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  • Title: Othello (Quarto 1, 1622)
  • Editor: Donald Bailey
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-466-0

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Donald Bailey
    Peer Reviewed

    Othello (Quarto 1, 1622)

    The Tragedy of Othello

    shall grow stronger then twas before.
    1450Cas. You aduise me well.
    Iag. I protest in the sincerity of loue and honest kindnesse.
    Cas. I thinke it freely, and betimes in the morning, will I be-
    seech the vertuous Desdemona, to vndertake for me; I am desperate
    1455of my fortunes, if they checke me here.
    Iag. You are in the right:
    Good night Leiutenant, I must to the watch.
    Cas. Good night honest Iago. Exit.
    1460Iag. And what's he then, that sayes I play the villaine,
    When this aduice is free I giue, and honest,
    Proball to thinking, and indeed the course,
    To win the Moore agen? For tis most easie
    The inclining Desdemona to subdue,
    In any honest suite, she's fram'd as fruitfull,
    As the free Elements: and then for her
    To win the Moore. wer't to renounce his baptisme,
    1470All seales and symbols of redeemed sin,
    His soule is so infetter'd to her loue,
    That she may make, vnmake, doe what she list,
    Euen as her appetite shall play the god
    With his weake function: how am I then a villaine?
    1475To counsell Cassio to this parrallell course.
    Directly to his good: diuinity of hell,
    When diuells will their blackest sins put on,
    They doe suggest at first with heauenly shewes,
    As I doe now: for while this honest foole
    1480Plyes Desdemona to repaire his fortunes,
    And she for him, pleades strongly to the Moore:
    I'le poure this pestilence into his eare,
    That she repeales him for her bodyes lust;
    And by how much she striues to doe him good,
    1485She shall vndoe her credit with the Moore,
    So will I turne her vertue into pitch,
    And out of her owne goodnesse make the net
    That shall enmesh em all: Enter Roderigo.
    How now Roderigo?