Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Love's Labour's Lost
Love's Labor's Lost (Folio 1, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
Loues Labour's lost
1 Actus primus.
2Enter Ferdinand King of Nauarre, Berowne, Longauill, and
4 Ferdinand.
5LEt Fame, that all hunt after in their liues,
6Liue registred vpon our brazen Tombes,
7And then grace vs in the disgrace of death:
8when spight of cormorant deuouring Time,
9Th'endeuour of this present breath may buy:
11And make vs heyres of all eternitie.
12Therefore braue Conquerours, for so you are,
14And the huge Armie of the worlds desires.
16Nauar shall be the wonder of the world.
17Our Court shall be a little Achademe,
18Still and contemplatiue in liuing Art.
19You three, Berowne, Dumaine, and Longauill,
20Haue sworne for three yeeres terme, to liue with me:
22That are recorded in this scedule heere.
24That his owne hand may strike his honour downe,
26If you are arm'd to doe, as sworne to do,
27Subscribe to your deepe oathes, and keepe it to.
29The minde shall banquet, though the body pine,
30Fat paunches haue leane pates: and dainty bits,
31Make rich the ribs, but bankerout the wits.
35To loue, to wealth, to pompe, I pine and die,
38So much, deare Liege, I haue already sworne,
39That is, to liue and study heere three yeeres.
41As not to see a woman in that terme,
42Which I hope well is not enrolled there.
43And one day in a weeke to touch no foode:
44And but one meale on euery day beside:
45The which I hope is not enrolled there.
46And then to sleepe but three houres in the night,
47And not be seene to winke of all the day.
48When I was wont to thinke no harme all night,
49And make a darke night too of halfe the day:
50Which I hope well is not enrolled there.
59What is the end of study, let me know?
65To know the thing I am forbid to know:
66As thus, to study where I well may dine,
70Or hauing sworne too hard a keeping oath,
71Studie to breake it, and not breake my troth.
73Studie knowes that which yet it doth not know,
74Sweare me to this, and I will nere say no.
76And traine our intellects to vaine delight.
78Which with paine purchas'd, doth inherit paine,
79As painefully to poare vpon a Booke,
80To seeke the light of truth, while truth the while
82Light seeeking light, doth light of light beguile:
84Your light growes darke by losing of your eyes.
85Studie me how to please the eye indeede,
86By fixing it vpon a fairer eye,
88And giue him light that it was blinded by.
89Studie is like the heauens glorious Sunne,
91Small haue continuall plodders euer wonne,
92Saue base authoritie from others Bookes.
93These earthly Godfathers of heauens lights,
94That giue a name to euery fixed Starre,
96Then those that walke and wot not what they are.
97Too much to know, is to know nought but fame:
98And euery Godfather can giue a name.
Loues Labour's lost123
105Dum. How followes that?
106Ber. Fit in his place and time.
108Ber. Something then in rime.
113Why should I ioy in any abortiue birth?
117So you to studie now it is too late,
118That were to clymbe ore the house to vnlocke the gate.
122Then for that Angell knowledge you can say,
124And bide the pennance of each three yeares day.
125Giue me the paper, let me reade the same,
Item. That no woman shall come within a mile
129of my Court.
130Hath this bin proclaimed?
131Lon. Foure dayes agoe.
On paine of loosing her tongue.
134Who deuis'd this penaltie?
135Lon. Marry that did I.
136Ber. Sweete Lord, and why?
137Lon. To fright them hence with that dread penaltie,
138A dangerous law against gentilitie.
Item, If any man be seene to talke with a woman with-
144For well you know here comes in Embassie
146A Maide of grace and compleate maiestie,
147About surrender vp of Aquitaine:
148To her decrepit, sicke, and bed-rid Father.
149Therefore this Article is made in vaine,
150Or vainly comes th'admired Princesse hither.
152Why, this was quite forgot.
154While it doth study to haue what it would,
155It doth forget to doe the thing it should:
156And when it hath the thing it hunteth most,
164If I breake faith, this word shall breake for me,
166So to the Lawes at large I write my name,
167And he that breakes them in the least degree,
168Stands in attainder of eternall shame.
169Suggestions are to others as to me:
172But is there no quicke recreation granted?
173Fer. I that there is, our Court you know is hanted
174With a refined trauailer of Spaine,
175A man in all the worlds new fashion planted,
176That hath a mint of phrases in his braine:
177One, who the musicke of his owne vaine tongue,
178Doth rauish like inchanting harmonie:
179A man of complements whom right and wrong
180Haue chose as vmpire of their mutinie.
181This childe of fancie that Armado hight,
183In high-borne words the worth of many a Knight:
184From tawnie Spaine lost in the worlds debate.
185How you delight my Lords, I know not I,
186But I protest I loue to heare him lie,
192 Enter a Constable with Costard with a Letter.
198Ber. This is he.
199Con. Signeor Arme, Arme commends you:
200Ther's villanie abroad, this letter will tell you more.
201Clow. Sir the Contempts thereof are as touching
205high words.
208Ber. To heare, or forbeare hearing.
210or to forbeare both.
212clime in the merrinesse.
214The manner of it is, I was taken with the manner.
215Ber. In what manner?
218her vpon the Forme, and taken following her into the
219Parke: which put to gether, is in manner and forme
220following. Now sir for the manner; It is the manner
225fend the right.
226Fer. Will you heare this Letter with attention?
227Ber. As we would heare an Oracle.
L2 Fer. Great
124 Loues Labour's lost
230 Ferdinand.
GReat Deputie, the Welkins Vicegerent, and sole domi-
233string patrone:
235Ferd. So it is.
237true: but so.
238Ferd. Peace,
240Ferd. No words,
So it is besieged with sable coloured melancholie, I
245tleman, betooke my selfe to walke: the time When? about the
248for the time When. Now for the ground Which? which I
249meane I walkt vpon, it is ycliped, Thy Parke. Then for the
250place Where? where I meane I did encounter that obscene and
262Clo. With a Wench.
With a childe of our Grandmother Eue, a female;
267Dull, a man of good repute, carriage, bearing, & estimation.
Ferd. For Iaquenetta (so is the weaker vessell called)
270which I apprehended with the aforesaid Swaine, I keeper her
272sweet notice, bring her to triall. Thine in all complements of
273deuoted and heart-burning heat of dutie.
274Don Adriana de Armado.
276that euer I heard.
278to this?
280Fer. Did you heare the Proclamation?
282of the marking of it.
284taken with a Wench.
291Clo. If it were, I denie her Virginitie: I was taken
292with a Maide.
296fast a Weeke with Branne and water.
297Clo. I had rather pray a Moneth with Mutton and
300My Lord Berowne, see him deliuer'd ore,
301And goe we Lords to put in practice that,
303Bero. Ile lay my head to any good mans hat,
305Sirra, come on.
307ken with Iaquenetta, and Iaquenetta is a true girle, and
311 Enter Armado and Moth his Page.
313spirit growes melancholy?
316deare impe.
319my tender Iuuenall?
321tough signeur.
323Boy. Why tender Iuuenall? Why tender Iuuenall?
325thaton, appertaining to thy young daies, which we may
326nominate tender.
328your olde time, which we may name tough.
329Brag. Pretty and apt.
331or I apt, and my saying prettie?
338Brag. What? that an Eele is ingenuous.
339Boy. That an Eeele is quicke.
341heat'st my bloud.
348Boy. How many is one thrice told?
352compleat man.
355Brag. It doth amount to one more then two.
358Now here's three studied, ere you'll thrice wink, & how
360yeeres in two words, the dancing horse will tell you.
L2v Brag. A
Loues Labour's lost125
362Boy. To proue you a Cypher.
368him to any French Courtier for a new deuis'd curtsie. I
370Cupid. Comfort me Boy, What great men haue beene
371in loue?
374Boy, name more; and sweet my childe let them be men
375of good repute and carriage.
377great carriage: for hee carried the Towne-gates on his
378backe like a Porter: and he was in loue.
380I doe excell thee in my rapier, as much as thou didst mee
381in carrying gates. I am in loue too. Who was Sampsons
382loue my deare Moth?
384Brag. Of what complexion?
385Boy. Of all the foure, or the three, or the two, or one
386of the foure.
389Brag. Is that one of the foure complexions?
391Brag. Greene indeed is the colour of Louers: but to
397vnder such colours.
