Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Hamlet
Hamlet (Folio 1, 1623)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
- Facsimiles
The Tragedie of Hamlet. 269
2173Ham. With drinke Sir?
2174Guild. No my Lord, rather with choller.
2177to his Purgation, would perhaps plundge him into farre
2178more Choller.
2181Ham. I am tame Sir, pronounce.
2184Ham. You are welcome.
2188if not, your pardon, and my returne shall bee the end of
2190Ham. Sir, I cannot.
2191Guild. What, my Lord?
2194mand: or rather you say, my Mother: therfore no more
2195but to the matter. My Mother you say.
2197her into amazement, and admiration.
2200thers admiration?
2202ere you go to bed.
2204Haue you any further Trade with vs?
2205Rosin. My Lord, you once did loue me.
2208per? You do freely barre the doore of your owne Liber-
2209tie, if you deny your greefes to your Friend.
2210Ham. Sir I lacke Aduancement.
2211Rosin. How can that be, when you haue the voyce of
2215 Enter one with a Recorder.
2216O the Recorder. Let me see, to withdraw with you, why
2217do you go about to recouer the winde of mee, as if you
2218would driue me into a toyle?
2219Guild. O my Lord, if my Dutie be too bold, my loue
2220is too vnmannerly.
2222vpon this Pipe?
2223Guild. My Lord, I cannot.
2224Ham. I pray you.
2225Guild. Beleeue me, I cannot.
2227Guild. I know no touch of it, my Lord.
2229with your finger and thumbe, giue it breath with your
2233of hermony, I haue not the skill.
2234Ham. Why looke you now, how vnworthy a thing
2235you make of me: you would play vpon mee; you would
2239sicke, excellent Voice, in this little Organe, yet cannot
2240you make it. Why do you thinke, that I am easier to bee
2241plaid on, then a Pipe? Call me what Instrument you will,
2242though you can fret me, you cannot play vpon me. God
2243blesse you Sir.
2244 Enter Polonius.
2246and presently.
2248like a Camell.
2250Ham. Me thinkes it is like a Weazell.
2251Polon. It is back'd like a Weazell.
2252Ham. Or like a Whale?
2253Polon. Verie like a Whale.
2254Ham. Then will I come to my Mother, by and by:
2255They foole me to the top of my bent.
2256I will come by and by.
2259'Tis now the verie witching time of night,
2260When Churchyards yawne, and Hell it selfe breaths out
2261Contagion to this world. Now could I drink hot blood,
2263Would quake to looke on. Soft now, to my Mother:
2264Oh Heart, loose not thy Nature; let not euer
2266Let me be cruell, not vnnaturall,
2268My Tongue and Soule in this be Hypocrites.
2270To giue them Seales, neuer my Soule consent.
2271 Enter King, Rosincrance, and Guildensterne.
2273To let his madnesse range. Therefore prepare you,
2275And he to England shall along with you:
2276The termes of our estate, may not endure
2277Hazard so dangerous as doth hourely grow
2278Out of his Lunacies.
2280Most holie and Religious feare it is
2282That liue and feede vpon your Maiestie.
2284And peculiar life is bound
2285With all the strength and Armour of the minde,
2286To keepe it selfe from noyance: but much more,
2289Dies not alone; but like a Gulfe doth draw
2290What's neere it, with it. It is a massie wheele
2291Fixt on the Somnet of the highest Mount,
2293Are mortiz'd and adioyn'd: which when it falles,
2295Attends the boystrous Ruine. Neuer alone
2296Did the King sighe, but with a generall grone.
2298For we will Fetters put vpon this feare,
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