Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Richard III
Richard the Third (Folio 1, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
The Life and Death of Richard the Third.
728O that your yong Nobility could iudge
736Our ayerie buildeth in the Cedars top,
737And dallies with the winde, and scornes the Sunne.
742Your ayery buildeth in our ayeries Nest:
747Vncharitably with me haue you dealt,
748And shamefully my hopes (by you) are butcher'd.
749My Charity is outrage, Life my shame,
751Buc. Haue done, haue done.
753In signe of League and amity with thee:
754Now faire befall thee, and thy Noble house:
755Thy Garments are not spotted with our blood:
758The lips of those that breath them in the ayre.
760And there awake Gods gentle sleeping peace.
761O Buckingham, take heede of yonder dogge:
762Looke when he fawnes, he bites; and when he bites,
763His venom tooth will rankle to the death.
764Haue not to do with him, beware of him,
765Sinne, death, and hell haue set their markes on him,
766And all their Ministers attend on him.
770For my gentle counsell?
771And sooth the diuell that I warne thee from.
772O but remember this another day:
776And he to yours, and all of you to Gods. Exit.
779Rich. I cannot blame her, by Gods holy mother,
780She hath had too much wrong, and I repent
781My part thereof, that I haue done to her.
782Mar. I neuer did her any to my knowledge.
783Rich. Yet you haue all the vantage of her wrong:
784I was too hot, to do somebody good,
785That is too cold in thinking of it now:
786Marry as for Clarence, he is well repayed:
787He is frank'd vp to fatting for his paines,
788God pardon them, that are the cause thereof.
790To pray for them that haue done scath to vs.
791Rich. So do I euer, being well aduis'd.
792Speakes to himselfe.
794Enter Catesby.
796And for your Grace, and yours my gracious Lord.
797Qu. Catesby I come, Lords will you go with mee.
799Exeunt all but Gloster.
802I lay vnto the greeuous charge of others.
804I do beweepe to many simple Gulles,
805Namely to Derby, Hastings, Buckingham,
806And tell them 'tis the Queene, and her Allies,
808Now they beleeue it, and withall whet me
809To be reueng'd on Riuers, Dorset, Grey.
810But then I sigh, and with a peece of Scripture,
811Tell them that God bids vs do good for euill:
812And thus I cloath my naked Villanie
813With odde old ends, stolne forth of holy Writ,
815Enter two murtherers.
816But soft, heere come my Executioners,
818Are you now going to dispatch this thing?
819Uil. We are my Lord, and come to haue the Warrant,
820That we may be admitted where he is.
821Ric. Well thought vpon, I haue it heare about me:
822When you haue done, repayre to Crosby place;
824Withall obdurate, do not heare him pleade;
825For Clarence is well spoken, and perhappes
826May moue your hearts to pitty, if you marke him.
828Talkers are no good dooers, be assur'd:
829We go to vse our hands, and not our tongues.
831fall Teares:
833Go, go, dispatch.
834Vil. We will my Noble Lord.
835Scena Quarta.
836Enter Clarence and Keeper.
839So full of fearefull Dreames, of vgly sights,
842Though 'twere to buy a world of happy daies:
843So full of dismall terror was the time.
844Keep. What was your dream my Lord, I pray you tel me
845Cla. Me thoughts that I had broken from the Tower,
846And was embark'd to crosse to Burgundy,
847And in my company my Brother Glouster,
848Who from my Cabin tempted me to walke,
849Vpon the Hatches: There we look'd toward England,
850And cited vp a thousand heauy times,