Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Hamlet
Hamlet (Folio 1, 1623)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
- Facsimiles
264 The Tragedie of Hamlet.
1521So as a painted Tyrant Pyrrhus stood,
1522And like a Newtrall to his will and matter, did nothing.
1526As hush as death: Anon the dreadfull Thunder
1527Doth rend the Region. So after Pyrrhus pause,
1529And neuer did the Cyclops hammers fall
1530On Mars his Armours, forg'd for proofe Eterne,
1532Now falles on Priam.
1533Out, out, thou Strumpet-Fortune, all you Gods,
1534In generall Synod take away her power:
1535Breake all the Spokes and Fallies from her wheele,
1536And boule the round Naue downe the hill of Heauen,
1537As low as to the Fiends.
1538Pol. This is too long.
1540thee say on: He's for a Iigge, or a tale of Baudry, or hee
1541sleepes. Say on; come to Hecuba.
1543Ham. The inobled Queene?
1544Pol. That's good: Inobled Queene is good.
15451. Play. Run bare-foot vp and downe,
1546Threatning the flame
1547With Bisson Rheume: A clout about that head,
1548Where late the Diadem stood, and for a Robe
1549About her lanke and all ore-teamed Loines,
1550A blanket in th' Alarum of feare caught vp.
1555In mincing with his Sword her Husbands limbes,
1557(Vnlesse things mortall moue them not at all)
1558Would haue made milche the Burning eyes of Heauen,
1559And passion in the Gods.
1560Pol. Looke where he ha's not turn'd his colour, and
1561ha's teares in's eyes. Pray you no more.
1564stow'd. Do ye heare, let them be well vs'd: for they are
1566your death, you were better haue a bad Epitaph, then
1567their ill report while you liued.
1572them after your own Honor and Dignity. The lesse they
1573deserue, the more merit is in your bountie. Take them
1577row. Dost thou heare me old Friend, can you play the
1578murther of Gonzago?
1579Play. I my Lord.
1580Ham. Wee'l ha't to morrow night. You could for a
1583Play. I my Lord.
1584Ham. Very well. Follow that Lord, and looke you
1585mock him not. My good Friends, Ile leaue you til night
1586you are welcome to Elsonower?
1588Manet Hamlet.
1591Is it not monstrous that this Player heere,
1592But in a Fixion, in a dreame of Passion,
1594That from her working, all his visage warm'd;
1597With Formes, to his Conceit? And all for nothing?
1598For Hecuba?
1599What's Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba,
1600That he should weepe for her? What would he doe,
1601Had he the Motiue and the Cue for passion
1602That I haue? He would drowne the Stage with teares,
1603And cleaue the generall eare with horrid speech:
1604Make mad the guilty, and apale the free,
1605Confound the ignorant, and amaze indeed,
1606The very faculty of Eyes and Eares. Yet I,
1607A dull and muddy-metled Rascall, peake
1608Like Iohn a-dreames, vnpregnant of my cause,
1609And can say nothing: No, not for a King,
1611A damn'd defeate was made. Am I a Coward?
1612Who calles me Villaine? breakes my pate a-crosse?
1613Pluckes off my Beard, and blowes it in my face?
1614Tweakes me by'th'Nose? giues me the Lye i'th'Throate,
1615As deepe as to the Lungs? Who does me this?
1616Ha? Why I should take it: for it cannot be,
1617But I am Pigeon-Liuer'd, and lacke Gall
1618To make Oppression bitter, or ere this,
1619I should haue fatted all the Region Kites
1620With this Slaues Offall, bloudy: a Bawdy villaine,
1622Oh Vengeance!
1624That I, the Sonne of the Deere murthered,
1625Prompted to my Reuenge by Heauen, and Hell,
1626Must (like a Whore) vnpacke my heart with words,
1627And fall a Cursing like a very Drab,
1628A Scullion? Fye vpon't: Foh. About my Braine.
1629I haue heard, that guilty Creatures sitting at a Play,
1630Haue by the very cunning of the Scoene,
1632They haue proclaim'd their Malefactions.
1633For Murther, though it haue no tongue, will speake
1635Play something like the murder of my Father,
1636Before mine Vnkle. Ile obserue his lookes,
1637Ile tent him to the quicke: If he but blench
1639May be the Diuell, and the Diuel hath power
1641Out of my Weaknesse, and my Melancholly,
1642As he is very potent with such Spirits,
1643Abuses me to damne me. Ile haue grounds
1644More Relatiue then this: The Play's the thing,
1646 Enter King, Queene, Polonius, Ophelia, Ro-
1647sincrance, Guildenstern, and Lords.
1649Get from him why he puts on this Confusion: