Shakespeare in Performance: Film Productions
Browse Film Productions
: Film production
: Performance
Edward IV (1965, Michael Hayes, GB)
Ein Sommernachtsstraum: En heiteres Fastnachtsspiel (1925, Hans Neumann, Germany)
Elizabeth (1998, Shekhar Kapur, International)
Elstree Calling (1930, Adrian Brunel, GB)
Englishman Abroad (1984, John Schlesinger, GB)
Enter Hamlet (1965, USA)
Eros Perversion (1979, Ron Wertheim, Italy)
The Fall of a Protector (1960, Michael Hayes, GB)
Falstaff (1911, Henri Desfontaines, France)
Falstaff (1976, Jean Pierre Ponnelle, GB)
Falstaff (1983, GB)
Falstaff (1984, John Pritchard, GB)
Falstaff (1985, Sir George Solti, International)
The Fifteenth (1963, Peter Dews, GB)
Filming Othello (1978, Orson Welles, West Germany)
Filth And The Fury (2000, Julien Temple, USA)
Footnotes to Romeo and Juliet (1976, GB)
Forbidden Planet (1956, Fred McLeod Wilcox, USA)
Fortunes of War (1987, James Cellan Jones, GB)
Four Views of Caesar (1964, GB)
Free Enterprise (1999, Robert Meyer Nurnett, USA)
Gamlet. [Hamlet] (1963, Grigori Kozintsev, USSR)
Gentleman's Agreement (1946, Elia Kazan, USA)
Get Over It (2001, Tommy O'Haver, USA)
Giulietta e Romeo (1964, Bruno Nicolai, International)
Giulietta e Romeo. [Romeo and Juliet] (1954, Renato Castellani, International)
Giulio Cesare (1911, Enrico Guazzoni, Italy)
Giulio Cesare (Maurizo Scaparro, Italy)
Gloucester's Soliloquy (1928, John G. Adolfi, USA)
The Goodbye Girl (1977, Herbert Ross, USA)
The Great Hamlets, Program 1 (1995, Trevor Nunn, UK)
The Great Hamlets, Program 2 (1995, Trevor Nunn, UK)
Green Eggs & Hamlet (1995, Mike O'Neal, USA)
Hamile: The Tongo Hamlet. [Hamlet] (1964, Terry Bishop, Ghana)
Hamlet (1907, Georges Méliès, France)
Hamlet (1910, August Blom, Denmark)
Hamlet (1913, USA)
Hamlet (1913, Hay Plumb, GB)
Hamlet (1947, GB)
Hamlet (1947, Laurence Olivier, GB)
Hamlet (1953, Albert McCleery, USA)
Hamlet (1955, Kishore Sahu, India)
Hamlet (1959, Ralph Nelson, GB)
Hamlet (1964, USA)
Hamlet (1964, Bill Colleran, USA)
Hamlet (1969, Tony Richardson, GB)
Hamlet (1970, Peter Wood, GB)
Hamlet (1972, David Giles, GB)
Hamlet (1973, René Bonniere, Canada)
Hamlet (1976, Celestino Coronado, GB)