404Her faults will nere be knowne:
405For blush-in cheekes by faults are bred,
406And feares by pale white showne:
407Then if she feare, or be to blame,
408By this you shall not know,
410Which natiue she doth owe:
412and redde.
413Brag. Is there not a ballet Boy, of the King and the
416three ages since, but I thinke now 'tis not to be found: or
417if it were, it would neither serue for the writing, nor the
421Boy, I doe loue that Countrey girle that I tooke in
424Boy. To bee whip'd: and yet a better loue then my
427Boy. And that's great maruell, louing a light wench.
430 Enter Clowne, Constable, and Wench.
435the Day-woman. Fare you well. Exit.
437Maid. Man.
439Maid. That's here by.
442Brag. I will tell thee wonders.
443Ma. With what face?
444Brag. I loue thee.
447Mai. Faire weather after you.
450thou be pardoned.
452full stomacke.
454Clo. I am more bound to you then your fellowes, for
455they are but lightly rewarded.
467words, and therefore I will say nothing: I thanke God, I
468haue as little patience as another man, and therefore I
469can be quiet. Exit.
473ia a great argument of falshood) if I loue. And how can
475miliar, Loue is a Diuell. There is no euill Angell but
479cules Clubbe, and therefore too much ods for a Spa-
482regards not; his disgrace is to be called Boy, but his
484still Drum, for your manager is in loue; yea hee loueth.
487whole volumes in folio. Exit.
488Finis Actus Primus.
L3 Actus
126 Loues Labour's lost
489 Actus Secunda.
490Enter the Princesse of France, with three attending Ladies,
491 and three Lords.
496To parlee with the sole inheritour
497Of all perfections that a man may owe,
499Then Aquitaine, a Dowrie for a Queene.
500Be now as prodigall of all deare grace,
501As Nature was in making Graces deare,
503And prodigally gaue them all to you.
504Queen. Good L. Boyet, my beauty though but mean,
506Beauty is bought by iudgement of the eye,
508I am lesse proud to heare you tell my worth,
509Then you much wiling to be counted wise,
512Prin. You are not ignorant all-telling fame
513Doth noyse abroad Nauar hath made a vow,
515No woman may approach his silent Court:
517Before we enter his forbidden gates,
518To know his pleasure, and in that behalfe
521Tell him, the daughter of the King of France,
523Importunes personall conference with his grace.
528Who are the Votaries my louing Lords, that are vow-
529fellowes with this vertuous Duke?
530Lor. Longauill is one.
531Princ. Know you the man?
533Betweene L. Perigort and the beautious heire
534Of Iaques Fauconbridge solemnized.
535In Normandie saw I this Longauill,
537Well fitted in Arts, glorious in Armes:
538Nothing becomes him ill that he would well.
541Is a sharp wit match'd with too blunt a Will:
547Who are the rest?
549Of all that Vertue loue, for Vertue loued.
551For he hath wit to make an ill shape good,
554And much too little of that good I saw,
555Is my report to his great worthinesse.
557Was there with him, as I haue heard a truth.
558Berowne they call him, but a merrier man,
559Within the limit of becomming mirth,
560I neuer spent an houres talke withall.
561His eye begets occasion for his wit,
562For euery obiect that the one doth catch,
563The other turnes to a mirth-mouing iest.
564Which his faire tongue (conceits expositor)
565Deliuers in such apt and gracious words,
566That aged eares play treuant at his tales,
567And yonger hearings are quite rauished.
570That euery one her owne hath garnished,
572Ma. Heere comes Boyet.
573 Enter Boyet.
574Prin. Now, what admittance Lord?
575Boyet. Nauar had notice of your faire approach,
576And he and his competitors in oath,
577Were all addrest to meete you gentle Lady
578Before I came: Marrie thus much I haue learnt,
579He rather meanes to lodge you in the field,
580Like one that comes heere to besiege his Court,
582To let you enter his vnpeopled house.
583 Enter Nauar, Longauill, Dumaine, and Berowne.
584Heere comes Nauar.
586Prin. Faire I giue you backe againe, and welcome I
587haue not yet: the roofe of this Court is too high to bee
594Nau. Not for the world faire Madam, by my will.
598Where now his knowledge must proue ignorance.
600'Tis deadly sinne to keepe that oath my Lord,
601And sinne to breake it:
602But pardon me, I am too sodaine bold,
603To teach a Teacher ill beseemeth me.
608For you'll proue periur'd if you make me stay.
609Berow. Did not I dance with you in Brabant once?
610Rosa. Did not I dance with you in Brabant once?
L3v Ber. I
Loues Labour's lost127
611Ber. I know you did.
616Rosa. Not till it leaue the Rider in the mire.
617Ber. What time a day?
620Rosa. Faire fall the face it couers.
623Ber. Nay then will I be gone.
624Kin. Madame, your father heere doth intimate,
625The paiment of a hundred thousand Crownes,
626Being but th'one halfe, of an intire summe,
628But say that he, or we, as neither haue
629Receiu'd that summe; yet there remaines vnpaid
631One part of Aquitaine is bound to vs,
632Although not valued to the moneys worth.
633If then the King your father will restore
635We will giue vp our right in Aquitaine,
638For here he doth demand to haue repaie,
639An hundred thousand Crownes, and not demands
640One paiment of a hundred thousand Crownes,
641To haue his title liue in Aquitaine.
642Which we much rather had depart withall,
643And haue the money by our father lent,
644Then Aquitane, so guelded as it is.
649Prin. You doe the King my Father too much wrong,
650And wrong the reputation of your name,
652Of that which hath so faithfully beene paid.
654And if you proue it, Ile repay it backe,
655Or yeeld vp Aquitaine.
657Boyet, you can produce acquittances
659Of Charles his Father.
662Where that and other specialties are bound,
665All liberall reason would I yeeld vnto:
666Meane time, receiue such welcome at my hand,
667As honour, without breach of Honour may
668Make tender of, to thy true worthinesse.
669You may not come faire Princesse in my gates,
673Your owne good thoughts excuse me, and farewell,
677Boy. Lady, I will commend you to my owne heart.
678La. Ro. Pray you doe my commendations,
679I would be glad to see it.
680Boy. I would you heard it grone.
682Boy. Sicke at the heart.
683La. Ro. Alacke, let it bloud.
684Boy. Would that doe it good?
686Boy. Will you prick't with your eye.
689La. Ro. And yours from long liuing.
691 Enter Dumane.
701Boy. Her Mothers, I haue heard.
704Shee is an heyre of Faulconbridge.
705Long. Nay, my choller is ended:
708 Enter Beroune.
709Ber. What's her name in the cap.
710Boy. Katherine by good hap.
716Not a word with him, but a iest.
718Pri. It was well done of you to take him at his word.
719Boy. I was as willing to grapple, as he was to boord.
720La. Ma. Two hot Sheepes marie:
721And wherefore not Ships?
726My lips are no Common, though seuerall they be.
727Bo. Belonging to whom?
728La. To my fortunes and me.
729Prin. Good wits wil be iangling, but gentles agree.
730This ciuill warre of wits were much better vsed
731On Nauar and his bookemen, for heere 'tis abus'd.
734Deceiue me not now, Nauar is infected.
735Prin. With what?
738Bo. Why all his behauiours doe make their retire,
739To the court of his eye, peeping thorough desire.
740His hart like an Agot with your print impressed,
L4 Proud
128 Loues Labour's lost
741Proud with his forme, in his eie pride expressed.
745To feele onely looking on fairest of faire:
746Me thought all his sences were lockt in his eye,
748Who tendring their own worth from whence they were (glast,
749Did point out to buy them along as you past.
750His faces owne margent did coate such amazes,
751That all eyes saw his eies inchanted with gazes.
752Ile giue you Aquitaine, and all that is his,
756I onelie haue made a mouth of his eie,
757By adding a tongue, which I know will not lie.
760Lad. Ma. He is Cupids Grandfather, and learnes news
761of him.
763ther is but grim.
764Boy. Do you heare my mad wenches?
765La. 1. No.
767Lad. 2. I, our way to be gone.
769 Actus Tertius.
770 Enter Broggart and Boy.
774Boy. Concolinel.
779Boy. Will you win your loue with a French braule?
782at the tongues end, canarie to it with the feete, humour
788your thinbellie doublet, like a Rabbet on a spit, or your
789hands in your pocket, like a man after the old painting,
790and keepe not too long in one tune, but a snip and away:
792nice wenches that would be betraied without these, and
793make them men of note: do you note men that most are
797Brag. But O, but O.
