Shakespeare in Performance: Film Productions
Browse Film Productions
: Film production
: Performance
Scotland, Pa (2001, Billy Morrissette, USA)
The Scottish Tragedy (1984, Mike Crisp, GB)
SDTV: Hamlet (2000, USA)
SDTV: Shakespeare (2000, USA)
Selected Sonnets by Shakespeare (1984, GB)
Sen Noci Svatojanske. [A Midsummer Night's Dream] (1959, Jirí Trnka, Czechoslovakia)
A Sense of the Other (1977, USA)
The Serpent (1963, Peter Dews, GB)
Seven Ages of Man (1903, Thomas Edison, USA)
Shakespeare (GB)
Shakespeare And His Theatre: The Globe (UK)
Shakespearean Spinach (1940, Dave Fleischer, USA)
Shakespeare: Antony and Cleopatra: Workshop (1985, John Russell Brown, GB)
The Shakespeare Code (2007, Charles Palmer, UK)
The Shakespeare Conspiracy (2000, Michael Peer, USA)
Shakespeare Dance Trilogy (1993, International)
Shakespeare for Schools (excerpts) (1960, Canada)
Shakespeare: Henry IV, Parts 1 and 2: Workshops I and II (1985, GB)
The Shakespeare Hour (1985, Harvey Bellin, International)
The Shakespeare Hour (1985, Harvey Bellin, International)
The Shakespeare Hour (1985, Harvey Bellin, International)
Shakespeare In...And Out (1999, Peter Shushtari, USA)
Shakespeare In London (1999, USA)
Shakespeare In Love (1998, John Madden, USA)
Shakespeare: King Lear: Workshops I and II (1985, GB)
Shakespeare: Measure for Measure: Workshops I and II (1985, GB)
The Shakespeare Mystery (1989, Kevin Sim, International)
Shakespeare og Kronborg (1950, Jørgen Roos, Denmark)
Shakespeare On The Silver Screen (2004, UK)
Shakespeare Sessions (2003, John Barton, UK)
Shakespeare's Globe Restored (1998, USA)
Shakespeare's King Lear and the Middle Ages (1985, USA)
Shakespeare's Sonnets (2012, UK)
Shakespeare's Theatre and Macbeth (1978, USA)
Shakespeare's Women And Claire Bloom (1998, Phillip Schopper, USA)
Shakespeare: The Tempest, IV (1985, GB)
Shakespeare Tragedies: Origin And Style (2000, USA)
Shakespeare Tragedies: Othello, Macbeth, King Lear (2000, USA)
Shakespeare Tragedies: Titus, R&J, Hamlet (2000, USA)
Shakespeare: Twelfth Night: Workshop I (1985, GB)
Shakespeare Wallah (1965, James Ivory, India)
Shakespeare Writing Julius Caesar (1907, Georges Méliès, France)
Shaw vs. Shakespeare: Caesar and Cleopatra, Part Three (1970, USA)
Shogun Macbeth (1986, John R. Briggs, USA)
The Show of Shows (1929, John G. Adolfi, USA)
Shylock (1986, GB)
Shylock, ou le more de Venise. [The Merchant of Venice]. (1916, France)
Siberian Lady Macbeth (1961, Andrzej Wajda, Yugoslavia)
Signs of War (1960, Michael Hayes, GB)
Solomon And Gaenor (1999, Paul Morrison, Wales)