131911911"When truth and virtue have to do with thee,
912912A thousand crosses keep them from thy aid.
913913They buy thy help, but sin ne'er gives a fee;
914914He gratis comes, and thou art well apaid
915915As well to hear as grant what he hath said.
916916My Collatine would else have come to me
917917When Tarquin did, but he was stayed by thee."
132918918"Guilty thou art of murder and of theft,
919919Guilty of perjury and subornation,
920920Guilty of treason, forgery, and shift,
921921Guilty of incest, that abomination:
922922An accessory by thine inclination
923923To all sins past and all that are to come,
924924From the creation to the general doom."
133925925"Misshapen Time, copesmate of ugly Night,
926926Swift subtle post, carrier of grisly care,
927927Eater of youth, false slave to false delight,
928928Base watch of woes, sin's packhorse, virtue's snare.
929929Thou nursest all, and murd'rest all that are.
930930O, hear me then, injurious shifting Time,
931931Be guilty of my death, since of my crime."
933933Betrayed the hours thou gav'st me to repose,
934934Canceled my fortunes and enchainèd me
935935To endless date of never-ending woes?
936936Time's office is to fine the hate of foes,
937937To eat up errors by opinion bred,
938938Not spend the dowry of a lawful bed."
135939939"Time's glory is to calm contending kings,
940940To unmask falsehood and bring truth to light,
941941To stamp the seal of time in agèd things,
942942To wake the morn and sentinel the night,
943943To wrong the wronger till he render right,
944944To ruinate proud buildings with thy hours,
945945And smear with dust their glitt'ring golden towers."