Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: Henry V (Folio 1, 1623)
  • Editor: James D. Mardock
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-409-7

    Copyright James D. Mardock. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: James D. Mardock
    Peer Reviewed

    Henry V (Folio 1, 1623)

    The Life of Henry the Fift. 73
    480What mightst thou do, that honour would thee do,
    Were all thy children kinde and naturall:
    But see, thy fault France hath in thee found out,
    A nest of hollow bosomes, which he filles
    With treacherous Crownes, and three corrupted men:
    485One, Richard Earle of Cambridge, and the second
    Henry Lord Scroope of Masham, and the third
    Sir Thomas Grey Knight of Northumberland,
    Haue for the Gilt of France (O guilt indeed)
    Confirm'd Conspiracy with fearefull France,
    490And by their hands, this grace of Kings must dye.
    If Hell and Treason hold their promises,
    Ere he take ship for France; and in Southampton.
    Linger your patience on, and wee'l digest
    Th'abuse of distance; force a play:
    495The summe is payde, the Traitors are agreed,
    The King is set from London, and the Scene
    Is now transported (Gentles) to Southampton,
    There is the Play-house now, there must you sit,
    And thence to France shall we conuey you safe,
    500And bring you backe: Charming the narrow seas
    To giue you gentle Passe: for if we may,
    Wee'l not offend one stomacke with our Play.
    But till the King come forth, and not till then,
    Vnto Southampton do we shift our Scene. Exit

    505Enter Corporall Nym, and Lieutenant Bardolfe.
    Bar. Well met Corporall Nym.
    Nym. Good morrow Lieutenant Bardolfe.
    Bar. What, are Ancient Pistoll and you friends yet?
    Nym. For my part, I care not: I say little: but when
    510time shall serue, there shall be smiles, but that shall be as
    it may. I dare not fight, but I will winke and holde out
    mine yron: it is a simple one, but what though? It will
    toste Cheese, and it will endure cold, as another mans
    sword will: and there's an end.
    515Bar. I will bestow a breakfast to make you friendes,
    and wee'l bee all three sworne brothers to France: Let't
    be so good Corporall Nym.
    Nym. Faith, I will liue so long as I may, that's the cer-
    taine of it: and when I cannot liue any longer, I will doe
    520as I may: That is my rest, that is the rendeuous of it.
    Bar. It is certaine Corporall, that he is marryed to
    Nell Quickly, and certainly she did you wrong, for you
    were troth-plight to her.
    Nym. I cannot tell, Things must be as they may: men
    525may sleepe, and they may haue their throats about them
    at that time, and some say, kniues haue edges : It must
    be as it may, though patience be a tyred name, yet shee
    will plodde, there must be Conclusions, well, I cannot
    530Enter Pistoll, & Quickly.
    Bar. Heere comes Ancient Pistoll and his wife: good
    Corporall be patient heere. How now mine Hoaste Pi-
    Pist. Base Tyke, cal'st thou mee Hoste, now by this
    535hand I sweare I scorne the terme: nor shall my Nel keep
    Host. No by my troth, not long: For we cannot lodge
    and board a dozen or fourteene Gentlewomen that liue
    honestly by the pricke of their Needles, but it will bee
    540thought we keepe a Bawdy-house straight. O welliday
    Lady, if he be not hewne now, we shall see wilful adulte-
    ry and murther committed.
    Bar. Good Lieutenant, good Corporal offer nothing
    heere.Nym. Pish.

    545Pist. Pish for thee, Island dogge: thou prickeard cur
    of Island.
    Host. Good Corporall Nym shew thy valor, and put
    vp your sword.
    Nym. Will you shogge off? I would haue you solus.
    550Pist. Solus, egregious dog? O Viper vile; The solus
    in thy most meruailous face, the solus in thy teeth, and
    in thy throate, and in thy hatefull Lungs, yea in thy Maw
    perdy; and which is worse, within thy nastie mouth. I
    do retort the solus in thy bowels, for I can take, and Pi-
    555stols cocke is vp, and flashing fire will follow.
    Nym. I am not Barbason, you cannot coniure mee: I
    haue an humor to knocke you indifferently well: If you
    grow fowle with me Pistoll, I will scoure you with my
    Rapier, as I may, in fayre tearmes. If you would walke
    560off, I would pricke your guts a little in good tearmes, as
    I may, and that's the humor of it.
    Pist. O Braggard vile, and damned furious wight,
    The Graue doth gape, and doting death is neere,
    Therefore exhale.
    565Bar. Heare me, heare me what I say: Hee that strikes
    the first stroake, Ile run him vp to the hilts, as I am a sol-
    Pist. An oath of mickle might, and fury shall abate.
    Giue me thy fist, thy fore-foote to me giue: Thy spirites
    570are most tall.
    Nym. I will cut thy throate one time or other in faire
    termes, that is the humor of it.
    Pistoll. Couple a gorge, that is the word. I defie thee a-
    gaine. O hound of Creet, think'st thou my spouse to get?
    575No, to the spittle goe, and from the Poudring tub of in-
    famy, fetch forth the Lazar Kite of Cressids kinde, Doll
    Teare-sheete, she by name, and her espouse. I haue, and I
    will hold the Quondam Quickely for the onely shee: and
    Pauca, there's enough to go to.
    580Enter the Boy.
    Boy. Mine Hoast Pistoll, you must come to my May-
    ster, and your Hostesse: He is very sicke, & would to bed.
    Good Bardolfe, put thy face betweene his sheets, and do
    the Office of a Warming-pan: Faith, he's very ill.
    585Bard. Away you Rogue.
    Host. By my troth he'l yeeld the Crow a pudding one
    of these dayes: the King has kild his heart. Good Hus-
    band come home presently. Exit
    Bar. Come, shall I make you two friends. Wee must
    590to France together: why the diuel should we keep kniues
    to cut one anothers throats?
    Pist. Let floods ore-swell, and fiends for food howle
    Nym. You'l pay me the eight shillings I won of you
    595at Betting?
    Pist. Base is the Slaue that payes.
    Nym. That now I wil haue: that's the humor of it.
    Pist. As manhood shal compound: push home. Draw
    Bard. By this sword, hee that makes the first thrust,
    600Ile kill him: By this sword, I wil.
    Pi. Sword is an Oath, & Oaths must haue their course
    Bar. Coporall Nym, & thou wilt be friends be frends,
    and thou wilt not, why then be enemies with me to: pre-
    thee put vp.
    605Pist. A Noble shalt thou haue, and present pay, and
    Liquor likewise will I giue to thee, and friendshippe
    shall combyne, and brotherhood. Ile liue by Nymme, &
    Nymme shall liue by me, is not this iust? For I shal Sut-
    ler be vnto the Campe, and profits will accrue. Giue mee
    610thy hand.
    h 3 Nym.