Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Henry VIII
Henry The Eighth (Folio 1, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
The Life of King Henry the Eight.
1865And came to th'eye o'th'King, wherein was read
1866How that the Cardinall did intreat his Holinesse
1867To stay the Iudgement o'th'Diuorce; for if
1868It did take place, I do (quoth he) perceiue
1870A Creature of the Queenes, Lady Anne Bullen.
1871Sur. Ha's the King this?
1872Suf. Beleeue it.
1873Sur. Will this worke?
1875And hedges his owne way. But in this point,
1876All his trickes founder, and he brings his Physicke
1877After his Patients death; the King already
1878Hath married the faire Lady.
1879Sur. Would he had.
1881For I professe you haue it.
1882Sur. Now all my ioy
1883Trace the Coniunction.
1884Suf. My Amen too't.
1885Nor. All mens.
1886Suf. There's order giuen for her Coronation:
1887Marry this is yet but yong, and may be left
1888To some eares vnrecounted. But my Lords
1889She is a gallant Creature, and compleate
1890In minde and feature. I perswade me, from her
1892In it be memoriz'd.
1893Sur. But will the King
1894Digest this Letter of the Cardinals?
1895The Lord forbid.
1896Nor. Marry Amen.
1897Suf. No, no:
1900Is stolne away to Rome, hath 'tane no leaue,
1901Ha's left the cause o'th'King vnhandled, and
1902Is posted as the Agent of our Cardinall,
1904The King cry'de Ha, at this.
1906And let him cry Ha, lowder.
1907Norf. But my Lord
1908When returnes Cranmer?
1909Suf. He is return'd in his Opinions, which
1911Together with all famous Colledges
1914Her Coronation. Katherine no more
1915Shall be call'd Queene, but Princesse Dowager,
1916And Widdow to Prince Arthur.
1918A worthy Fellow, and hath tane much paine
1921For it, an Arch-byshop.
1922Nor. So I heare.
1924Enter Wolsey and Cromwell.
1925The Cardinall.
1927Car. The Packet Cromwell,
1928Gau't you the King?
1929Crom. To his owne hand, in's Bed-chamber.
1933He did it with a Serious minde: a heede
1934Was in his countenance. You he bad
1935Attend him heere this Morning.
1936Card. Is he ready to come abroad?
1937Crom. I thinke by this he is.
1941Anne Bullen? No: Ile no Anne Bullens for him,
1942There's more in't then faire Visage. Bullen?
1943No, wee'l no Bullens: Speedily I wish
1944To heare from Rome. The Marchionesse of Penbroke?
1946Suf. Maybe he heares the King
1947Does whet his Anger to him.
1948Sur. Sharpe enough,
1949Lord for thy Iustice.
1950Car. The late Queenes Gentlewoman?
1951A Knights Daughter
1954Then out it goes. What though I know her vertuous
1955And well deseruing? yet I know her for
1958Our hard rul'd King. Againe, there is sprung vp
1959An Heretique, an Arch-one; Cranmer, one
1960Hath crawl'd into the fauour of the King,
1961And is his Oracle.
1963Enter King, reading of a Scedule.
1965The Master-cord on's heart.
1966Suf. The King, the King.
1967King. What piles of wealth hath he accumulated
1968To his owne portion? And what expence by'th'houre
1969Seemes to flow from him? How, i'th'name of Thrift
1970Does he rake this together? Now my Lords,
1971Saw you the Cardinall?
1972Nor. My Lord, we haue
1974Is in his braine: He bites his lip, and starts,
1975Stops on a sodaine, lookes vpon the ground,
1981King. It may well be,
1982There is a mutiny in's minde. This morning,
1984As I requir'd: and wot you what I found
1985There (on my Conscience put vnwittingly)
1986Forsooth an Inuentory, thus importing
1991Nor. It's Heauens will,
1992Some Spirit put this paper in the Packet,
1993To blesse your eye withall.
1994King. If we did thinke