Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Richard II
List of print anomalies in the Quarto text
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
This file contains information about printing irregularities in the Capell copy of Q1 of Richard II (British Library), compiled by Catherine Lisak and Don Bailey.
- TLN: 9: Thomas
- Irregularity: the top left side of the "o" of "our" is slightly damaged.
- TLN: 10: Thomas
- Irregularity: the capital "T" of "Thomas" is damaged.
- TLN: 13: on
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the "o" is only partially printed.
- TLN: 23: rage,
- Irregularity: the comma is raised.
- TLN: 30: thanke
- Irregularity: the "a" of "thanke" is damaged.
- TLN: 34: Nor{ff}olke
- Irregularity: the second "o" of "Nor{ff}olke" appears to be a turned "c".
- TLN: 59: curbs
- Irregularity: the "u" in "curbs" is mangled.
- TLN: 67: ods,
- Irregularity: the comma is possibly a blackletter period.
- TLN: 82: I
- Irregularity: the "I" is broken.
- TLN: 82: wor{s}e
- Irregularity: the "o" has a bar through the middle and appears to be a "theta". See tln n=315, 448, 805. 1096
- TLN: 95: detaind
- Irregularity: the "t" of "detaind" is broken.
- TLN: 107: eon{s}equently
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the "c" is an "e": "con{s}equently" reads "eon{s}equently".
- TLN: 107: taitour
- Irregularity: in the previous word, there is a misspelling. The "r" in "traitor" is missing.
- TLN: 112: n="112"/>And,
- Irregularity: the mark after the word "And" is too straight in shape to be a comma. See Richard II in the Hinman facsimile, TLN 108.
- TLN: 113: it,
- Irregularity: the comma after the word "it" is raised.
- TLN: 117: deafe.
- Irregularity: the period after the word "deafe" might be a comma.
- TLN: 120: eares,
- Irregularity: the comma after the word "eares" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 130: lie{{s}t}.
- Irregularity: the period might be a comma.
- TLN: 135: account:
- Irregularity: the roman "colon" is bent.
- TLN: 150: boldly
- Irregularity: the first "l" of "boldly" is not clearly printed.
- TLN: 166: {s}onne
- Irregularity: , the first "n" of "{s}onne" is broken.
- TLN: 172: {s}elf
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the "f" is partly unclear because of faint printing.
- TLN: 177: ba{ff}uld
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the "a" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 181: mu{{s}t}
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the "m" is turned.
- TLN: 183: {s}pots
- Irregularity: the roman "colon" is bent.
- TLN: 191: done
- Irregularity: the roman "colon" is bent.
- TLN: 197: {fi}ght
- Irregularity: the "{s}" of "{{s}i}ght" is an "f " and the word reads "{fi}ght".
- TLN: 215: allarmes
- Amiguity: - "allarmes" may possibly be "all armes" run together.
- TLN: 254: Gods
- Amiguity: the "o" of "Gods" looks like a broken "e" and the word may read "Geds".
- TLN: 259: Duch.
- Irregularity: the period is faint.
- TLN: 260: defence,
- Irregularity: the comma may be a broken piece of type serving as a period.
- TLN: 261: Duch.
- Irregularity: the period is faint.
- TLN: 266: carier
- Irregularity: the first "r" of "carier" is broken.
- TLN: 275: is
- Compositor error: "is" instead of "it".
- TLN: 280: this
- Irregularity: the "i" of "this" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 281: al
- Irregularity: the "l" of "al" is bent.
- TLN: 303: Champion,
- Irregularity: the comma is possibly a period.
- TLN: 315: loyalty
- Irregularity: the "o" of "loyalty" has a bar through the middle and appears to be a "theta".
- TLN: 349: all
- Irregularity: the first "l" of "all" is bent.
- TLN: 360: louing
- Irregularity: the vowels "o" and "i" of "louing" are faintly printed.
- TLN: 372: cote.
- Amiguity: the period at the end of the line may possibly be a raised comma. See TLN 427.
- TLN: 378: amaZing
- Irregularity: the "z" of "amazing" is capitalized. See TLN 427.
- TLN: 393: truth
- Irregularity: the "r" of "truth" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 394: Lord
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the ascender of the "d" is bent to the left.
