Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: The Merry Wives of Windsor
The Merry Wives of Windsor (Folio 1, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
2344Scena Sexta.
2345Enter Fenton, Host.
2347heauy: I will giue ouer all.
2349And (as I am a gentleman) ile giue thee
2350A hundred pound in gold, more then your losse.
2353Fen. From time to time, I haue acquainted you
2354With the deare loue I beare to faire Anne Page,
2357Euen to my wish; I haue a letter from her
2358Of such contents, as you will wonder at;
2359The mirth whereof, so larded with my matter,
2362Hath a great Scene; the image of the iest
2364To night at Hernes-Oke, iust 'twixt twelue and one,
2368Her father hath commanded her to slip
2369Away with Slender, and with him, at Eaton
2370Immediately to Marry: She hath consented: Now Sir,
2375And at the Deanry, where a Priest attends
2376Strait marry her: to this her Mothers plot
2380And in that habit, when Slender sees his time
2381To take her by the hand, and bid her goe,
2382She shall goe with him: her Mother hath intended
2383(The better to deuote her to the Doctor;
2386With Ribonds-pendant, flaring 'bout her head;
2388To pinch her by the hand, and on that token,
2389The maid hath giuen consent to go with him.
2393And heere it rests, that you'l procure the Vicar
2394To stay for me at Church, 'twixt twelue, and one,
2395And in the lawfull name of marrying,
2396To giue our hearts vnited ceremony.