Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Twelfth Night
Twelfth Night (Folio 1, 1623)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
1984Scoena Secunda.
1985Enter Maria and Clowne.
1986Mar. Nay, I prethee put on this gown, & this beard,
1987make him beleeue thou art sir Topas the Curate, doe it
Twelfe Night, or, What you will. 271
1991in such a gowne. I am not tall enough to become the
1992function well, nor leane enough to bee thought a good
1994keeper goes as fairely, as to say, a carefull man, & a great
1995scholler. The Competitors enter.
1996Enter Toby.
2001am M. Parson; for what is that, but that? and is, but is?
2004To. The knaue counterfets well: a good knaue.
2005Maluolio within.
2006Mal. Who cals there?
2008lio the Lunaticke.
2012man? Talkest thou nothing but of Ladies?
2014Mal. Sir Topas, neuer was man thus wronged, good
2015sir Topas do not thinke I am mad: they haue layde mee
2016heere in hideous darknesse.
2020that house is darke?
2023cadoes, and the cleere stores toward the South north, are
2029but ignorance, in which thou art more puzel'd then the
2030AEgyptians in their fogge.
2033uer man thus abus'd, I am no more madde then you are,
2035Clo. What is the opinion of Pythagoras concerning
2038inhabite a bird.
2041his opinion.
2043thou shalt hold th'opinion of Pythagoras, ere I will allow
2048Clo. Nay I am for all waters.
2050and gowne, he sees thee not.
2051To. To him in thine owne voyce, and bring me word
2053knauery. If he may bee conueniently deliuer'd, I would
2057Clo. Hey Robin, iolly Robin, tell me how thy Lady
2059Mal. Foole.
2060Clo. My Lady is vnkind, perdie.
2061Mal. Foole.
2064Clo. She loues another. Who calles, ha?
2066my hand, helpe me to a Candle, and pen, inke, and paper:
2067as I am a Gentleman, I will liue to bee thankefull to thee
2069Clo. M. Maluolio?
2070Mal. I good Foole.
2073bus'd: I am as well in my wits (foole) as thou art.
2074Clo. But as well: then you are mad indeede, if you be
2075no better in your wits then a foole.
2076Mal. They haue heere propertied me: keepe mee in
2078can to face me out of my wits.
2083Mal. Sir Topas.
2084Clo. Maintaine no words with him good fellow.
2086ry Amen. I will sir, I will.
2089for speaking to you.
2091paper, I tell thee I am as well in my wittes, as any man in
2095per, and light: and conuey what I will set downe to my
2097ring of Letter did.
2098Clo. I will help you too't. But tel me true, are you not
2099mad indeed, or do you but counterfeit.
2100Mal. Beleeue me I am not, I tell thee true.
2102I will fetch you light, and paper, and inke.
2104I prethee be goue.
2106Ile be with you againe:
2107In a trice, like to the old vice,
2109Who with dagger of lath, in his rage and his wrath,
2110cries ah ha, to the diuell:
2111Like a mad lad, paire thy nayles dad,
2112Adieu good man diuell. Exit