and mu
st 33021955The honor lie there? O pittifull tran
33051957Is parchment made of
33061958Hor. I my Lorde, and of calues-
skinnes too.
33071959Ham. Ifaith they prooue them
sheepe and calues
1960That deale with them, or put their tru
st in them.
32751961There's another, why may not that be
such a ones
1962Scull, that prai
sed my Lord
such a ones hor
32761963When he meant to beg him?
Horatio, I prethee
1965Now my friend, who
se graue is this?
3325.11968Clowne If I
say, I
should, I
should lie in my throat (
33211969Ham. What man mu
st be buried here?
33241972Clowne. No woman neither
sir, but indeede
33281974Ham. An excellent fellow by the Lord
Horatio, 33301975This
seauen yeares haue I noted it: the toe of the pe
so neere the heele of the courtier,
1977That hee gawles his kibe, I prethee tell mee one thing,
33531978How long will a man lie in the ground before hee rots?
33541979Clowne I faith
sir, if hee be not rotten before
1980He be laide in, as we haue many pocky cor
33561981He will la
st you, eight yeares, a tanner
33571982Will la
st you eight yeares full out, or nine.
Prince of Denmarke
33591984Clowne Why his hide is
so tanned with his trade,
1985That it will holde out water, that's a parlous
33611986Deuourer of your dead body, a great
a scull hath bin here this dozen yeare,
33341988Let me
see, I euer
since our la
st king
Hamlet 33351989Slew
Fortenbrasse in combat, yong
Hamlets father,
33471992Clowne Ifaith very
strangely, by loo
sing of his wittes.
33511994Clowne A this ground, in
Denmarke. 33391996Clowne Why now they
sent him to
England. 33411998Clowne Why they
say he
shall haue his wittes there,
33421999Or if he haue not, t'is no great matter there,
2002Clowne Why there they
say the men are as mad as he.
33672004Clowne This, a plague on him, a madde rogues it was,
2005He powred once a whole
flagon of Rheni
sh of my head,
33652006Why do not you know him? this was one
Yorickes scull.
33702007Ham. Was this? I prethee let me
see it, alas poore
Yoricke 33732009A fellow of in
finite mirth, he hath caried mee twenty times
33742010vpon his backe, here hung tho
se lippes that I haue Ki
ssed a
33752011hundred times, and to
see, now they abhorre me: Wheres
33772012your ie
sts now
Yoricke? your
shes of meriment: now go
33802013to my Ladies chamber, and bid her paint her
selfe an inch
33812014thicke, to this
she mu
st come
Yoricke. Horatio, I prethee
33832015tell me one thing, doo
st thou thinke that
Alexander looked
I Hor.
The Tragedie of Hamlet
33912020Ham. No, why might not imagination worke, as thus of
33962021Alexander, Alexander died,
Alexander was buried,
Alexander 2022became earth, of earth we make clay, and
Alexander being
33982023but clay, why might not time bring to pa
sse, that he might
33992024stoppe the boung hole of a beere barrell?
Caesar dead and turnd to clay,
stoppe a hole, to keepe the winde away.
34052027 Enter King and Queene, Leartes, and other lordes, 2028with a Priest after the coffin. 34072029Ham. What funerall's this that all the Court laments?
shews to be
some noble parentage:
34122032Lear. What ceremony el
say, what ceremony el
34152033Priest My Lord, we haue done all that lies in vs,
2034And more than well the church can tolerate,
3415.12035She hath had a Dirge
sung for her maiden
34172036And but for fauour of the king, and you,
34182037She had beene buried in the open
34212038Where now
she is allowed chri
stian buriall.
34312039Lear. So, I tell thee churli
sh Prie
st, a mini
string Angell
34322040shall my
sister be, when thou lie
st howling.
34352042Queene Sweetes to the
sweete, farewell:
34372043I had thought to adorne thy bridale bed, faire maide,
34382044And not to follow thee vnto thy graue.
34422045Lear. Forbeare the earth a while:
sister farewell:
34452047Now powre your earth on,
Olympus hie,
34462048And make a hill to o're top olde
Pellon: Hamlet leapesin after Leartes 34522050Ham. Beholde tis I,
Hamlet the Dane.
34542051Lear. The diuell take thy
34562053I prethee take thy hand from o
ff my throate,
34582054For there is
something in me dangerous,
Prince of Denmarke.
34592055Which let thy wi
sedome feare, holde o
ff thy hand:
34662056I lou'de
Ofelia as deere as twenty brothers could:
34682057Shew me what thou wilt doe for her:
fight, wilt fa
st, wilt pray,
34732059Wilt drinke vp ve
ssels, eate a crocadile? Ile doot:
34762061And where thou talk'
st of burying thee a liue,
34772062Here let vs
stand: and let them them throw on vs,
34782063Whole hills of earth, till with the heighth therof,
34692065King. Forbeare
Leartes, now is hee mad, as is the
34842066Anone as milde and gentle as a Doue:
3484.12067Therfore a while giue his wilde humour
34882068Ham. What is the rea
sir that you wrong mee thus?
34892069I neuer gaue you cau
se: but
stand away,
34912070A Cat will meaw, a Dog will haue a day.
2071 Exit Hamlet and Horatio. 34822072Queene. Alas, it is his madnes makes him thus,
34942074King. My lord, t'is
so: but wee'le no longer tri
34962075This very day
Hamlet drinke his la
Leartes be in readynes.
3498.12078Lear. My lord, till then my
soule will not bee quiet.
3498.22079King. Come
Gertred, wee'l haue
Leartes, and our
3498.32080Made friends and Louers, as be
fittes them both,
3498.42081Euen as they tender vs, and loue their countrie.
3498.52082Queene God grant they may.
exeunt omnes. 35792084Ham. beleeue mee, it greeues mee much
Horatio, 35802085That to
Leartes I forgot my
35812086For by my
selfe me thinkes I feele his griefe,
3581.12087Though there's a di
fference in each others wrong.
35882089Horatio, but you marke yon water-
3588.12090The Court knowes him, but hee knowes not the Court.
I2 Gen.
The Tragedy of Hamlet
35952091Gent. Now God
saue thee,
sweete prince
Hamlet. 3595.12092Ham. And you
sir: foh, how the mu
35962093Gen. I come with an emba
ssage from his maie
sty to you
35972094Ham. I
sir giue you attention:
36002095By my troth me thinkes t'is very colde.
36022096Gent. It is indeede very rawi
sh colde.
36062099The King,
sweete Prince, hath layd a wager on your
36162100Six Barbary hor
se, again
st six french rapiers,
36182101With all their acoutrements too, a the carriages:
36202102In good faith they are very curiou
sly wrought.
36222103Ham. The cariages
sir, I do not know what you meane.
36232104Gent. The girdles, and hangers
sir, and
such like.
36242105Ham. The worde had beene more co
sin german to the
se, if he could haue carried the canon by his
36292107And howe's the wager? I vnder
stand you now.
36302108Gent. Mary
sir, that yong Leartes in twelue venies
36312109At Rapier and Dagger do not get three oddes of you,
2110And on your
side the King hath laide,
36332111And de
sires you to be in readine
36412112Ham. Very well, if the King dare venture his wager,
2113I dare venture my
skull: when mu
st this be?
3657.92114Gent. My Lord, pre
sently, the king, and her maie
3657.102115With the re
st of the be
st iudgement in the Court,
36382117Ham. Goe tell his maie
stie, I wil attend him.
36432118Gent. I
shall deliuer your mo
st sweet an
exit. 36442119Ham. You may
sir, none better, for y'are
se he had a bad no
se could not
smell a foole.
3644.22121Hor. He will di
se him
selfe without inquirie.
36612122Ham. Beleeue me
Horatio, my hart is on the
sore, all here about.
36662124Hor. My lord, forbeare the challenge then.
36682125Ham. No
Horatio, not I, if danger be now,
36692126Why then it is not to come, theres a prede
stiuate prouidence
Prince of Denmarke.
2127in the fall of a
sparrow: heere comes the King.
36742128 Enter King, Queene, Leartes, Lordes. 36772129King Now
Hamlet, we hane laid vpon your head,
3677.12130And make no que
stion but to haue the be
37182131Ham. Your maie
stie hath laide a the weaker
37152132King We doubt it not, deliuer them the foiles.