801and your Loue perhaps, a Hacknie:
802But haue you forgot your Loue?
805Brag. By heart, and in heart Boy.
808Brag. What wilt thou proue?
811cannot come by her: in heart you loue her, because your
812heart is in loue with her: and out of heart you loue her,
813being out of heart that you cannot enioy her.
815Boy. And three times as much more, and yet nothing
816at all.
823for he is verie slow gated: but I goe.
826Brag. Thy meaning prettie ingenious, is not Lead a
827mettall heauie, dull, and slow?
833He reputes me a Cannon, and the Bullet that's he:
834I shoote thee at the Swaine.
838Most rude melancholie, Valour giues thee place.
839My Herald is return'd.
840 Enter Page and Clowne.
847lenuoy, no Salue sir, but a Plantan.
849thought, my spleene, the heauing of my lunges prouokes
852uoy for a salue?
856Some obscure precedence that hath tofore bin faine.
857Now will I begin your morrall, and do you follow with
858my lenuoy.
859 The Foxe, the Ape, and the Humble-Bee,
862 Staying the oddes by adding foure.
864desire more?
Loues Labour's lost129
866Sir, your penny-worth is good, and your Goose be fat.
869Ar. Come hither, come hither:
870How did this argument begin?
872Then cal'd you for the Lenuoy.
873Clow. True, and I for a Plantan:
874Thus came your argument in:
875Then the Boyes fat Lenuoy, the Goose that you bought,
876And he ended the market.
878a shin?
881I will speake that Lenuoy.
884Arm. We will talke no more of this matter.
890bertie. Enfreedoming thy person: thou wert emured,
891restrained, captiuated, bound.
892Clow. True, true, and now you will be my purgation,
893and let me loose.
895and in lieu thereof, impose on thee nothing but this:
897there is remuneration, for the best ward of mine honours
898is rewarding my dependants. Moth, follow.
902Iew: Now will I looke to his remuneration.
903Remuneration, O, that's the Latine word for three-far-
904things: Three-farthings remuneration, What's the price
905of this yncle? i.d. no, Ile giue you a remuneration: Why?
906It carries it remuneration: Why? It is a fairer name then
907a French-Crowne. I will neuer buy and sell out of this
909 Enter Berowne.
912may a man buy for a remuneration?
913Ber. What is a remuneration?
915Ber. O, Why then three farthings worth of Silke.
918As thou wilt win my fauour, good my knaue,
919Doe one thing for me that I shall intreate.
921Ber. O this after-noone.
928Harke slaue, it is but this:
929The Princesse comes to hunt here in the Parke,
930And in her traine there is a gentle Ladie:
933And to her white hand see thou do commend
937don. I will doe it sir in print: gardon, remuneration.
938 Exit.
940I that haue beene loues whip?
941A verie Beadle to a humerous sigh: A Criticke,
942Nay, a night-watch Constable.
943A domineering pedant ore the Boy,
945This wimpled, whyning, purblinde waiward Boy,
946This signior Iunios gyant drawfe, don Cupid,
947Regent of Loue-rimes, Lord of folded armes,
949Liedge of all loyterers and malecontents:
950Dread Prince of Placcats, King of Codpeeces.
951Sole Emperator and great generall
952Of trotting Parrators (O my little heart.)
953And I to be a Corporall of his field,
954And weare his colours like a Tumblers hoope.
956A woman that is like a Germane Cloake,
957Still a repairing: euer out of frame,
958And neuer going a right, being a Watch:
959But being watcht, that it may still goe right.
960Nay, to be periurde, which is worst of all:
961And among three, to loue the worst of all,
962A whitly wanton, with a veluet brow.
963With two pitch bals stucke in her face for eyes.
964I, and by heauen, one that will doe the deede,
965Though Argus were her Eunuch and her garde.
966And I to sigh for her, to watch for her,
967To pray for her, go to: it is a plague
969Of his almighty dreadfull little might.
972 Actus Quartus.
973 Enter the Princesse, a Forrester, her Ladies, and
974 her Lords.
977Boy. I know not, but I thinke it was not he.
980On Saterday we will returne to France.
983For. Hereby vpon the edge of yonder Coppice,
989O short liu'd pride. Not faire? alacke for woe.
L5 For. Yes.
130 Loues Labour's lost
990For. Yes Madam faire.
991Qu. Nay, neuer paint me now,
992Where faire is not, praise cannot mend the brow.
993Here (good my glasse) take this for telling true:
994Faire paiment for foule words, is more then due.
995For. Nothing but faire is that which you inherit.
999But come, the Bow: Now Mercie goes to kill,
1000And shooting well, is then accounted ill:
1002Not wounding, pittie would not let me do't:
1006Glory growes guiltie of detested crimes,
1008We bend to that, the working of the hart.
1010The poore Deeres blood, that my heart meanes no ill.
1013Lords ore their Lords?
1015To any Lady that subdewes a Lord.
1016 Enter Clowne.
1017Boy. Here comes a member of the common-wealth.
1018Clo. God dig-you-den all, pray you which is the head
1021no heads.
1027Are not you the chiefe womã? You are the thickest here?
1030To one Lady Rosaline.
1031Qu. O thy letter, thy letter: He's a good friend of mine.
1032Stand a side good bearer.
1033Boyet, you can carue,
1034Breake vp this Capon.
1036This Letter is mistooke: it importeth none here:
1037It is writ to Iaquenetta.
1039Breake the necke of the Waxe, and euery one giue eare.
1040 Boyet reades.
BY heauen, that thou art faire, is most infallible: true
1042that thou art beauteous, truth it selfe that thou art
1043louely: more fairer then faire, beautifull then beautious,
1048ni, vidi, vici: Which to annothanize in the vulgar, O
1050uercame: hee came one; see, two; ouercame three:
1051Who came? the King. Why did he come? to see. Why
1052did he see? to ouercome. To whom came he? to the
1053Begger. What saw he? the Begger. Who ouercame
1057side? the Kings: no, on both in one, or one in both. I am
1060thy loue? I may. Shall I enforce thy loue? I could.
1062change for ragges, roabes: for tittles titles, for thy selfe
1063mee. Thus expecting thy reply, I prophane my lips on
1064thy foote, my eyes on thy picture, and my heart on thy
1065euerie part.
1067Don Adriana de Armatho.
Thus dost thou heare the Nemean Lion roare,
1070Submissiue fall his princely feete before,
1071And he from forrage will incline to play.
1073Foode for his rage, repasture for his den.
1074Qu. What plume of feathers is hee that indited this
1075Letter? What veine? What Wethercocke? Did you
1076euer heare better?
1079Boy. This Armado is a Spaniard that keeps here in court
1081To the Prince and his Booke-mates.
1082Qu. Thou fellow, a word.
1083Who gaue thee this Letter?
1084Clow. I told you, my Lord.
1086Clo. From my Lord to my Lady.
1087Qu. From which Lord, to which Lady?
1089To a Lady of France, that he call'd Rosaline.
1091Here sweete, put vp this, 'twill be thine another day.
1094Rosa. Shall I teach you to know.
1095Boy. I my continent of beautie.
1097Boy. My Lady goes to kill hornes, but if thou marrie,
1098Hang me by the necke, if hornes that yeare miscarrie.
1099Finely put on.
1101Boy. And who is your Deare?
1103neare. Finely put on indeede.
1105strikes at the brow.
1107Haue I hit her now.
1109was a man when King Pippin of France was a little boy, as
1110touching the hit it.
1112was a woman when Queene Guinouer of Brittaine was a
1113little wench, as touching the hit it.
L5v Rosa. Thou
Loues Labour's lost131
Thou canst not hit it, hit it, hit it,
1115Thou canst not hit it my good man.
1116Boy. I cannot, cannot, cannot:
1117And I cannot, another can.
1120did hit.
1122my Lady.
1123Let the mark haue a pricke in't, to meat at, if it may be.
1124Mar. Wide a'th bow hand, yfaith your hand is out.
1126the clout.
1127Boy. And if my hand be out, then belike your hand
1128is in.
1130is in.
1134to boule.
1135Boy. I feare too much rubbing: good night my good
1138Lord, Lord, how the Ladies and I haue put him downe.
1143To see him walke before a Lady, and to beare her Fan.
1146And his Page at other side, that handfull of wit,
1147Ah heauens, it is most patheticall nit.
1149Shoote within.
1150 Enter Dull, Holofernes, the Pedant and Nathaniel.
1152mony of a good conscience.
1154ripe as a Pomwater, who now hangeth like a Iewell in
1157land, the earth.
1158Curat. Nath. Truely M. Holofernes, the epythithes are
1162Dul. 'Twas not a haud credo, 'twas a Pricket.
1167ted, vnpruned, vntrained, or rather vnlettered, or rathe-
1169for a Deare.
1174Nath. Sir hee hath neuer fed of the dainties that are
1175bred in a booke.
1176He hath not eate paper as it were:
1177He hath not drunke inke.
1182vs more then he.
1183For as it would ill become me to be vaine, indiscreet, or
1184a foole;
1188Many can brooke the weather, that loue not the winde.
1189Dul. You two are book-men: Can you tell by your
1190wit, What was a month old at Cains birth, that's not fiue
1191weekes old as yet?
1195Nath. A title to Phebe, to Luna, to the Moone.
1196Hol. The Moone was a month old when Adam was
1197no more.
1199Th'allusion holds in the Exchange.
1203in the Exchange.
1207Hol. Sir Nathaniel, will you heare an extemporall
1208Epytaph on the death of the Deare, and to humour
1209the ignorant call'd the Deare, the Princesse kill'd a
1219 The Dogges did yell, put ell to Sore,
1220 then Sorell iumps from thicket:
1222 the people fall a hooting.
1226 by adding but one more L.
1227Nath. A rare talent.
1228Dul. If a talent be a claw, looke how he clawes him
1229with a talent.
1233are begot in the ventricle of memorie, nourisht in the
1234wombe of primater, and deliuered vpon the mellowing
1236acute, and I am thankfull for it.
1238parishioners, for their Sonnes are well tutor'd by you,
1239and their Daughters profit very greatly vnder you: you
1240are a good member of the common-wealth.
L6 shall
Loues Labour's lost131
1243I will put it to them. But Vir sapis qui pauca loquitur, a
1245 Enter Iaquenetta and the Clowne.
1248be perst, Which is the one?
1252ceit in a turph of Earth, Fire enough for a Flint, Pearle
1253enough for a Swine: 'tis prettie, it is well.
1256from Don Armatho: I beseech you reade it.
Facile precor gellida, quando pecas omnia sub vm-
, and so forth. Ah good old Mantuan, I
1260chie, vencha, que non te vnde, que non te perreche. Old Man-
1261tuam, old Mantuan. Who vnderstandeth thee not, vt re
If Loue make me forsworne, how shall I sweare to loue?
1268Ah neuer faith could hold, if not to beautie vowed.
1272Studie his byas leaues, and makes his booke thine eyes.
1276Well learned is that tongue, that well can thee cõmend.
1279Thy eye Ioues lightning beares, thy voyce his dreadfull
1282Celestiall as thou art, Oh pardon loue this wrong,
1290ierkes of inuention imitarie is nothing: So doth the
1295strange Queenes Lords.
To the snow-white hand of the most beautious Lady Rosaline.
1298I will looke againe on the intellect of the Letter, for
1300ten vnto.
Your Ladiships in all desired imployment, Berowne.
1302Per. Sir Holofernes, this Berowne is one of the Votaries
1304quent of the stranger Queenes: which accidentally, or
1306goe my sweete, deliuer this Paper into the hand of the
1307King, it may concerne much: stay not thy complement, I
1308forgiue thy duetie, adue.
1310Sir God saue your life.
1312Hol. Sir you haue done this in the feare of God very
1316you sir Nathaniel?
1317Nath. Marueilous well for the pen.
1320gratifie the table with a Grace, I will on my priuiledge I
1321haue with the parents of the foresaid Childe or Pupill,
1327is the happinesse of life.
1331Away, the gentles are at their game, and we will to our
1332recreation. Exeunt.
1333 Enter Berowne with a Paper in his hand, alone.
1334Bero. The King he is hunting the Deare,
1336They haue pitcht a Toyle, I am toyling in a pytch,
1339I, and I the foole: Well proued wit. By the Lord this
1340Loue is as mad as Aiax, it kils sheepe, it kils mee, I a
1342if I do hang me: yfaith I will not. O but her eye: by
1343this light, but for her eye, I would not loue her; yes, for
1344her two eyes. Well, I doe nothing in the world but lye,
1345and lye in my throate. By heauen I doe loue, and it hath
1346taught mee to Rime, and to be mallicholie: and here is
1347part of my Rime, and heere my mallicholie. Well, she
1348hath one a'my Sonnets already, the Clowne bore it, the
1351a pin, if the other three were in. Here comes one with a
1352paper, God giue him grace to grone.
1354Kin. Ay mee!
1356thumpt him with thy Birdbolt vnder the left pap: in faith
So sweete a kisse the golden Sunne giues not,
1361The night of dew that on my cheekes downe flowes.
1364As doth thy face through teares of mine giue light:
1366No drop, but as a Coach doth carry thee:
1367So ridest thou triumphing in my woe.
1368Do but behold the teares that swell in me,
1369And they thy glory through my griefe will show:
L6v But
Loues Labour's lost133
1370But doe not loue thy selfe, then thou wilt keepe
1372O Queene of Queenes, how farre dost thou excell,
1373No thought can thinke, nor tongue of mortall tell.
1375Sweet leaues shade folly. Who is he comes heere?
1377What Longauill, and reading: listen eare.
1380Ber. Why he comes in like a periure, wearing papers.
1382Ber. One drunkard loues another of the name.
1384Ber. I could put thee in comfort, not by two that I (know,
Did not the heauenly Rhetoricke of thine eye,
1394'Gainst whom the world cannot hold argument,
1397A Woman I forswore, but I will proue,
1399My Vow was earthly, thou a heauenly Loue.
1400Thy grace being gain'd, cures all disgrace in me.
1401Vowes are but breath, and breath a vapour is.
1403Exhalest this vapor-vow, in thee it is:
1404If broken then, it is no fault of mine:
1409God amend vs, God amend, we are much out o'th'way.
1410 Enter Dumaine.
1412Bero. All hid, all hid, an old infant play,
1414And wretched fooles secrets heedfully ore-eye.
1415More Sacks to the myll. O heauens I haue my wish,
1419Dum. By heauen the wonder of a mortall eye.
1421Dum. Her Amber haires for foule hath amber coted.
1422Ber. An Amber coloured Rauen was well noted.
1423Dum. As vpright as the Cedar.
1425Dum. As faire as day.
1428Lon. And I had mine.
1429Kin. And mine too good Lord.
1432Raignes in my bloud, and will remembred be.
1435Dum. Once more Ile read the Ode that I haue writ.
1436Ber. Once more Ile marke how Loue can varry Wit.
1437 Dumane reades his Sonnet.
On a day, alack the day:
1441Playing in the wanton ayre:
1442Through the Veluet, leaues the winde,
1444That the Louer sicke to death,
1446Ayre (quoth he) thy cheekes may blowe,
1447Ayre, would I might triumph so.
1449Nere to plucke thee from thy throne:
1450Vow alacke for youth vnmeete,
1452Doe not call it sinne in me,
1453That I am forsworne for thee.
1454Thou for whom Ioue would sweare,
1455Iuno but an AEthiop were,
1456And denie himselfe for Ioue.
1457Turning mortall for thy Loue
1460O would the King, Berowne and Longauill,
1461Were Louers too, ill to example ill,
1462Would from my forehead wipe a periur'd note:
1463For none offend, where all alike doe dote.
1464Lon. Dumaine, thy Loue is farre from charitie,
1467To be ore-heard, and taken napping so.
1469You chide at him, offending twice as much.
1470You doe not loue Maria? Longauile,
1471Did neuer Sonnet for her sake compile;
1472Nor neuer lay his wreathed armes athwart
1473His louing bosome, to keepe downe his heart.
1475And markt you both, and for you both did blush.
1478Aye me, sayes one! O Ioue, the other cries!
1479On her haires were Gold, Christall the others eyes.
1480You would for Paradise breake Faith and troth,
1481And Ioue for your Loue would infringe an oath.
1485How will he triumph, leape, and laugh at it?
1486For all the wealth that euer I did see,
1487I would not haue him know so much by me.
1489Ah good my Liedge, I pray thee pardon me.
1490Good heart, What grace hast thou thus to reproue
1492Your eyes doe make no couches in your teares.
1493There is no certaine Princesse that appeares.
1494You'll not be periur'd, 'tis a hatefull thing:
1496But are you not asham'd? nay, are you not
M1 All
134 Loues Labour's lost
1497All three of you, to be thus much ore'shot?
1498You found his Moth, the King your Moth did see:
1499But I a Beame doe finde in each of three.
1500O what a Scene of fool'ry haue I seene.
1504To see great Hercules whipping a Gigge,
1505And profound Salomon tuning a Iygge?
1507And Critticke Tymon laugh at idle toyes.
1508Where lies thy griefe? O tell me good Dumaine;
1509And gentle Longauill, where lies thy paine?
1510And where my Liedges? all about the brest:
1511A Candle hoa!
1513Are wee betrayed thus to thy ouer-view?
1514Ber. Not you by me, but I betrayed to you.
1516To breake the vow I am ingaged in.
1517I am betrayed by keeping company
1518With men, like men of inconstancie.
1520Or grone for Ioane? or spend a minutes time,
1523a waste, a legge, a limme.
1525A true man, or a theefe, that gallops so.
1527 Enter Iaquenetta and Clowne.
1533Kin. If it marre nothing neither,
1534The treason and you goe in peace away together.
1541Cost. Of Dun Adramadio, Dun Adramadio.
1543Ber. A toy my Liedge, a toy: your grace needes not
1544feare it.
1546heare it.
1547Dum. It is Berowns writing, and heere is his name.
1549to doe me shame.
1551Kin. What?
1552Ber. That you three fooles, lackt mee foole, to make
1553vp the messe.
1554He, he, and you: and you my Liedge, and I,
1557Dum. Now the number is euen.
1559be gone?
1565Young bloud doth not obey an old decree.
1571That (like a rude and sauage man of Inde.)
1575What peremptory Eagle-sighted eye
1576Dares looke vpon the heauen of her brow,
1577That is not blinded by her maiestie?
1579My Loue (her Mistres) is a gracious Moone,
1581Ber. My eyes are then no eyes, nor I Berowne.
1582O, but for my Loue, day would turne to night,
1583Of all complexions the cul'd soueraignty,
1584Doe meet as at a faire in her faire cheeke,
1585Where seuerall Worthies make one dignity,
1588Fie painted Rethoricke, O she needs it not,
1593Beauty doth varnish Age, as if new borne,
1594And giues the Crutch the Cradles infancie.
1595O 'tis the Sunne that maketh all things shine.
1596King. By heauen, thy Loue is blacke as Ebonie.
1597Berow. Is Ebonie like her? O word diuine?
1598A wife of such wood were felicitie.
1599O who can giue an oth? Where is a booke?
1600That I may sweare Beauty doth beauty lacke,
1601If that she learne not of her eye to looke:
1602No face is faire that is not full so blacke.
1603Kin. O paradoxe, Blacke is the badge of hell,
1604The hue of dungeons, and the Schoole of night:
1605And beauties crest becomes the heauens well.
1607O if in blacke my Ladies browes be deckt,
1608It mournes, that painting vsurping haire
1610And therfore is she borne to make blacke, faire.
1611Her fauour turnes the fashion of the dayes,
1612For natiue bloud is counted painting now:
1614Paints it selfe blacke, to imitate her brow.
1618Dum. Dark needs no Candles now, for dark is light.
1623Ber. Ile proue her faire, or talke till dooms-day here.
M1v Her
Loues Labour's lost135
1628Her feet were much too dainty for such tread.
1631Kin. But what of this, are we not all in loue?
1633Kin. Then leaue this chat, & good Berown now proue
1634Our louing lawfull, and our fayth not torne.
1637Some tricks, some quillets, how to cheat the diuell.
1639Ber. O 'tis more then neede.
1645And abstinence ingenders maladies.
1646And where that you haue vow'd to studie (Lords)
1647In that each of you haue forsworne his Booke.
1648Can you still dreame and pore, and thereon looke.
1649For when would you my Lord, or you, or you,
1650Haue found the ground of studies excellence,
1651Without the beauty of a womans face;
1652From womens eyes this doctrine I deriue,
1653They are the Ground, the Bookes, the Achadems,
1656The nimble spirits in the arteries,
1657As motion and long during action tyres
1658The sinnowy vigour of the trauailer.
1659Now for not looking on a womans face,
1662For where is any Author in the world,
1663Teaches such beauty as a womans eye:
1665And where we are, our Learning likewise is.
1667With our selues.
1669O we haue made a Vow to studie, Lords,
1670And in that vow we haue forsworne our Bookes:
1671For when would you (my Leege) or you, or you?
1672In leaden contemplation haue found out
1673Such fiery Numbers as the prompting eyes,
1674Of beauties tutors haue inrich'd you with:
1675Other slow Arts intirely keepe the braine:
1679Liues not alone emured in the braine:
1680But with the motion of all elements,
1682And giues to euery power a double power,
1684It addes a precious seeing to the eye:
1685A Louers eyes will gaze an Eagle blinde.
1689Then are the tender hornes of Cockled Snayles.
1691For Valour, is not Loue a Hercules?
1692Still climing trees in the Hesporides.
1694As bright Apollo's Lute, strung with his haire.
1695And when Loue speakes, the voyce of all the Gods,
1696Make heauen drowsie with the harmonie.
1697Neuer durst Poet touch a pen to write,
1698Vntill his Inke were tempred with Loues sighes:
1700And plant in Tyrants milde humilitie.
1701From womens eyes this doctrine I deriue.
1703They are the Bookes, the Arts, the Achademes,
1705Else none at all in ought proues excellent.
1707Or keeping what is sworne, you will proue fooles,
1709Or for Loues sake, a word that loues all men.
1711Or Womens sake, by whom we men are Men.
1714It is religion to be thus forsworne.
1716And who can seuer loue from Charity.
1724Some entertainment for them in their Tents.
1726Then homeward euery man attach the hand
1730For Reuels, Dances, Maskes, and merry houres,
1733That will be time, and may by vs be fitted.
1736Light Wenches may proue plagues to men forsworne,
1738 Actus Quartus.
1739 Enter the Pedant, Curate and Dull.
1744pudency, learned without opinion, and strange without
1746nion of the Kings, who is intituled, nominated, or called,
1747Don Adriano de Armatho.
1751our vaine, ridiculous, and thrasonicall. He is too picked,
1753grinat, as I may call it.
M2 Curat.
136 Loues Labour's lost
1755 Draw out his Table-booke.
1761pronounce debt; d e b t, not det: he clepeth a Calf, Caufe:
1762halfe, haufe: neighbour vocatur nebour; neigh abreuiated
1763ne: this is abhominable, which he would call abhomi-
1765make franticke, lunaticke?
1769 Enter Bragart, Boy.
1772Brag. Chirra.
1774Brag. Men of peace well incountred.
1779words. I maruell thy M. hath not eaten thee for a word,
1783Page. Peace, the peale begins.
1785Page. Yes, yes, he teaches boyes the Horne-booke:
1786What is Ab speld backward with the horn on his head?
1789his learning.
1792or the fift if I.
1793Peda. I will repeat them: a e I.
1794Pag. The Sheepe, the other two concludes it o u.
1797home, it reioyceth my intellect, true wit.
1801Page. Hornes.
1804Pag. Lend me your Horne to make one, and I will
1806olds horne.
1807Clow. And I had but one penny in the world, thou
1809very Remuneration I had of thy Maister, thou halfpenny
1812What a ioyfull father wouldst thou make mee? Goe to,
1816the barbarous. Do you not educate youth at the Charg-
1817house on the top of the Mountaine?
1823the posteriors of this day, which the rude multitude call
1824the after-noone.
1826ble, congruent, and measurable for the after-noone: the
1834and of great import indeed too: but let that passe, for I
1837his royall finger thus dallie with my excrement, with my
1841a man of trauell, that hath seene the world: but let that
1848myrth (as it were) I haue acquainted you withall, to
1851thies. Sir Holofernes, as concerning some entertainment
1858present them?
1860tleman Iudas Machabeus; this Swaine (because of his
1862Page Hercules.
1864for that Worthies thumb, hee is not so big as the end of
1865his Club.
1868Snake; and I will haue an Apologie for that purpose.
1872cious, though few haue the grace to doe it.
