Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Twelfth Night
Twelfth Night (Folio 1, 1623)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
Twelfe Night, or, What you will. 275
2504You can say none of this. Well, grant it then,
2505And tell me in the modestie of honor,
2506Why you haue giuen me such cleare lights of fauour,
2508To put on yellow stockings, and to frowne
2509Vpon sir Toby, and the lighter people:
2510And acting this in an obedient hope,
2513And made the most notorious gecke and gull,
2514That ere inuention plaid on? Tell me why?
2515Ol. Alas Maluolio, this is not my writing,
2517But out of question, tis Marias hand.
2518And now I do bethinke me, it was shee
2521Vpon thee in the Letter: prethee be content,
2523But when we know the grounds, and authors of it,
2525Of thine owne cause.
2527And let no quarrell, nor no braule to come,
2528Taint the condition of this present houre,
2529Which I haue wondred at. In hope it shall not,
2531Set this deuice against Maluolio heere,
2533We had conceiu'd against him. Maria writ
2534The Letter, at sir Tobyes great importance,
2535In recompence whereof, he hath married her:
2536How with a sportfull malice it was follow'd,
2537May rather plucke on laughter then reuenge,
2538If that the iniuries be iustly weigh'd,
2544all one: By the Lotd Foole, I am not mad: but do you re-
2546and you smile not he's gag'd: and thus the whirlegigge
2547of time, brings in his reuenges.
2548Mal. Ile be reueng'd on the whole packe of you?
2551He hath not told vs of the Captaine yet,
2552When that is knowne, and golden time conuents
2555We will not part from hence. Cesario come
2557But when in other habites you are seene,
2559Clowne sings.
When that I was and a little tine boy,
2561with hey, ho, the winde and the raine:
2562A foolish thing was but a toy,
2563for the raine it raineth euery day.
2564But when I came to mans estate,
2565with hey ho, &c.
2567for the raine, &c.
2568But when I came alas to wiue,
2569with hey ho, &c.
2570By swaggering could I neuer thriue,
2571for the raine, &c.
2572But when I came vnto my beds,
2573with hey ho, &c.
2575for the raine, &c.
2576A great while ago the world begon,
2577hey ho, &c.
2578But that's all one, our Play is done,