111771771"O hateful, vaporous, and foggy Night,
772772Since thou art guilty of my cureless crime,
773773Muster thy mists to meet the eastern light,
774774Make war against proportioned course of time;
775775Or, if thou wilt permit the sun to climb
776776His wonted height, yet ere he go to bed,
777777Knit poisonous clouds about his golden head."
112778778"With rotten damps ravish the morning air;
779779Let their exhaled unwholesome breaths make sick
780780The life of purity, the supreme fair,
781781Ere he arrive his weary noontide prick,
782782And let thy musty vapors march so thick
783783That in their smoky ranks his smothered light
784784May set at noon and make perpetual night."
113785785"Were Tarquin night, as he is but night's child,
786786The silver-shining queen he would distain;
787787Her twinkling handmaids too, by him defiled,
788788Through night's black bosom should not peep again.
789789So should I have copartners in my pain,
790790And fellowship in woe doth woe assuage,
791791As palmers' chat makes short their pilgrimage."
114792792"Where now I have no one to blush with me,
793793To cross their arms and hang their heads with mine,
794794To mask their brows and hide their infamy,
795795But I alone, alone must sit and pine,
796796Seasoning the earth with showers of silver brine,
797797Mingling my talk with tears, my grief with groans,
798798Poor wasting monuments of lasting moans."
115799799"O night, thou furnace of foul reeking smoke,
800800Let not the jealous day behold that face
801801Which underneath thy black all-hiding cloak
802802Immodestly lies martyred with disgrace!
803803Keep still possession of thy gloomy place,
804804That all the faults which in thy reign are made
805805May likewise be sepulchered in thy shade."