1875Pag. Thrice worthy Gentleman.
1876Brag. Shall I tell you a thing?
1877Peda. We attend.
1878Brag. We will haue, if this fadge not, an Antique. I
1879beseech you follow.
1881all this while.
M2v on
Loues Labour's lost137
1885on the taber to the Worthies, & let them dance the hey.
1887 Enter Ladies.
1889If fairings come thus plentifully in.
1890A Lady wal'd about with Diamonds: Look you, what I
1891haue from the louing King.
1893Qu. Nothing but this: yes as much loue in Rime,
1894As would be cram'd vp in a sheet of paper
1895Writ on both sides the leafe, margent and all,
1896That he was faine to seale on Cupids name.
1897Rosa. That was the way to make his god-head wax:
1907Kat. A light condition in a beauty darke.
1910Therefore Ile darkely end the argument.
1912Kat. So do not you, for you are a light Wench.
1913Ros. Indeed I waigh not you, and therefore light.
1914Ka. You waigh me not, O that's you care not for me.
1917But Rosaline, you haue a Fauour too?
1918Who sent it? and what is it?
1919Ros. I would you knew.
1920And if my face were but as faire as yours,
1921My Fauour were as great, be witnesse this.
1922Nay, I haue Verses too, I thanke Berowne,
1923The numbers true, and were the numbring too,
1925I am compar'd to twenty thousand fairs.
1926O he hath drawne my picture in his letter.
1927Qu. Any thing like?
1930Kat. Faire as a text B. in a Coppie booke.
1932My red Dominicall, my golden letter.
1933O that your face were full of Oes.
1935But Katherine, what was sent to you
1936From faire Dumaine?
1937Kat. Madame, this Gloue.
1939Kat. Yes Madame: and moreouer,
1942Vildly compiled, profound simplicitie.
1944The Letter is too long by halfe a mile.
1946The Chaine were longer, and the Letter short.
1950That same Berowne ile torture ere I goe.
1951O that I knew he were but in by th'weeke,
1952How I would make him fawne, and begge, and seeke,
1954And spend his prodigall wits in booteles rimes.
1956And make him proud to make me proud that iests.
1958That he shold be my foole, and I his fate.
1960As Wit turn'd foole, follie in Wisedome hatch'd:
1961Hath wisedoms warrant, and the helpe of Schoole,
1962And Wits owne grace to grace a learned Foole?
1964As grauities reuolt to wantons be.
1966As fool'ry in the Wise, when Wit doth dote:
1967Since all the power thereof it doth apply,
1968To proue by Wit, worth in simplicitie.
1969 Enter Boyet.
1970Qu. Heere comes Boyet, and mirth in his face.
1972Qu. Thy newes Boyet?
1973Boy. Prepare Madame, prepare.
1974Arme Wenches arme, incounters mounted are,
1976Armed in arguments, you'll be surpriz'd.
1978Or hide your heads like Cowards, and flie hence.
1979Qu. Saint Dennis to S. Cupid: What are they,
1983When lo to interrupt my purpos'd rest,
1985The King and his companions: warely
1986I stole into a neighbour thicket by,
1987And ouer-heard, what you shall ouer-heare:
1988That by and by disguis'd they will be heere.
1989Their Herald is a pretty knauish Page:
1990That well by heart hath con'd his embassage,
1991Action and accent did they teach him there.
1993And euer and anon they made a doubt,
1997The Boy reply'd, An Angell is not euill:
1999With that all laugh'd, and clap'd him on the shoulder,
2000Making the bold wagg by their praises bolder.
2003Another with his finger and his thumb,
2004Cry'd via, we will doo't, come what will come.
2005The third he caper'd and cried, All goes well.
2006The fourth turn'd on the toe, and downe he fell:
2007With that they all did tumble on the ground,
2009That in this spleene ridiculous appeares,
2012Boy. They do, they do; and are apparel'd thus,
2014Their purpose is to parlee, to court, and dance,
M3 And
138 Loues Labour's lost
2015And euery one his Loue-feat will aduance,
2019For Ladies; we will euery one be maskt,
2020And not a man of them shall haue the grace
2023And then the King will court thee for his Deare:
2024Hold, take thou this my sweet, and giue me thine,
2027Woo contrary, deceiu'd by these remoues.
2029Kath. But in this changing, What is your intent?
2031They doe it but in mocking merriment,
2032And mocke for mocke is onely my intent.
2035Vpon the next occasion that we meete,
2038Quee. No, to the death we will not moue a foot,
2039Nor to their pen'd speech render we no grace:
2040But while 'tis spoke, each turne away his face.
2041Boy. Why that contempt will kill the keepers heart,
2042And quite diuorce his memory from his part.
2043Quee. Therefore I doe it, and I make no doubt,
2044The rest will ere come in, if he be out.
2046To make theirs ours, and ours none but our owne.
2051Enter Black moores with musicke, the Boy with a speech,
2052and the rest of the Lords disguised.
All haile, the richest Beauties on the earth
A holy parcell of the fairest dames that euer turn'd
2056their backes to mortall viewes
2057The Ladies turne their backes to him.
2058Ber. Their eyes villaine, their eyes.
That euer turn'd their eyes to mortall viewes.
2061Boy. True, out indeed.
Out of your fauours heauenly spirits vouchsafe
2063Not to beholde
2064Ber. Once to behold, rogue.
Once to behold with your Sunne beamed eyes,
2066With your Sunne beamed eyes
2068You were best call it Daughter beamed eyes.
2069Pag. They do not marke me, and that brings me out.
2072Know their mindes Boyet.
2073If they doe speake our language, 'tis our will
2075Know what they would?
2076Boyet. What would you with the Princes?
2087Is in one mile? If they haue measur'd manie,
2090And many miles: the Princesse bids you tell,
2091How many inches doth fill vp one mile?
2095Of many wearie miles you haue ore-gone,
2096Are numbred in the trauell of one mile?
2099That we may doe it still without accompt.
2102Rosa. My face is but a Moone and clouded too.
2105(Those clouds remooued) vpon our waterie eyne.
2106Rosa. O vaine peticioner, beg a greater matter,
2111Not yet no dance: thus change I like the Moone.
2118it: Our eares vouchsafe it.
2121Wee'll not be nice, take hands, we will not dance.
2122Kin. Why take you hands then?
2123Rosa. Onelie to part friends.
2129Kin. That can neuer be.
2131Twice to your Visore, and halfe once to you.
2132Kin. If you denie to dance, let's hold more chat.
2133Ros. In priuate then.
2136Qu. Hony, and Milke, and Suger: there is three.
2138Methegline, Wort, and Malmsey; well runne dice:
2139There's halfe a dozen sweets.
2141Ile play no more with you.
M3v Queen.
Loues Labour's lost139
2145Qu. Gall, bitter.
2146Ber. Therefore meete.
2148Mar. Name it.
2149Dum. Faire Ladie:
2151Take you that for your faire Lady.
2153As much in priuate, and Ile bid adieu.
2154Mar. What, was your vizard made without a tong?
2159Mar. Veale quoth the Dutch-man: is not Veale a
2161Long. A Calfe faire Ladie?
2162Mar. No, a faire Lord Calfe.
2163Long. Let's part the word.
2164Mar. No, Ile not be your halfe:
2165Take all and weane it, it may proue an Oxe.
2169Mar. Then die a Calfe before your horns do grow.
2170Lon. One word in priuate with you ere I die.
2172Boyet. The tongues of mocking wenches are as keen
2173As is the Razors edge, inuisible:
2176Seemeth their conference, their conceits haue wings,
2177Fleeter then arrows, bullets wind, thoght, swifter things
2179breake off.
2182wits. Exeunt.
2186puft out.
2189Will they not (thinke you) hang themselues to night?
2190Or euer but in vizards shew their faces:
2191This pert Berowne was out of count'nance quite.
2193The King was weeping ripe for a good word.
2198And trow you what he call'd me?
2199Qu. Qualme perhaps.
2200Kat. Yes in good faith.
2204Qu. And quicke Berowne hath plighted faith to me.
2208Immediately they will againe be heere
2209In their owne shapes: for it can neuer be,
2211Qu. Will they returne?
2212Boy. They will they will, God knowes,
2213And leape for ioy, though they are lame with blowes:
2214Therefore change Fauours, and when they repaire,
2220Are Angels vailing clouds, or Roses blowne.
