Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Henry VIII
Henry The Eighth (Folio 1, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
819Actus Secundus. Scena Prima.
820Enter two Gentlemen at seuerall Doores.
823Eu'n to the Hall, to heare what shall become
824Of the great Duke of Buckingham.
826That labour Sir. All's now done but the Ceremony
827Of bringing backe the Prisoner.
8282. Were you there?
8291. Yes indeed was I.
8322. Is he found guilty?
8331. Yes truely is he,
834And condemn'd vpon't.
8361. So are a number more.
8381. Ile tell you in a little. The great Duke
839Came to the Bar; where, to his accusations
840He pleaded still not guilty, and alleadged
842The Kings Atturney on the contrary,
843Vrg'd on the Examinations, proofes, confessions
845To him brought viua voce to his face;
846At which appear'd against him, his Surueyor
847Sir Gilbert Pecke his Chancellour, and Iohn Car,
848Confessor to him, with that Diuell Monke,
849Hopkins, that made this mischiefe.
8502. That was hee
851That fed him with his Prophecies.
854Would haue flung from him; but indeed he could not;
855And so his Peeres vpon this euidence,
856Haue found him guilty of high Treason. Much
857He spoke, and learnedly for life: But all
858Was either pittied in him, or forgotten.
8601. When he was brought agen to th'Bar, to heare
861His Knell rung out, his Iudgement, he was stir'd
8662. I doe not thinke he feares death.
8671. Sure he does not,
869He may a little grieue at.
8702. Certainly,
871The Cardinall is the end of this.
8721. Tis likely,
874Then Deputy of Ireland, who remou'd
8772. That tricke of State
878Was a deepe enuious one,
8791. At his returne,
880No doubt he will requite it; this is noted
881(And generally) who euer the King fauours,
883And farre enough from Court too.
8842. All the Commons
886Wish him ten faddom deepe: This Duke as much
887They loue and doate on: call him bounteous Buckingham,
888The Mirror of all courtesie.
889Enter Buckingham from his Arraignment, Tipstaues before
890him, the Axe with the edge towards him, Halberds on each
891side, accompanied with Sir Thomas Louell, Sir Nicholas
892Vaux, Sir Walter Sands, and common people, &c.
8931. Stay there Sir,
896Buck. All good people,
897You that thus farre haue come to pitty me;
899I haue this day receiu'd a Traitors iudgement,
900And by that name must dye; yet Heauen beare witnes,
902Euen as the Axe falls, if I be not faithfull.
903The Law I beare no mallice for my death,
906(Be what they will) I heartily forgiue 'em;
907Yet let 'em looke they glory not in mischiefe;
908Nor build their euils on the graues of great men;
910For further life in this world I ne're hope,
911Nor will I sue, although the King haue mercies
912More then I dare make faults.
913You few that lou'd me,
914And dare be bold to weepe for Buckingham,
915His Noble Friends and Fellowes; whom to leaue
916Is only bitter to him, only dying:
917Goe with me like good Angels to my end,
918And as the long diuorce of Steele fals on me,
920And lift my Soule to Heauen.
921Lead on a Gods name.
923If euer any malice in your heart
924Were hid against me, now to forgiue me frankly.
925Buck. Sir Thomas Louell, I as free forgiue you
926As I would be forgiuen: I forgiue all.
928Gainst me, that I cannot take peace with:
929No blacke Enuy shall make my Graue.
930Commend mee to his Grace:
931And if he speake of Buckingham; pray tell him,
932You met him halfe in Heauen: my vowes and prayers
933Yet are the Kings; and till my Soule forsake,
934Shall cry for blessings on him. May he liue
935Longer then I haue time to tell his yeares;
936Euer belou'd and louing, may his Rule be;
937And when old Time shall lead him to his end,
940Then giue my Charge vp to Sir Nicholas Vaux,
941Who vndertakes you to your end.
942Vaux. Prepare there,
943The Duke is comming: See the Barge be ready;
946Buck. Nay, Sir Nicholas,
947Let it alone; my State now will but mocke me.
948When I came hither, I was Lord High Constable,
949And Duke of Buckingham: now, poore Edward Bohun;
951That neuer knew what Truth meant: I now seale it;
952And with that bloud will make 'em one day groane for't.
953My noble Father Henry of Buckingham,
957And without Tryall, fell; Gods peace be with him.
958Henry the Seauenth succeeding, truly pittying
960Restor'd me to my Honours: and out of ruines
961Made my Name once more Noble. Now his Sonne,
962Henry the Eight, Life, Honour, Name and all
963That made me happy; at one stroake ha's taken
964For euer from the World. I had my Tryall,
966A little happier then my wretched Father:
967Yet thus farre we are one in Fortunes; both
970Heauen ha's an end in all: yet, you that heare me,
971This from a dying man receiue as certaine:
972Where you are liberall of your loues and Councels,
974And giue your hearts to; when they once perceiue
975The least rub in your fortunes, fall away
976Like water from ye, neuer found againe
977But where they meane to sinke ye: all good people
979Of my long weary life is come vpon me:
981Speake how I fell.
982I haue done; and God forgiue me.
983 Exeunt Duke and Traine.
9841. O, this is full of pitty; Sir, it cals
985I feare, too many curses on their heads
986That were the Authors.
988'Tis full of woe: yet I can giue you inckling
989Of an ensuing euill, if it fall,
990Greater then this.
9911. Good Angels keepe it from vs:
992What may it be? you doe not doubt my faith Sir?
994A strong faith to conceale it.
9951. Let me haue it:
996I doe not talke much.
998You shall Sir: Did you not of late dayes heare
999A buzzing of a Separation
1000Betweene the King and Katherine?
10011. Yes, but it held not;
1002For when the King once heard it, out of anger
1007Is found a truth now: for it growes agen
1008Fresher then e're it was; and held for certaine
1009The King will venture at it. Either the Cardinall,
1010Or some about him neere, haue out of malice
1012That will vndoe her: To confirme this too,
1013Cardinall Campeius is arriu'd, and lately,
1014As all thinke for this busines.
10151. Tis the Cardinall;
1016And meerely to reuenge him on the Emperour,
1018The Archbishopricke of Toledo, this is purpos'd.
10192. I thinke
1020You haue hit the marke; but is't not cruell,
10231. 'Tis wofull.
1024Wee are too open heere to argue this:
1025Let's thinke in priuate more. Exeunt.