Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: Der bestrafte Brudermord (Fratricide Punished)
  • Author: Anonymous
  • Editor: David Bevington
  • General textual editors: James D. Mardock, Eric Rasmussen
  • Associate textual editor: Donald Bailey
  • Coordinating editor: Michael Best
  • Associate coordinating editor: Janelle Jenstad

  • Copyright David Bevington. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: David Bevington
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Der bestrafte Brudermord (Fratricide Punished)

    160Enter the King, Queen, Hamlet, Corambus, and Attendants.
    Though yet our brother's death is fresh in memory of all and it befits us to suspend all state-celebrations, yet from this time it is needful for us to change our black mourning garb to crimson, purple, and scarlet, since my late departed brother's widow has now become our dearest spouse. Wherefore I pray you, let everyone show himself joyful and make himself a partner in our mirth. But you, Prince Hamlet, pray you, be happy. See here your mother, how sad and troubled she is by your melancholy. Also we have learned that you have resolved to go back to Wittenberg. For the sake of your mother, do not do so. Stay here, for we love you and like to see you, and should not wish any harm to overtake you. Stay with us at court, or, if not, betake yourself to Norway, to your kingdom.
    My much-loved son, Prince Hamlet, it greatly astonishes us to learn that you have planned to leave us and to go to Wittenberg. You know well that your royal father died a short time ago, which causes us great sadness and heaviness of heart, and should you go away from us, it would greatly increase our grief. Then, dearest son, stay here, and every pleasure and delight shall be yours without denial, if it so please you.
    I shall obey your command with all my heart, and for the present shall remain here and not go away.
    Do so, dearest Prince! Say, Corambus, how is it with your son Leonhard? Has he already set out for France?
    Ay, my gracious lord and king, he has already gone.
    But was it with your consent, Corambus?
    Ay, Your Majesty, with top consent, bottom consent, and middle consent. Indeed he got a most glorious, wonderful, and superb consent from me.
    As he has your consent to go, I hope that he may prosper, and that the gods may speed him back here again in safety. Now it is our will to hold a carousal, so that our dear spouse's grief may end. And you, Prince Hamlet, and other noble persons of our court must show yourselves mirthful; but for the present we shall make an end of our festivities, for the day is approaching to put black night to flight. You, my dearest consort, I shall accompany to your bedchamber.
    Come, arm in arm and hand in hand; tonight
    170In pledge of Love and Rest we'll take delight.