2222If they returne in their owne shapes to wo?
2223Rosa. Good Madam, if by me you'l be aduis'd,
2227And wonder what they were, and to what end
2229And their rough carriage so ridiculous,
2230Should be presented at our Tent to vs.
2231Boyet. Ladies, withdraw: the gallants are at hand.
2232Quee. Whip to our Tents, as Roes runnes ore Land.
2233 Exeunt.
2234 Enter the King and the rest.
2236Boy. Gone to her Tent.
2241And vtters it againe, when Ioue doth please.
2242He is Wits Pedler, and retailes his Wares,
2243At Wakes, and Wassels, Meetings, Markets, Faires.
2246This Gallant pins the Wenches on his sleeue.
2247Had he bin Adam, he had tempted Eue.
2248He can carue too, and lispe: Why this is he,
2250This is the Ape of Forme, Monsieur the nice,
2251That when he plaies at Tables, chides the Dice
2252In honorable tearmes: Nay he can sing
2254Mend him who can: the Ladies call him sweete.
2257To shew his teeth as white as Whales bone.
2258And consciences that wil not die in debt,
2259Pay him the dutie of honie-tongued Boyet.
2261That put Armathoes Page out of his part.
2262 Enter the Ladies.
2263Ber. See where it comes. Behauiour what wer't thou,
2264Till this madman shew'd thee? And what art thou now?
2266Qu. Faire in all Haile is foule, as I conceiue.
2270To leade you to our Court, vouchsafe it then.
2272Nor God, nor I, delights in periur'd men.
2273King. Rebuke me not for that which you prouoke:
M4 The
140Loues Labour's lost
2274The vertue of your eie must breake my oth.
2276For vertues office neuer breakes men troth.
2277Now by my maiden honor, yet as pure
2279A world of torments though I should endure,
2281So much I hate a breaking cause to be
2282Of heauenly oaths, vow'd with integritie.
2289Qu. I in truth, my Lord.
2292My Ladie (to the manner of the daies)
2294We foure indeed confronted were with foure
2296And talk'd apace: and in that houre (my Lord)
2297They did not blesse vs with one happy word.
2298I dare not call them fooles; but this I thinke,
2299When they are thirstie, fooles would faine haue drinke.
2303By light we loose light; your capacitie
2304Is of that nature, that to your huge stoore,
2307Ber. I am a foole, and full of pouertie.
2308Ros. But that you take what doth to you belong,
2309It were a fault to snatch words from my tongue.
2311Ros. All the foole mine.
2313Ros. Which of the Vizards what it that you wore?
2314Ber. Where? when? What Vizard?
2315Why demand you this?
2319They'l mocke vs now downeright.
2321Que. Amaz'd my Lord? Why lookes your Highnes
2324you pale?
2327Can any face of brasse hold longer out?
2331Cut me to peeces with thy keene conceit:
2332And I will wish thee neuer more to dance,
2333Nor neuer more in Russian habit waite.
2335Nor to the motion of a Schoole-boies tongue.
2336Nor neuer come in vizard to my friend,
2337Nor woo in rime like a blind-harpers songue,
2341Haue blowne me full of maggot ostentation.
2343By this white Gloue (how white the hand God knows)
2346And to begin Wench, so God helpe me law,
2349Ber. Yet I haue a tricke
2350Of the old rage: beare with me, I am sicke.
2352Write Lord haue mercie on vs, on those three,
2353They are infected, in their hearts it lies:
2354They haue the plague, and caught it of your eyes:
2356For the Lords tokens on you do I see.
2361Ber. Peace, for I will not haue to do with you.
2367Were you not heere but euen now, disguis'd?
2368Kin. Madam, I was.
2369Qu. And were you well aduis'd?
2370Kin. I was faire Madam.
2371Qu. When you then were heere,
2372What did you whisper in your Ladies eare?
2376King. Vpon mine Honor no.
2377Qu. Peace, peace, forbeare:
2378your oath once broke, you force not to forsweare.
2383As precious eye-sight, and did value me
2384Aboue this World: adding thereto moreouer,
2386Qu. God giue thee ioy of him: the Noble Lord
2387Most honorably doth vphold his word.
2388King. What meane you Madame?
2389By my life, my troth
2392you gaue me this: But take it sir againe.
2394I knew her by this Iewell on her sleeue.
2396And Lord Berowne (I thanke him) is my deare.
2397What? Will you haue me, or your Pearle againe?
2398Ber. Neither of either, I remit both twaine.
2400Knowing aforehand of our merriment,
2404That smiles his cheeke in yeares, and knowes the trick
M4v Told
Loues Labour's lost141
2406Told our intents before: which once disclos'd,
2407The Ladies did change Fauours; and then we
2409Now to our periurie, to adde more terror,
2410We are againe forsworne in will and error.
2411Much vpon this tis: and might not you
2413Do not you know my Ladies foot by'th squier?
2414And laugh vpon the apple of her eie?
2416Holding a trencher, iesting merrilie?
2417You put our Page out: go, you are alowd.
2419You leere vpon me, do you? There's an eie
2420Wounds like a Leaden sword.
2422reere bene run.
2424 Enter Clowne.
2425Welcome pure wit, thou part'st a faire fray.
2427Whether the three worthies shall come in, or no.
2428Ber. What, are there but three?
2430For euerie one pursents three.
2431Ber. And three times thrice is nine.
2435Ber. Is not nine.
2437doth amount.
2438Ber. By Ioue, I alwaies tooke three threes for nine.
2440liuing by reckning sir.
2441Ber. How much is it?
2443will shew where-vntill it doth amount: for mine owne
2445poore man) Pompion the great sir.
2446Ber. Art thou one of the Worthies?
2448the great: for mine owne part, I know not the degree of
2449the Worthie, but I am to stand for him.
2454Let them not approach.
2459Qu. Nay my good Lord, let me ore-rule you now;
2461Where Zeale striues to content, and the contents
2462Dies in the Zeale of that which it presents:
2463Their forme confounded, makes most forme in mirth,
2464When great things labouring perish in their birth.
2466 Enter Braggart.
2468royall sweet breath, as will vtter a brace of words.
2474Too too vaine, too too vaine. But we wil put it (as they
2476most royall cupplement.
2479the Parish Curate Alexander, Armadoes Page Hercules,
2480the Pedant Iudas Machabeus:
And if these foure Wor-
2486Foole, and the Boy,
2487Abate throw at Novum, and the whole world againe,
2490 Enter Pompey.
I Pompey am
2492Ber. You lie, you are not he.
I Pompey am
2494Boy. With Libbards head on knee.
2496I must needs be friends with thee.
I Pompey am, Pompey surnam'd the big
2498Du. The great.
Pompey surnam'd the great:
2500That oft in field, with Targe and Shield,
2502 And trauailing along this coast, I heere am come by chance,
2504 France
2506La. Great thankes great Pompey.
2508fect. I made a little fault in great.
2509Ber. My hat to a halfe-penie, Pompey prooues the
2510best Worthie.
2511Enter Curate for Alexander.
When in the world I liu'd, I was the worldes Com-
2513 mander:
2515My Scutcheon plaine declares that I am Alisander
2517For it stands too right.
2519ling Knight.
2521Proceede good Alexander.
When in the world I liued, I was the worldes Com-
2525Ber. Pompey the great.
2529queror: you will be scrap'd out of the painted cloth for
M5 this.
142 Loues Labour's lost
2535He is a maruellous good neighbour insooth, and a verie
2537little ore-parted. But there are Worthies a comming,
2540 Enter Pedant for Iudas, and the Boy for Hercules.
Great Hercules is presented by this Impe,
2543And when he was a babe, a childe, a shrimpe,
2545Quoniam, he seemeth in minoritie,
2546Ergo, I come with this Apologie.
Iudas I am
2549Dum. A Iudas?
Iudas I am, ycliped Machabeus
2552Dum. Iudas Machabeus clipt, is plaine Iudas.
2554Ped. Iudas I am.
2560Ped. I will not be put out of countenance.
2562Ped. What is this?
2563Boi. A Citterne head.
2564Dum. The head of a bodkin.
2565Ber. A deaths face in a ring.
2569Ber. S. Georges halfe cheeke in a brooch.
2570Dum. I, and in a brooch of Lead.
2571Ber. I, and worne in the cap of a Tooth-drawer.
2572And now forward, for we haue put thee in countenance
2573Ped. You haue put me out of countenance.
