Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Hamlet
Hamlet (Folio 1, 1623)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
- Facsimiles
278 The Tragedie of Hamlet.
3343Ham. Why?
3345mad as he.
3346Ham. How came he mad?
3350Ham. Vpon what ground?
3352heere, man and Boy thirty yeares.
3353Ham. How long will a man lie 'ith' earth ere he rot?
3354Clo. Ifaith, if he be not rotten before he die (as we haue
3357yeare. A Tanner will last you nine yeare.
3358Ham. Why he, more then another?
3360he will keepe out water a great while. And your water,
3362now: this Scul, has laine in the earth three & twenty years.
3365Whose doe you thinke it was?
3366Ham. Nay, I know not.
3370Ham. This?
3371Clo. E'ene that.
3374hath borne me on his backe a thousand times: And how
3375abhorred my Imagination is, my gorge rises at it. Heere
3377VVhere be your Iibes now? Your Gambals? Your
3379set the Table on a Rore? No one now to mock your own
3380Ieering? Quite chopfalne? Now get you to my Ladies
3381Chamber, and tell her, let her paint an inch thicke, to this
3383thee Horatio tell me one thing.
3384Hor. What's that my Lord?
3386shion i'th' earth?
3394Ham. No faith, not a iot. But to follow him thether
3395with modestie enough, & likeliehood to lead it; as thus.
3396Alexander died: Alexander was buried: Alexander re-
3398Lome, and why of that Lome (whereto he was conuer-
3399ted) might they not stopp a Beere-barrell?
3401Might stop a hole to keepe the winde away.
3402Oh, that that earth, which kept the world in awe,
3403Should patch a Wall, t'expell the winters flaw.
3405 Enter King, Queene, Laertes, and a Coffin,
3406with Lords attendant.
3407The Queene, the Courtiers. Who is that they follow,
3408And with such maimed rites? This doth betoken,
3411Couch we a while, and mark.
3413Ham. That is Laertes, a very Noble youth: Marke.
3416As we haue warrantis, her death was doubtfull,
3417And but that great Command, o're-swaies the order,
3419Till the last Trumpet. For charitable praier,
3420Shardes, Flints, and Peebles, should be throwne on her:
3421Yet heere she is allowed her Virgin Rites,
3422Her Maiden strewments, and the bringing home
3423Of Bell and Buriall.
3425Priest. No more be done:
3428As to peace-parted Soules.
3429Laer. Lay her i'th' earth,
3433When thou liest howling?
3434Ham. What, the faire Ophelia?
3437I thought thy Bride-bed to haue deckt (sweet Maid)
3438And not t'haue strew'd thy Graue.
3439Laer. Oh terrible woer,
3440Fall ten times trebble, on that cursed head
3442Depriu'd thee of. Hold off the earth a while,
3443Till I haue caught her once more in mine armes:
3444Leaps in the graue.
3445Now pile your dust, vpon the quicke, and dead,
3446Till of this flat a Mountaine you haue made,
3448Of blew Olympus.
3451Coniure the wandring Starres, and makes them stand
3452Like wonder-wounded hearers? This is I,
3453Hamlet the Dane.
3456I prythee take thy fingers from my throat;
3457Sir though I am not Spleenatiue, and rash,
3458Yet haue I something in me dangerous,
3461Qu. Hamlet, Hamlet.
3462Gen. Good my Lord be quiet.
3464Vntill my eielids will no longer wag.
3465Qu. Oh my Sonne, what Theame?
3467Could not (with all there quantitie of Loue)
3468Make vp my summe. What wilt thou do for her?
3469King. Oh he is mad Laertes,
3470Qu. For loue of God forbeare him.
3473Woo't drinke vp Esile, eate a Crocodile?