36782133Ham. Fir
st Leartes, heere's my hand and loue,
Hamlet in his madne
sse did ami
36872136That was not
Hamlet, but his madnes did it,
2137And all the wrong I e're did to
Leartes, 36842138I here proclaime was madnes, therefore lets be at peace,
36952139And thinke I haue
shot mine arrow o're the hou
36972141Lear. Sir I am
sfied in nature,
36992142But in termes of honor I'le
stand aloofe,
37012144Till by
some elder mai
sters of our time
2146King Giue them the foyles.
37102147Ham. I'le be your foyle
Leartes, the
se foyles,
37252148Haue all a laught, come on
a hit. 37462151Gent. A hit, a mo
st palpable hit.
37472152Lear. Well, come againe.
They play againe. 37542154Lear. I, I grant, a tuch, a tuch.
37482155King Here
Hamlet, the king doth drinke a health to thee
37572156Queene Here
Hamlet, take my napkin, wipe thy face.
37522158Ham. Set it by, I'le haue another bowt
37582160Queene Here
Hamlet, thy mother drinkes to thee.
37602162King Do not drinke
Gertred: O t'is the poy
sned cup!
I3 Ham.
The Tragedie of Hamlet
37702163Ham. Leartes come, you dally with me,
37722164I pray you pa
sse with your mo
st cunning
st play.
37742165Lear. I!
say you
so? haue at you,
37692167And yet it goes almo
st again
st my con
37772169 They catch one anothers Rapiers, and both are wounded, 3777.12170Leartes falles downe, the Queene falles downe and dies. 37882172Queene O the drinke, the drinke,
Hamlet, the drinke.
37912173Ham. Trea
son, ho, keepe the gates.
slaine with my owne weapon:
37942177Hamlet, thou ha
st not in thee halfe an houre of life,
37972178The fatall In
strument is in thy hand.
37982179Vnbated and invenomed: thy mother's poy
38022181Ham. The poy
sned In
strument within my hand?
38032182Then venome to thy venome, die damn'd villaine:
38092183Come drinke, here lies thy vnion here.
The king dies. 38132185Hamlet, before I die, here take my hand,
2186And withall, my loue: I doe forgiue thee.
Leartes dies. 38162187Ham. And I thee, O I am dead
Horatio, fare thee well.
38262188Hor. No, I am more an antike Roman,
2189Then a Dane, here is
some poi
son left.
38292190Ham. Vpon my loue I charge thee let it goe,
Horatio, and if thou
st die,
2192What a
scandale would
st thou leaue behinde?
38352193What tongue
should tell the
story of our deaths,
2194If not from thee? O my heart
Horatio, 38472195Mine eyes haue lo
st their
sight, my tongue his v
Horatio, heauen receiue my
Ham. dies. Enter
Prince of Denmarke.
38522197Enter Voltemar and the Ambassadors from England. 2198enter Fortenbrasse with his traine. 38542199Fort. Where is this bloudy
38562200Hor. If aught of woe or wonder you'ld behold,
3856.12201Then looke vpon this tragicke
38572202Fort. O imperious death! how many Princes
st thou at one draft bloudily
shot to death?
38622204Ambass. Our amba
ssie that we haue brought from
Eng- (
land, 38632205Where be the
se Princes that
should heare vs
3863.12206O mo
st mo
st vnlooked for time! vnhappy country.
38742207Hor. Content your
selues, Ile
shew to all, the ground,
st beginning of this Tragedy:
38722209Let there a
ffold be rearde vp in the market place,
3872.12210And let the State of the world be there:
2211Where you
shall heare
such a
story tolde,
3875.12212That neuer mortall man could more vnfolde.
38852213Fort. I haue
some rights of memory to this kingdome,
38862214Which now to claime my lei
sure doth inuite mee:
38952215Let foure of our chiefe
st Captaines
Hamlet like a
souldier to his graue:
38972217For he was likely, had he liued,
39022219Take vp the bodie,
such a
sight as this
39032220Becomes the
fieldes, but here doth much ami