Author: William ShakespeareEditor: Timothy BillingsNot Peer Reviewed
Love's Labor's Lost (Folio 1, 1623)
124 Loues Labour's lost
GReat Deputie, the Welkins Vicegerent, and sole domi-
232nator of Nauar,
my soules earths God, and bodies fo- 234Cost. Not a
word of
Costard yet.
236Cost. It may be
so: but if he
say it is
so, he is in telling
239Clow. Be to me, and euery man that dares not
241Clow. Of other mens
secrets I be
seech you.
So it is besieged with sable coloured melancholie, I
243did commend the blacke oppressing humour to the most whole- 244some Physicke of thy health-giuing ayre: And as I am a Gen- 245tleman,
betooke my selfe to walke: the time When? about the 246sixt houre, When beasts most grase, birds best pecke, and men 247sit downe to that nonrishment which is called supper: So much 248for the time When. Now for the ground Which? which I 249meane I walkt vpon, it is ycliped, Thy Parke. Then for the 250place Where? where I meane I did encounter that obscene and 251most preposterous euent that draweth from my snow-white pen 252the ebon coloured Inke, which heere thou viewest, beholdest, 253suruayest, or seest. But to the place Where? It standeth 254North North-east and by East from the West corner of thy 255curious knotted garden; There did I see that low spiri- 256ted Swaine, that base Minow of thy myrth, (
Clown. Mee?)
257that vnletered small knowing soule, (
Clow Me?)
that shallow 258vassall (
Clow. Still mee?)
which as I remember, hight Co
- 259stard, (
Clow. O me)
sorted and consorted contrary to thy e- 260stablished proclaymed Edict and Continet, Cannon: Which 261with, ô with, but with this I passion to say wherewith: With a childe of our Grandmother Eue, a female;
264or for thy more sweet vnderstanding a woman: him, I (as my 265euer esteemed dutie prickes me on) haue sent to thee, to receiue 266the meed of punishment by thy sweet Graces Officer Anthony
a man of good repute, carriage, bearing, & estimation.
268Anth. Me, an't
shall plea
se you? I am
Anthony Dull.
Ferd. For Iaquenetta (so is the weaker vessell called)
270which I apprehended with the aforesaid Swaine, I keeper her 271as a vessell of thy Lawes furie, and shall at the least of thy 272sweet notice, bring her to triall. Thine in all complements of 273deuoted and heart-burning heat of dutie.
274Don Adriana de Armado.
275Ber. This is not
so well as I looked for, but the be
st 277Fer. I the be
st, for the wor
st. But
sirra, What
say you
279Clo. Sir I confe
sse the Wench.
280Fer. Did you heare the Proclamation?
281Clo. I doe confe
sse much of the hearing it, but little
283Fer. It was proclaimed a yeeres impri
soment to bee
285Clow. I was taken with none
sir, I was taken
with a
287Fer. Well, it was proclaimed Damo
288Clo. This was no Damo
sell neyther
shee was a
290Fer. It is
so varried to, for it was proclaimed Virgin.
291Clo. If it were, I denie her Virginitie: I was taken
293Fer. This Maid will not
serue your turne
294Clo. This Maide will
serue my turne
295Kin. Sir I will pronounce your
sentence: You
st a Weeke with Branne and water.
297Clo. I had rather pray a Moneth with Mutton and
299Kin. And
Don Armado shall be your keeper.
300My Lord
see him deliuer'd ore,
301And goe we Lords to put in pra
ctice that,
302Which each to other hath
303Bero. Ile lay my head to any good mans hat,
se oathes and lawes will proue an idle
306Clo. I
ffer for the truth
sir: for true it is, I was ta
- 307ken with
Iaquenetta, and
Iaquenetta is a true girle, and
308therefore welcome the
sowre cup of pro
speritie, a
- 309on may one day
smile againe, and vntill then
sit downe
311 Enter Armado and Moth his Page. 312Arma. Boy, What
signe is it when a man of great
313spirit growes melancholy?
314Boy. A great
sir, that he will looke
315Brag. Why?
sse is one and the
same thing
317Boy. No no, O Lord
sir no.
318Brag. How can
st thou part
sse and melancholy
320Boy. By a familiar demon
stration of the working, my
322Brag. Why tough
signeur? Why tough
323Boy. Why tender
Iuuenall? Why tender
324Brag. I
spoke it tender
Iuuenall, as a congruent apa
- 325thaton, appertaining to thy young daies, which we may
327Boy. And I tough
signeur, as an appertinent title to
328your olde time, which we may name tough.
330Boy. How meane you
sir, I pretty, and my
saying apt?
331or I apt, and my
saying prettie?
332Brag. Thou pretty becau
se little.
333Boy. Little pretty, becau
se little: wherefore apt?
334Brag And therefore apt, becau
se quicke.
335Boy. Speake you this in my prai
se Ma
336Brag. In thy condigne prai
337Boy. I will prai
se an Eele with the
same prai
338Brag. What? that an Eele is ingenuous.
339Boy. That an Eeele is quicke.
340Brag. I doe
say thou art quicke in an
sweres. Thou
342Boy. I am an
343Brag. I loue not to be cro
344Boy. He
speakes the meere contrary, cro
sses loue not
(him. 345Br. I haue promis'd to
study iij. yeres with the Duke.
346Boy. You may doe it in an houre
348Boy. How many is one thrice told?
349Bra. I am ill at reckning, it
fits the
spirit of a Tap
350Boy. You are a gentleman and a game
351Brag. I confe
sse both, they are both the varni
sh of a
353Boy. Then I am
sure you know how much the gro
354summe of deu
s-ace amounts to.
355Brag. It doth amount to one more then two.
356Boy. Which the ba
se vulgar call three.
357Br. True.
Boy. Why
sir is this
such a peece of
358Now here's three
studied, ere you'll thrice wink, & how
sie it is to put yeres to the word three, and
study three
360yeeres in two words, the dancing hor
se will tell you.
L2v Brag. A