- TLN: 395: Valour
- Irregularity: the "o" of "Valour" is damaged and looks like a damaged "e" or even possibly a tilted "c".
- TLN: 396: triall
- Irregularity: the first "l" of "triall" is bent.
- TLN: 398: God
- Irregularity: the ascender of the "d" of "God" is bent to the left.
- TLN: 402: him{s}elfe
- Irregularity: the "i" of "him{s}elfe" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 414: Mart.
- Irregularity: there appears to be a piece of type, possibly a small italic "p.".
- TLN: 422: done:
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the "colon" is not aligned but slightly raised.
- TLN: 427: rouZde
- Irregularity: the "z" of "rouzde" is capitalized. See TLN "378".
- TLN: 437: this
- Irregularity: the "s" is broken.
- TLN: 437: comfort
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the "m" is broken: "comfort" might even possibly read "coinfort".
- TLN: 443: houres
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the "o" is broken.
- TLN: 448: your
- Irregularity: the "o" of "your" has a bar through the middle and appears to be a "theta". See TLN 315.
- TLN: 452: yeeres,.
- Irregularity: the comma after "yeeres" is immediately followed by a period.
- TLN: 494: Bullingbrooke
- Irregularity: the first "o" of "Bullingbrooke" is not aligned but partially raised.
- TLN: 539: pre{s}ence
- Irregularity: the {s} of "pre{s}ence" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 554: inforced
- Irregularity: the "r" of "inforced" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 557.2: remcmber
- Irregularity: the second "e" of "remember" looks like a "c" .
- TLN: 557.4: apprenti{{s}h}ood
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the "h" is oddly shaped. See TLN "592", QLN "620".
- TLN: 583: n="611"/>Awakt
- Irregularity: the "t" of "Awakt" is badly damaged.
- TLN: 584: parting
- Irregularity: the "r" of "parting" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 592: {{s}h}ould
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the ascender of the "h" is oddly shaped. See TLN "557+4", QLN "563".
- TLN: 613: n="641"/>Expedient
- Irregularity: the "t" of "Expedient" is damaged.
- TLN: 617: for
- Irregularity: the "f" of "for" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 652: markt
- Irregularity: the "f" of "for" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 639: n="666"/>Pray
- Irregularity: the "P" of "Pray" is set to the left of the column.
- TLN: 639: n=10/>Amen
- Irregularity: the "m" of "Amen" is broken, or written using the letters "in", with the "i" having lost its dot.
- TLN: 652: markt
- Irregularity: the "r" of "markt" is damaged or is possibly a "t".
- TLN: 656: Richard
- Irregularity: the capital "R" of "Richard" is of a smaller font.
- TLN: 661: aIwayes
- Irregularity: the "l" of "alwayes" looks like a capital "I".
- TLN: 670: chu{s}e,
- Amiguity: the comma might possibly be a period.
- TLN: 675: burne
- Irregularity: the "n" of "burne" is broken.
- TLN: 677: tires
- Irregularity: the top part of the letter "s" in "tires" is faint.
- TLN: 682: of
- Irregularity: the top part of the letter "o" of "of" is partly broken.
- TLN: 695: [no lemma]
- Note that there is no catch-word for this page.
- TLN: 703: backe
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the "a" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 705: inckie
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the "c" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 707: conque{{s}t}
- Irregularity: the "u" of "conque{{s}t}" is partly obscured.
- TLN: 710: and
- Irregularity: the "d" of "and" is partly obscured.
- TLN: 717: Gaunt
- Irregularity: the "n" of "Gaunt" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 719: from
- Irregularity: the "o" of "from" is completely obscured.
- TLN: 723: my
- Irregularity: the "y" of "my" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 731: {fl}atter
- Irregularity: the first "t" of "flatter" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 735: ill.
- Amiguity: the period at the end of this line is possibly a comma.
- TLN: 749: Iaid
- Irregularity: the "l" of "laid" is printed "I".
- TLN: 751: to
- Irregularity: the "o" of "to" is mangled.
- TLN: 765: brother
- Irregularity: the "t" of "brother" is slightly mangled.
- TLN: 784: become
- Irregularity: the "m" of "become" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 798: next
- the t is partly obscured
- TLN: 805: onely
- Irregularity: the "o" has a bar through the middle and appears to be a "theta".
