14141426To lifte
steele again
st our golden crowne,
14151427God for his
Ric: hath in heauenly pay,
14161428A glorious Angell; then if Angels
14171429Weake men mu
st fall, for heauen
still gardes the right
. 14191431King Welcome my
Lo: how far o
ff lies your power?
14201432Salis. Nor neare nor farther o
ff my gratious Lo:
14211433Than this weake arme; di
scomfort guides my tongue,
14221434And bids me
speake of nothing but De
14231435One day too late I feare me noble
Lo: 14241436Hath clouded a
ll thy happy daies on earth:
14251437O call backe ye
sterday, bid Time returne,
14261438And thou
shalt haue twelue thou
fighting men,
14271439To day to day vnhappie daie too late,
14281440Ouerthrowes thy ioies friends, fortune and thy
14291441For all the Wel
shmen hearing thou wert dead,
14301442Are gone to Bullingbrooke di
st and
14311443Aum. Comfort my liege, why lookes your grace
so pale.
14331444King But now the bloud of 20000. men,
14341445Did triumph in my face, and they are
14351446And till
so much bloud thither come againe,
14361447Haue I not rea
son to looke pale and dead?
soules that wilbe
flie from my
14381449For time hath
set a blot vpon my pride.
14391450Aum. Comfort my liege remember who you are
. 14401451King I had forgot my
selfe, am I not King?
14411452Awake thou coward Maie
sty thou
14421453Is not the Kings name twenty thou
sand names
? 14431454Arme arme, my name a puny
ct strikes,
14441455At thy great glorie, looke not to the ground,
14451456Ye fauourites of a King, are we not high
? 14461457High be our thoughts, I know my Vnckle Yorke,
14471458Hath power enough to
serue our turne: but who comes here?
14491460Scro. More health and happines betide my liege,
14501461Then can my care tunde tongue deliuer him
. 14511462King Mine eare is open, and my hart prepard,