Internet Shakespeare Editions

The Shakespeare Herald

New Editions, New Editors

We are pleased to announce that three plays have been added to our stable of fully-edited plays online: As You Like It - Broadview

All three plays are also in preparation for spin-off print versions, to be published by Broadview Press. The print editions present the modern text with brief explanatory notes, together with a general introduction and, in the Broadview tradition, extensive supplementary materials for pedagogical use. Students can use the text in class, then visit the ISE site for fuller annotation, complete introductory essays and bibliographies, and more complete versions of the supplementary works. The site also provides facsimiles of the works as originally published, accurate and searchable old-spelling texts, fully documented textual variants, and many other aids to scholarship and research.

At the forthcoming meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America in Toronto (March 28-30), the ISE and Broadview Press will jointly staff a table to answer questions about the editions.

New editors

Two plays have recently been assigned editors: Henry VIII will be edited by Diane Jakacki, from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and Loveʼs Laborʼs Lost is in the capable hands of Timothy Billings, Middlebury College. In addition, our Editorial Board is currently reviewing a proposal to edit The Merry Wives of Windsor.

February 2013
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