- TLN: 826: friends:
- Irregularity: the "colon" is very slightly bent backward.
- TLN: 831: Richard:
- Irregularity: the top dot of the "colon" is partly faint.
- TLN: 846: ait
- Irregularity: the "r" of "art" is in fact an "I" without the dot.
- TLN: 882: boldly
- Irregularity: the "l" of "boldly" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 885: n="909"/>Vnle{{s}{s}}e
- Irregularity: the "e" of "Vnle{{s}{s}}e" is very faintly printed and looks like an italicized "colon".
- TLN: 938: [no lemma]
- NOTE: in the Capell copy, words in the two preceeding lines are not visible because of a hole in the page.
- TLN: 939: departing
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the ascender of the "d" is bent to the left.
- TLN: 953: too
- Irregularity: the "o" of "too" is slightly raised.
- TLN: 961: Richard
- Irregularity: the second "r" of "Richard" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 963: comming
- Irregularity: the "i" of "comming" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 973: vpon
- Irregularity: the "o" of "vpon" is badly damaged.
- TLN: 976: [no lemma]
- NOTE: in the Capell copy, a hole in the page affect the reading of several letters.
- TLN: 982: but
- Irregularity: the ascender of the "b" in "but" is bent to the right.
- TLN: 987: mine
- Irregularity: the "i" of "mine" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 1019: {s}orow
- Irregularity: the "r" of "{s}orow" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 1030: lookes
- Irregularity: the "s" of "lookes" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 1053: woes
- Irregularity: the "s" of "woes" is partly raised.
- TLN: 1054: [no lemma]
- NOTE: in the Capell copy, letters are misaligned in the two preceeding lines because of a hole in the page.
- TLN: 1069: kin{s}man
- Irregularity: the "{s}" of "kin{s}man" is broken.
- TLN: 1069: whom
- Irregularity: the "o" of "whom" is slightly raised.
- TLN: 1078: enemy
- Irregularity: the "n" of "enemy" is either turned or may be broken.
- TLN: 1083: {fi}ls
- Irregularity: the "l" of "{fi}ls" is broken.
- TLN: 1089: little
- Irregularity: the "i" of "little" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 1095: part
- Irregularity: the "r" of "part" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 1096: part
- Irregularity: the "o" has a bar through the middle and appears to be a "theta".
- TLN: 1117: tediou{s}ne{{s}{s}}e
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the ascender of the "d" is bent to the left.
- TLN: 1117: trauell
- Irregularity: the "t" of "trauell" is mangled.
- TLN: 1152: [no lemma]
- Note that the text on this page runs one line further down than u{s}ual. The la{{s}t} line of dialogue is on the {s}ame line as the catch-word.
- TLN: 1203: n="1216"/>But
- Irregularity: the "B" in "But" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 1204: bo{s}ome
- Irregularity: the "m" of "bo{s}ome" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 1235: granted
- Irregularity: the "r" of "granted" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 1272: repo{s}e
- Irregularity: the "o" of "repo{s}e" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 1274: to
- Irregularity: the "o" of "to" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 1301: a{{s}{s}}ured
- Irregularity: the "r" of "a{{s}{s}}ured" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 1303: Fall
- Irregularity: in the catchword, the second "l" has slipped slightly down.
- TLN: 1317: your
- Irregularity: the "r" of "your" is partly obscured.
- TLN: 1325: n="1335"/>Broke
- Irregularity: "o" of "Broke" is partly mangled.
- TLN: 1327: by
- Irregularity: the "b" of "by" has a partly broken off ascender.
- TLN: 1329: bloud
- Irregularity: the "l" of "bloud" is bent.
- TLN: 1349: intreated
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the "t" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 1375: theyr
- Irregularity: the "e" in "theyr" is partially broken.
- TLN: 1398: tops
- Irregularity: the first two letters in "tops", have slipped slightly.
- TLN: 1417: fall
- Irregularity: the "f" of "fall" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 1428: {{s}t}ate,
- Amiguity: the final comma is possibly a period.
- TLN: 1441: coward
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the "d" is slanted to the left.
- TLN: 1441: {{s}l}eepe{{s}t}
- Compositor error: "{{s}l}eepe{{s}t}" has been spelt "{{s}s}eepe{{s}t}"; the type is damaged in the case of the second "s".
