A Midsommer nightes dreame.
279273Quin. Mary, our Play is the mo
st lamentable comedy,
280274and mo
st cruell death of
Pyramus and
281275Bot. A very good peece of worke, I a
ssure you, & a mer
- 282276ry. Now good
Peeter Quince, call forth your A
ctors, by the
283277scrowle. Ma
spreade your
284278Quin. An
swere, as I call you.
Nick Bottom, the Weauer?
286279Bott. Readie: Name what part I am for, and proceede.
288280Quin. You,
Nick Bottom are
set downe for
290281Bott. What is
Pyramus? A louer, or a tyrant?
291282Quin. A louer that kils him
selfe, mo
st gallant, for loue.
293283Bott. That will a
some teares in the true performing
294284of it. If I doe it, let the Audience looke to their eyes: I wil
stormes: I will condole, in
some mea
sure. To the
st yet, my chiefe humour is for a tyrant. I could play
Er- 297287cles rarely, or a part to teare a Cat in, to make all
split the
298288raging rocks: and
shall breake the locks
299289of pri
son gates, and
Phibbus carre
shine from farre,
300290and make & marre the fooli
sh Fates. This was loftie. Now,
301291name the re
st of the Players. This is
Ercles vaine, a tyrants
302292vaine: A louer is more condoling.
304293Quin. Francis Flute, the Bellowes mender?
305294Flu. Here
Peeter Quince.
306295Quin. Flute, you mu
st take
Thisby, on you.
307296Flu. What is
Thisby? A wandring knight?
308297Quin. It is the Lady, that
Pyramus mu
st loue.
309298Fl. Nay faith: let not me play a
womā: I haue a beard cō
-(ming. 311299Quin. Thats all one: you
shall play it in a Ma
ske: and you
speake as
small as you will.
313301Bott. And I may hide my face, let me play
Thisby to: Ile
314302speake in a mon
strous little voice;
Thisne, ah
315303ramus my louer deare, thy
Thysby deare, & Lady deare.
317304Qu. No, no: you mu
st play
Pyramus: &
Flute, you
319305Bot. Well, proceede.
Qui. Robin Starueling, the Tailer?
321306Star. Here
Peeter Quince.
322307Quin. Robin Starueling, you mu
st play
Thysbyes mother: