30462765 sures of Lawne, nor for Gownes, or Petticotes, nor Caps, nor any
30472766such exhibition; but for the whole world? vds pitty, who would
30482767not make her husband a Cuckole, to make him a Monarch? I
30512769Des. Be
shrew me, if I would doe
such a wrong,
30532771Em. Why, the wrong is but a wrong i'the world; and hauing the
30542772world for your labour, tis a wrong in your owne world, and you
30562774Des. I doe not thinke there is any
such woman.
30572775Em. Yes, a dozen, and as many to the vantage, as would
30772777Des. Good night, good night: God me
such v
30792778Not to picke bad from bad, but by bad mend.
30822782Iag. Here
stand behind this Bulke,
straite will he come,
30842783Weare thy good Rapier bare, and put it home,
30852784Quicke, quicke, feare nothing, I'le be at thy elboe;
30862785It makes vs or it marres vs, thinke of that,
fixe mo
st firme thy re
30882787Rod. Be neere at hand, I may mi
scarry in't.
30892788Iag. Here at thy hand, be bold, and take thy
30902789Rod. I haue no great deuotion to the dead;
30912790And yet he has giuen me
satisfying rea
30922791Tis but a man gone: forth my
sword, he dies.
30932792Iag. I haue rubd this young gnat almo
st to the
30942793And he growes angry now: whether he kill
Cassio him, or each doe kill the other,
30962795Euery way makes my game; liue
30972796He calls me to a re
stitution large,
30982797For Gold and Iewells, that I bobd from him,
31002799It mu
st not be, if
Cassio doe remaine,
L 3