- TLN: 1495: {s}owre{{s}t}
- Irregularity: the "w" of "{s}owre{{s}t}" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 1545: Aum.
- in the Capell copy, between TLN 1545 and TLN 1554 the type has begun to collapse, with the lines shifting. Note "hath" at TLN 1545 and "make" at TLN 1545.
- TLN: 1564: foorth
- Irregularity: the second "t" of "foorth" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 1613: Scroope
- Irregularity: the "r" of "Scroope" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 1638: thinkes
- Irregularity: the "s" of "thinkes" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 1642: Ile
- Irregularity: the "l" of "Ile" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 1658: n="1661"/>That
- Irregularity: the capital "T" of "That" is broken.
- TLN: 1658: n="1661"/>of{#}bloeding
- Irregularity: the first "e" of "bleeding" is damaged and looks like an "o".
- TLN: 1687: Engli{{s}h}
- Irregularity: the "i" of "Engli{{s}h}" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 1713: commends.
- Irregularity: the second "m" of "commends" is damaged.
- TLN: 1731: mu{{s}t}
- Irregularity: the "u" of "mu{{s}t}" is partly obscured.
- TLN: 1751: land
- Irregularity: the "d" of "land" is damaged.
- TLN: 1779: faire
- Irregularity: the compositor has omitted to capitalize the "f" of the first word "faire".
- TLN: 1788: yours
- Irregularity: the "o" of "yours" is only partially printed.
- TLN: 1820: girle:
- Irregularity: the "colon" might be mangled or else a damaged "semi-colon".
- TLN: 1830: weepe;
- Irregularity: there are two "commas" in place of a "semi-colon".
- TLN: 1855: ruinde
- Irregularity: the "i" of "ruinde" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 1856: di{s}ordered,
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the "punctuation" is too straight to be a comma: possibly a blank space showing.
- TLN: 1859: htah
- Irregularity: the "t" and the "a" of "hath" are in reverse order.
- TLN: 1885: to
- Irregularity: the "o" of "to" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 1919: weeping
- Irregularity: the last two letters of "wepping" have slipped down.
- TLN: 1949: matkes
- Irregularity: the "r" of "markes" is a "t".
- TLN: 1959: heard
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the ascender of the "d" is bent to the left.
- TLN: 1959: thce
- Irregularity: the first "e" of "thee" is a "c".
- TLN: 1974.3: may
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the "a" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 1980: with
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the "t" is slightly mangled.
- TLN: 2030: royaIl
- Irregularity: the first "l" of "royall" looks like a capital "I".
- TLN: 2048: infetiour
- Irregularity: the first "r" of "inferiour" is a "t".
- TLN: 2065: yon
- Irregularity: the "u" of "you" is upside down.
- TLN: 2263: woh{s}e
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the "o" and the "h" are inverted, so that "who{s}e" reads "woh{s}e".
- TLN: 2264: [no lemma]
- Irregularity: the capital "T" of "The" is either badly mangled or a slightly damaged "Y".
- TLN: 2266: re{{s}t}ing
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the "r" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 2277: RICHARD
- Irregularity: the "i" of "Rich." is either smeared or a badly damaged "t".
- TLN: 2277: ioyne">Rich.
- Irregularity: the compositor has omitted to capitalize the first letter of "ioyne".
- TLN: 2284: cloi{{s}t}er
- Irregularity: the "i" of " cloi{{s}t}er" is bent to the left.
- TLN: 2287: what
- Irregularity: the compositor has omitted to capitalize the first letter in "what".
- TLN: 2293: mildly
- Irregularity: the "m" of "mildly" is damaged or made-up.
- TLN: 2296: a
- Irregularity: the compositor has omitted to capitalize the "a".
- TLN: 2302: n="2127"/>with
- Irregularity: the compositor has omitted to capitalize the first letter of "with".
- TLN: 2309: n="2134"/>And
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the ascender of the "d" is bent to the left.
- TLN: 2325: plant
- Irregularity: the "l" of "plant" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 2332: part
- Irregularity: the "t" of "part" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 2342: Hollowmas
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the "s" is partly broken.
- TLN: 2342: {{s}h}ort{{s}t}
- Irregularity: the first ligature in what should read {{s}h}ort{{s}t} is in fact an {ft}.
- TLN: 2368: you
- Irregularity: there is a stray mark before the "you", most probably a raised piece of "blank type".
- TLN: 2380: [no lemma]
- Note that the text on this page runs one line further down than u{s}ual. The la{{s}t} line of dialogue is on the {s}ame line as the catch-word.
- TLN: 2401: had
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the ascender of the "h" is slightly bent to the right.
- TLN: 2423: you
- Irregularity: the compositor has failed to capitalize the first letter of "you".
- TLN: 2426: n="2248"/>yea
- Irregularity: the compositor has failed to capitalize the first letter of "yea".
- TLN: 2442: it.
- Amiguity: the period is possibly a "colon".
- TLN: 2446: for
- Irregularity: the compositor has mistakenly used an "s" instead of an "f" in "for".
- TLN: 2458: yor
- Irregularity: in "yor", the "y" is not capitalized.
- TLN: 2480: rhy
- Amiguity: the "t" of "thy" is an "r".
- TLN: 2507.2508: di{{s}{s}}olute
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the "l" is bent to the right, possibly italicized.
- TLN: 2510: tould
- Irregularity: the "l" of "tould" is faint.
- TLN: 2512: {{s}t}ews
- Irregularity: the "s" of "{{s}t}ews" is broken.
- TLN: 2527: ouer
- Irregularity: the "e" of "euer" is printed "o".
- TLN: 2528: mouth
- Amiguity: the "t" of "mouth" is damaged and even looks like an "r", so that "mouth" may read "mourh".
- TLN: 2529: I
- Amiguity: in the previous word, the "I" is damaged.
- TLN: 2546: n="2365"/>TeIl
- Irregularity: the first "l" of "Tell" is a capital "I".
- TLN: 2548: writtng
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the second "i" to "writing" has spelled "t".
- TLN: 2550: remember
- Irregularity: the compositor ha somitted to capitalize the first letter of "remember".
- TLN: 2569: Tragedie o
- Amiguity: the "f" of "of" is completely missing.
- TLN: 2571: life
- Amiguity: there is a "blank space" showing up after "life".
- TLN: 2572: to
- Amiguity: the word "to" seems to be followed by an "apostrophe": this may be a blank space showing up as there is a dot below the next line, indicating the continuation of the space.
- TLN: 2584: forgiuenes
- Irregularity: the "r" of "forgiuenes" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 2600: yorke
- Irregularity: the compositor has omitted to capitalize the first letter of "yorke".
- TLN: 2603: month
- Irregularity: the "u" of "mouth" is upside down.
- TLN: 2609: n="2427"/>Ours
- Irregularity: the "s" of "Ours" is only partly printed.
- TLN: 2621: yorke
- Irregularity: the compositor has omitted to capitalize the first letter of "yorke".
- TLN: 2680: and
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the ascender of the "d" is bent to the left.
- TLN: 2703: vnkingd
- Irregularity: a stray mark appears after this word, most probably a raised piece of "blank type".
- TLN: 2720: from
- Irregularity: the "f" of "from" is damaged.
- TLN: 2757: prond
- Irregularity: the "u" of "proud" is upside down.
- TLN: 2771: lately
- Irregularity: the "t" of "lately" is faintly printed.
- TLN: 2787: diuell
- Irregularity: the second "l" of "diuell" is bent, possibly italicized.
- TLN: 2800: North
- Irregularity: the "o" of "North" is partly obscured.
- TLN: 2812: king
- Irregularity: in the previous word, the first letter has not been capitalized.
- TLN: 2812: not
- Irregularity: in the previous word, th "t" is broken and reads like an "r", so that "not" might read "nor".
- TLN: 2814: H
- Irregularity: the period after "H" is missing due to inking.
- TLN: 2820: king
- Irregularity: the compositor has failed to capitalize the first letter of "king".
- TLN: 2827: co{f{fi}}n
- Irregularity: the first "f" of "co{f{fi}}n" is very faintly printed.
- TLN: 2831: king
- Irregularity: the compositor has omitted to capitalize the first letter of "king".
- TLN: 2833: famous
- Irregularity: the "o" of "famous" might be partly obscured or it might be a "c" printed the wrong way round.
- TLN: 2844: la
- the a is partly obscured