Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: Henry The Eighth (Folio 1, 1623)
  • Editor: Diane Jakacki
  • Research assistant: Beth Norris
  • Research assistant (proof): Simon Carpenter

  • Copyright Diane Jakacki. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Diane Jakacki
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry The Eighth (Folio 1, 1623)

    The Life of King Henry the Eight.
    L. Cham. What is't for?
    595Lou. The reformation of our trauel'd Gallants,
    That fill the Court with quarrels, talke, and Taylors.
    L. Cham. I'm glad 'tis there;
    Now I would pray our Monsieurs
    To thinke an English Courtier may be wise,
    600And neuer see the Louure.
    Lou. They must either
    (For so run the Conditions) leaue those remnants
    Of Foole and Feather, that they got in France,
    With all their honourable points of ignorance
    605Pertaining thereunto; as Fights and Fire-workes,
    Abusing better men then they can be
    Out of a forreigne wisedome, renouncing cleane
    The faith they haue in Tennis and tall Stockings,
    Short blistred Breeches, and those types of Trauell;
    610And vnderstand againe like honest men,
    Or pack to their old Playfellowes; there, I take it,
    They may Cum Pruiilegio, wee away
    The lag end of their lewdnesse, and be laugh'd at.
    L. San. Tis time to giue 'em Physicke, their diseases
    615Are growne so catching.
    L. Cham. What a losse our Ladies
    Will haue of these trim vanities?
    Louell. I marry,
    There will be woe indeed Lords, the slye whorsons
    620Haue got a speeding tricke to lay downe Ladies.
    A French Song, and a Fiddle, ha's no Fellow.
    L. San. The Diuell fiddle 'em,
    I am glad they are going,
    For sure there's no conuerting of 'em: now
    625An honest Country Lord as I am, beaten
    A long time out of play, may bring his plaine song,
    And haue an houre of hearing, and by'r Lady
    Held currant Musicke too.
    L. Cham. Well said Lord Sands,
    630Your Colts tooth is not cast yet?
    L. San. No my Lord,
    Nor shall not while I haue a stumpe.
    L. Cham. Sir Thomas,
    Whither were you a going?
    635Lou. To the Cardinals;
    Your Lordship is a guest too.
    L. Cham. O, 'tis true;
    This night he makes a Supper, and a great one,
    To many Lords and Ladies; there will be
    640The Beauty of this Kingdome Ile assure you.
    Lou. That Churchman
    Beares a bounteous minde indeed,
    A hand as fruitfull as the Land that feeds vs,
    His dewes fall euery where.
    645L. Cham. No doubt hee's Noble;
    He had a blacke mouth that said other of him.
    L. San. He may my Lord,
    Ha's wherewithall in him;
    Sparing would shew a worse sinne, then ill Doctrine,
    650Men of his way, should be most liberall,
    They are set heere for examples.
    L. Cham. True, they are so;
    But few now giue so great ones:
    My Barge stayes;
    655Your Lordship shall along: Come, good Sir Thomas,
    We shall be late else, which I would not be,
    For I was spoke to, with Sir Henry Guilford
    This night to be Comptrollers.
    L. San. I am your Lordships. Exeunt.

    660Scena Quarta.

    Hoboies. A small Table vnder a State for the Cardinall, a
    longer Table for the Guests. Then Enter Anne Bullen,
    and diuers other Ladies, & Gentlemen, as Guests
    at one Doore; at an other Doore enter
    665Sir Henry Guilford.

    S.Hen. Guilf. Ladyes,
    A generall welcome from his Grace
    Salutes ye all; This Night he dedicates
    To faire content, and you: None heere he hopes
    670In all this Noble Beuy, has brought with her
    One care abroad: hee would haue all as merry:
    As first, good Company, good wine, good welcome,
    Can make good people.

    Enter L. Chamberlaine L. Sands, and Louell.
    675O my Lord, y'are tardy;
    The very thought of this faire Company,
    Clapt wings to me.
    Cham. You are young Sir Harry Guilford.
    San. Sir Thomas Louell, had the Cardinall
    680But halfe my Lay-thoughts in him, some of these
    Should finde a running Banket, ere they rested,
    I thinke would better please 'em: by my life,
    They are a sweet society of faire ones.
    Lou. O that your Lordship were but now Confessor,
    685To one or two of these.
    San. I would I were,
    They should finde easie pennance.
    Lou. Faith how easie?
    San. As easie as a downe bed would affoord it.
    690Cham. Sweet Ladies will it please you sit; Sir Harry
    Place you that side, Ile take the charge of this:
    His Grace is entring. Nay, you must not freeze,
    Two women plac'd together, makes cold weather:
    My Lord Sands, you are one will keepe 'em waking:
    695Pray sit betweene these Ladies.
    San. By my faith,
    And thanke your Lordship: by your leaue sweet Ladies,
    If I chance to talke a little wilde, forgiue me:
    I had it from my Father.
    700An. Bul. Was he mad Sir?
    San. O very mad, exceeding mad, in loue too;
    But he would bite none, iust as I doe now,
    He would Kisse you Twenty with a breath.
    Cham. Well said my Lord:
    705So now y'are fairely seated: Gntlemen,
    The pennance lyes on you; if these faire Ladies
    Passe away frowning.
    San. For my little Cure,
    Let me alone.

    710Hoboyes. Enter Cardinall Wolsey, and takes his State.
    Card. welcome my faire Guests; that noble Lady
    Or Gentleman that is not freely merry
    Is not my Friend. This to confirme my welcome,
    And to you all good health.
    715San. Your Grace is Noble,
    Let me haue such a Bowle may hold my thankes,
    And saue me so much talking.
    Card. My Lord Sands,
