Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Hamlet
Der bestrafte Brudermord (Fratricide Punished)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
- Facsimiles
Who's there?
Who's there?
Answer, or I'll teach you better manners.
A friend!
What friend?
Friend to the kingdom.
By my life, it is the Prince!
Your Highness, is it you or not?
Ha! Horatio, is it you? What are you doing here?
Your Highness, I have gone the rounds, to see that all sentinels are at their posts.
You act like an honest soldier, for on you rests the safety of the King and kingdom.
My lord, a strange thing has happened: a ghost appears here every quarter of an hour. To my mind, he is very like your father the late king. He does much harm to the sentinels on the rounds.
I hope not, for the souls of the faithful rest quietly till the day of their resurrection.
But it is so, Your Highness; I have seen him myself.
He frightened me most horribly, Your Highness.
And me he dealt a good box on the ears.
What time is it now?
It is just midnight.
'Tis well, for it is at this time that the spirits usually show themselves when they walk.
Hello! What does this mean?
Methinks they are still very merry at court with their toasts.
True, Horatio! My father and uncle makes merry indeed still with his friends and followers. Horatio, I know not why since my father's death I have such continual sadness of heart, whereas my royal mother has so soon forgotten him. But this king still sooner; for whilst I was in Germany, he had himself crowned in all haste King of Denmark, and with show of right made over to me the crown of Norway, and appealed to the election of the states.