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  • Title: Richard II (Quarto 1, 1597)
  • Editor: Catherine Lisak
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-436-3

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Catherine Lisak
    Peer Reviewed

    Richard II (Quarto 1, 1597)

    The Tragedie of
    What shall I saie? to safegard thine owne life,
    The best way is to venge my Glocesters death.
    Gaunt Gods is the quarrell for Gods substitute,
    255His deputy annointed in his sight,
    Hath causd his death, the which if wrongfully,
    Let heauen reuenge, for I may neuer lift
    An angry arme against his minister.
    Duch. Where then may I complainemy selfe?
    260Gaunt To God the widdowes Champion and defence,
    Duch. Why then I will; farewell olde Gaunt,
    Thou goest to Couentry, there to behold
    Our Coosen Hereford and fell Mowbray fight.
    O set my husbands wronges on Herefords speare,
    265That it may enter butchers Mowbraies brest:
    Or if misfortune misse the first carier,
    Be Mowbraies sinnes so heauy in his bosome
    That they may breake his foming coursers backe,
    And throw the rider headlong in the listes,
    270A caitiue recreant to my Coosen Hereford,
    Farewell old Gaunt, thy sometimes brothers wife,
    With her companion Griefe must end her life.
    Gaunt Sister farewell, I must to Couentry,
    As much good stay with thee, as go with me.
    275Duch. Yet one word more, griefe boundeth where is fals,
    Not with the emptines, hollownes, but weight:
    I take my leaue before I haue begone,
    For sorrow endes not when it seemeth done:
    Commend me to thy brother Edmund Yorke,
    280Lo this is all: nay yet depart not so,
    Though this be al, doe not so quickly go:
    I shall remember more: Bid him, ah what?
    With all good speede at Plashie visite me,
    Alacke and what shall good olde Yorke there see,
    285But empty lodgings and vnfurnisht wals,
    Vnpeopled offices, vntrodden stones,
    And what cheere there for welcome but my grones?
    Therfore commend me, let him not come there,