Internet Shakespeare Editions

The Shakespeare Herald

The Launch of our Mobile-Optimized Site

Do you (or your children) ever use your smart phone to Google something when you are chatting with a friend, and you want to check on a fact? How often do you dodge a student walking across campus with her eyes fixed to her phone? The Internet Shakespeare Editions is pleased to announce the launch of our mobile site! Powerful and user-friendly, the site is fully equipped to supply students and professionals alike with quality facsimiles and peer-reviewed texts on demand, as well as in-depth biographical and historical information. While some features of our site are simply too complex or to large to see effectively on the small screen, we have created simple menus and "breadcrumbs" to make navigating the site on a mobile more manageable. At any stage the user can tap a link to return to the desktop site.

Check it out at

ISEmobile.png The seven ages (mobile) 

February 2013
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