A Midsommer nightes dreame.
242238But what of that?
Demetrius thinkes not
243239He will not knowe, what all, but hee doe know.
244240And as hee erres, doting on
Hermias eyes:
245241So I, admiring of his qualities.
246242Things ba
se and vile, holding no quantitie,
247243Loue can tran
se to forme and dignitie.
248244Loue lookes not with the eyes, but with the minde:
249245And therefore is wingd
Cupid painted blinde.
250246Nor hath loues minde of any iudgement ta
251247Wings, and no eyes,
figure, vnheedy ha
252248And therefore is loue
said to bee a childe:
se, in choyce, he is
so oft beguil'd.
254250As waggi
sh boyes, in game, them
selues for
255251So, the boy, Loue, is periur'd euery where.
256252For, ere
Demetrius lookt on
Hermias eyen,
257253Hee hayld downe othes, that he was onely mine.
258254And when this haile
some heate, from
Hermia, felt,
259255So he di
ssolued, and
showrs of oathes did melt.
260256I will goe tell him of faire
Hermias flight:
261257Then, to the wodde, will he, to morrow night,
sue her: and for this intelligence,
263259If I haue thankes, it is a deare expen
264260But herein meane I to enrich my paine,
265261To haue his
sight thither, and back againe.
Exit. 266262 Enter Quince, the Carpenter; and Snugge, the Ioyner; and 267263 Bottom, the Weauer; and Flute, the Bellowes mender; & 268264 Snout, the Tinker; and Starueling the Tayler. 269265Quin. Is all our company heere?
270266Bot. You were be
st to call them generally, man by
271267man, according to the
272268Quin. Here is the
scrowle of euery mans name, which is
fit, through al
Athens, to play in our Enterlude, be
- 274270fore the Duke, & the Dutches, on his wedding day at night.
276271Bott. Fir
st good
Peeter Quince,
say what the Play treats on:
277272then read the names of the A
ctors: &
so grow to a point.