2575Ped. But you haue out-fac'd them all.
2579Dum. For the latter end of his name.
2582Ped. This is not generous, not gentle, not humble.
2584may stumble.
2585Que. Alas poore Machabeus, how hath hee beene
2587 Enter Braggart.
2590Dum. Though my mockes come home by me, I will
2591now be merrie.
2596Dum. More Calfe certaine.
2599Dum. He's a God or a Painter, for he makes faces.
The Armipotent Mars, of Launces the almighty,
2601gaue Hector a gift
2602Dum. A gilt Nutmegge.
2603Ber. A Lemmon.
2604Lon. Stucke with Cloues.
2605Dum. No clouen.
The Armipotent Mars of Launces the almighty,
2607Gaue Hector a gift, the heire of Illion;
2609From morne till night, out of his Pauillion
2610I am that Flower.
2611Dum. That Mint.
2612Long. That Cullambine.
2613Brag. Sweet Lord Longauill reine thy tongue.
2618Sweet chuckes, beat not the bones of the buried:
2619But I will forward with my deuice;
2621Berowne steppes forth.
2624Boy. Loues her by the foot.
2625Dum. He may not by the yard.
This Hector farre surmounted Hanniball.
2627 The partie is gone
2629on her way.
2633in her belly alreadie: tis yours.
2635Thou shalt die.
2637is quicke by him, and hang'd for Pompey, that is dead by
2640Boi. Renowned Pompey.
2641Ber. Greater then great, great, great, great Pompey:
2642Pompey the huge.
2645them, or stirre them on.
2647Ber. I, if a'haue no more mans blood in's belly, then
2648will sup a Flea.
2649Brag. By the North-pole I do challenge thee.
2652row my Armes againe.
M5v meane
Loues Labour's lost141
2658meane you? you will lose your reputation.
2659Brag. Gentlemen and Souldiers pardon me, I will
2660not combat in my shirt.
2661Du. You may not denie it, Pompey hath made the
2663Brag. Sweet bloods, I both may, and will.
2666I go woolward for penance.
2667Boy. True, and it was inioyned him in Rome for want
2669a dishclout of Iaquenettas, and that hee weares next his
2670heart for a fauour.
2671 Enter a Messenger, Monsieur Marcade.
2674our merriment.
2676heauie in my tongue. The King your father
2677Qu. Dead for my life.
2679Ber. Worthies away, the Scene begins to cloud.
2680Brag. For mine owne part, I breath free breath: I
2681haue seene the day of wrong, through the little hole of
2683 Exeunt Worthies
2685Qu. Boyet prepare, I will away to night.
2688For all your faire endeuours and entreats:
2692If ouer-boldly we haue borne our selues,
2694Was guiltie of it.) Farewell worthie Lord:
2695A heauie heart beares not a humble tongue.
2698Kin. The extreme parts of time, extremelie formes
2700And often at his verie loose decides
2701That, which long processe could not arbitrate.
2702And though the mourning brow of progenie
2704The holy suite which faine it would conuince,
2709As to reioyce at friends but newly found.
2714Plaid foule play with our oaths: your beautie Ladies
2715Hath much deformed vs, fashioning our humors
2716Euen to the opposed end of our intents.
2717And what in vs hath seem'd ridiculous:
2719All wanton as a childe, skipping and vaine.
2720Form'd by the eie, and therefore like the eie.
2723To euerie varied obiect in his glance:
2725Put on by vs, if in your heauenly eies,
2726Haue misbecom'd our oathes and grauities.
2728Suggested vs to make: therefore Ladies
2729Our loue being yours, the error that Loue makes
2731By being once false, for euer to be true
2732To those that make vs both, faire Ladies you.
2735Qu. We haue receiu'd your Letters, full of Loue:
2736Your Fauours, the Ambassadors of Loue.
2737And in our maiden counsaile rated them,
2739As bumbast and as lining to the time:
2741Haue we not bene, and therefore met your loues
2742In their owne fashion, like a merriment.
2744Lon. So did our lookes.
2747Grant vs your loues.
2749To make a world-without-end bargaine in;
2750No, no my Lord, your Grace is periur'd much,
2751Full of deare guiltinesse, and therefore this:
2753You will do ought, this shall you do for me.
2755To some forlorne and naked Hermitage,
2756Remote from all the pleasures of the world:
2758Haue brought about their annuall reckoning.
2760Change not your offer made in heate of blood:
2762Nip not the gaudie blossomes of your Loue,
2763But that it beare this triall, and last loue:
2764Then at the expiration of the yeare,
2766And by this Virgin palme, now kissing thine,
2769Raining the teares of lamentation,
2770For the remembrance of my Fathers death.
2771If this thou do denie, let our hands part,
2772Neither intitled in the others hart.
2773Kin. If this, or more then this, I would denie,
2776Hence euer then, my heart is in thy brest.
2777Ber. And what to me my Loue? and what to me?
2779You are attaint with faults and periurie:
2780Therefore if you my fauor meane to get,
2783Du. But what to me my loue? but what to me?
M6 Ile
144 Loues Labour's lost
2789Come when the King doth to my Ladie come:
2790Then if I haue much loue, Ile giue you some.
2794Mari. At the tweluemonths end,
2795Ile change my blacke Gowne, for a faithfull friend.
2799Behold the window of my heart, mine eie:
2802Ros. Oft haue I heard of you my Lord Berowne,
2803Before I saw you: and the worlds large tongue
2804Proclaimes you for a man repleate with mockes,
2806Which you on all estates will execute,
2807That lie within the mercie of your wit.
2808To weed this Wormewood from your fruitfull braine,
2809And therewithall to win me, if you please,
2810Without the which I am not to be won:
2811You shall this tweluemonth terme from day to day,
2814With all the fierce endeuour of your wit,
2815To enforce the pained impotent to smile.
2816Ber. To moue wilde laughter in the throate of death?
2817It cannot be, it is impossible.
2818Mirth cannot moue a soule in agonie.
2821Which shallow laughing hearers giue to fooles:
2823Of him that heares it, neuer in the tongue
2824Of him that makes it: then, if sickly eares,
2825Deaft with the clamors of their owne deare grones,
2826Will heare your idle scornes; continue then,
2827And I will haue you, and that fault withall.
2828But if they will not, throw away that spirit,
2830Right ioyfull of your reformation.
2831Ber. A tweluemonth? Well: befall what will befall,
2834King. No Madam, we will bring you on your way.
2835Ber. Our woing doth not end like an old Play:
2837Might wel haue made our sport a Comedie.
2839And then 'twil end.
2840Ber. That's too long for a play.
2841 Enter Braggart.
2844Dum. The worthie Knight of Troy.
2846I am a Votarie, I haue vow'd to Iaquenetta to holde the
2848med greatnesse, wil you heare the Dialogue that the two
2849Learned men haue compiled, in praise of the Owle and
2850the Cuckow? It should haue followed in the end of our
2853Brag. Holla, Approach.
2854 Enter all.
2855This side is Hiems, Winter.
2856This Ver, the Spring: the one maintained by the Owle,
2857Th'other by the Cuckow.
2858Ver, begin.
2859 The Song.
When Dasies pied, and Violets blew,
2861And Cuckow-buds of yellow hew:
2863Do paint the Medowes with delight.
2864The Cuckow then on euerie tree,
2865Mockes married men, for thus sings he,
2867Cuckow, Cuckow: O word of feare,
2868Vnpleasing to a married eare.
2869When Shepheards pipe on Oaten strawes,
2870And merrie Larkes are Ploughmens clockes:
2871When Turtles tread, and Rookes and Dawes,
2873The Cuckow then on euerie tree
2874Mockes married men; for thus sings he,
2876Cuckow, Cuckow: O word of feare,
2877Vnpleasing to a married eare.
When Isicles hang by the wall,
2880And Dicke the Sphepheard blowes his naile;
2881And Tom beares Logges into the hall,
2882And Milke comes frozen home in paile:
2883When blood is nipt, and waies be fowle,
2885Tu-whit to-who.
2886 A merrie note,
2887While greasie Ione doth keele the pot.
2888 When all aloud the winde doth blow,
2891And Marrians nose lookes red and raw:
2894Tu-whit to who:
2895 A merrie note,
2896While greasie Ione doth keele the pot.
2897Brag. The Words of Mercurie,
2899You that way; we this way.
2900 Exeunt omnes.